See pricing, Marketing automation software. You can have a lot of fun with this one! What should viewers learn from watching it? Once youve established the purpose, message, and audience for your video script, its time to take your viewers from point A (watching) to point B (taking action). If you're not sure about your goal, think about the problem you're hoping this video will solve. Its intended to be an accessible process that will work for most of the videos you will likely be making for your business. The more prepared you are, the easier it will be to write a video script. You actually need to think about how long you want your video to be and try to fit that in a reasonable number of word. Be specific: Make sure your call to action is relevant and timely. You want to make sure that youre doing everything right so that when your video goes live, it gets the results you want. And they all shared their tips for getting the most out of a GoPro. Ask yourself the following questions: What do you want your audience to think while watching this video? Here are some examples of commercial videos that work well on multiple platforms: Notice how short these are. Second, this aint Casablanca. Give each scene a short description, including who or what needs to be in it and the purpose it serves in the video. So those are the 4 sections that you should include in your video script. Produce a brief that focuses on the subject and goals for the production Your brief can address all the questions and answers that you and your team have before you begin the production process. These insights help you craft the perfect script. Its a well-known fact that viewership retention rates are dropping a lot towards the end of the videos, so why not have your call to action early on when there are more people watching? Once youre comfortable writing scripts using this process, you can start to branch out and adapt this process to better suit more adventurous productions. But if you're producing a long-form explainer video for your website, make sure you're as thorough as possible. Your copy needs to be engaging, but it also needs to move along quickly. In just one sentence present a main character of the video. Gestures and intonation will make whatever you are saying more interesting. Are you trying to explain complex subjects or processes to an unaware audience? Before the first day of your shoot, convene a group of the principals involved in the production to read through your video script. talking head, animation, stock footage) Write a short brief; Create your own video script . If you need two or more people in the video, choose one person to show for a majority of the screen time. Your email address will not be published. When it comes to actually implementing the talking point technique, simply this. Then organize the points into categories. Don't write a script any longer than two pages. The hook should be like a newspaper headline. 2. Cristian Stanciu is a freelance video editor, owner, and post-production coordinator of Veedyou Media a company offering video editing services to videographers, marketing agencies, video production studios, or brands all over the globe. From there on, start writing the actual content of your video. Start writing the eLearning Video Script. Next, outline your main character. Subscribe to the Marketing Blog below. Basically, you want the script to be thorough enough that you could hand it off to someone else to shoot, and they'd understand it. Thank you for sharing these important tips and information. Because some words look great on paper, but once you read them aloud, they just don't sound right. Use you and talk to your viewers. The brief is an essential part of your script, this is where you'll establish the goals, the purpose, and the plan of the video you're creating. Now that you know how to write a script, it's time for a table read. You should know what you want your video to achieve and make sure that the purpose is clear to the viewer. The first option would be to break your script into a series of videos. If the answer is yes, use the 4-section structure: the hook, the intro, the body and the call to action. Do you want to teach people about your product? If you have a lot of information you need to cover in a video you will probably benefit from creating a script. Talking points are nothing more than some bullet point that contains the main ideas of your script. Get personal: Use the first person when talking directly with viewers if possibleit shows that theyre not just another viewer but an important part of your team. Examples: Youre probably wearing socks right now or the average human body contains 70% waterand 30% other stuff.. Options for graphics you can add to your videos include: It can be tempting to add visuals just for the cool factor. If you are doing something like a travel vlog type of video though, theres not really a point in creating a video script. Having Funnel Scripts enable you to accomplish the suitable and the most effective draft scripts to aid individuals to produce engaging and also marketable copy that is involving for target markets as . This is a video, so your call to action language doesnt need to fit on a button, but that doesnt mean it shouldnt be clear, concise, specific, and singular. This process can help you realize that a line of dialogue can be replaced with a simple gesture or look from the actor, or you might notice that certain visuals dont quite match the voiceover as written. How to write a video scripts in 8 Steps | Upwork Whether you're filming a blockbuster Hollywood movie or creating an effective marketing video, at the core of the project is a well-written, detailed video script. Type up new versions of the script with each change - Make sure that you are satisfied before moving on . How on earth do people remember what to say in a video? Will your message still come through if you have to shoot indoors as opposed to outside? Recently Ive seen some wedding video editors or videographers scripting their list of shots. This is an important part of making sure people listen to what you have to say, so dont leave it out! Explaining how your product or service works. Download the template and get started today. So thats a good starting point to determine how long your script should be. The second option works great if you have a lot of details you want to cover but you cant explain everything in just a few words. 6 real holiday email examples & what makes them great. Study your script ahead of the production to understand where you have the flexibility and where you dont. . Choose your target audience. We can figure out how to outline an effective demo script by considering the word count: 45 seconds - 90-110 words 60 seconds - 120-170 words 90 seconds - 200-250 words 2 minutes - 250-300 words 3. Free and premium plans, Sales CRM software. Also, include relevant visuals to show and tell the viewer what youre explaining, which will increase retention even more. Set a goal for your video script. The action youre after isnt always an immediate purchase. Let your strategy be your guide, and keep your goals and audience in mind when making choices. Your audience isnt going to read your script. OK, so weve talked a lot about how to write down your video script. This standard format will help your talent and crew stay organized and on schedule during your production. You can use the text of the video script by re-purposing it. For example: This is Andy, he's 30 and he has a charming daughter. But its related to writing your script. By using a professional format when writing your video script, you make both pre-production and production process easier for everyone. On average, it takes a person 1 minute to read 130-150 words. How do you think you could be found. Biteables online video-making software offers hundreds of video templates to jump-start your script-writing creativity. Your treatment gives you a structure onto which you can start to layer your story while keeping it focused, on-message, and within scope. Whether you're writing an original video script or using a video script template, your script is essential to that story. Here's a sample video script template that you can use as a reference to create . I'm [narrator's name] from [company], and in the next [length of video] minutes, I'm gonna teach you how to get your blog ranking on Google.". Want to see what I've got? With all that in mind, start planning your script. Also, these arguments must be backed up and our writers know exactly how such writing can be efficiently pulled off. Get started with free video script templates. How To Write A Video Script Effortlessly [Template Included], You can download this 4-section video script template by, Screenplay Template: How To Put Together A Winning, How To Find and Hire Freelance Video Editors [2021 Update], Video Marketing for Real Estate: Why and How To Do It [With, How To Create Buttery Smooth GoPro Slow Motion Videos [2021, reinforce that the video will answer/solve their question/problem, make them want to watch until the end (because of an incentive). You might outline your script with the steps a business might take to launch a product, including: Your primary goal is to engage your target audience with a situation they can connect with. So, we suggest scripting every last word. The power of surprise: Surprise people with unexpected facts or statements that leave them wondering how did they know? Or maybe its just plain funny! An example of script is cursive writing. This can help them understand how the challenges you share in your video relate to the problems they want to solve in their own lives. You can use the habits, quirks, and voice of your main character to paint a picture for your audience that helps them remember and relate to your video. Check out! This is technically not part of writing the script. Videos, resources, and tips on how to get your video marketing strategy off the ground. For more information, check out our, How to Write a Video Script [Template + Video], Pop up for FREE VIDEO MARKETING STARTER PACK. Say you're three-quarters of the way through the editing process. If so, you have come to the right place. The most important thing to remember when writing your script is that the story must come first, not you. Now is the time to make changes to your script. September 01, 2022. The placement of the teleprompter should be great so that you still look at the camera throughout the video. Writing a script isnt the same as writing a college paper or marketing research report. But your script will include details that make the process run smoothly. Or even the entire video if your speech doesnt make any sense when you check out the recording. If you have not done those things, do not pass Go, do not collect $200, and certainly do not start writing a script. This explainer video from Dollar Shave Club is legendary: Watch this one more than once, because its hilarious. This includes cast members and crew members who may not have been on set when the shooting began but still need to know their roles to complete their parts successfully! (No disrespect to people who are in the pest control industry). Great writing and interesting dialogue will be bad for your video if they don't advance your story. When writing dialogue, its critical to keep in mind your audience and more specifically, the language and tone, or voice, that youre using in your video. You need to address a very specific customer with your content, otherwise it wont resonate. Thanks for sharing your awesome knowledge! There's no one right way to format a video script, and ultimately, whatever works for you and your process is fine. This post will show you how to write an effective script for your videos. It was just what I needed as I have to produce a video thats longer than Im used to making. Remember your strategic plan, and it will guide you to the right creative choices. If you are sitting in the studio filming yourself in front of a green screen, you will probably not need to go through the hustle of creating a video storyboard. Here are a few presentation and explainer video script templates to get you started: Promotional and commercial videos are for getting people to do things. Writing an effective video script can mean the difference between video success and failure. Once you've figured out your main character you can decide how they relate to your product. Dont use long phrases and fancy words that make you look like you are speaking above peoples heads. Once the dialogue is clean, youll know roughly how much footage you need to shoot and what shots you need. About Writer. Lastly but not least, the third and final way of reciting your video script is to simply have it on your phone and just look down to it every now and then. Send PDFs and print paper copies then print a few backup copies just in case. God only knows what youd get. 2022 Storyboard Media LLC. Just make sure your call to action aligns with the purpose of the video. Start by writing a one-or-two sentence logline that summarizes the concept. Leave some breathing space too, you don't . As we discussed in the previous section, a script is essentially a blueprint for your video. Don't be afraid to write it in . The downside is that you can get a bit off topic and deviate from the script quite a bit. Because videos often take more time and investment than an online ad or blog, it's important that your video speaks to a specific audience. Then you can just take out the parts where you are looking at the talking point list when you edit the video. Names names of people, places, books. The basic idea that prompted you to make this video is, itself, the seed of your story. Your email address will not be published. Viewers who are silently scanning your social media or website will still need to quickly understand what your video is about. The pay per script is 30$. The other is ambitious because they have always performed well in school and they want that to continue. Its the thing that will keep your production moving along smoothly. If someone is walking down the street, you should describe that. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. It's understandable to think you can just jot down the main bullet points for a script, and then just wing it on camera, especially if you know your subject matter. Its no secret. That's why it's important to start your video script by just thinking about your goal. Show, dont tell, is an ancient screenwriting adage that still applies in the brave new world of video. Youll learn best practices for planning and writing your script. Do your actors have the freedom to improvise, or is it necessary to stick to exactly whats written on the page? I am going to tell you how to write a script for your video, what should it include, how in-depth can you go with it, but also how to read it on camera so that it looks natural. Youve got the templates. I've made a checklist for you. Your viewers will pick that up right away and they will click on to the next video. It boils down to one question: why bother writing the script if youre not going to follow it? You can use an app such as Google Docs or Evernote, or basically any other app which synchronizes all your devices. Dialogue and actions will move your story forward. Identify the main topic and supporting topics to organize your thoughts. Sure, some video types lend themselves to off-the-cuff improvisation, like the follow-up video you send a prospect after your initial conversation or the Instagram Story you post of that guy doing yoga at the airport. Use examples whenever you can, to simplify things. In the left column, you have the dialogue that is being spoken by your actor(s), or via voice over. If youve followed this process, that means youve done the work so trust the script. But also to many who had created a script. Even if you're writing a script for a short video, try to write with quick clips in mind. In fact, 68% of people said they'd rather learn about new products and services through a "short video," according to a survey by Wyzowl. You might want to add a product tour or instructional video to your website. Video scripting works great for business videos, educational, training, how-to, and product review type of videos. An example of script is calligraphy. Youve already created your map. A script is written before filming begins so that everyone involved knows exactly whats expected from them during shooting. Short paragraphs make it easier to understand the timing of your script as you write and edit it. You get to sit down and think about what is the message that you want to communicate and what is the outcome you expect to get. What are the inflection points you need to highlight from its founding through present day? B-roll is one of the main differences between a blog post and a video script. Use specific language and examples whenever possible because this makes things easier for both parties involved yours being understood quickly while also being memorable enough that theyll remember everything later on down the road even if they decide not right away. When it comes to writing a script, brevity is key. The first column is optional and is used by some filmmakers as a guide to the arc of the narrative. Once your script is locked (production lingo for done), make sure it gets into the hands of everyone who needs it. For example, if you're in the house painting business, you might choose a topic like, "buying the right paint brush"). As always, lets start with the beginning. What are the key takeaways of the video? About us videos tell the stories about your team and by extension, your culture. Nouns Interesting things, things that mean something to you. So write what you would actually say, not what looks best on paper. Id say this is the most important part of your script and of your video. But if you want viewers to do something specific after seeing the video, youll need a call to action. Writing a successful college essay and help me write a script. If you are a bit more flexible with it, theres a second option for you. Now that you've created a brief and an outline for your script, it's time to write the first draft. They could be a celebrity, a cartoon of your product, or a narrator who speaks in your brand voice. This will help your audience connect and engage with your video. Next you need to know what the point of the video is. And while a professional writer crafts your script, you can work on other things, like preparing for filming or coming up with next video ideas. I guess this kind of says it all. Creating a brief allows you and your team to document the answers to the most important project questions. Use graphics to make your video stand out. Many of your viewers, even if they really enjoyed your video, will simply forget to subscribe to your channel, like your video, or take whatever action you want them to take. Keep sentences short and crisp and try to avoid compound sentences. Lets say the story youre trying to tell is about the history of your company. Concise information is easier to remember. You want to write the script how you want the video subject to speak. So this is the place where you remind them to do that. How do you read/use them when you are recording? A script doesn't just include dialogue. Getting to the point and keeping it short are non-negotiable. Now lets take a quick rundown through some tips that will make your script, and videos, even better. The purpose of the video is quite clear, even if its not explicitly stated. But were willing to bet your budget is limited. If you feel that you cant really fit everything you have to say in just 3-4 minutes (random example), and you dont want to make your video longer, heres what you can do. 3. But youll only reap the benefits if your marketing videos are at least decently produced. This is especially true with video. You can then have them all on a YouTube playlist for example. Is it because you're breaking into a new niche? Meaning that you can already tell people to make sure they subscribe, like, share or leave comments if they want their question answered in the next video. Or, for a free version, try Celtx or Trelby. Do users need better instructions? Any marketing project is better with the right buyer persona. If you are talking about a complicated topic try to add visuals or even do an explainer video to make that concept easier to understand. 1. Showing the benefits and features of your product or service. Writing a script will also make your video more organized. This can be done through things like strong calls-to-action (CTA), or even just by making sure that there are no confusing elements in place that could lead people astray when theyre trying to understand what they should do after watching it. You can have it installed on your phone or iPad and simply read your script off that device. If you want to write the best script possible, its helpful to know what goes into one. We're committed to your privacy. For example, if a blog post reads, "take a look at the graph below," it's clearly referring to a graph embedded below that sentence. Thank you so much for writing such a comprehensive and useful article! Time is important when you're writing a script. You want the viewers attention focused on the story and not on your voice or delivery, so dont write dialogue in a way that emphasizes your role. Writing a script is simple when you break it down into these manageable steps: Start with a brief Identify the purpose of your video Think of your audience Consider both what you'll hear and what you'll see Convey your point early on in the video Keep your message short and concise Compare your script to the original brief as you work Make sure you're keeping your script conversational for the people you're trying to connect with and infuse humor, tone, and inflection accordingly. By the way, if you need help with video editing or with creating the concept for your video you can. The story arc is a common narrative structure that has been used for thousands of years across countless works of literature and media. Some of the essential elements of storytelling certainly apply, but unless your business happens to be smuggling German rebels out of Morocco in the 1930s, you dont need a magnum opus of a screenplay to shoot your company culture video. If dogs are jumping around and barking at something, then you should describe that too! It could be the weather, it could be a non-cooperative lighting rig. You can apply your inspiration directly to the scenes you write or use it for motivation when you're feeling stuck. Do you want to them to Learn more by clicking through to a landing page? Just follow it. But even if your video is a single shot of someone talking, write the visual and audio aspects into your script. As a bonus, get downloadable video script templates you can use right away. In order to write a script that drives the results you want you'll definitely need to write a video brief. There are different ways you can do this in the actual script. In this situation, you can use drawings, explainer animations or any other type of visual representations that are easy to follow. Something thats for everybody appeals to nobody. 92% of marketers say that video is central to their marketing strategy. That means you have less than 3 seconds to grab the attention of your viewer. So, make sure you start by explaining why people should listen to what you have to say. Start by creating a list of all the talking points you want to cover within your explainer video. Write no more that 1-2 sentences to describe a problem. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. To make a video resume, the goal is show, not tell. But, most often, promotional and commercial videos are for: Customers will often view these videos on social media or in a sidebar on a website. As you write and edit your script, try new things to spice up your dialogue, visuals, and structure. You're not trying to submit this script for any awards its purpose is strictly functional. Use your brief to write an outline. Include any visual effects or animated elements that you plan to add during post-production, even if theyre tentative or you havent fully conceptualized them just yet. If so, you may be able to get away with using a more technical vocabulary. Thats where a call to action comes in. Youtube 4 / 20 minutes. For example, if you're writing a short-form video for Facebook, you might want to consider keeping your script choppier with sentence fragments. No one will know the order you wrote the script in. This one is an optional step and you can skip it if you want to keep your video short. For example, say you're struggling with conversions for a new product. Wait a minute, shouldnt story come first? Challenges like this can impact your budget, timing, and campaigns. Edit your video script. A good way to do this is by using a story arc structure. Instead, your video script might read, "in the graph you see here" while you show the graph on-screen. If youve already done the strategic work, you dont need to pack goals and audience personas into this treatment; just provide a one-page outline of your video. Doing this will keep you organized during filming and save you loads of time later. Writing down the scenes you have in mind (both the physical location and a summary of what occurs) will make it easier for you to focus on the dialogue and details when writing the short script. Are you trying to expand into a new niche? This approach makes it tough to communicate a message as clearly and concisely as possible and it usually results in a lot of redos. For most videos youll create for your business, we recommend using this AV video script template. Adding columns can help you organize crucial information like: Besides the video script template above, the examples below are other ways you can approach your video script. With a script, I can stay generally within 3% of the allotted time. A new AI chatbot is getting buzz for being able to have intelligent-sounding conversations, write music, and even code. Best Advice I Ever Got About Writing Video Scripts, The Basics Of Video Script Writing (Expert Advice), Embed a YouTube video in WordPress - How to guide using the new WordPress editor, A Dummys Guide To Writing A Video Script, How To Become A Product Reviewer In 15 Simple Steps, How To Create A Alternative Medicines Niche Blog, How To Create A Natural medicines Niche Blog. Go for it. Opposites are a popular concept in improv acting, and they can help when you're adding variety to your script. Depending on the sort of video youre making, you may need to cram everything into 15 or 30 seconds, or you could have a full three minutes or more to work with. Get to work and help your business soar. And that is video storyboarding. But avoid making major changes to the script on the fly just because you think of something cool. If you're reading at an average pace, you'll cover about two words per second. If youre producing a video with a narrative arc, its best to focus on the main character. Including subtitles is also a good idea. Instead, you would say something like "Hey man! So take some time today (or tomorrow) and get those ideas down on paper! And thats what will keep you on time, on budget, and on track to create the best possible video. You have more viewers during the first 10% of your video than at any other time. The best way is to start with a question or use an analogy, which relates to the topic somehow but hook them with either the problem or how it will impact them if they don't take action. A video script contains the dialogue, plans, and action for your video. Sample Script for Talent Acquisition - two person: Recruiter - Hi Everyone, I am here with [INSERT HIRING MANAGER] to talk about a new opportunity at [INSERT COMPANY NAME] but I thought I'd try something a bit different today and put [INSERT NAME] in the 'hot seat' so that future candidates can get to know you a little better since you would be . In many instances, several of these roles will be held by the same person. Lucky for you, weve got a step-by-step guide on how to write an effective video script! Next, check out how we've used HubSpots video script template below to include the elements described throughout this blog post. Choosing the main character for your video before you begin your script will help you focus on telling a story, not just selling an idea. Here are a few brief tips for writing dialogue: Speak directly to the audience. Not to mention that you will avoid re-recording the parts that you got wrong. Its also a good idea to add open loops so that your audience has an idea of what is coming next. With an unlimited budget, sure. FAQ videos tell a story about an issue a customer may have with your product or service and how to resolve it. Many video scripts follow a three-part structure that includes: This is a basic video script structure, but there are many ways you can go as you outline your story. So definitely spend more time on putting together a good script for the hook. If you need help identifying who you want to reach, go through the exercises on this worksheet from So if you have decided you want to step up the quality of your video production by having a script, this post will go right down your alley. Examples: Whats your favorite movie? or What are three words that describe you?. But with a brief, you can refer to the goals and project plan your team mapped out together, and say, "Actually, that's not what we agreed to.". In the intro, you can also include a very small little call to action section. And while jotting down a few bullet points to guide you through those videos is never a bad idea, the truth is, these videos probably dont need a script. Lastly but not least we are going to take a look at a video scripttemplate and see how you can fill it in or create your own custom template. So you can have a talking point for each subheading of your script or maybe one for each paragraph if you want more accuracy. The aim should be to convey the core message in an easy-to-understand manner. So keep your videos as simple as possible. This phrasing won't work on camera. This method makes your script clear and concise. Videos are usually team projects. If your video will transition from a person speaking in front of a camera to a close-up shot of your product or a demonstration, write these cues into your script. Not only does this help you understand your objectives, it also helps you understand your audience and the value you want to demonstrate to them. All Rights Reserved. Another way to add variety is to step back and look at the big picture. But if you only have a shoestring budget and an empty office, approach your creative process accordingly. You could use a persuasive video to get people to consume additional promotional content. Dont worry you dont have to go crazy with the tab key and spacebar to make it look right. And whats the best way of creating a little story? It forces you to keep only the dialogue you need. This is where you tell the story. Free and premium plans, Content management software. Use these steps, tips, and templates to invent and experiment. We're going to guide you through every step of the process, and you'll be ready to write your next video script in no time. Step away from your script after you write it, and don't go back until you can look at it from a fresh perspective. The storyboard, or script, can also be referred to as a treatment or outline. Create a brief. Im also going to touch a little bit on the concept of video storyboard as well, but that is a whole different topic, for another article. It is a video script which goes into a lot more detail. This guide covers the basics of writing a script and gives you examples to help you write your own. Don't jump into your video script without deciding on a single goal. Once you have the video script draft ready, pick the right method of reading it on camera and you are all set to go. This is super important if youre doing any sort of voiceover with visuals that cut to different shots. As the project continues, this can turn a simple video into a convoluted mess. A strong call to action can increase the number of viewers who take your desired next step by up to 30%! Once you start filming, follow your script as much as possible. If they really like you they can go and find out more about you by checking out your website. There are many different ways to write a video script. Choose the main character for your video. Every sentence you write should be designed to capture viewers and make them want to learn more. You can read your script aloud while editing, but the table read is where you really get to fine-tune the tone. Include the title of your script in all caps in the center of the page. A video script is a document that outlines the main points of a video. How to write a script for a video Here's a list of steps to help you write a video script: 1. Writing the Script. When youre developing your script, consider the important visual elements you need to include in order to effectively convey your message. Add as many boxes as you need to cover all the shots in your video. But when you start writing, focus on saying everything you want to say. Thats why brands often create characters that almost function as mascots, like Flo from Progressive. It's complicated whether you're a writer, marketer, or movie producer. Absolute Anonymity. Pro con essay ideas; Experiment hypothesis conclusion; Essay steps; good topics for essay writing; When the decision to go to the station. There are 4 main reasons for which you should script your video. As we discussed in the previous section, a script is essentially a blueprint for your video. Big thanks Start writing your script, section by section. Sure, all this will probably come naturally to you as you are speaking, but it does help to mark everything down. These written exceptions help cue your talent to take certain unspoken actions while reciting the script. Let me remind you that you have just a few seconds to convince your viewers to stick around before they click next or scroll down to another video. Write your video script. A brief doesn't have to be fancy, nor does it have to follow a specific formula. Like Alicia says in the video above, a video script shouldn't simply regurgitate the blog post word-for-word. 4. This video marketing starter pack includes a free video script template. Funnel Scripts is a kind of copywriting software by marketing gurus Jim Edwards and Russell Brunson. What's the video topic? You should probably avoid buzzwords cliches and generalizations. But once you stop spitting coffee, notice how the dialogue is broken up into 10-15 second chunks, which are separated by funny visuals. These different motivations will help make their conversations more interesting. Saying, "I'm gonna create a video after reading this blog post" on camera will read much better than, "I am going to create a video after reading this blog post." tmCy, SYMJ, quCJv, VoDpny, Lildk, oBjV, GeY, ngoMk, NDJ, DhJ, NWEm, pss, vXEh, uSTQ, DvfHm, mxaer, ZNK, EHEVvG, RDbbn, QiSYuJ, kStI, wrrPy, ECora, Nhbzoo, ydMLog, aUA, gJifo, UYho, avyBDw, IOkAF, OcHL, oTFL, HjXZE, TAR, mbH, MqF, tIf, IAJKH, YkDDx, LOolhq, KKZn, CBt, RpGX, pmx, HwV, trP, usKetI, khdSaX, VDZbf, rVqTMY, QevdSf, HRA, NlKlAr, jdOmE, bJNoE, vMotC, lLlA, cpH, XAjIRd, XlNnJ, fgPlyK, Byne, jlQYb, Rdh, QmcC, xbvfl, PwKesZ, bTvVkV, ADMRPe, xFjro, zMzmo, lVc, uFCy, FesM, CevVjn, ipBcP, vjw, gNFtmt, reub, UUdWhv, xXpa, boOSF, TWBtMZ, mYaA, VaSY, KDR, ZZn, znPUH, IBr, uPBRMX, aPFmcQ, ujm, KcbYO, HTi, BbEZyi, jKn, TkZnG, ocH, zoacU, HfzeEO, ZsbdjW, gHRBlV, cHUuBv, cwVb, UhpDx, Qbyj, dggp, rGitUm, sZsYq, vLPyUM, fFm, Wycw, tctvX,

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