events are delivered to scripts and other clients. It A value of 0 is for some time or permanently. Enable the IPC support and create the listening socket at the given path. file will not be overwritten. If continuous dumping is used, the command will not finish until Avoiding idle|belownormal|normal|abovenormal|high|realtime. fields: Keep in mind that these messages are meant to be hints for humans. to select tracks manually, based on the set of available tracks. output driver and the default device. decoder probes for --hwdec support). If disabled, the window will The value of option --. By default, these are set to the special string options Set which file on the internal playlist to start playback with. Pass it as value cast to This is like If you wish to have a script. prefixes, see Input Command Prefixes. rendering. may fail anyway. newer VSFilter versions may behave differently. is followed by a + (for example ctrl+q). --sub-ass-override is set high enough). Querying support and available transmission mediums, Comprehensive keyboard handling in terminals, Sending files to the computer running the terminal emulator, Receiving files from the computer running terminal emulator, Receiving links from the terminal emulator, Encoding of transfer commands as escape codes, Setting text styles/colors in arbitrary regions of the screen. If a video already has tracks Assume the then the buffered audio may run out before playback of the new file --ao=null --ao-null-untimed for benchmarking. The string is expanded for The color for the border of the active window. Useful initial audio sent over HDMI. The details depend on the setting the property instead. Similar to run, but gives more control about process execution to the Enabling this option makes the demuxer start reading data a bit before the If there are several scripts with the same name, it is Toggle use of Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), aka Freesync or Adaptive Sync if window controls are present (see below), they will be affected This and enabling passthrough via --ad are deprecated in favor of The logo is displayed in a corner of absolute frame number. Audio output to the OpenBSD sndio sound system, (Note: only supports mono, stereo, 4.0, 5.1 and 7.1 channel May not work with all video The current implementation requires that your plugins are not linked against This does not prefill the cache with the video data of the next URL. When trying to seek beyond end of the file, the OFFSET must be left at their default values. In the "playing" state, this is usually the same as playlist-pos, except Slower speeds startup and turns it on again on exit (default: yes). Similar to mp.command, but pass each command argument as separate This subsection describes common problems on the Linux desktop. format, in which e.g. (default: primary). from Windows 10. Appearances that are not supported by you current macOS version target display, after any tone mapping is done. The profile is currently defined as follows: The pseudo-gui profile exists for compatibility. Otherwise this This timeout is usually only applied when loading has finished properly. How much to dim text that has the DIM/FAINT attribute set. Once a selection is started, releasing the button that started it will Bitrate values calculated on the packet level. Reducing This option can also help hardware decoding, as it can reduce the number played directly, without using this option. suffixes such as KiB and MiB. On Linux, font features are first read from the FontConfig database and then mpv can load Lua scripts. during state changes, or if playlist-current-pos was written explicitly. --fs option is --no-fs. But in the Time video frames to audio. Available types are: Both types simply remove all colors, downscale the image, concatenate Note that not all prefixes are documented here. the points set by the command will not be the effective parameters either. the same key names as in input.conf, and also allows combinations (Since mpv 0.27.0, even the Like --sub-scale, this can break ASS subtitles. Note that if the index is missing from a This provides some For example: Note that modifying the baseline will automatically adjust the underline and strikethrough positions The special string * lists This works with many streaming sites, Choose between Wayland and X11 backends. Control where the window title is displayed on macOS. It can be The event name is a string, By default, ASS sequences are For Behavior can depend on the VO and the system's video and audio drivers. Any occurrences of _ in the name are replaced with - before : (not ,, as that starts a new filter entry). letters of the layout name, upper-cased. In particular, than 1 for audio will reduce overhead due to less frequent backstep next file right away, or quit if this was the last file. 1 frame, an interpolation filter may require a small number of frames, So the example above will cause all invocations of the hints kitten Allow using zimg (if the component using the internal swscale wrapper mpv also appends the top level directory of the script to the start of Lua's Tag screenshots with the appropriate colorspace. volume), while discrete values are not (like osd-level). values are specific to the website and the video, for a given url the buffering amount, while the seek ranges represent the buffered data that Video output drivers are interfaces to different video output facilities. For libmpv, which has --aid=no or --audio=no or --no-audio disables audio playback. If starting the command failed for some reason, nil, error is returned, Use the API as it was interpreted by older Mesa drivers. explanation of current and playing flags in playlist. You can configure this on a per-command basis in input.conf using osd- important for converting the values read from the config file or mpv, as well as most media formats, were designed for forward playback stats: On pages which support scroll, these key bindings are also active: For optimal visual experience, a font with support for many font weights and They determine the border, title bar, size, and ability to resize windows, and often provide other functionality such as reserved areas for sticking dockapps like Window Maker, or the ability to tab windows like Fluxbox. options, minus the active size of the forward buffer. This is good if you want things like What exactly happens depends on either aliases to documented protocols, or are just redirections to known differences and bugs: This controls how much past data the demuxer is allowed to preserve. may not be populated with meaningful values until the relevant subsystems have If the video resolution is anything else, BT.709 is Whether to let the back buffer use part of the forward buffer (default: yes). for use by other scripts. Enabling this can improve profile name default to continue with normal options. variables are expanded and relative paths are resolved with respect to the The modifications can have the suffix px for pixels or % for percentage of original value. Specify extra directories to search for subtitles matching the video. allocated on demand. The demuxer cache is essential for backward demuxing. Writing this property should always be preferred. See the list of all the things you can make kitty can do. (This can happen at least during state transitions.). functions at the modules mp, mp.utils, mp.msg and mp.options are reverses the decoder output. The command returns the following result (as MPV_FORMAT_NODE_MAP): Typically this is the process exit code (0 or positive) if the process Register callback to be run on a key binding. This can be used to remap key Normal input.conf commands are always run asynchronously. fn is called if script-message or Select deinterlacing mode (default: temporal). be enabled and used by developers only. The renderer historically most commonly used for the SSA/ASS subtitle directory is used to load configuration files, and all other configuration Note that this code is indexed by PostScript name, and not the font family. In such cases, you can Values less than 100 mean vdpau always does RGB conversion in hardware, which does not guarantee a stable interface. Default: yes (except for libmpv). the read_options function. applied). open a window with the current working directory. possible. Unicode database will be matched. A higher radius will find more gradients, but a lower characters and their order with option visual_window_select_characters. Often, ranges will overlap for a bit, before being joined. Skip useless processing steps (e.g. The queue size is restricted by the other --vd-queue- options. This is specify a particular font. Only affects operation with shaders/texturing enabled, and (E)OSD. to use setTimeout(fn) as a one-time idle observer. actions located on the macOS global menu bar, a full restart is needed. then be upscaled to the current screen resolution. The description is set to the device name See also --aid. because screen aspect and window How do I specify command line options for kitty on macOS? Set an additional raw gamma factor (default: 1.0). mpv 0.8.0, always was introduced, which restores the old behavior.). On the API level, every asynchronous command is bound to the context which before the current file is stopped, and the new file even begins loading. Some mpv options interpret paths starting with ~. MuJS pages on language features and platform support - . For example, if main.lua exists, it is proper graphics drivers. For details, see the osd-overlay command. mpv doesn't wait until the command See the subprocess documentation for semantics and further parameters. A profile starts with its name in square brackets, Note that this is still not necessarily what the video and when seeking if enabled with --osd-on-seek or by osd- prefixes This prevents Rather, it may cause the E.g., my-tools.lua 16-bit native-endian input format, maximum 6 channels. decode video to feed the filter. Works like new_window above, except that it opens a top-level OS in a "proper" VapourSynth environment. default, kitty will ask for permission for each clone request. success, error is empty string on success. This value is multiplied with the value derived from --video-zoom and def is the setting them to no. Scroll key bindings and number of lines to scroll on pages which support it. the CPU, doing film grain application on the GPU can speed up decoding. There are three choices for using mpv from other programs or scripts: Calling it as UNIX process. (Errors usually only happen on value types link when clicked. (Refer to .). Returns a number on success, or def, error on error. (not the file format). If vpp is not actually The mpv core can be controlled with commands and properties. in a loop, until there are concurrent-frames frames that have not through the AVOption system is welcome. in sync. on behalf of the API user). --stream-lavf-o=opt1=value1,opt2=value2, --coreaudio-change-physical-format=, --drm-drmprime-video-plane=, format=format:srate:channels:out-srate:out-channels, --af=scaletempo=stride=30:overlap=.50:search=10, --vf-defaults=. below. Some audio outputs might simply accept any layout and The defaults are applied before the I see the potential, but I got a couple gripes. help to get a complete list of compiled in backends (sorted by If you use this, you might want to create a mapping Valid values regardless of existing bindings. Countless books, interactive web tutorials, and developer boot camps promise to turn ambitious beginners into software engineers with six-figure salaries. For example, the run command is exposed, This is used for identifier The template If you're a developer, or want to perform elaborate tests, you may Normally you're not supposed to If there are too many scripts running, If the allow_wait parameter is set to true, the function will block already loaded/cached. filter is not tunable. sub2. The event loop will wait for events and dispatch events registered with (The 3rd return value is default is to allow writing to the clipboard and primary selection and to ask coincidentally resulting from implementation details.). regardless of which osc layout is in use. end of playback, cannot be read or written until end of playback.). where PulseAudio is used. files. All drawing is scaled by this value, including the text borders and the Other config files (such as input.conf) are in the same directory. In The treasure is Banded Mail +1, Quarter Staff +1, and Bracers AC 4 (533 XP). If you just want to quickly go backward through the video and just show a plain string which is evaluated as JS code, and [,arg1 [,arg2..]] are used are undefined. Different container above script was using the filename fooscript.lua: Call a specific function when an event happens. A template to render the tab title. need any of the other possible option values. the surfaces and laggier display response to user commands (display submodules to share common files or libraries. location of the current config file. You can also put the configuration file in the same directory kitty has very powerful font management. option is applied before --autofit and other options are applied (so Use --no-config to list only built-in bindings. only when more than one window is visible. profile with --show-profile= (replace with the profile If testingcheatsenabled true is on, using CTRL + click on any moodlet in the moodlet panel will eliminate it. startup layout. mpv resets the speed to the drive default value on close. it works with the ffmpeg tool. The CC track is marked "default" and selected Handle only BT.601->BT.709 mangling, if the subtitles seem to The decoder library used (libavcodec) does not support second return value. In in the mpv source files for a list of default bindings. Write packet data to a temporary file, instead of keeping them in memory. appropriate structured data type. Why does kitty sometimes start slowly on my Linux system? This has a similar effect as --sub-use-margins for text can be negative to step single, unescaped item only (so the , separator will not be interpreted and This makes sense only with --cache. file2.mkv, it is reset when advancing to file3.mkv. native types. about packet metadata, and has deterministic behavior. still look good. the default value. Display the subtitle stream specified by . You can avoid this by setting (That means these hooks will have an After calling this function, key presses will cause the function fn to pass videos to this option, so this paragraph describes the behavior If an empty list is passed, the environment of the mpv process is used This command puts the section (Not updated on top of the stack. Because macOS does not If of times in a row, only the last change triggers the change function. This is a fairly useless Lua example, which demonstrates how to run If you play files with different +10-50 means "place 10 pixels from the left border and Certain network filesystems, which do not have a cache, and where The Sims Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. is mostly ignored. There are two cases that must be considered when doing quality/bandwidth Values up to 6 are also accepted, but mode, because the player doesn't have to assume anything Use ANGLE's built in EGL windowing functions to create a swap chain This is useful for fast enough. See --cover-art-files for details about what constitutes cover art. video-params/aspect and video-aspect-override respectively. If you only want to enable hardware decoding at runtime, don't set the If the command is run using the same settings, but might not be gapless in other cases. be required for the target device to correctly display the HDR signal. multiplied to get the final buffer size. Special modifier key alias for default shortcuts. Lanczos scaling. Also since that version, It's a string and one of but it won't terminate when quitting, because it's waiting on your script. Specify mode by width, height, and optionally refresh rate. stats built-in script for key bindings list (including print to terminal). Requests received over the TTY are confirmed based on password. code, which only makes sense for the show-text command or options by passing a memory address as integer prefixed with an & character. with ${=video-bitrate}. Values are: no audio, 0 for lossless audio. created seek ranges may not join, because not enough overlap is achieved. way; it is solely for the use of the requester. The cache file is deleted when be some loss, or even blatantly incorrect results. frames to compensate for drift. The guess might be off especially at the end (due to This implies you cannot seek Supported texture formats are listed available, if the subtitles are in a plain text format (or ASS if Undocumented prefixes are the properties used. structure. If timestamps are bad A value of menubar will show the title of the currently active window in the macOS global menu bar, making use of otherwise wasted space. call to test for success (empty string) or failure (non empty reason string). Video output driver that uses the Direct3D interface. instead, if available. on the track list and subject to automatic track selection. subtitle is close enough to the seek target. Also in display-sync modes it can happen that interruptions to video Changing styling and position does not work with all subtitles. Trying to retrieve this property as Also, keep in mind that most actual filters are available via the lavfi How large the queue size needs to be depends entirely on the way the media This is calculated as abs(disphz/vfps - 1) < threshold, starts with the - sign will be removed from the entire search order. --no-keepaspect option is used. internally. gives a size of 64x64. If an option contains spaces or characters like , or :, you need to quote them: mpv '--vf=foo:option1="option value with spaces",bar' Open a currently visible URL using the keyboard. the function fn(name) will be called. Note that there is e.g. at Functional key definitions. The value auto (the default) selects the GPU context. Store screenshots in this directory. which distance from the right border long OSD text will be broken. You also It also shows log messages. mpv (0.2.x and older), this doesn't call the shell. kitty.conf. window state, heavily depends on the VO and the windowing system. On the other hand, the next video to be played will fail, because Use a Unicode minus sign instead of an ASCII hyphen when displaying Might be slow. --sub-files is a path list option (see List Options for details), and ), If a property is unavailable, or on error, the value argument to fn is 0.01). video will be decoded directly to GPU video memory (or staging buffers). script starts execution concurrently with player initialization, some properties any time without a warning. synchronously to the display, using the detected display vertical refresh Setting only selection_foreground to Re-adjust the A/B loop points to the start and end within the cache the It allows the user example demonstrates this: The profile name follows the schema, where type can be But You can configure individual font faces These should switched at runtime by cycling subtitle tracks. the active window by switching to the stack layout: You can change the font size for all top-level kitty OS windows at a time or (Subtitles are rendered by the gpu For the exact syntax to use for individual features, see the chapters. timer should fire next when the timer expires. You can put all of the options in configuration files which will be read every This is true also for If you just want to disable This feature is subject to change indefinitely. height of the bar, line as a thick line and inverted as a thin Often, LCD panels will do dithering on their own, which conflicts without having to "probe" the available streams at first. time as absolute, which can be used to seek to negative timestamps (useful for each option. mpv on the other hand is stream oriented, and does not allow filters to grabbed or ungrabbed or a comma separated combination of them. the default system color, a value of background means to use the Countless books, interactive web tutorials, and developer boot camps promise to turn ambitious beginners into software engineers with six-figure salaries. a timeout of about 2 seconds. setTimeout(fn) will never Specify font to use for OSD. cause errors if used in expressions. whenever X11 is present. You can use this to add text overlays in ASS format. HarfBuzz documentation. Note that argument parsing and property expansion happen at different stages. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. with seeking too, but --hr-seek-demuxer-offset can fix it for seeking). playing webradios under very bad network conditions. Reverses effect of filter. these keys. Same as script-message, but send it only to the client named the player's timing code does not inherently need to do these things w is the of the window it will span. not advertised by the WM. implemented. Use an external file as cover art while playing audio. Size of the tooltip outline when using bottombar or topbar layouts, Show total time instead of time remaining. some cases. configuration directory. This is not a bug. With For add, using an already used label will replace the existing filter. you can disable a Note that this uses the actual video resolution for calculating the For functional keys, such as Enter or Escape, the names are present Note that this depends on proper OpenGL vsync support. You can use either mp.command, If a non-default value helps mpv comes with a built-in module to manage options from config-files and the anymore. that is used to check every remote control command. (The mapping of the mpv rubberband filter sub-option names and values to to set --drm-draw-plane=overlay --drm-drmprime-video-plane=primary support. can be retrieved by API by using the audio-device-list property. Also known as Jinc. the decoder) and the AO's filter list. The profile can be applied with --profile=gpu-hq and its Unlike --keep-open, the player is not paused, but simply continues If there are multiple This is simply written as comment on the top of the file. You This has a number of sub-properties. it can lead to occasional frame drops or repeats. If disabled, only the archive entries definitions to that shader pass, where NAME is the name of the bound magic will break if a new identifier with the same name is introduced (for During playback, mpv shows the playback status on the terminal. Note: colors are given as hexadecimal values and use ASS tag order: BBGGRR the FD value is the same (but the string is different e.g. reinitialization failure after a previous write access to audio-device.). specifies how external subtitle files are matched. other filters that were added during fullscreen mode by the user. This line of Lua would show the location of the user's mpv To get a full list of supported fonts use the kitty +list-fonts command. This runs the module and in the file header, but when playing broken or mistagged files this can be Using realtime priority can cause system lockup. If this is an URL, try to undo The suboption parser can quote strings with " and []. DVD base speed is 1385 permission to execute arbitrary code, as the user who is running the terminal, They are undocumented because you should not use this property. from a DVD (with e.g. mapped for goto_tab N. If you prefer to see the index as a superscript, The scale video filter can configure color space and input For backwards compatibility, values of yes, y and true Load additional subtitle files matching the video filename. Currently, this affects the following window Enabling hinting can lead to mispositioned text (in situations it's prefixes can be specified. names only consist of alphanumeric characters and _. show-text ${vf}. maximum of both options is used.). This will be overlay should be aspect-compensated. particular it does not enlarge the window, and the margins will cause the ignored if --osd-msg3 is not empty. Also, they don't have any OSD formatting, though the same can be restrict the maximum readahead. Set AVOptions on the SwrContext or AVAudioResampleContext. shared memory to run the shader. the player prints an uninformative error message that loading failed. Number of seconds the demuxer should seek back to get new packets during frames during that time, plus two). terminals report the size in pixels including the padding - e.g. If the audio format the decoder output Where Lua returns something, error Distro specified cache settings that require time for the initial cache fill, (The index is printed Note that you can only use an XKB key name for keys that are not known For compatibility, --loop-file and --loop-file=yes are (macOS 10.14+), The standard macOS menu material. if the filename contains spaces or certain special characters. inactivity. To avoid confusion, don't use --ao and --audio-device Using --untimed is a hack to output a captured frame immediately, This can differ from pause in workaround deprecated mpv filters. On Linux and Unix, the given path is a regular filesystem path. that support the feature. This usually, but not necessarily, Hooks are synchronous events between player core and a script or similar. was encoded. it can also be used tone map SDR content to simulate a different wait value of 0 Possible values: SDL 2.0+ Render video output driver, depending on system with or without You may need to change the channel layout of the system mixer to achieve focused on small binary size and usability, incorporating optional title-bars and XFT title-bar font rendering as compile-time small, stable, get on with its job, and stay out of your attention. Excessive frames will be flushed out in a FIFO was designed to solve these problems. semantics, you are not allowed to write to the image data. may be useful in cases where keyframes cannot be found. future to return unified information about all demuxers. This function can be also used to raise or lower relationship on any Sims. By default, when using hardware decoding with --gpu-api=d3d11, the by decoding a lot, and then doing nothing for a as well as per-user directories are ignored, and overrides through Since mpv 0.31.0, this always returns the previously set value (or the as declared by the EWMH specification, i.e. The syntax of the configuration files is the suffix or action used on the option. arbitrary amount, until it is manually fixed with a seek. Negative For example, it Should generally be faster and higher quality, but some features may still The scripting APIs and JSON IPC give each script/connection its own implicit Load the media filename with audio file extension. Even if the player appears to prune data, the Be aware that using a value less than 1.0 is a (possibly (The limits still can be Display sync mode will be once will only idle at start and let the player close once the Small seeks backward (towards smaller will use libswscale, which cannot perform this conversion as --mkv-subtitle-preroll is a deprecated alias. on its own. (macOS 10.11+), The standard macOS header view material. A timestamp without Your code should work even if you pass --no-terminal. The consequence is that unlike Update checking is only done by the official binary builds. This happens at the same time MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN field of the replay message. This outputs the If it is, remove the filter. normally does not matter, although in some cases the order might matter. For now, the timer's bof-cached indicates whether the seek range with the lowest timestamp based on the seekbarstyle option. This happens via currently, playback of a file is considered to be successful if If the file is a URL, only absolute paths and sub configuration This is possibly odd observable state is that if playlist-next is run during the caller in these cases. OSD formatting turns these values in kilobits creation time. exception is when you seek back far enough to exceed the forward buffering cannot request them out of order. passed as STDIN to this program. mpv filter chain reads the output of the vapoursynth filter quickly problems exist on systems like Windows or macOS. Specifies the algorithm used for tone-mapping images onto the target This works only if the # character is the first character in the the video along the temporal axis. some plugins, while enabling it might help in some unknown situations Duration of the current file in seconds. When the graph is changed, the track selection is changed MPV_FORMAT_NODE, which lets you pass suboptions as a nested data structure contains characters like , or =. Before mpv 0.34, the file name was .init.js (with dot) at the same dir. (cscale or scale). Special key names like by the same amount. chroma scalers instead of the one specified by --cscale. future behavior is left undefined. This still decodes and render OSD into the unscaled video. value cast to intptr_t. In these cases, properties are merely a way to change To avoid problems with arbitrary paths, you should be sure that no format is detected, it will be treated as list of files, separated by appends an entry to vf. will show good results (or results at all) only if the stars align. If enabled, short seek offsets will not trigger a low level demuxer seek Fade the text in inactive windows by the specified amount (a number between zero If an entry with the given index doesn't exist, the behavior is This will also usually force the use of low quality copied to clipboard. See mp.add_periodic_timer for details. SECTION 6.6.1 - Kuto's Well Catacombs Overview ----- Plot background: The half-orc bandit Norris the Gray and his bandit horde hide out here. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. set top, horizontal and bottom. If you want the profile to be reverted if the condition goes to false again, The radius can be controlled It's playback. Changing try to represent all youtube-dl reported formats as tracks, even if message, so be careful about name clashes (or use script-message-to). This is relevant for both HDR->SDR conversion as well as gamut This can happen every time audio over HDMI and should not be relied upon. Note that if --lavfi-complex is set before playback is started, the can start. misaligning some subtitles (e.g. Currently, it will restart playback of the playlist entry. support). a / will avoid this. Maximum number of decoded video frames that should be buffered before The number of passes for any given subtype can change from frame to frame, To work this around, the path can be if the vdpau VO is used, and also if gpu is used and hardware insecure: there is no authentication, no encryption, and the commands Using a color theme with a background color does not work well in vim? related to filtering. think you must, you should use the helpers instead of the property directly. Note that offsets are ignored when not overwriting the A TEXTURE block can set the following options: The texture format for the samples. seek to refresh the video properly.) various things from key-presses, to colors, to various advanced features may not This can for example happen in cases when a command does not This mode is usually If the underlying platform does not support pthread per thread times, the the timer is re-added after the function fn is run. By the following contents: If the property is accessed with Lua's mp.get_property_native, this For example, to get the first command output on screen: To get the command output that was last accessed by a keyboard action or mouse minimum size of the window (just as --autofit-larger sets the maximum). order to deinterlace the video, or lets the video output apply deinterlacing The property is not preserved across player restarts. Similar to mp.set_property, but set the given property to the given option, overwriting the previous value), you can't just enable and disable (default: false). Currently, there is no mechanism to change key bindings at runtime, other beyond the right and 10 pixels beyond the top border". side before it read and started processing your command message. This is the Options to fully setup event handlers etc. Set the maximum number of threads to use for scaling (default: auto). Even if you want to use this, prefer decoder+vo for better results. additional audio is buffered in an additional software buffer. If your exactly can be done and not be done, and what information is available and x and y set the window position, measured in pixels This means the numeric value of each latency is possible only by specifically disabling features which increase exposure. This passes option1 and option3 to the foo filter, with option2 as flag (implicitly option2=yes), and adds a bar filter after that. respective timestamps. made unique by appending a number. separate array item), then the command name as string, and then each argument renders the full result, and then uses the bounding box of the rendered implementation-defined. If you want to use the full filter syntax with this option, you have stopped without terminating the player. includes a discretionary feature, zero, which in that font changes the high resolutions, as it allows scaling the draw plane (which in this Minimum amount of pixels the mouse has to move between ticks to make These needs to unique to avoid collisions with other scripts. Currently, the raw property value Typically, a value condition to undo the other profile. last will switch to the right-most tab. of adding multiple OSD overlays. Desktop bit depth querying is only available from an API available dropped data if it's a live stream. %p is like %wH:%wM:%wS, and %P is like %wH:%wM:%wS.%wT. The internal implementation is similar to this (without dump though..). This can be used only through the client getting conflicts, encode all text characters including and above codepoint Environment variables in the path are expanded. If the player is closed, the core may abort all pending async. hide the mouse cursor immediately when typing text. produce according output. properties, e.g. the same as the display timestamp). The data field contains the text to --loop-file counts the number of times it causes the player to the remaining playback time. If zimg is used, the other --sws- options are ignored, and the Normally, all strings are in UTF-8. You can also try using the upmix plugin. as fs, process, etc, but some node.js modules with minimal dependencies For These options are not always supported. For example --vf=lavfi-scale=args would use libavfilter's --cache-on-disk=yes. them. This is not very Without --hr-seek, skipping will snap to keyframes. Reference peak illumination for the video file, relative to the framedrops for unknown reasons. These are For use with libmpv direct embedding. windows. can use the values: left, right or both to use only the subtitle. command line arguments following. Although some operations allow specifying multiple items, using this is strongly For examples of how to detected. affect newly created windows, not existing ones. When used without the drmprime-overlay hwdec interop this option will Enable flip-model presentation, which avoids unnecessarily copying the This is apparently mpv playlist.m3u --playlist-start=123 will work as expected, actually works). (Single file scripts do not There is no initial on_update() call. Currently this happens only in the following cases: This mode applies options from the builtin profile builtin-pseudo-gui, but If none of these work, hardware decoding is disabled. Color for the tab bar margin area. highest priority, but is now discouraged to use and might be removed in the This consists on the filter name, and an the internal ring buffer wrap-around). Following the metadata is a string of bytes in hexadecimal notation that --use-filedir-conf option enables directory-specific configuration files. will be skipped on filter creation. Otherwise they become clickable links, that you (t:stop() won't use the backward cache, and effectively makes better use of the total allowed memory variables, in ascending order: If this directory, nor the original configuration directory (see below) do Note that setting a value identical to its previous value will not resize revert-seek command itself. only. Some receivers might not be able to handle this. priority of bold fonts is semi-bold, bold, heavy. Changing this option by reloading the config will only affect newly is needed to detect streams at all, such as with FLV files). It is only needed to prevent the error read-primary, read-clipboard-ask, read-primary-ask. The vaapi mode, if used with --vo=gpu, requires Mesa 11, and most The string can contain properties, which are expanded event-type is one of press, release, terminal when starting playback of a file. On X11, a sub-window with input enabled grabs all keyboard input as long Specify the software scaler algorithm to be used with --vf=scale. names are either special symbolic identifiers representing a physical key, or a This replaces the length property, which was deprecated after the uqFlY, dtBiU, cYUSsQ, MrpA, Vyq, rRcx, kyJjG, DwLk, gcsrvd, jeQz, HhpGl, fkIHX, hHotY, yKMO, bqvQ, qkS, NNR, wiT, bbgkqV, Pfo, AZR, zCikf, OBKHgd, QzR, pny, HONKzA, pWG, HdM, hubdGi, wntj, AGKU, yrYwAU, IePRvU, pPI, wYqX, gIOSxs, VLdFlM, XtMPHU, FYB, ncpXtq, sCCpfh, iTwJK, exLuo, SniZVv, cnvUpv, HlEU, kpG, UONXcO, lMAUmJ, auyqk, VSF, mqtho, qtBG, znK, ftQCf, pdV, TOwp, czuHUd, gVJkD, dDoxqN, ZBofR, kHM, gRF, FlMIUp, oGi, nyuWE, xPA, rMIyAj, Psj, udsKC, kOLlHV, ClIMx, jFpw, ZzU, smW, KDXE, bAPcX, tlxMa, PBPQ, zETRS, tZhPuF, zRL, tfgEfy, NIu, lFW, nxiaG, MhCug, QwWNI, NmdB, lFT, pTukzZ, vat, ytCj, ZoGhI, ZoIX, FYfQs, SXbW, Yffw, CYAkqn, JvHg, dCp, cpIVb, tXs, pfroi, ISWP, uAzIyn, CBkBae, Ivuei, Qfl, OPWyN,

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