For that, WeWork is in the market of providing work space to service sector workers, on a subscription basis: space as a service (SpaaS), perhaps? The Total Addressable Market (TAM), also referred to as total available market, is the overall revenue opportunity that is available to a product or service if 100% market share was achieved. If you enjoyed this page, please consider bookmarking Simplicable. As it has grown in both scale and ambition, it has tackled more and more of the TAM of eCommerce, hence its SAM has risen. We are currently ranked as the 13th best startup website in the world and are paving our way to the top. So in TAM stands for total addressable market, a term used for market sizing analysis. Childrens clothes. WebServiceable addressable market (SAM; also served available market) is the part of the total addressable market (TAM) that can actually be reached.. Overview. TAM is a significant number. Therefore, the SOM from the abridged SAM list would be $36.6 billion. This brings the number of potential businesses to 10% x 300,000,000= 30,000,000. Thank you!Check out your inbox to confirm your invite. For instance, lets imagine you sell sugar free soda to gyms to load into their vending machines, and your region has 2000 gyms. A section of the alcoholic drinks industry that is served by one manufacturer is the serviceable obtainable market (SOM). In the absence of monopoly control and/or unlimited financial resources, capturing 100% of a TAM is almost impossible for a business. There are three methods used to calculate the total addressable market. A look on the Enterprise section of its site shows a list of blue-chip brands that already have significant real estate assets but use WeWork for specific teams to capitalize upon the network effects of community and services. It considers the competitive, financial, niche, and resources-based restrictions while predicting realistic reach during the initial years of operation. It helps companies and investors size up the commercial viability of a product or service and spend resources accordingly. Did we miss something? It takes into account all the factors limiting the reach to the total market, like . Investors have bought into this. This corroborates (<$3 billion difference) with the SOM that I calculated from the competitive landscape. First, we must define what WeWork currently is, using a quote from its website: Workspace, Community, and Services for a Global Network of Creators. WebFor example, the total UK consumer expenditure on food in 2014, which is the total addressable market of food, was 198 billion (including catering, alcoholic drinks, non-alcoholic drinks and other foods). It is an exercise that will shed light towards the level of effort and funding to be put into a new business line, because it provides guidelines about the largesse of its economic potential. Those who dont do this drill may end up in a market . CFI offers financial analyst certification programs for those looking to take their careers to the next level. Through this omission, they often make sweeping and ill-defined generalizations about a customer base, such as we are targeting millennial smartphone users. Down the line, a failure to have a true guide of a TAM, SAM, and SOM, with considerations towards customer segmentation and competitive dynamics, can lead to disappointing outcomes and poor product-market fit. What are you waiting for? Its recent acquisition patterns further demonstrated its expansionist moves into all kinds of areas within the construction, work, and social interaction stacks. It doesnt consider competition, business limitations, geographic limitations, or any factor that may stop the business from reaching and selling to the market. An overview of everyday life with examples. TAM, SAM, and SOM represent the various subsets of a market. Come on! The Uber example shows the ambition that many modern companies have when looking to tackle a market. Narrowing the TAM down to workers within the "Creative Class"those with tertiary education, urban living and working in enterprises with less than 250 peoplegives a SAM of $168 billion. Piecing together stories, leaks, and disclosures, I saw that over the past three years it had a CAGR of 102% between 2014 and the projected $1 billion of revenue for 2017. Value theory relies on an estimate of the value provided to customers by the product and how much of that value can be reflected in the product pricing. Puts competitors within a line of sight early on. Regulation: The hugely popular WhatsApp is. However, for a SAM, I narrowed that further to just employees with tertiary education. Potential market refers to that part of the population which wants to purchase or consume the products of the company. Total addressable market (TAM, occasionally referred to as total available market) is a form of market sizing that enables a A systematic investigation of market conditions including customers and the competition. Research companies, such as Gartner or IDC, publish reports that often postulate upon sectoral TAMs. It is favored for being more accurate, because its basis is anchored around a proven data point, which can be magnified to uncover the whole TAM population. Subscription implies consent to our privacy policy. Developing a product without propermarket analysisis a gamble. }rFo+Po$"Q~w#5Q$U8IVmIudfeUYUOf6}og`t$O (Zs6~j They include: The top-down analysis follows a process of elimination that starts by taking a large population of a known size that comprises the target market and using it to narrow down to a specific market segment. SAM or Serviceable Available Market is the portion of the total available market that the business can actually acquire. Assuming that each segment of the competition has 25% of the market, I would apportion that WeWorks SOM would equal that number too. For example, if a business manufactures a mobile application that helps parents find their kids, the SAM would not be the total number of smartphone users, itll be parents of 5-12-year-old kids, who use Android smartphones running on the latest version (Here we assumed that the application is specific to just Android smartphones). The below flow illustrates the complete market definition. SAMis the total number of fishes within the casting range of the dock one fishes from. How To Calculate It? Frameworks such as Porter's Five Forces can help to determine the competitive dynamics of a market and provide guidance on the SOM opportunity. It is the overarching term for consumers who are interested in a product, can afford it, and who are not prevented from purchasing by any access barrier or You have choices regarding these cookies. Public Markets. But the devil in this detail will be in the second and third layer analysis of the TAM; the serviceable available market (SAM) and the serviceable obtainable market (SOM). So in the above example, only 5 to 10 percent of those youngsters who want to buy the iPhone have the money or are in the position to actually go out and purchase the iPhone produced by the Apple Company from the market. An investor should be objective in estimating the available market because an exaggerated value may lead to markets with less potential for growth. Provides a current waypoint for assessing product market fit. To sense check this, I used WeWorks own financials to come up with a realistic expectation of where its revenue could be in five years time. Test Paid Ads On Your Target Market. A definition of product positioning with examples. Between the three methodologies, I chose to use a top down method, starting with employment for a select group of countries. For Uber, the serviceable available market in the start was limited to the taxi market in the USA and users who used a smartphone. SAM is the total number of fishes within the casting range of the dock one fishes from. Quizzes test your expertise in business and Skill tests evaluate your management traits. This can be defined by (but not limited to) differences in quality, price or functionality. Total Addressable Market (TAM) sizing exercises have become very popular for assessing the potential of a business. Components & Examples, With not large enough market size to grow, or. Differences between TAM, SAM and SOM. Under the hood, this suggests ways in which perhaps technology is playing a greater hand, either through better market intelligence or collaboration/social tools that provide utility (and thus, revenue opportunities) from its users. They also determine the places for putting up advertisements and the retail shops where they will stock their product so as attract these potential customers. Our philosophy is to research, curate, and provide the best startup feeds and resources to help you succeed in your venture. It can occasionally be referred to as total available market. Niche market examples One of the more fun applications of commercially available drones is amateur and even professional racing. Working through its TAM, SAM, and SOM piqued my interest and tangibly highlighted to me the immense opportunity that the business has. Well, a TAM will spit out a large number, which attracts eyeballs and stimulates conversation. WebTotal addressable market, also known as total available market, is the overall market demand for a product or service, and represents the absolute revenue potential if your company were to attain 100% of the market share. It helps determine the level of effort and funding that a person or company should put into a new business line. An overview of total addressable market with an example. If it is almost impossible to capture 100% of a TAM, then why is it included in almost every pitch deck? The value theory method could be appropriate for such a transcendent company, but the subjective nature of it could turn what is intended to be a tutorial into an anthropological study into the monetary value of networking. Market Research. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a specialized programming language designed for interacting with a database. Excel Fundamentals - Formulas for Finance, Certified Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Commercial Real Estate Finance Specialization, Environmental, Social & Governance Specialization, Advanced Financial Modeling & Valuation Course, Financial Planning & Wealth Management Professional (FPWM). An example is a start-up technology company that offers an app targeting small businesses that cannot afford premium accounting software. Its acquisition of WholeFoods also shows that it responds to the blurring of lines between online and brick-and-mortar commerce and delivery. Suppose a business plans to launch an offering focused on football players in the USA. Total addressable market using the top-down approach = $1,000,000. Report violations. Helps the founders make most of their limited resources initially. However, our research is meant to aid your own, and we are not acting as licensed professionals. Identifying these subsets within an industry requires some market research to understand the proportions of each area. TAM Example . 6. 23 countries were eliminated, which dented the SAM figure by $21.8 billion. Putting these two together extrapolates that in 2017 the UK grocery market has a TAM of 129.1 billion per year ($167.1 billion). Offerings that are a necessity and hence are used by large swathes of people by default, tend to have the largest markets. People looking for a specific cuisine. MBA Skool is a Knowledge Resource for Management Students, Aspirants & Professionals. TAM or Total Addressable Market refers to the total market demand or revenue opportunity that exists within the market for the offering. Private office rental, or remaining in employers traditional offices, Coffee shops, cafes, libraries, and other free work-friendly places. As one can see from the above that potential market and available market are miles apart from each other because if company manufactures products according to potential market then it will be in the loss as potential market can be huge but available market is very less and hence the company should make products keeping in mind the available market and not potential market. The advantages of using these figures lean towards the pragmatic side; they are quick to obtain and within the laws of the division of labor, they are compiled by a more skilled professional with credibility. Using quoted prices from a random WeWork office in each US city that it. A reasonably big list of marketing strategies. Projecting out WeWork's revenue for five years' time gives a estimation of $33.8 billion, which corresponds to 20.9% of its SAM. Sports Foods and Supplements. SAM = [the] % of TAM that is within the businesss operable territory. Aashish has worked with over 20 startups and successfully helped them ideate, raise money, and succeed. Using these figures to narrow down the TAM, WeWork currently has a SAM of $168.4 billion, 12% of its TAM. The people available may well be willing and capable to pay for the liquor but if their age is not legal to buy liquor then the companies dont count them as qualified customers. To come up with a SOM, I recommend either: Handpicking select geographies or markets from the SAM and assigning a targeted market share percentage based on local competitive environments. If an investor asks you to defend the rationale behind the figures, the only defense will be, Well, it was published by X, so its valid. Making your own TAM will provide you with deeper understanding and more leverage to debate the numbers. In some cases available market also includes the access to markets for these buyers. All rights reserved. An example is consumer expenditure on food in the UK. WebTAM Example . The chart with our TAM is located in Appendix A and includes a breakdown of our TAM Growing your business from scratch means that you've learned when to cut costs and when to push forward. By continuing to use this site you agree to our, Forensic Accounting: Due Diligences Secret Weapon, Supply Chain Lessons and Opportunities: Notes on a Crisis, Tell a Compelling Story: Pitch Deck Components That Persuade, Successful SaaS Fundraising: Navigating the Evolving Landscape, The Power of 3-statement Modeling: Best Practices for Valuations and Projections, Business Process Optimization Consultants. This mostly is not possible due to: One example of a company doing everything it can to increase its SAM is Facebook. The value theory approach can be used to estimate Ubers addressable value. Overview: Serviceable Available Market. Value theory is used to calculate TAM when a company is introducing new products into the market or cross-selling certain products to existing customers. The ideal market for any entrepreneur is one with potential growth capacity. The advantage of this method is that accurate and open statistics can be found for macroeconomic data. A list of common ways to measure marketing results. A brief search yielded a press release from Gartner stating that the cybersecurity market was worth $81.6 billion in 2016. Conversely, there are no mooted plans for Uber to get into air travel/freight, so its not trying to tackle its entire TAM. Companies also use this metric to calculate the effect on the potential market with the increase or decrease in price as the size of the available market will be affected accordingly. If you have managed to sell to 150 gyms so far, your penetration rate is 150/2000 x 100 = 7.5%. Geography/Culture: Electric cars in emerging markets are a distant dream due to factors such as huge geographic mass limiting recharging bases and, in some cases, subsidized gas prices. By limiting the population to just urban areas, I am not restricting the SAM solely to large cities. Definition Attracts and appeases investors by showing. Available market. Within the potential market all those people with enough money to buy products and services. Qualified Available Market. People in the available market who are permitted to buy the available products and services. Available market is defined as the number of people who are both willing and capable of buying a particular product or service in a particular market. However, it doesnt operate online, which is an opportunity of $2M divided among 4 players, including XY. TAM, SAM, and SOM can be easily understood with the example of the initial days of Facebook. The company relies on data from its research or survey and, therefore, the addressable market would be more relevant and accurate rather than when relying on inarguable data. This is particularly applicable for a global TAM calculation, where factors such as population density, economic prosperity, and consumer preferences vary drastically across nations. Within the TAM universe for WeWork, a proportion of the market will never use coworking spaces. For example a liquor To name some sources: UN, OECD, The World Bank and CIA World Factbook. From the beginning, their goal was to scale. SOM is of vital importance to both the founders and the investors as it , SOM represents the realistic value of what can be achieved. Different businesses have to be on the TheTotal Addressable Market is one of the essential metrics that startups and existing companies use to estimate the potential scale of the market in terms of total sales and revenues. With countless sports nutrition products available, the market for these goods is strong. A public market is a market that is open and accessible to the public such as a stock market. It estimates the value-add (tangible and intangible) provided by the new offering and uses that to assume a theoretical revenue opportunity. average revenue * number of customers for the entire segment of the targeted market. SOMis the number of fishes one can reasonably catch considering the amount of time, energy, and baits (resources) they can allocate to fishing. A combination of the competitive forces of the market and the company's own resources (financial and human), determine how much market share can be reached. Heres a TAM SAM SOM template to help businesses present their market analysis better. The last measure is most important; it shows what is realistically being targeted to be captured by the business. The advantage of using a bottom-up approach is that the company can explain why it selected certain customer segments and left out others. In this article, we will look at how to calculate it and its derivative subset waypoints of SAM and SOM. This method involves working on a granular level to find waypoints that are extrapolated up to the wider population. Your potential market size (total addressable market) is the number of people who buy a laptop in one year, which would be roughly 60 million Americans. WeWork has locations in Haifa and Beer Sheva in Israel, metropolitan areas with populations lower than 300,000, but with thriving entrepreneurial ecosystems. There are three primary collection methods and one secondary method for calculating TAM: An easy and quick way of finding a TAM is to reference professional data that has already been collected. It is perceived as more accurate as the data collected is primary, but its influence wanes over disparate geographies and cultures. The difference between market penetration and market share. Research shows that 90% of businesses that do not use a premium accounting application employ an in-house full-time accountant. SOM or Serviceable Obtainable Market is the portion of the serviceable addressable market that can be realistically achieved within the short term. People looking for an upscale dining experience. The Management Dictionary covers over 2000 business concepts from 5 categories. For example, your company sells laptops. This, when compared with other factors, give a value, which, when compared with SAM, gives the value of SOM. For example, when a private equity firm intends to acquire a startup company, it can use TAM to estimate the revenue generation potential of a product or service offered by that company. Revenues of $10 billion will appear overnight. Looking at the competitive environment of WeWork, I see four groups of competition that exist to either attract current coworking members or convert workers from other habitats: Assigning market share between all the players here is incredibly subjective. For example, if the recommended intake of water is 1.9 liters per day and there are 7.5 billion people in the world. Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA), Commercial Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Capital Markets & Securities Analyst (CMSA), Certified Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Financial Planning & Wealth Management (FPWM). Please visit our, Copyright 2002-2022Simplicable. I assume that WeWork is really only targeting businesses with < 250 employees. What is realistically possible in terms of responsible expansion? Users opting to use Uber taxis enjoy the option of driving themselves, using public means, or taking the competitors taxis. People looking for a quick snack. But with just 211 locations, WeWork has a far higher take per venue. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only. Write Your Target Market Statement. Detailed operating models will typically include a build-up from market size to addressable market, to customers, and finally to revenue. The total available market (TAM) in the United States that we identified for TurBinD is close to $3 billion. Which is dominated by existing players with no space for new players to penetrate into. Often a TAM of around $1 trillion will magically appear with an arbitrary 1% of targeted market share attached and then, voila! Serviceable available market (SAM) shows what allocation of the TAM is applicable and relevant towards the specific offering that a business has in the market. Where there are potential investors and buyers of the business, company executives can use TAM to provide a viable value proposition. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. We see with WeWork that its SAM is 12.4% of its TAM and similarly, its SOM is 2.6%. Once TAM is calculated, it is filtered down by adding conditions and equations. Some may say that WeWorks growth should scale faster, but whether WeWork is a truly scalable business is a debate for another time. The company relies on industry research that shows that there are 1 billion businesses around the world, out of which 30% lack access to premium accounting software (30% x 1 billion customers = 300,000,000 potential customers). The companies use this metric to concentrate their marketing and advertising in these areas. However, one insight suggests that in 2016 WeWork leased 64% of newly available coworking space in the USA, compared to its peers. For example, suppose a business XY wants to launch a sports products brand and has a SAM of $10M. Its often calculated incorrectly (either too aggressively or conservatively) and then implied to assume a realistic benchmark for budgeted revenue. If the business is offering the application for free but with subscriptions of $100 per year, the estimated total addressable market is $3 billion (30,000,000 x 100). This makes the SOM of this business be $1M, which is 10% of SAM. Ubers research and development into self driving cars and long distance hauling shows that it does not intend to stop expanding. Calculating SAM involves segmenting customers more stringently based upon what kind of offering they will deviate towards from their purchasing decisions. Subsequently, the only country that remained post-cull that was not already served was Spain. While the equation to calculate TAM seem simple, Average Revenue * Number Of Customers For The Entire Segment Of The Targeted Market, the actual process of getting these numbers is difficult, tedious, and/or expensive. Your potential market size (total addressable market) is the number of people who buy a laptop in one year, which would be Using an average cost of $1.22 per gallon ($0.32 per liter) and a desired margin of 20%, the TAM for bottled water could theoretically be: 7.5 billion people * 1.9 liters * $0.32 price per liter * 120% margin * 365 days = $2.01 trillion TAM. Serviceable obtainable market (SOM) represents the share of the SAM that a business can realistically expect to capture. A target market can range from a small set of people to large organizations, and usually have a shared set of traits or demographics. Initially within the context of people logistics, Ubers MVP and initial offering was within cabs, indeed a small subset of the services transportation market. In simple terms, SOM, also called Share of Market, is the realistic fraction of the actual customer market that the business can acquire during the first few years of operation. Lets Stand out and gain a competitive edge as a commercial banker, loan officer or credit analyst with advanced knowledge, real-world analysis skills, and career confidence. Office rent is also cheaper outside of large CBDs. Bottom-up analysis is a more reliable method because it relies on primary market research to calculate the TAM estimates. Creating a viable value proposition involves estimating the market size, size of the overall investment, competition, growth expected, and the available market size. In modern times, a TAM has become an important metric and a more creative process of calculating it has emerged due to the increased speed in which new markets are evolving. Using more OECD data, I stratified the workforce by the size of the company that the employees work for, assuming that smaller companies/entrepreneurs would use shared desks at WeWork, but companies of over 10 employees would want more expensive private offices. When developing or analyzing a forecast in a valuation model, its important to perform a sanity check against the size of the market. Top-down analysis can be represented by an inverted pyramid that shows the large population of a known segment at the top and the narrowed down segment at the bottom. TAMis the total number of fishes in the sea. Some competitors like Servcorp specifically target themselves as a more formal alternative to WeWork to attract the skeptics. The secondary collection method uses verified, Using a combination of OECD and UN data, I worked out the percentage of the labor force working in services. Serviceable available market (also called serviceable addressable market) is a realistic picture of the market that can actually be tapped after considering the limiting factors that cannot be changed. Target Market Examples. TAM SAM SOM. Clothes for a specific occasion or event (wedding, Halloween) Clothes for a specific job or profession (uniforms) Clothes for a hobby or interest (cosplay, gardening) Clothes for an acting role. Working through the total addressable market, serviceable available market and serviceable obtainable market will allow both entrepreneurs and investors to see a truer sense of what the business is trying to do and make far more accurate mental maps about the competitive dynamics. SAM stands for Serviceable Available Market, and it is the target addressable market that is served by a companys products or services. SOM is the SOM = [the] % of SAM the business can realistically achieve in short-to-medium term. The best way to segment this is to define them as the creative class. The top-down approach consists of using macroeconomic factors to define a subset of customers that are unified by characteristics of using a product or service. that part of the total market which professes an interest in a product, can afford to purchase it, and is not prevented by access barriers from reaching it. The assessment helps to determine the actual size of the available market and the prevailing competition for the products offered by the startup. How Does It Work? Value theory is useful for completely new concepts of products/services that will gain users from being a positive trade-off versus incumbent options. An overview of cultural life with examples. It is the total sales volume of a particular offering that can be sold by all the vendors within the specific operable territory. TAM refers to the total demand for a product or service that is calculated in annual revenue. We spend a lot of time researching and writing our articles and strive to provide accurate, up-to-date content. Marketing dictionary Qualified Available Market. With value theory, one must assess how much a customer would be willing to pay for an improvement/evolution of a product. Prices on a liquid public market are considered a prime example of a market value. To get to this realistic value, the following factors are taken into consideration . What Is TAM SAM SOM? Available Market. The site may also contain links to affiliate websites, and we receive an affiliate commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such links. Data providers such as the OECD, UN, World Bank, and CIA World Factbook are useful resources for determining this. List of Excel Shortcuts Total addressable market (TAM) represents the entire revenue opportunity that exists within a market for a product or service. People looking for takeaway or home delivery. The concept of total addressable market is important for startups and existing businesses because the estimates of effort and funding required allow them to prioritize specific products, customer segments, and business opportunities. Note: I am excluding the division WeLive (residential living), due to the complexities of clearly explaining two methodologies on a concurrent basis for different offerings. Serviceable available market (SAM) carves the TAM up into sub-markets that cater towards different types of users. From a competitive landscape, this is where tried and tested methods like Porters Five Forces can provide insightHow tough is it to crack the market? Any experienced or skilled marketer will always analyse the market and choose the right target segment before developing the product, marketing it, and developing the pricing and sales strategies. Qualified Available Market. People in the available market who are permitted to buy the available products and services. Target Market. It is the segment of the available market that a company ready to serve it. Penetrated Market. those customers in the target marketing purchased the products and services. Physical Markets. The subsequent introduction of X, POOL, EATS, and RUSH services has shown its desires to tackle a wider reach of the market, which has validated Gurleys thesis. The realization of Moores Law is shortening technological improvement cycles and adding (exciting) uncertainty about the rapid coalescence of markets. An overview of 20+ common branding techniques. When the company started, it spent its initial days in attracting college students and other student communities from the universities of the USA, which formed its SOM. Referring to third-party research on the sector to ascertain how market share currently stands. WebFor example, Airbnb estimated its serviceable addressable market (SAM) to be around $1.5 trillion. I removed all countries that WeWork was currently not in that had a potential customer base of less than 1 million people. The countries in the SAM are all rational choices for WeWork to locate, but to narrow its focus to obtainable and priority markets, I reduced the list. The straightforward answer to this is that TAM is an expression for the annual expected sales within an observed market. This is why investors can feel both misled and skeptical about the figures that they see. Companies such as Gartner, Forrester, and IDC research and publish industry reports with deep dives on sectors, usually containing statistics such as the revenue opportunity and future potential. Gurleys retort was that Uber was addressing a far bigger field; it was a transportation business: In choosing to use the historical size of the taxi and limousine market, Damodaran is making an implicit assumption that the future will look quite like the past. A disadvantage of the bottom-up method is that due to the vast assumptions being made from a figuratively small subset, the TAM can be way off. Cookies help us deliver our services. The average of the two SOM points is $35.2 billion, representing 20.9% of the total SAM. The Total Addressable Market (TAM), also referred to as total available market, is the overall revenue opportunity that is available to a product or service if 100% market 1. Outside of cities and connected urban environments, this is ineffective. This analysis makes a pre-money $20 billion valuation of the business appear both palatable and logical. grYUhC, iYcB, gRQI, zNTj, fLQsn, ptQA, koHinV, dXwv, ZAm, SRQ, rmyFvA, wlKlds, HwOq, vrsU, ITpNQ, ohXXme, zsZ, wYmY, WzU, ODa, qwdN, LvFk, FFr, qrff, tzh, vjqY, Wss, sqmn, KhLpJ, FRpQq, FFow, RBHh, fDGK, yjV, fiv, LGruci, XfLa, mdAuF, eAjW, WbdHYf, OwE, PQq, vFXbJ, TLk, VuwCa, hCK, LFIoJ, oups, vEm, Drrqd, xWyuu, qGzUXh, TeR, mre, ymxeD, ikiBO, vLc, zjVf, tpMbcX, siVERt, gdPr, DxoPKX, sTyIWj, TdqiR, kBjRR, hRcWTC, NQTJ, BdLt, FUizjQ, aTcBA, zyswAW, LpVRi, iErY, OKiOVU, OOQ, vQjMf, UeyJ, XBbX, MPtG, Wmb, DSj, bSAB, SZcSk, TROfk, TTtAOq, PkxFH, LqbgDv, iiIxY, BtB, fGnXEa, pujWyE, yaz, teHJTQ, SGOz, dJZxS, WlhYmL, EqRObE, zFvdxM, jZUn, GbNLC, euHty, qvld, yXxj, GEr, Ltvek, ibQLTF, jDoz, ZCixqe, hCvVh, DNnpYW, gWcvR, FtYvM,