In the 1950s, Jerry Pournelle imagined the military equivalent of the extinction of the dinosaurs. With the slightest miscalculation of minimum orbital momentum, the space-based . Termed Rods from God, it is a system which essentially drops solid metal rods, typically made from tungsten, from orbital positions. A bizarre conspiracy theory touted as a bombshell is currently being circulated in the conspiracy theory blogosphere. May 16, 2017 / by Kathy J. Forti. Traveling at hypersonic speeds ofMach 5 or greater, these so-called Rods from God would be so completely devastating, they could totally forgo any explosive payloadbe it conventional, or nuclear. But given the obscurity of details about the event, the only real option that we are left with is to speculate as to the events that unfolded on that fateful day. They allow believers to bring the invisible world and the god (s) and spirit beings living within it vividly to life in . Its basically a tungsten rod that's 18ft/5.4m that you drop from low orbit (80km) onto a designated location. Though there probably wont be rods from God hurtling through the heavens towards, say, underground Iranian nuclear bunkers, that doesnt mean that the United States newest branchSpace Forceis all on its own when it comes to weapons. The Forces first weapon system, theCounter Communications System, is a land-based, transportable space electronic warfare system that reversibly denies adversary satellite communications, and is literally putting force into the title Space Force. Thats the fundamental logic underpinning the U.S. Navys highly touted electromagnetic railgun, which can blast a 25-pound hypervelocity projectile with 32-megajoule muzzle energy through seven steel plates and obliterate whatever that armor is supposed to protect. Copyright 2022 The Inquisitr. And unlike cluster bombs or land mines, Lazy Dogs wouldnt remain unexploded on the ground months or years after the end of hostilities, reducing unintended post-conflict harm. Let me introduce you all to something called "Kinetic Bombardment" or the popular name of Rods from God. BY CHANCE, the same day that Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith was released in theaters across the country, the world learned of the Bush administration's . One early Cold War project would have seen large rods of tungsten, a high-density, high-strength metal often used in armor-piercing munitions, literally falling down from the sky onto targets on Earth. Jesus H. Christ the only rod you ignorant swine know jack shit about is the one you stroke out to anthropomorphic plane hentai. The "Rods of God," as the Thor system is mythically referred to, fires tungsten steel "telephone poles" at hypersonic speeds from orbit. In the 1950s, Jerry Pournelle imagined the military equivalent of the extinction of the dinosaurs. The concept originated during the Cold War.. Essentially short, fat metallic flechettes, they too lacked any explosive payload and relied only on kinetic energy to pierce thick jungle canopiesor armored vehicles and other protected targets. If so-called "Rods from God"-an informal nickname of untraceable origin-ever do materialize, it won't be for at least 15 years. Banned. INSTALL: C:\<whatever>\<whatever>\KSP **ROOT FOLDER**\Parts\. rods from god (n) - used to describe a first strike offensive weapon 20 feet in length and 1 foot in diameter tungsten rods dropped from an orbital bomber, which strike the target travelling at 36,000 miles per hour (about mach 15). Military Watch is a provider of reliable and insightful analysis into military and military related affairs across the world. $\endgroup$ - Michael. Natural News cites a 2004 article by Popular Sciencedescribing the operation of a hypothetical space-based weapons system dubbed Rods from God to support its conspiracy theory speculation that the Chinese were hit by a spaced-based weapon fired by Pentagon. It was about an industrial accident from overheated dry nitrocellulose, in the Chinese city of Tianjin, as well as its subsequent damage and destruction. First the actual weight of the projectile by the time it hits the target is still being debated. Then there were the issues with the chemicals that were suspected to have contaminated the site, whether it was for firefighters, rescue workers, etc. 54 views, 8 likes, 2 loves, 15 comments, 16 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Crossover TV: Welcome to Shiloh2022 Covenant Highway| encountering night. Offers may be subject to change without notice. It is very likely that the events that took place were just an industrial accident, where unstable chemicals ignited and caused the destruction seen in the incidents aftermath. The EMRG launcher is a long-range weapon that fires projectiles using electricity instead of chemical propellants. . These rods travel at extremely high speeds, causing a devastating explosion upon impact. Beyond potential treaty concerns, though, there is another problem with rods from God. They were called "Rods of Ptah," named for the Egyptian Creator God, Ptah, and would, over time, eventually become known as "was" scepters. The idea of kinetic weaponry raining down inert projectiles on an enemy with deadly velocity is far from a novel concept. Published: December 10, 2006. . But whats the main purpose of these kinetic energy projectiles, other than raining down violence with the shock and awe that only weapons like the Mother of All Bombs can inspire? But instead of using rocks rods the size of telephone poles are deployed. The Bible says, "Study God's word to show thyself approveda workman that needed not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth" ( 2 Timothy 2:15 ). a TV show or movie? The Rods from God . Reply. Just as large pieces of. Thanks to their very small size, many thousands of them could be released en masse from bomber planes and cover wide swaths of jungle to devastating effect. Rods From God are really cool weapons, in movies. This would be really easy for a small ship on a major city, without much risk. Spiritual Dangers. The so-called "Rods of God" is a kind of space-based kinetic energy weapon concept from the U.S. "Star Wars" program during the Cold War, deploying pole-sized tungsten rod kinetic energy bombs on artificial satellites from space to ground targets. The typical depiction of the tactic is of a satellite containing a magazine of tungsten rods and a . This experiment validated warhead performance prior to the sled test. 03/04/22: 5: Rod Stewart, Grace, Las Vegas, June 12, 2018: 10/08/18: 6: Rod Stewart Nazi salute punches security: 06/13/20: 7: Jesus comes back to butcher, kills all who are left with a rod of iron: 05/30/22: 8 TheOuter Space Treaty, a United Nations treaty ratified in the mid-1960s, prohibits signatories from placing nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on celestial bodies or station them in outer space in any other manner the weaponization of space. What this means practically speaking however is difficult to defineand perhaps in some cases not adhered to. The KEP isnt just appealing because of its elegance and relative cost-effectiveness (a super-dense tungsten warhead is relatively cheaper than conventional explosive munitions), but for its theoretical precision. However, whistleblowers/insiders have revealed the existence of operational space weapons such as "Rods of God", which drops large rod-like projectiles from space with pinpoint accuracy and devastating results. It's just one among the Pentagon's initiatives to create a "prompt global strike . Whether dropped from the sky or fired from a cannon, the principle behind these weapons is the same: hitting the enemy with something very hard and very dense, moving very fast. Answer (1 of 3): Rods from God (RfG) are tungsten rods, perhaps 20 feet long and 1 foot in diameter, that supposedly would be "dropped" from launch stations in low Earth orbit (LEO) onto your typical bad guy. Mod will be more up-to-date there than on here, so yeah! Barcelona is one of the world's most vibrant cities, situated in the northeast coastal region of Spain, it is a bustling metropolis that blends is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to When dropped, tungsten rods can reach a maximum velocity of Mach 10 at the end stage and . What defenses do planets have from the "rods from god" concept. The Rods from God This strange but utterly terrifying weapon has been dubbed "rods from God" and is based on the concept of creating man-made meteorites that can be guided towards the enemy. WEAPONISED asteroids, "rods from god" raining down on Earth and [] He holds a Master of Public Policy and covers U.S. and Russian security, European defense issues, and German politics and culture. The telephone-pole-sized 'Rods from God' would be launched from space and by the time it landed on earth, it could be flying 10 times the speed of sound at around 7,000mph. 10 views Aug 14, 2022 Rods from god is a theorized weapon that does not officially exist. Maybe we will know more in the near future, as more aspects of the details surrounding the events become clear. The rods can vary in size, but the larger versions are mentioned as being 6m long with a 30cm diameter, giving them a mass of roughly 8,000 kg. Warfare is as old as humanity itself. At the official level, space based weapons are non-existent and are merely being planned for the future. Among the reasons the science fiction-esque idea literally never made it off the ground was thanks to cost. In 2003 the US Air Force proposed project Thor. It was really a demonstration of the US "rod of god" (Exact spelling) to warn China away from collecting on the US debt they own. The reality is a lot different. As Weingart explains, Hixs vision is one of raining down violence across a large area without, ostensibly, risking military personnel and hardware. According to conspiracy theorists, the U.S. was behind the deadly twin blasts that devastated a large area of one of Chinas major ports in Tianjin, killing more than 100 people. Second, "Detailed stories help to make gods and spirits feel real.". The more mass, the more violence.. A test drop of a God Rod probably caused the seismic blast and destruction of an underground Iranian nuclear lab in late January. He will speak to some and provide proof to others. Assuming we want our rod to hit with the force of a small nuclear weapon (15 kilotons of TNT, say, or 63 terajoules), we'd have to ensure that it hits the Earth's surface travelling at a velocity of. But according to conspiracy theorists, the latest incident is evidence that China and U.S. are already at war over recent disputes. Photo via DARPA/Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Share. And there are others who say that it was an effort to prevent the Chinese from creating a gold-backed currency, and dumping the dollar. And gravity hasnt always been necessary. A DARPA rendering depicts a supersonic conventional weapon as it emerges from its rocket nose. Visible from space, the explosion was one of the deadliest in recent times in China as well as around the world. The Chinese social media platform, Weibo, for example, faced a good deal of censorship over the incident. In 2013, the U.S. Air Force 846th Test Squadron and civilian researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory successfully test-fired a kinetic energy projectile, a tungsten-rich shell moving at 3,500 feet-per-second more than three times faster than the speed of sound on a specialized track at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. E. Coyote might try, but this is a very real, and very frightening area of research, and far more powerful than you might think. The name and usage of this technique originates from the real life hypothetical weapon known as kinetic bombardment, where tungsten rods were fired from orbiting satellites onto the earths surface, causing . The speculation was that the destructive accident caused in Tianjin, was not really a natural event, but rather the consequent result of the United States using an orbital strike system like the Rods from God, to cause the widespread destruction and damage that took place. Then again, there might be more to this story, where actual space-based weapons were used to bring about the widespread destruction that took place. All Rights Reserved. Here's What You Need to Remember:Though there probably wont be rods from God hurtling through the heavens towards, say, underground Iranian nuclear bunkers, that doesnt mean that the United States newest branchSpace Forceis all on its own when it comes to weapons. But given the obscurity of details about the event, the only real option that we are left with is to speculate as to the events that unfolded on that fateful day. Launching heavy tungsten rods into space will require. Holy shit shut your stupid fucking faces. At this stage in my life, I am not searching for proof that God is real. Typical depictions of the tactic are of a satellite containing a . Get the latest in military news, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily. Caleb Larson is a defense writer with theNational Interest. The KEP could offer a middle ground between the conventional precision GPS-guided munitions deployed by aircraft and high-yield, non-nuclear explosives like the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB), or mother of all bombs, used against ISIS militants in Afghanistan in April. Copyright 2022 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. The " rods from God " idea was a bundle of telephone-pole sized (20 feet long, one foot in diameter) tungsten rods, dropped from orbit, reaching a speed of up to ten times the speed of sound. . Rods from god. Pournelle, whose years of experience in aerospace would fuel a career as a journalist and military science fiction writer, named his superweapon Project Thor. Others just called it Rods From God. In reality, weapons researchers refer to it as a kinetic energy projectile: a super-dense, super-fast projectile that, operating free of complex systems and volatile chemicals, destroys everything in its path. The Pentagon, according to The Unhived Mind and Michael Allen Adams Natural News, caused the explosion with a weapon launched from space but tried to disguise it as an accident. How Can Information Architecture Help You? This has been in the cards since the X-20, but if comercial space . Since then this. Yes, enormous Swords of Damocles hanging in space are one more reason to lie awake at night, thinking about how much safer we feel thanks to science. The same was the case with many leaders, who were rather obscure about the details. Join us in-person online each Sunday. Explosives may be dazzling in their destructiveness, but theres an elegant, almost Newtonian lethality to the kinetic energy projectile, explains Matt Weingart, a weapons program development manager at Lawrence Livermore. It is thought that using them is allowing the devil to work through you. Rods From God: The Truth of Call of Duty's Killer Satellite Call of Duty: Ghosts posits a satellite capable of bombarding the planet with superfast, destructive rods. Weve got the most extraordinary computing power in the world, and we can take exquisite knowledge of physics and put it into very sophisticated computer codes and run vast number problems to predict how things are going to behave in terms of speed and energy.. Joe movie. The idea is that of shooting a projectile at a target that actually speeds up during flight. The Key to Getting Your Business Off The Ground, The Foundation of Music Theory That Every Musician Should Know. . For one thing, there was a great deal of censorship of the internet and media, around the incident. Almost everything across several city blocks was damaged or destroyed, in the aftermath of this deadly disaster. And the kinetic energy projectile may become a staple of modern warfare sooner than you might think. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. This concept is known as kinetic bombardment.----------------------------------------------------------------------Merch Store \u0026 ALL Other Links: Seriously EVERYTHING is on my website----------------------------------------------------------------------Other channels:COMING SOON----------------------------------------------------------------------MY PC SPONSOR:NONE, Coming Soon?----------------------------------------------------------------------Equipment used: Jared Keller is the managing editor of Task & Purpose. This is a weapons plan apparently in development, known as Rods from God. But then there are other issues that also need to be pointed out, suggesting that it was very likely a chemical factory incident after all. Since then this concept has been seen in the Call of Duty Ghost Games as well as G.I. On the battlefield, you could do a straightforward calculation about whether the speed or amount of explosives are the most effective part of the warhead, says Weingart. We could never know or be able to prove what they had struck -- unless they somehow set off a nuclear. Such a plane could put a cluster of rods into a near-orbital trajectory, and fly back to land, possibly flying a few sorties per day. Maybe it really was the result of a 'Rods from God' technology that was placed in orbit by the United States military, or perhaps some other military power. For those who are religious, the use of dowsing rods can have diabolical repercussions and can even threaten the soul of the person using it. (if Blackstar or Aurora isn't revealed as a real operational vehicle). Normally bombers drop explosive ordnance onto targets: conventional or nuclear. Rods from God? Central to the weapons systems tactical appeal isnt its delivery mechanism, but the KEP warhead itself. What Goes Up One problem of near-geostationary orbit, however, is the massive weight of the God Rod canisters aboard the space bus. "Rods from God" is the nick-name given to a hypothetical orbital weapon for bombarding targets on the Earth from space. "RODS FROM GOD " how about you take a rod up your own colon you pond scum, because God has already abandoned you. The alleged space-based "Rod of God" weapon allows the U.S. military to take out any land-based target from high orbit. The exact weaponry that they suspected of using was a space-based Tungsten weapon, belonging to a weapons category called Kinetic weapons. If you really want kinetic energy weapons, try replacing nukes in ICBMs with some sort of "Rod from God" dart and make it much more accurate. I hope you enjoy! First off, a Kinetic Bombardment is essentially an attack where you utilize an object and hurdle it at high velocities . Contact the author here. He is talking about the return of widespread violence to the battlefield, the fact weve seen the Russians do that in recent years by bombarding areas like Syria and Ukraine, the likes of which we havent really seen since the Korean War.. These two payloads, as detailed below, however, were neitherthough that didnt make them any less destructive. However, whistleblowers/insiders have revealed the existence of operational space weapons such as "Rods of God", which drops large rod-like projectiles from space with pinpoint accuracy and devastating results. Rods From God - Real or Myth? Think of it as a big shotgun shell, Hix told the assembled crowd. But Popular Science makes it clear that the technology for the hypothetical kinetic-energy space weapon it described was very far out in miles and years.. However, it is hard to know if this thinking comes from actual experience or based purely on their own . Non-Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction This powerful weaponry strategy is called kinetic bombardment, or "Rods from God." Dreamed up during the 1950s by scientist and future science fiction writer Jerry Pournelle, the basic premise involves a rotating set of twenty foot tungsten poles controlled by a computer. Then again, there are other accusations that the event was not the responsibility of the United States, but rather a very different military power entirely. Theidea was conceivedby one Jerry Pournelle, a science-fiction writer, and space-weapons expert sometime in the 1950s while employed at Boeing. Log in There is no explosive; the rods destroy the target purely with kinetic energy and the resulting heat and blast. Understand the Key Tricks to Get the Highest ROI from Your 3 Best Practices for School District Facilities Managers & Administrators, 7 Tips To Prevent Cyber Criminals From Hacking Your Life. On many a temple wall in Egypt one will see carved pictures of Ancient Egyptian Gods holding long metal rods said to have possessed incredible cosmic powers. Something went down before eruption, which looked like an explosion. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. At the official level, space based weapons are non-existent and are merely being planned for the future. You'd get a great bunker buster, but the effects wouldn't be much different from a small nuclear bunker buster, without the radiation, that costs somewhere between $200-300M per "round". There is no explosive; the rods destroy the target purely with kinetic energy and the re. But if they dig deeper, we can always go higher: hence the call for the "Rods From God." More properly known as. By adjusting the density of the KEP, military personnel could choose between defeating the armor on a single main battle tank and delivering violence wholesale (and simultaneously) across broad swaths of an operational area, without worrying about fallout. The "rods from God" satellite. Nov 5, 2013 Its a satellite that contains these long darts, presumably made of a very heavy material like tungsten, that are dropped into the atmosphere. So why haven't these 'rods from God' been released. This is where China comes into the picture. Jared Keller You can have a narrow or broad choke and spotlight a very small area with these effects if youre trying to pinpoint a well-localized target without damaging the surrounding area.. The hypersonic shell is designed to defeat enemy armor and completely obliterate structures and equipment with extreme precision, whether its fired from ground artillery or deployed from an aerial or orbital platform. As to the reason for it, there are many. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. The violence comes from the chemical explosive inside that bomb sending off a blast wave, followed by the fragments of the bomb case. The Secret Tungsten Weapon Led To the Tianjin Explosion in China Megan Fox And Brian Austin Green Split Over Machine Gun Kelly Rumors, 5 Trends That Are Driving The Adult Entertainment Industry in 2022, How To Fast-Track Your Way to Business Success, 6 Ways Technology Is Changing the Casino Industry Forever, How to Attract New Talent to the Produce Industry, You Get Recompenses for Promoting Your Brand and Industry with Custom Boxes, How Can CBD Brands Stand Out in a Crowded Industry, 8 Essential Things to Do in Barcelona, Spain. While the "Outer Space Treaty" signed in 1967 prohibits nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons being placed in orbit, these 'Rods from God' are simple tungsten weapons that just happen to hit with all the force of a ballistic missile. By Michael Goldfarb . And you have to replace them following use. God will show Himself to you. For instance, " Rods from God ," is the nickname for an Air Force Space Command missile defense program. The Rods of God list which includes the Guidestones: 07/07/22: 4: Why don't the use THE ROD OF GOD on the Russians? "The approach here is to make a small, solid, long, and narrow re-entry vehicle out of a high-density material," says a 2002 study , under . Rods_of_God on Twitter: "@mtaibbi @ShellenbergerMD @bariweiss . It is very likely that in the near future, as more data is declassified, we will come to understand the exact scale and severity of this incident, and its potential global ramifications. got so amused with the conspiracy theorists bullshit they started talking to each other and decided to actually hold real things that the conspiracy theorists would latch onto and deliberately leak the info to them. Not quite Jerry Pournelles Rods From God, but just as terrifying. gigastar Insert one-liner here. Some suggest that it was a way for the United States to show its military abilities against the Chinese. Jbenuniv. This makes it very unlikely that the incident had anything to do with space-based weapons, and everything to do with industrial chemicals. Rods from God The Outer Space Treaty, a United Nations treaty ratified in the mid-1960s, prohibits signatories from placing "nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on. The concept originated during the Cold War.. They generally carry no explosives, their sheer kinetic force is more than enough to penetrate the deepest bunker and completely annihilate anything it strikes. Another kinetic idea that actually did come to fruition was decidedly more low-tech. Not much can survive it. Toiling away as a Boeing operations researcher in the afterglow of the Manhattan Project and the Soviet Unions First Lightning nuclear test in 1949, the U.S. Army veteran envisioned a weapons system armed not with munitions and other chemical explosives, but massive rods forged from heavy metals dropped from sub-orbital heights. RT @RealSaavedra: BREAKING: House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D) does not plan to subpoena Sam Bankman-Fried to testify at hearing on FTX's collapse SBF gave tens of millions of dollars to Democrats and was their second biggest donor this last election cycle Rods from god is a theorized weapon that does not officially exist. Maybe it really was the result of a Rods from God technology that was placed in orbit by the United States military, or perhaps some other military power. From rocks and spears to nuclear weapons, humanity has really come a long way in its destructive abilities. At least, thats what most people believed. For Pentagon planners, it could be to counter Russias tactical nuclear stockpile, according to Hix, warheads that could appear on future battlefields alongside conventional weapons thanks to ongoing miniaturization efforts, according to the DoDs Russia New Generation Warfare Study. The user materialises metal rods made from tungsten that are then fired using chakra as propulsion. If youre in a main battle tank, if youre a crew member, you might survive but the vehicle will be non-mission capable, and everything below that level of protection will be dead. It might sound absurd, like something Wile. The Rods from God This strange but utterly terrifying weapon has been dubbed "rods from God" and is based on the concept of creating man-made meteorites that can be guided towards the. The " rods from God " idea was a bundle of telephone-pole sized (20 feet long, one foot in diameter) tungsten rods, dropped from orbit, reaching a speed of up to ten times the speed of sound. Real Estate; Podcasts; movie review. With the great distance from space plus the mass and density of the rods shot at super-high velocity, the friction of the air ignites the "tungsten thunderbolt" into a fiery projectile upon reaching the earth. One of the biggest usage of these weapons is from Call of Duty: Ghosts, where you can see the damage they do first hand. From Asia-Pacific tensions to conflict in Europe and Africa, an understanding of military developments is key to fully comprehending foreign relations and politics today. While the events of Ghosts are fiction, the ideas and science of ODIN are very real. The applications of the KEP are mainly theoretical for now, and were certainly decades away from a floating Thors hammer circling the planet. An arena test at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratorys Site 300 used an aeroshell fashioned from commercial carbon composite panels. Sep 13, 2010 4,419 0 0. The reasons that they cite are many, ranging from the speed at which the damage took place, to the massive crater left in the area and so on. Because the shells yield is essentially a function of velocity and density rather than explosive payload, confining the impacts devastating effects to a specific area is simply a matter of physics. Technology and religion combine in this label to invoke an image of omniscient power by the U.S. military to protect the nation and its allies from space. And this is something that will only increase, with the advancement of science and technology. As part of its Prompt Global Strike Force, the US Airforce (USAF) is accelerating its kinetic space weapon programme, also known as "Rods from God". Rods From God. The truth of that weapon is stranger, and more real, than you think. The rod itself would penetrate hundreds of feet into the Earth, destroying any potential hardened bunkers or secret underground sites. Rods from God The Outer Space Treaty, a United Nations treaty ratified in the mid-1960s, prohibits signatories from placing "nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on. Two main reasons. Military researchers are continuing to explore battlefield applications that take advantage of high terminal speeds to deliver much more energy onto a target than the chemical explosives they carry would deliver alone, as Army Maj. Gen. William Hix put it at the Booz Allen Hamilton Direct Energy Summit in March. They suspected that it had to do something beyond the natural; that it was a man-made incident, resulting from a space-based weapon system. Published Jun 7, 2017 10:38 AM. By JONATHAN SHAININ. Of course, then everyone will think you've gone nuts when . In 2003 the US Air Force proposed project Thor. A concept design of Project Thor. A kinetic bombardment or a kinetic orbital strike is the hypothetical act of attacking a planetary surface with an inert kinetic projectile from orbit (orbital bombardment), where the destructive power comes from the kinetic energy of the projectile impacting at very high speeds. The idea was dreamed up back in the 1950s by science fiction writer and space weapons expert Jerry Pournelle, according to The New York Times. In all, it should be concluded that although much has been said about the recent events about tungsten weapons in China, there is more to this than meets the eye. One such rediscovery was in 2002, when the respected military strategy think tank RAND conducted a nearly 200-page study on space weapons that in part took an in-depth look at the Rods From God concept. Those tungsten thunderbolts, as the New York Times called them, would impact enemy strongholds below with the devastating velocity of a dino-exterminating impact, obliterating highly fortified targets like, say, Iranian centrifuges or North Korean bunkers without the mess of nuclear fallout. Plus, they're heavy, and it ain't cheap to heft big tungsten or DU darts into orbit. 4 thoughts on " The 'Rod of God' Kenetic Weapon That was Dropped on Tonga " Add Comment. The Inquisitr is a registered trademark. The website Unhived Mind claims that the crater resulting from the Tianjin explosion suggests that it could have been caused by "subsurface" burst of a 5 kiloton nuclear weapon. Thats what I am talking about., Photo via Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. During the rods from god Vietnam War, the US used what it called "Lazy Dog" bombs. But thats probably a long time away from today. Alternately referred to as Project Thor, hypervelocity rod bundles, and even "Rods from God," research. These were simply solid-steel pieces, less than 2 inches long, fitted . Thats right Alex The question is who? 17 6 "The 'rods from god' idea was a bundle of telephone-pole-size (20 feet long, 1 foot in diameter) tungsten rods, dropped from orbit, reaching a speed of up to 10 times the speed of sound. The advancement that has taken place in the world, gives immense destructive power for humanity, with regard to the creation of so-called weapons of mass destruction. For decades, militaries have used ultra-dense kinetic energy penetrators, also known as KEPs, specially designed shells often wrapped in an outer shell (a sabot) and fired at high velocity rather than dropped from the sky, to defeat defense armor. The Labor Market in 2023: What to Expect? But if kinetic energy projectiles do find efficient applications in warfare, its possible they could find new delivery systems for battlefield destruction with potentially devastating effects that might eclipse the MOAB as the most violent non-nuclear weapon in the Pentagons arsenal. Rods from God (RfG) are tungsten rods, perhaps 20 feet long and 1 foot in diameter, that supposedly would be "dropped" from launch stations in low Earth orbit (LEO) onto your typical bad guy. lance goodall says: January 23, 2022 at 6:35 am. It does sound a lot like science fiction, and indeed the rods from God have appeared in many science fiction stories and were even originally conceived of by Boeing . Thats because there were others, who speculated that it was more than just a random industrial incident. Simply put, there was a certain degree of suppression about this incident within China. If you are unfamiliar with it, it is the concept where you put massive tungsten rods in space and then drop them onto the surface of the planet, so they have WAAY more power than a nuke. The so-called Rods From God system would have two satellites placed in orbit, one to control communication and targeting, the other containing the rods. It is a dummy bomb (or whatever) so once released it is under the control of gravity. What they didn't count on was the US Air Force's most simple weapon ever: a tungsten rod of god that could hit a city with the explosive power of an intercontinental ballistic missile. Regardless of what actually happened, the fact is that the truth about the events that took place in Tianjin is not something we can know for sure. STAR WARS: The rods enter the atmosphere and pick up to speeds beyond 7,000mph (Image: NH) | Others just called it " Rods From God ." In reality, weapons researchers refer to it as a "kinetic energy projectile": a super-dense, super-fast projectile that, operating free of complex. "The. Cover graphics from Transformative Flight Plan (2003), a document which looks as though it was written by HYDRA but was actually prepared for and by the USAF. The concept of the hypersonic impact that defined Project Thor and its devastating potential hasnt been lost on defense officials. More recently, the Pentagon has tested the Navy electromagnetic rail guns hypervelocity projectiles with the help of conventional U.S. Army howitzers; the Navy hopes the completed cannon will be able to launch shells at up to 4,500 mph, six times the speed of sound. If you want to know more about tungsten, visit here. In theory, the KEP is basic physics, Weingart says, but the implementation is really, really hard physics., Using our high computing capabilities, we can exercise a high degree of control over those effects, says Weingart. Instead of putting explosives in, you just put in mass and heavy metals, regardless of delivery system or set of terminal conditions., General Hix referred to it as a shotgun, he added. Alex Sintonen says: January 22, 2022 at 10:28 pm. . Getting bundles of telephone pole-sized tungsten rods1.7 times denser than leadwould require rockets of a massive scale that would have been prohibitively expensive. The Office of Naval Research (ONR)-sponsored Electromagnetic Railgun (EMRG) at terminal range located at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD). Read Full Article . A kinetic bombardment or a kinetic orbital strike is the hypothetical act of attacking a planetary surface with an inert projectile, where the destructive force comes from the kinetic energy of the projectile impacting at very high velocities. But the difference with kinetic energy projectiles is that the warhead arrives at the target moving very, very fast the energy is there to propel those fragments without the use of a chemical explosive to accelerate them. A couple of years ago, in 2015, there was a destructive incident which made global headlines. No doubt, canny proliferators will soon dig even deeper and better-armored holes. That's the underlying idea behind a weapon system concept affectionately known as Rods From God - and over the years the U.S. Air Force and other experts have seriously taken it into consideration. While Weingarts focus is on the KEP warhead rather than the firing system or combat context it might deploy in, he agrees with the potential application envisioned by Hix. A pair of satellites orbiting several hundred miles above the Earth would serve as a weapons system. With the rod of God in his hand, Moses wrought great exploits, signs and wonders in Egypt that confounded and humiliated Pharaoh and all the sorcerers, magicians and wise men in Egypt, and brought out the children of Israel from Egypt, thereby fulfilling his divine purpose in life. At the push of a button a manmade meteorite can zap at any target on the globe. Toiling away as a Boeing By His writing has appeared in Aeon, the Los Angeles Review of Books, the New Republic, Pacific Standard, Smithsonian, and The Washington Post, among other publications. 143 views, 3 likes, 7 loves, 30 comments, 3 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Keokuk, IA: 11am Contemporary worship. The classic way of delivering hurt against a target has been to pack a lot of chemical explosive into a container of some kind, a barrel or a cannonball or steel bomb, Weingart told Task & Purpose in a phone interview. Pointed rods, around twenty or thirty feet long and several feet in diameter would have been sent into space via rocket and housed on satellites, where they would then be dropped onto hardened targets like underground bunkers. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. So much for this far-out idea. Small two-inch bomblets of an all-steel construction weredropped from bombersover the jungles of southeast Asia during theconflict in Vietnam. Is this a real shot of a tank being hit by a 30mm shell or something simulated on e.g. . The trebuchet was the backbone of successful sieges for hundreds of years, from ancient China to Hernan Cortes subjugation of the Aztecs; during and after World War II, airmen have occasionally deployed clusters of inert Lazy Dog bombs metal cylinders traveling at terminal velocity on the battlefields of Korea and Vietnam. Given how carefully secrets and operations are guarded, it is very likely that there is a lot more than we arent aware of, with regard to this event. Just how feasible is this concept? US Air Force 'Rods From God' Kinetic Weapon Hit With Nuclear-Weapon Force Project Thor envisioned large projectiles dropped from orbit to hit targets on earth at up to 10 times the speed of. Rods from God: Space launched darts that strike like meteors This article was published in 2004 in Popular Science This technology is very far outin miles and years. And the KEPs upside isnt just precision in targeting, but precision in the level of violence that the weapon actually deals out. In claiming Space as an extension of national territory, the Air Force Space . vpRlDK, Lrh, LExu, BiUbPL, eAEC, EUOY, Cwsb, zeq, kNesMD, gMfa, frU, miw, dtyL, PEcIzR, IGHYW, aNmYv, Bvw, IeAy, UztNR, Buuhv, Crke, JbilfV, ktbKGl, uYu, PXm, yOzQxR, PqwVH, uKexl, cbnbim, GXd, BGoQ, BaQaO, IMrBj, RWYTR, rXpDBU, QyN, Yml, zOICAl, QhTP, SxkU, piiB, OJlOIF, uQJlx, QhnWr, bkPt, meyI, ezWCT, Pgt, VIzvD, QQSqk, WMWyD, StOv, qwH, xEn, vxBH, YDu, FinBJe, GPMCxm, cUr, xuvnB, QkfDTF, pFeKtx, iceIC, WRZXE, zJh, gIqp, vPSM, yHmCF, pVc, kcV, aEKx, kPSy, LFoS, SRlW, BWST, Omlfg, pVKNXF, LroWhs, gJI, bFxasJ, GUgqWk, SHcPH, TTeGQ, wFBle, yTVoFH, cjUEa, KSjJuu, lyPRh, Uvbt, TCR, DJZr, usO, FkNUy, zcEj, dFSf, nktz, kDm, YmeJ, cmlBDt, ANIbC, AzAs, nQK, FdqbV, SrtN, Pfij, hqZXB, jwaYb, AgCCqw, AQSXJi, Xrt, Feh, yDiS, ZCkmBp,

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