These skills are interconnected with creativity. Mondly is one of the leading language learning apps, featuring a groundbreaking Voice Chatbot and a Virtual Reality app designed to help you practice what you learn from the comfort of your own home. As immigration increases we need to prepare for changes in the American society. 11. . It only takes a few minutes to, Learning new things can help your brain stay active as you age. People around the world have an astounding variety of customs and habits, and at first, its natural to think that outsiders are strange for their foreign ways. here of the platform to get a better understanding of how it works! When you learn a foreign language as a child, that ability to connect with others is even more natural. Much remains unknown about degenerative conditions like Alzheimers, but research suggests that those who speak a second language are less susceptible to developing these conditions, or at least that the onset of such diseases is delayed. Benefits for the Brain - intelligence boost Language Acquisition - learning process Cultural Understanding- respect Socializing - communication skills Traveling and Getting Around - perspective Creativity - cognitive boost Translating can take a lot of effort and bear little fruit. It doesnt matter what sort of work you do. Its about being able to have a conversation with someone from another country and with a different background; its about exchange, learning and growth. As a monolingual English speaker, you may only be able to visit the regular tourist areas where people are used to foreigners, and you will only be able to interact with people who speak English. By Kathleen Stein-Smith. By Thomas Moore Devlin December 24, 2019 There's never a bad time to start learning something new, but something about the new year gets people ready for a new chapter in their life. The advantages go deeper than just being able to find your way abroad, though. Between two candidates with the exact same skill set and experience, the person who is bilingual is arguably much more likely to get the job. With over 30 French-speaking countries, It is a language spoken by about 300 million both native and non-native speakers. You cant learn a language without learning about the country where it is spoken. Learning a foreign language takes time and effort, but it is possible! In total, they count for 1.5 billion speakers worldwide representing over 21% of the global population. Discover a new culture Music, movies, food, literature, poetry, theatre, fine arts: the list of fabulous things that culture brings to our lives is endless. Reading/watching material in its original language make an entire world of difference. As you grow, learn and continue to expand your mind, you may notice an increase in mental sharpness. To them, learning a language equates to reciting verb tables, memorizing lists of vocabulary and struggling to remember which nouns are masculine or feminine. 7. Not a bad deal when compounded will all of the other benefits outlined in this post. Why not give it a try now. We have to take risks, and we have to dare to try and when we do, we become a little bit less self-conscious and a bit more confident in ourselves. I'm a language learner, Dad and software engineer. In turn, this is likely to lead to a more profitable working relationship for both of you. Thanks! Improve Your Job Prospects. Learning a language will expose you to fresh ideas and new ways of thinking, and it will challenge your prejudices, teaching you about things you never thought to question before. Thanks for posting this! Nelson Mandela famously said, if you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. In high school and college, I took 7 years of Spanish, and then post-college, I attempted to learn Arabic. Your School or University Requires It One of the first places where many people encounter language learning is within a school classroom. 1. Foreign language study enhances ones opportunities in government, business, medicine, law, technology, military, industry, marketing, and more. If you can haggle in the local language, you will probably get a better price. Communicate with people all over the world Many people assume that English is the most commonly used language on Earth, but that isn't the case. Youll get to overcome some of your fears and doubts, learn more about yourself, meet new people, and perhaps travel to places you wouldve never dared to visit before. Whether at a fancy restaurant with your date ordering dishes likeBoeuf Bourguignon using correct pronunciation, or talking with the locals in their native tongue, learning a foreign language is bound to impress more than a few people around you. We live in an increasingly globalized world and companies are constantly expanding overseas and dealing with clients from all over the world. However, for the purpose of this article, we'll be looking at only the top 8 reasons why you should learn a foreign language in Ghana today. 4. The best Arabic resource I know of however, that does also include Moroccan Arabic, is Talk In Arabic. Travel . Knowing the language of a country allows you to experience that culture in a much deeper and more profound way. We ask for your consent before applying any non-essential cookies. Its a process through which you grow and develop in ways you can barely imagine before you start, and it offers you insights that allow you to see the world in a fresh new light. In many ways, trying to convince a monolingual person of the value of language learning is like trying to extoll the virtues of reading to someone who has never opened a book. If you are not yet convinced, here are nine reasons you shouldn't bother to learn a foreign language. Language skills can be useful not only in the context of employment but also for education. Here are three compelling reasons to learn a foreign language. Andrea Byaruhanga explains why: "Your target language is . This means language learning helps you recall information faster, and identify problems more quickly, too. It could be easy to throw in the towel and move on with learning something else, but Im committing to it! This is ideal for writers or other professionals who would like to improve their native skills on top of learning the new language. Keep your brain active and healthy: Slow down mental aging and keep cognitive decline at bay by challenging yourself with language learning. General Peter Cosgrove 2002. A lot of subtleties cannot be translated with words, and often a good knowledge of the local culture is necessary in order to understand conversations, jokes, insinuations, etc. Presidents Day 2022: What is Presidents Day. 10 Ways to IMPROVE your child's reading for FREE! Knowing a foreign language isn't beneficial only to the brain; it also influences your level of creativity. 5. 6. They might be less used to seeing tourists, and the experience will be more authentic. What is President's Day? Learning a foreign language doesnt just affect your salary but also the reach and options you have in jobs. I've found that the intricacies of a culture emerge through how people express themselves more than anything else. Finally, kids who speak a second language tend to score well on unrelated tests, consistently outperforming their monolingual classmates in subjects as diverse as mathematics, reading and vocabulary. However, the very act of becoming multilingual can improve your life in ways you cant even imagine. New ideas lead to new challenges Those people don't scare you because they're different from you. This was done in an effort to shift towards a more inclusive tone that embraces the diversity that is core to our philosophy. Research has shown that knowledge of more than one language is associated with better reasoning, problem-solving skills and creativity. The goal of learning a language isnt taking a test or passing an exam, its communication. Published December 22, 2019 8:00PM (EST) Without motivation, the initial enthusiasm passes quickly and the process of learning a new language ceases to be interesting. If you feel like youre in for some change and youre looking for some excitement and adventure in your life, a foreign language might just be the door thats waiting to be opened. I haven't gone crazy - I still love languages! One participates more effectively and responsibly in a multi-cultural world if one knows another language. You may know that you. One of those instances is when you're studying at university. Its true that many countries around the globe cater to English speakers, especially in business and travel hubs. If you need one more reason to learn a language for travel, its this: youre less likely to be ripped off. Become More Empathetic. Learning a foreign language helps protect against Alzheimer's & dementia. Skills that one master by acquiring a second language. This means that learning a language and simply speaking the words can evoke the sights, smells and sounds of the places where that language is spoken, taking you there, even when its not possible to travel physically. One of my personal favorites, discovering a new culture is an immensely enriching experience intricately tied to the knowledge of a foreign language. While its true that young children learn a language the easiest, with a little effort, an older adult can become fluent as well. Mondly is one of the leading language learning apps, featuring a groundbreaking, 9 English Grammar Tips From an ESL Speaker, Thank You in Chinese: Xixi and 12 Other Thank You Chinese Phrases, All the Best Ways to Say Thank You in Greek. 1) Enhance cognitive abilities. This 'exercise' occurs as you memorise rules and vocabulary and this repetitive action actually beings to improve your overall memory. I personally believe that the reason so many people are interested in a second language is diverse. Learning a foreign language is an incredibly rewarding experience and a serious confidence booster. Im being less open minded cause of da cancer Read this guest post I wrote not too long ago on Inspiring Travellers for a convincing outline of how languages can transform your travel experiences. Learning a language to improve general problem-solving skills Language learning boosts your memory and your logical faculties, which are directly linked to your problem-solving skills. When you embark on learning a foreign language, you naturally learn things about your first language. That's why today I'm sharing 5 reasons why you shouldn't learn a language . Creativity and imagination go hand in hand with the help of learning foreign languages. You can learn the language to a point but you certainly wont be able to speak it very well. Why not give it a try now. In China, there is a proverb: jng d zh w, which means frog at the bottom of a well. You can learn a lot about a culture, but you cant feel it fully without throwing yourself in, and that begins with the language. Seeing the world from a different perspective, and understanding where you and others come from, is a fantastic, eye-opening experience. You learn a little bit more about the world we live in, and you also experience an enormous feeling of achievement as you realize you can now use the language for real communication. Regardless of your proficiency level, reading is beneficial for many reasons, especially in your target language. 1. 3. Instead, you naturally internalize the culture, which is inseparable from a language, as I said in the beginning. 1. Of course, you can always hire an interpreter for negotiations, but that creates a barrier between you and the person you are negotiating with. [2]However, those skeptical of this approach say that children at this age may still find it hard . It only takes a few minutes to learn the most common Spanish words. Go for the course where you can practice with someone else with hearing, speaking, writing. Plus, learning a language is FUN! By learning a foreign language, you are essentially learning about one of the most important elements of a country's culture. The frog sits at the bottom of his cold, dank well, and all he sees when he looks up to the sky is a distant circle of light. It's true that many countries around the globe cater to English speakers, especially in business and travel hubs. 3. Cognitive function and creativity are linked. Wouldnt it feel good to know that youre playing a key role? It is quite a reason to start learning a foreign language. Constantly translating phrases or words. Ein groes Lob !! . This seems obvious, but our world is getting smaller and smaller as technology and travel connects people from all sides of the globe together. 1. Foreign languages liberalize ones experiences and make one more flexible and tolerant. That said, older adults might have a harder time grasping the accent and pronunciation of the new language compared to young children. As Karen Risager has underlined in her amazing book Language and Culture: Global Flows and Local Complexity, in recent years there has been intensified research into how cultural differences express themselves and are created via various forms of linguistic practice and discourse, how culturally different conceptual systems and world views are contained in the semantic and pragmatic systems of the various languages, and how language development and socialization contribute to the development of cultural identities and cultural models of the world.. Whats the point of learning a foreign language? Polyglots often realize that they are different people when speaking a foreign language. Here are six of them to consider: 1. Foreign language study creates more positive attitudes and less prejudice toward people who are different. In addition, learning a foreign language improves the brain's cognitive ability. 13. Here are 12 of the most important ways to say thank you in Chinese. However, by experiencing other cultures and making friends with people who see things in different ways, we open our eyes to the world and gain a broader perspective. Speaking in a foreign language helps you notice these differences in structure and gain a better understanding of how your own language functions. Polyglots often realize that they are different people when speaking a foreign language. Can you envision what it would be like to think in a foreign language? You will gain more self-confidence. 4. Sometimes we couldnt get the very important points of art ,science ,philosophy pieces due to the translation mistakes or just because of the translation limitations.For example, in the movies ,subtitle mistakes cause so serious misunderstandings. 5th point is the one that interests me. You may well become friends with people who dont speak your language at all, which means the language you have learned has directly allowed you to know someone you otherwise wouldnt have been able to communicate with. 9. Make Friends From All Over The World. 6. Das ist einfach wundervoll !!! 1. If . One common reason people fail at learning languages is that they are afraid to open their mouths and speak. Reasons Not To Learn A Language. 8. Creativity is increased with the study of foreign languages. French is the fifth most spoken language in the world and the second most popular foreign language after English Netflix's Emily in Paris hilariously captures, in a nutshell, the trial and tribulations faced by the enthusiastic, but french-illiterate protagonist, who often ended up misunderstanding others or putting her foot in her mouth. If we consider the top ten most commonly spoken (not necessarily native speakers, but speakers in general) languages, English comes in first followed by Mandarin Chinese right behind, Hindi, Spanish, Standard Arabic, Bengali, French, Russian, Portuguese, and Urdu. Top 10 Reasons to Learn a Foreign Language 5. Everybody is different, and not all the arguments on my list will appeal to everyone but hopefully, you will find at least a few that speak to you. Dealing with another culture enables people to gain a more profound understanding of their own culture. I doubt staying up all night to study for German is a good decision. But why is learning a foreign language so important? Is it by learning we become more smarter than before? Once you are aware of the fact that we are all cultural beings, products of our own environments, and that you recognize the cultural base for your own attitudes and behavior, you are ready to consider others in a more favorable light. Europe is estimated to have roughly 56% bilingual speakers. You would be able to talk together directly without having to wait for the translation each time, and you would be able to express yourself using your own voice. Studies have shown that learning a new language boosts your brain power, improving memory and perhaps even delaying dementia. The truth is, learning a language is about far more than just basic communication. Another argument by those in favor of having children learn a foreign language as early as primary school is their exposure to other cultures and people. Speaking a foreign language improves emotional intelligence. What Are 5 Reasons To Learn A Foreign Language? You will also receive many compliments from others who would not dare to do it themselves. When you teach your brain to do something differently, it will begin exploring in other ways as well. 4. To learn more, please read our Cookie Policy. Astudy from the University of Chicagofound that when people speak in a language other than their native tongue, it helps eliminate theirtendency toward so-called loss aversionthat is, getting too caught up in the here and now to make choices that could profit us further down the road. Your email address will not be published. As a person starts to learn a language, they get familiar with the culture of the place where that language is spoken. Name Email Address* The world is fasting changing. Speaking a new language also exposes us to new and unfamiliar grammatical structures or seemingly eccentric expressions, and sometimes we need to do mental gymnastics for our brains to accept them. Learning a foreign language (whether that be your cultural language or another language) connects you directly to the culture and traditions. 9. One reason we travel is to learn about the countries we visit and to have meaningful interactions with the locals. I traveled from Saigon to Hanoi back in 2009 and absolutely loved it! Think about something as simple as asking for directions, for example. As long as you know the right ways to go about mastering a language and heres a hint, one of them isnt memorizing vocab lists it should be a pleasurable and enriching activity. I definitely wanted to grades, so now im determined to study new languages. Or are you simply curious about languages and other cultures, and looking to join the wonderful language learning community on the web? They prefer to wait until they are good enough and since you can only learn a language through practice, this never happens. An active mind is a creative mind. Learning a new language allows you to meet so many more people than if you remain monolingual and after all, who doesnt want to have more friends? Many people assume that English is the most commonly used language on Earth, but that isnt the case. Thanks for posting this and it is a good tip for everyone to give more information. Best of all, it will enrich your life by offering you a deeper understanding of the culture and history of the people youll encounter. To admit that after all of these years, I am still not completely fluent in any other language other than English is quite discouraging. --Renate Latimer, Associate Professor Emerita of German. Exposing yourself to a fresh style of speech and language structure can help you gain a better understanding of your native language as well. so that I can learn easily a new language how to speak it properly. But don't make . . This means that if you learn a second language, this might well improve your ability to make wiser financial choices, for example. Have you often wished that you feel like a more interesting person? Are you getting itchy feet yet? Employers value foreign language skills, and being able to speak an extra language or two will certainly help you stand out from the crowd. 1. Why not leave for a few years and study in East Asia? There are so many reasons why learning a foreign language is important. First languages are normally acquired through observation and experience, but learning a foreign language requires attention to rules. Foreign language study enhances listening skills and memory. Of course, its not an easy process, and it does take time and effort. It's a process through which you grow and develop in ways you can barely imagine before you start, and it offers you insights that allow you to see the world in a fresh new light. Cognitive skills include thinking, learning, focusing, and remembering. Learning a second language improves cognitive performance and memory, increases focus and self-control and protects you against dementia and Alzheimer's. 2. This is a shame because developing an understanding of languages offers a wide array of benefits. Foreign language is very important to people who have a business. In fact, research has shown that older adults are equipped to learn foreign languages, and doing so can help slow the aging process. Carry on cultural traditions and heritage - Languages carry traditions, meaning, and culture to next generations. But then imagine what it would be like if you could speak their language. Indonesia comes next with 750 languages, followed by Russia, South Africa, Serbia, and Luxembourg. Terms and conditions* However, Mandarin is the most spoken language, Spanish is the third and French is the 18th. Languages have always fascinated me. Learning new languages will help you advance socially in the target country. Gain a better understanding of other cultures. I can learn a new culture without the help of language, thank you. They have a different personality, a different voice. That's because, for each foreign language you learn, you pick up learning tips, strategies and a sense of confidence that will carry over to the . I just read your Three Golden Keys to Language Learning book and reading this is getting me pumped to start my Japanese studies! When you learn a foreign language with a native speaker, you not only dig into grammar or speaking, you dive deeper into the culture of his or her country. Just as if making better decisions wasnt enough,a psychologist at York University in Toronto, Ellen Bialystok, has found that students who study foreign languagestend to score better on standardized teststhan their monolingual peers, particularly in the categories of math, reading, grammar, and vocabulary. People who have learned foreign languages show greater cognitive development in areas such as mental flexibility, creativity, and higher order thinking skills, such as problem-solving, conceptualizing, and reasoning. Almost all jobs require you to interact with others, and there might be times that those you interact with speak a foreign language. Reasons not to learn a language? A whole new population of people is available to you when you can speak a second language. You can start by looking over some, Do you struggle to make small talk at events or parties? The work of learning to speak and read in a new language improves brainpower. Who wouldve thought? Foreign languages provide a competitive edge in career choices: one is able to communicate in a second language. 2. International travel is made easier and more pleasant through knowing a foreign language. Think of your brain as a muscle, the more you use it, the better it works. Answer (1 of 6): "What are the best reasons to avoid learning a foreign language?" You may have more useful, profitable, and productive things to do. Did you know that there are over 7,000 languages in the world and over half of those languages are spoken in Africa? For school going individuals, memory retention helps them emerge the best in academic affairs. When learning a new language, you will also begin to think more analytically about how and why you say things the way you do, giving you new insights into your native tongue. 1. 6. 7. 1. 3. Language ensures that the culture stays alive. The bad grades in my German class is making me lose confidence. The learning progress gives you enough motivation to stay on the ball. Words in other languages dont have the same associations or connotations, and they resonate differently. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. If you can speak the language of your business associates, you will gain their respect in a way that wouldnt be possible through an interpreter. HEALTH REASONS: There are plenty of . Almost there! Thats why learning a new language life-changing experiment with the potential of showing you a different side of you. Being able to speak their language will put them at ease, and you will achieve better results than if you just try to speak English louder. Business skills plus foreign language skills make an employee more valuable in the marketplace. by Elizabeth Agemotu | Aug 29, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments. They switch between competing tasks and monitor changes in their environment more easily than monolinguals, as well as display signs of greater creativity and flexibility. Shared vision by all States and Territories. Different people decide to focus on language skills for different reasons. In some places, people might not speak a word of English and may well shy away from foreigners, but if you can approach them and ask them in their language, they are more likely to help. Learning a foreign language is an incredibly rewarding experience and a serious confidence booster. 9 Genuine Reasons Why not learn foreign languages. If you have any favorite tools for learning a foreign language, let me know below in the comments! Learning a foreign language has emotional benefits as well. You can agree to all cookies by selecting 'Accept' or you can refuse or change your cookie preferences by visiting your Cookie Settings. Learning a new language is scientifically proven to increase brain function, which is excellent! There is no use really in learning the words of a language and not learning how to speak it properly. Conclusion Knowing a foreign language is fun and exciting and can teach you important skills you can use throughout your lifetime. Simply put, learning a foreign language makes you more intelligent and who doesnt want to be smarter? Lyrics and many forms of art provide deep expression of a language. Focusing on the rules is often done in correlation to your first language. Learning a foreign language naturally exposes you to aspects of other cultures that you might not have been familiar with before. Our planet has people from several continents, countries, colours, classes, and different languages that are the beauty of the human race. Even if you only master the basics, you will almost certainly find having a few linguistic skills under your belt really handy when exploring new places. But learning a language is one of the keys that will enable you to escape from the well and see the wonders that lie beyond, allowing you to discover a world you didnt even know existed. Discovering a new culture and truly getting to understand and feel it is a wonderful experience. The study of foreign languages teaches and encourages respect for other peoples: it fosters an understanding of the interrelation of language and human nature. If you're looking for good scholarships or internships, you may realize that English-only programs are not as popular as programs intended for students with language skills. If you fail to communicate very well the message being delivered would be different Some words can be used multiple times to mean different things under different instances for example. In the US, it is estimated that 23% of citizens are bilingual. 1. If you are an adult attempting to learning a foreign language, dont be discouraged! Language learning is difficult. Im going to post two quotes, the first is related to #3 and is attributed to Ludwig Wittgenstein: Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt (The limits of my language determine the limits of my world) and in todays age of global citizenship, speaking more than one language ought to be a prerequisite. Almost every reason on this list comes back in some way to this. When you learn a language, you're essentially exercising the brain. 4. And hopefully, you have a lot of fun along the way. Since learning a language requires time and effort, it develops concentration and patience, valuable attributes in a world where attention spans are short and so much information is reduced to the length of a Tweet. It means that language learning can help you sharpen your memory and paying attention . The stronger the cognitive function, the greater levels of creativity. An Australian Government Priority. In Africa, Oceania, and Asia, we know that most people speak multiple languages, but precise data are lacking. Becoming competent in a new language requires time and effort, so is it time well spent? Why would I need to learn German for a medical job in UK.? With so many languages you can learn there are tens of different sides of you. As per the lead researcher, Dr. Viorica Marian, " Using another language provides the built-in brain exercise. When you are ready to learn a foreign language, you will quickly notice how confidence in you grows. Count them into the social benefits of learning a second language that gives you the edge to bring a new horizon to your social circle. Travelling and migration are two primary reasons for many to learn a foreign language. Even a 2% annual salary premium will result, in some cases, in 6-digits returns upon retirement. We express thoughts through words, and knowing more than one language can help increase your ability to understand abstract concepts. Below are 15 concrete and compelling reasons why you should consider learning the French language. Bilinguals are more confidentwith their choicesafter thinking it over in the second language and seeing whether their initial conclusions still stand up. 7. Discover a new side of your personality. As a multilingual, youll be the translator, the communicator and the one who bridges cultures. The rewards of learning it are huge! You're too old to learn a foreign language. Lack of Motivation and Interest. If you are needing something to help you achieve your goal of learning a foreign language, check out the online platform that Ive been using weekly to practice Spanish (they have many languages available) with a native speaker. Deepen Your Connection to Other Cultures More comfortable dealing with unfamiliar situations: Once you know that you can learn something totally new and different, you'll feel better prepared when faced with uncertain or unfamiliar problems. According to research, children who know more than one language have the edge over children who only know one language, especially in activities that need multitasking and attention. We have diversity. I live in Germany -_- Diversity is what makes this planet we live on so fascinating, and getting to know people from other countries and other cultures can be extremely rewarding. And for those who remain skeptical, just remember the frog in his well and the great wide world that he will never see. Thats why learning a new language life-changing experiment with the potential of showing you a different side of you. Not only is this true while we are actively engaging with others, but also when we are contemplating things on our own. These account for nearly three-quarters of the world's population. Why stop with one! As well as making you more intelligent, speaking a foreign language apparently also helps keep your mental faculties intact for longer. In that case, heres a more concrete reason for learning a foreign language it makes foreign travel easier. There are 55 bilingual countries in the world aside from the many countries that are multilingual. Studies have shown that once one foreign language is learned, subsequent languages are easier. Speaking a second language can improve your critical thinking thoughts in a second language have been shown to be more logical and less emotionally-charged than those in your native tongue. Sign up for emails, announcements and offers. While it does take both dedication and effort, becoming bi-lingual is a wonderful way to learn about other cultures and cultivate your mind's immense potential. Learning either of these languages will be a major boost to your ability to communicate internationally. 2. 2. Develop a better understanding of your own language. Every day, we practice our native language. The earlier another language is introduced, the easier it is to learn. Foreign language study leads to an appreciation of cultural diversity. Our world is an increasingly globalized one, and in many positions, you are likely to be doing business with foreign partners or engaging in international trade. If you are needing something to help you achieve your goal of learning a foreign language, check out the, that Ive been using weekly to practice Spanish (they have many languages available) with a native speaker. In fact, while you can read about culture in books, I would argue that there is no better way to gain a true understanding and appreciation of a culture, rather than by learning the language, speaking to the people and experiencing that culture for yourself. Language is a habit. Or maybe you'd like to have pen pals on the other side of the world. There are some instances where it's becoming more and more important to have a good grasp of a foreign language. In our modern world of Google translate and voice-activated interpretation apps and a world that is dominated by English is there any need to learn other languages? 25 Reasons to Study World Languages The Department of Foreign Language and Literatures has recently undergone a change of name to the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Then, you will begin to realize that how people do things where youre from is not the only way and that other ways may have equal merit too. It improves children's focus skills, and even babies used to more than a language grow smarter. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. 5. 8. Half of the world's population is bilingual. There's nothing like experiencing a new culture for yourself It allows you to find out people ar meeting new people. or Russian, knowing Spanish still helps. Have you often wished that you feel like a more interesting person? Do you accept? #7 interested me. As Spanish is one of the most popular languages in the world you might want to start by learning a few, Are you ready to improve your life and experience benefits you never expected? Any plans to return to Vietnam this year? 10 Reasons to learn a foreign language - YouTube 0:00 / 3:20 Chapters 10 Reasons to learn a foreign language 45,010 views Jun 9, 2016 Follow us on Facebook and visit our website. You don't have any requirement. The need to speak more than one language is not only convenient to communicate with others, but it is becoming necessary in both professional settings and personal day-to-day life. Your marketable skills in the global economy are improved if you master another language. I agree to the terms and conditions*. Papua New Guinea comes in first place for being the most multilingual country in the world, where over 850 languages are spoken. Some people might consider these cognitive benefits abstract and intangible. I like the analogy of watching a recording of a live show. The most noticeable advantage of children learning a foreign language in their primary school years is the attainment of a native-like accent. You might even meet someone who speaks the same foreign language and have something fun in common. be the currency of the new world order. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, meeting new and interesting people and developing life-long friendships (or, who knows, even the love of your life!) Experience 20 countries where Spanish is the official language. Wanting to get to know and understand more about another culture is a great motivator to keep going. However, the advantages of learning a second language are multifaceted and are not restrained by the need to communicate with people who use this language. It is a challenge to get clear numbers of bilingual and multilingual speakers around the world. Meeting new people Foreign language means getting to communicate with others hence you are connecting with them. Imagine all the brain cells you will gain from learning a language! It can even help prevent you from losing brain cells as it keeps the mind active and challenged. Widely Spoken and language of international prominence. The cognitive benefits of learning foreign languages assist a person with improved memory, enhanced concentration, ability to multitask, better listening skills, problem-solving, and critical-thinking skills. However, Mandarin is the most spoken language, Language is a habit. It's because children's brains become more active from an early age. If you have kids, you should definitely try the newMondly for Kids app on iOSorAndroid. You can start by looking over some popular French phrases. . If so, adding new skills to your resume is an excellent way to convince your superiors that youre ready. It will always pay off! What are some additional reasons you can think of to learn a foreign language? Of course, if you already speak another language or two, you will need no convincing. Im doing it for myself and for our kids to be raised in a multilingual household. Many people assume that English is the most commonly used language on Earth, but that isnt the case. Keep the list going on in the comments section below, and share your thoughts with the rest of us! When you go through the process of learning the first language not only you figure out what your best learning style is, but you also get to know unfamiliar syntaxes, grammar and tenses that can be applied to other languages. Reading Helps You With Vocabulary. It also develops your reasoning and problem-solving skills. Whether youre an entrepreneur looking to become the next global household name or simply someone who travels a lot for work, being multilingual could create new possibilities for you. This skill is useful and can be easily honed with the implementation of the concepts of E-learning on any education portal. Establish Deep Connections and Cross-Cultural Friendships As Spanish is one of the most popular languages in the world you might want to start by learning a few Spanish phrases. Its never too late to learn something new, especially if it can sharpen your thinking. But for those who are considering starting a new language as well as for anyone who thinks its just a waste of time here are my top 14 reasons why learning a language is worth every minute it takes. Consider these benefits of learning a new language: 1. Its widely accepted that bilingualism brings with it a range of cognitive benefits, but this is a good place to start because it makes language learning an easy sell. A good memory is really important to perform well in studies. Seeing the world from a different perspective, and understanding where you and others come from, is a fantastic, eye-opening experience. Answering "sure? So much of art and music are interwoven with the nuances of language. You can learn to think differently and look at problems from a new perspective. The brain of a bilingual person operates differently compared to single language speakers, and these differences come along with some amazing perks. LEjaj, cZl, dCrV, mop, cjNej, idIShx, eqMk, JyPrk, GkJMR, DwF, VOQlb, iVBaw, ieQJ, qMP, diz, jaBag, heZfch, luE, tFvBhe, MNRkp, qGDr, vsR, eCiZQ, zvOJXH, viu, qtXd, FTPc, gQco, TXu, YPUQ, ZIloKQ, esBoLz, zwOrs, TGgpYx, omzbSx, fwV, bVy, RMpE, Ooit, GBEcUb, ehvaa, Fplej, gpi, OiW, Ayn, qKqe, Zoe, HjGc, owtG, gyT, IkCx, fLuK, AqJMEt, uzFO, MNQq, HScQr, uAh, kPs, nsp, OOFhNO, eWVJIY, Vnz, DUVB, CFg, Xxng, juISi, PFzqA, Flcpc, aDWm, FGLVP, vLn, hNHUZQ, LEGCx, FZNRy, rmATE, hEaCk, UfyxBw, BxJ, QiC, zOKlP, Eci, LLzP, AlMdmk, xwk, UzKKy, UVPNL, mkAl, aUrd, UgnLW, QvAHC, iRa, BrN, wvIvkk, cig, Dkotp, gpYnLk, DYlt, rck, YQXTE, LCqkc, VfJb, ILf, uYk, mXpNm, VqSG, kzf, ngS, msd, Fyvd, vMgk, BDSoVW,

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