hahaha LOL. Therefore the final decision is yours. Except for their wives or (the enslaved people) that their right hand possess, for then, they are free from blame, But whoever seeks beyond that, those are the transgressors. It is forbidden/haram for a man to take/make the look of women.. and However, there is no such law in the Quran However, whether music is allowed under Islamic law is historically disputed. So, here is some restriction for Muslim husband and wives while having the Marital relation. At first, you couldnt stop it, but you could prevent it from doing it more often. Allow me to explain: I live in the UK, and in the late 1950s there was a large influx of black people from the West Indies. Allah loves his creation to groom themselves and make an effort to look beautiful, but Allah does not want us to change what He has given us. In many parts of the Muslim world devotional/religious music and secular music is well developed and popular. but I own this $600 gold chain and I really love it but I recently found out it is haram to wear gold as a man. There are many others which are not mentioned above. What is it called when you cant pronounce l? (source). Still, if they are womens watches, then it is permissible to repair them (Source). Haram - forbidden, unlawful. Download this app using link below, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sweet.heart.islambasic&hl=en, It is forbidden/haram for a man to take/make the look of women.. and vice versa. It is good practice (where possible) to quote your sources; Qur'an, ahadith and so on; so that others can read and learn. Forcing your spouse is one of the biggest sins you will ever commit. A person who cheats often display constant lying which can be observed through their behaviours. And do you know the side effects of masturbation? However, I have a question with regards to this: Firstly, I remember somewhere in the Quran that it says Acts which are forbidden in Islam are not to be done no matter how good your intention is or what is your purpose. For example adultery, murder or money obtained through cheating or stealing. Analysis of the Quran, Hadith, and Islam in General, By the inch, it is a cinch, and by the yard, it is hard, , O children of Adam, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. However, if the gold watch is for men, then it is prohibited to do so. Halal is a Qur'anic term that means permitted, allowed, lawful, or legal. A Complete Islamic Guide. Dr Zakir Naik said masturbation in MAKRUH because theres no evidence. The cons are addiction which makes you care less about other essential things & getting into porn & Zina(adultery), which is haram. Since you were born, angels record everything you do. Many doctors also say it is harmless, but it is based on inconclusive medical research only. Men who wear gold should immediately stop wearing it, do repentance and ask Allah for forgiveness. And non Muslims call it controlling when you set boundaries on this issue. They explained that removing certain hair, e.g. Gold for Men in Islam. Masturbation also affects your sex life; if your partner is not like you thought during masturbation, it will be a horrible situation. So masturbation is a Makruh act, according to scholars like Dr Zakir Naik & some others. Colloquially, the word haram takes on different meanings and operates more closely as a dichotomy with halal, which denotes the permissible. Its forbidden in Islam. However, there is nothing in the Quran that requires circumcision. Nevertheless, getting a golden tooth is permissible in Islam even for men on the condition that the decision comes from the obligation and not from the desire to boast. Its about the script and what is Halal/Haram. Praise be to Allah. Masturbation. Your mind mostly constantly scans girls from heels to head. I do not know if it is correct or not but I think it is related with its view/image society/world where you live. Slaughtering Animals without saying Allahs name. Youll regret it if you dont stop. Then he said, These two are forbidden for the males of my Ummah.. Many get addicted, doing it too much, which can be disastrous for future health and sex life. It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Muminin, Abu Hafs Umar bin al-Khattab (ra) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah () say: Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Is it forbidden (haram) for muslim men to wear gold and silk? What Allah has bestowed on His Messenger (and taken away) from the people of the townships,- belongs to Allah,- to His Messenger and to kindred and orphans, the needy and the wayfarer; In order that it may not (merely) make a circuit between the wealthy among you. The term haram is an Arabic word that means forbidden, and its used to describe things that are not allowed in Islam. It is permissible in Islam to repair gold watches for women. I don't miss them either!. You will see the increased frequency in your nightfall. 71 Windsor St, Salisbury, SP2 7EA, UK, 4 Things Muslim Husband And Wife Should Never Do, This Is What Happens Few Seconds Before Your Death, 14 Years Old Muslim Girl Badly Beaten By Girls In Her School In America, Morocco Become The First Ever Muslim African Country To Make It To The Semi-Finals, Mike Tyson and DJ Khaled Performed Umrah in Makkah, Sheikh Yasser Al-Dosari Appointed As Khateeb of Masjid Al Haram, Umrah Fingerprint Registration Mandatory For UK, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Kuwait, Iran, Google Ranks Prophet Muhammad as The Best Man In The World, Benefits of Salatul Istikhara And This Is Why You Should Pray It, Preparing For The Final Questions Being Asked In Your Grave, Descendants of Owais Qarni RA After Still Looking After The Cloak of Prophet Muhammad. In short, as long as there is no killing, murder, nudity or adult themes, then it would not be haram in itself. Debunk All Questions, Is Gaming Haram in Islam? Salaam. Is Masturbation Haram or Halal View on Dr Zakir Naik. As clearly stated in the Quran verse 5:87, you are not allowed to say something is forbidden if God has made it lawful (or hasnt made it forbidden Himself). It is disliked by the scholars because it is the practice of the disbelievers. Many Muslims believe that Muslim men are not allowed to wear gold and silk. Mostly everyone thinks that it is good for health. 6 days ago. Allah said in the Quran (interpretation of verse) that: Help you one another in AlBirr and AtTaqwa (virtue, righteousness, and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. Committing murder (taking away someone's life); Consuming the property of an orphan placed in one's care. is not. al-haram-al-Datihi : Prohibited because of its essence and harm it causes to an individual, Adultery(adultery is the extra marital sex), murder, theft. And there is now here in the Quran that it is haram. It is discouraged to make anything haram. The net result of your good deeds and bad deeds includes how much Allah has forgiven and how much sinning is included. Like other addictions that make a person feel good only for that long time and for a short temporary period, that proves disastrous in the long term. Through this article, you will get an answer to your query regarding masturbation. The hadiths which forbid wearing plain red. If you avoid the major (part) of what you have been forbidden (to do), We will cancel out for you your (other) evil deeds and will admit you (to Paradise) with a noble entry. (Quran, 4:31). The largest place to learn and discuss about the teachings of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the Salat, Quran, Ramadan, Hajj and various Islamic lifestyle issues. However, when paying back the loan, you should pay back the gold with gold and not money. This view is one of two views of imam Ahmad and that of ibn Hazm who presented in his al-Muhalla this view as the view held by the salaf and that any other view has been formed later. However, its permissible for women to wear any color or type of gold except for necklaces and other gold items that contain haram references like a crucifix, a cross, or any item that makes women resemble non-believers. And regarding a wife, everything is ok except for two things: during period and anus intercourse (anal sex). As you know, the Sharia is based upon the Quran; upon authenticated ahadith; and upon the majority consensus of our Islamic Scholars. Your mind will become dirty. By the way, even if what you say is true (and I accept that it might be) it would not invalidate any ruling that such practices are unlawful for Muslims. According to scholars, gold is haram for men because its an item that belongs to women. Silk and Gold are Haram on Men. Hence, Islam does NOT consider it Haram.What is Haram in Islam is sexual intercourse without marriage, Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It also affects your sex. That being said weve done our research about gold, and well explore in this article, whether gold is permissible or prohibited in Islam, and when you can and cant wear gold. complete answer on noblemarriage.com. r/islam is the place to discuss any topics related to Islam & Muslims. Is it Permissible To Repair Gold Watches? Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for them, they are free from blame. Everyone says drugs are harmful, but none understands that masturbation is also a drug, making you uncomfortable if you dont do it after a required time. (5:48), http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0117.htm#13, http://bible.oremus.org/?passage=Luke+2:21%E2%80%932:21&version=nrsv, this belief originates from the hadith which is not Gods law, God forbids judging by anything other than the Quran (6:114, 45:6, 68:3638), God forbids inventing false laws in the name of God (5:87, 16:116), Whoever judges by other than the Quran is a disbeliever (kafir) (5:44). Determining what is halal and haram is one matter that, prior to the advent of Islam, over which the peoples of the world were very far astray and utterly confused. That said, gold is haram for men. With mircoblading and plucking eyebrows, we change our We are a group of muslims who are learning and trying to get information from the most trusted sources, or sources we deem most relevant depending on the topic, on what is halal or not. It is a known fact that Islam praises beauty, and gold is one of the most important items when it comes to that. Is it Haram to Masturbate without Ejaculating? So you are in the right place. According to Dr Zakir Naik would say that masturbation is MAKRUH. 2022 Lesson Islam - Explore Islamic Knowledge, Is Masturbation Haram in Islam? Many people use copy-paste-knowledge of others just say that it is harmless. As far as I am aware the Sharia takes no account of Native American practices; or the (alleged) practices of the first men. Several books on it prove that Masturbation is bad, specifically for long-term health. He says that the Verse is very clear-cut that sex you can have with your spouses and what your right hand possesses and everything else is prohibited. It is most common in men and women. Dr Zakir Naik said masturbation in MAKRUH because theres no evidence. Both are big sins. From enjoying the traditional sweets to cleaning the house, Eid has its very own traditions. There really isnt much else to say about this besides the fact that there just is simply no commandment in the Quran that boys / men must be circumcised. Why youre stopping ejaculation? Ill-gotten wealth obtained through sin. This changed only when the law was changed. link to Is Microblading & Plucking Eyebrows Haram. What is the origin of familiarity breeds contempt? We have certainly created man in the best of moulds; (95:4), It is Allah who made for you the earth a place of settlement and the sky a ceiling and formed you and perfected your forms and provided you with good things. However, scholars have said that it is better for men to not wear items that look like gold in color to avoid that other people think wrong of you. No one can decide that earrings were meant for women alone so that nullifys the Hadith you used correct? Masturbating is Haram in every condition. Animals that are not slaughtered in the name of Allah. Assalam alekum, my brothers and sisters, welcome to our blog today if you find Is Masturbation Haram in Islam? But the clothing of righteousness that is best. If you are into masturbation, its okay, but you have to try to get rid of it by focusing on your life goals & making dua to Allah SWT. (source). We have also mentioned those Quran verses in this article. Circumcision is almose mentioned in the Christian Bible in Luke 2:21 which states that Jesus was circumcised 8 days after birth. (4:119). That said, gold is haram for men. So he who guards against doubtful things keeps his religion and honor blameless, and he who indulges in doubtful things indulges in fact in unlawful things, just as a shepherd who pastures his animals round a preserve will soon pasture them in it. Is Masturbating without Porn Haram in Islam? So, they should avoid intimacy in those periods. Do you have a source to confirm that??!! (source). for example some will say that shaving beard is considered imitating women because before all the men were with beard and it will be very strange if someone was shaving.. but in the mean time it is becoming normal. Remember, As Rasulullah saw said, Innamal amalu bin niyat. Meaning , The deeds depend on the intention.. Eid is a joyous occasion for Muslims all around the world. However. Earrings and bracelets are forms of adornment for women. But because people feel enjoyment, they feel whats wrong with it. To be more specific, In Islam, there are many things that are permissible for women, but for men are instead forbidden, one of these things is piercings. It is prohibited in Islam to wear gold if youre a man. He who is born in your house, and he who is bought with your money, must be circumcised; and My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. Had God willed, He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He intended] to test you in what He has given you; so race to [all that is] good. What happens if a Catholic does not go to church? Asalaamu alaykum. As we all know, it is said in a hadith that men cannot wear gold. Continuing on what inclined2truth said, then not only would this be imitating woman its also imitating disbelievers and evildoers. Some think that it is OK if men dance in front of women. You should be ethical and be using that kind of vulgar words is forbidden in Islam. May Allah give us the strength to stay away from these Haram actions! After the birth of the child when women suffer the same cycle for the month then intimacy is also Haram. Every Muslim has different views about these items and whether or not theyre okay to do. Our goal is to best serve our community. What does holly Quran say about masturbation, and how can we avoid it? Are Gold-Plated Accessories (like a watch or chain) Haram? You will often hear the term haram being used by Muslims which is a reference to anything prohibited or forbidden in Islam. It is prohibited all the time, according to the Maliki madhhab. Now, when the trend Something cannot be declared prohibited if there is no clear proof in the Quran and in the Books of Sunnah. In addition, we have evidence from verse 5:48 that God gave the People of the Book each their own laws (Shaaria) and an open way. that is Masturbation Haram in Islam. It would not be a defence to say that since racial discrimination preceded the Race Discrimination Act (now the Equality Act 2010) the law is null and void. The Large majority of scholars say Is Masturbation Haram in Islam, and there is a large number who also say that it is (Makruh), which meansa disliked or offensive act (literally detestable or abominable). We are Muslim and we should know that Islam doesnt allow us to use any tool. How long does it take to forget something? As such, Muslims are not expected to follow the laws and ways of the Jews and Christians. But better dont do it. No, masturbation is not allowed in Islam; one can have sex with their partner (husband or wife), no prohibition on having sex with a partner, but masturbation is not Leaving off the five daily prayers (Salah). This means that the games could be sold and bought, and that one would not be obliged to command others, including ones children, to stop playing the. Therefore, if God made humans in a perfect form and never commanded that we be circumcised, why do it? Numan b. Bashir (Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) as having said this (and Numan) pointed towards his ears with his fingers): What is lawful is evident and what is unlawful is evident, and in between them are the things doubtful which many people do not know. Playing music and listening to it is also unlawful (Haram) if it is done in a lahwi, enrapturing manner. Working in voice acting is generally permissible for both men and women. Haram means that avoiding things that are not allowed in hadith and Quran. Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed men who make themselves look like women and women who make themselves look like men. , ; , . 2. al-haram-al-gayrihi : Prohibited because of external reasons that are not fundamentally harmful but are associated to something that is prohibited. link to Are Eid Trees or Ramadan Trees Haram? Required fields are marked *. It also affects your sex. Knowing what Masturbation is is good, but doing it is bad. (in history) men were the first to wear earrings . If you do decide to continue believing that wearing gold and silk is forbidden by men, then according to verse 5:44, you disbelieve in the Quran and are consequently a disbeliever (kafir). The 'awrah of men is only the privat parts (buttocks and the private parts in the front) which means that the tighs are not part of the 'awrah. In Islam, the act of cheating is known as al khianah az zaujiyyah, which means a The welfare of the people is embedded in everything declared haram. Halal sex with your husband is forbidden in Islam. It is considered haram according to the Sunni Imam Malik ibn Anas. In Arabic-speaking countries, saying Your email address will not be published. Its forbidden in Islam. complete answer on learningenglish.voanews.com, View When is gold prohibited For Muslims?2. However, its permissible for women to wear any color or type of gold except for necklaces and other gold items that contain haram references like a crucifix, a cross, or any item that makes women resemble non-believers. Alhamdulillah brother I am happy on your choice. Lastly, the major issue is using different tools for intimacy. The elegance and beauty of men and women are valued in Islam. Thats the most common habit among most people, especially teenagers. Youll be less productive. Masturbation is a Makruh act, according to scholars like Dr Zakir Naik & some others. Is it haram for a boy/man to wear earrings/get ears pierced. In Islam, some scholars say that masturbation is haram & some say its Makruh (not recommended) based on an Al Quran verse which says, you have to protect your private parts. Lets take the pros & cons of masturbation. Marriage is a very beautiful and pure relationship between a girl and a boy. Is there any way around this? Imam Shafi, may Allah mercy on him he said it is haram, and he quotes the Verse of Quran from surah Al-muminun Verse 5,6 and seven, Verse number five says those who guard who their private parts or those who abstain from sex, Verse number six says accept those who they have married that is their spouses that is their wives and those which their right hand possesses for them there is an exception and Verse number seven says that all who cross these limits they are transgressors. Is it Permissible To Repair Gold Watches? It is Men are allowed to wear gold and silk. The Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP) said: No man is alone with a woman except that Satan is the third one present [2]; (Haram) singing in Islam, they use the term ghina. For more information please consult a Scholar. Answer (1 of 6): The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad created rules for women based on his own insecurities and misogynist attitude towards women. Is White Gold Haram For Men?3. plucking eyebrows, is explicitly forbidden but shaving your legs, arms, chest, etc. Content writer, book worm, swimmer and i raise my mug of hot cocoa to all of you. Is it Haram to Kiss, Have Sex, Love Before Marriage. Is Masturbation Healthy for Men and Female? Can I Masturbate at late Night in Ramadan? I want to convert to Islam, but I own this $600 gold chain and I really love it but I recently found out it is haram to wear gold as a man. Ask forgiveness from Allah and leave all your bad habits during this month and continue throughout the year. If the meat is haraam, such as pork, or it is permissible, such as beef, but the animal was not slaughtered by a Muslim or However, women are allowed to wear gold in Islam. So weigh out the options do research. So, psychologically you are sick; you can not control your mind anymore. Please forgive yourself and stop both these habits. To each of you We prescribed a law and an open way. The problem with Masturbation is that it doesnt show any immediate negative consequences on the body, so it is difficult to understand. This is simply good scholarship. Perhaps for fair-minded and objective readers this summary will make it clear that the view that music is permissible has no firm basis. What You Need To Know. on medcraveonline.com, View 337. r/islam. In fact, women can wear gold of all shapes and colors, except for gold items that imitate non-believers like a cross, crucifix, or other items that are for nonbelievers. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Thus, they permitted many impure and harmful things and forbade many things that were good Whatever it is, the result is whenever you see or think about that person, only you will think about what you thought about her. And itll disturb your peace of mind. Why do these nasty things? Will decide whether you go to heaven or hell. Over the last few years, you may have seen an Is Microblading & Plucking Eyebrows Haram. In history men were the first to we're earrings do technically is it not allowed for a man to wear earrings, like necklaces? This is because the prophet peace be upon him said that gold is haram, and the hukm applies to anything that is made in gold, whether it is pure gold, or plated in it. Too frequent masturbation can cause premature ejaculations, erectile dysfunction etc. It doesnt matter if the color of the gold or gold item isnt yellowish, since the ruling applies to gold in all shapes and colors. (Source). Thirdly, you should not be filthy, Yes, he or she is now your spouse but it doesnt mean that you use the vulgar language and do bad acts. Ask forgiveness from Allah and leave all your bad habits during this month and continue throughout the year. For men, whenever there is the discharge of semen by whatever means, it fardh to make ghusl. Hadith means the sayings of the Holy prophet (PBUH) of Muslims. For women, after intercourse and after periods, its far to have ghusl. (5:44 part), , , , He created the heavens and earth in truth and formed you and perfected your forms; and to Him is the [final] destination. Islam has declared various things as haram for the welfare of people and society. Complete Guide. So my question is, if it were proven that men wore earrings before women, then it not unlawful for men to wear earrings correct? According to Muslim scholars, wearing white gold is haram because the same hukm (ruling) of yellow gold applies to other colors of gold items. Examples include money earned through cheating, stealing, corruption, murder, and Interest, or any means that involve harm to another human being. According to imam Shafi, may Allah mercy on him he said it is haram, and he quotes the Verse of Quran from surah Al-muminun Verse 5,6 and seven, Verse number five says those who guard who their private parts or those who abstain from sex, Verse number six says accept those who they have married that is their spouses that is their wives and those which their right hand possesses for them there is an exception and Verse number seven says that all who cross these limits they are transgressors. In one of His hadith Holy Prophet (SAW) said: Fornication and adultery are considered major sins, Wrongly consuming the property of an orphan, Giving and accepting bribes is also Haram. The ruling applies to all items that are made in gold, or even plated in gold. There is a weakness in your argument. The largest place to learn and discuss about the teachings of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the Salat, Quran, Ramadan, Hajj and various Islamic lifestyle issues. Oral sex should not replace normal sexual intercourse and should only be a form of foreplay if practiced. Many Muslims believe that Muslim men are not allowed to wear gold and silk. Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah () cursed those men who are effeminate and women who imitate men. They are Non-Muslim they can use. Though there are certain verses that might be referring to it, the word masturbation is never used in the Quran. For instance, there is white gold and pale gold among others. Can Men Wear Non-Gold Items That Look Like Gold?6. It is permissible in Islam to take a loan in gold. Imagine now, today, that I am a landlord, and I place on my property the sign: No blacks accepted. I would be prosecuted for racial discrimination. In this verse, it is clearly mentioned that if we avoid Haram things and acts, Allah S.W.T will admit us into the Paradise. Now, when the trend of watching pornography is increasing so the young generation misleadsthe concept of Halal and Haram. Love podcasts or audiobooks? The religious term haram, based on the Quran, is applied to: Haraam refers to anything that is prohibited in the Qur'ran or would result in sin when committed by a Muslim. Views of legal scholars range from music being strictly forbidden, to generally forbidden but with varying restrictions such as singing is allowed, or some instruments such as drums are allowed, or At the same time, it has strictly Haram animals, such as mice, scorpions, and snakes, are forbidden. The timing will be 12 min or less than that if you dont stop. Scholars explain that shaving the hair on your legs is not forbidden, and therefore it is allowed for women (source). Islamic ways of making Love to your Husband. Ameen. We do understand that people follow a specific mathab (sect) where specific foods or acts can become controversial. I never wear jeans. And fear Allah. As we all know, it is said in a hadith that men cannot wear gold. In short, sex with yourself. This is why opposite sex friends are Haram in Islam. For boys and men of all ages, it is Haram to get any type of piercing unless it is somehow for a medical reason. Muslim husband and wife should never do these four things mentioned, please read carefully and spread it to the married couples in your vicinity. If a Muslim person needs money, and he wants to get a loan from another person, he is permitted to take the loan and leave gold to the other person, until he gives him back his money. So, here is some restriction for Muslim husband and wives while having the Marital relation. Many of these people owned no property in the UK and relied on rented accommodation. (5:87 part), , And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed then it is those who are the disbelievers. What is important (again for me) is the need to provide references to support ones point of view; especially when one is attempting to convey to another the teachings and practices of Islam. In some (precisely 2 of the Sunni schools), it is impermissible, but not Haram. Many doctors also say it is harmless, but it is based on inconclusive medical research only. You requested strong evidence from the Quran or sahih hadith, and there is no evidence whatsoever. And fear Allah; for Allah is strict in Punishment.. With the emergence of these new gold colors, there have been questions from Muslims who want to know whether its permissible for them to wear white gold or not. The feeling of guilt after masturbating will be wired in your brain. In Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says: Making tattoos are strictly prohibited in Islam, Suicide is also forbidden and is considered Haram in Islam. Masturbation is a common activity involving touching the genitals or other sensitive areas of the body for sexual arousal or pleasure. 337. r/islam. Are Doritos Halal in Islam? From al-Bara ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him): The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade us to use soft red Cleanse Yourself Before & After Making Love. (2:21), , And We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming that which preceded it of the Scripture and as a criterion over it. complete answer If you are into masturbation, its okay, but you have to try to get rid of it by focusing on your life goals & making dua to Allah SWT. Even the majority of scholars say haram, and there is a large number who also say that it is (Makruh), which meansa disliked or offensive act (literally detestable or abominable). A Complete Islamic Guide, Are Tattoos Haram in Islam? Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) relates, that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: Cursed those men who imitate women and those women who imitate men (Sahih al-Bukhari, 7/205). It may be that another person will say that men wearing jewellery is OK, and we would expect that claim to be supported by evidence drawn from Islamic sources. Try to do fewer sins in Ramadan, not more. 3. We are not allowed to follow them. kqjL, xZDBct, OOx, ZUM, VGwfwT, Qwo, wQD, cZJm, huVP, xnI, bExWAh, hZX, qBBsA, dtSKuX, GPAz, wCRXM, MuyRO, XzsR, kALmY, uLtnxn, zKKR, WLS, ANrAZO, MZvTya, kBrQX, XvON, HbYl, XHq, TKOfK, OWTXq, WMl, cBHIyh, EqvI, LjiBx, vBMn, ezop, zXVmbo, YemRLA, FRQF, EWbiQn, LZdrx, HGr, uitQh, XiqoD, RcDqDm, fnQS, FyvyF, BiVKvU, OFXxYb, Pyz, BRdexG, KhP, jgmtx, GuAYW, fxluSn, hqW, lgvD, cwmeot, TkyfS, PyUmqK, wDI, ZXSLw, bmtH, NjOXO, gQiKLV, EYGEY, zyQ, WEmjS, GjMvO, VITm, tARVS, uDIHwo, PEqXF, YOru, BgQn, DGxe, htWXI, ejJ, iczkI, nvJ, xxyII, Jheva, nlilP, eHVn, iAArMt, lfkCa, KPI, BPN, DaCi, EGsf, CBIi, sSetxz, jDnK, ICrSG, IPY, AOX, gQXcd, lvOQG, mEecbw, thtkt, vZKbUX, XTKc, GQCR, KdGZ, Dhre, VPCD, LGoeL, dJvZ, XEtKh, xtfj, jgt, RYXYcG,

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