Primarily covering WW1 service, these service records are often referred to as the "Burnt Series" due to the fact that the storage facility housing these records was hit by a German bombing raid during WW2 and consequently over 60% of the records were destroyed. particular historical subject. [8] The artillery also changed the composition of its batteries. [118] They were also used in an indirect fire support role, in which they fired over the heads[118] and from the flanks[119] of the advancing infantry and behind the German trenches to stop reinforcements and supplies from getting to the front. 2, 1685-1689 at, English Army Lists and Commission Registers, Vol. [16][17], The single cavalry division assigned to the BEF in 1914 consisted of 15 cavalry regiments in five brigades. Charney, Michael W. Powerful Learning: Buddhist Literati and the Throne in Burma's Last Dynasty, 17521885. A Sumerian illustration of warfare from 2500 BC depicts some type of equine pulling wagons.By 1600 BC, improved harness and chariot designs made chariot warfare common throughout the Ancient Near East, and the earliest written training manual for war horses was a guide for As the medal was authorised some considerable time after most of the campaigns and battles had taken place, and also due to widespread illiteracy, a large number of men did not claim their medals. In 1918, staff officers who had been trained exclusively for static trench warfare were forced to adapt to the demands of semi-open warfare. Located in Colombia, it was the main port of the Viceroyalty and main point of the West Indian fleet for sailing to the Iberian Peninsula. Army Officers. When fighting at Hill 60 ceased on 29 August, the battle for the Sari Bair heights, and indeed, the battle for the peninsula, was effectively over; by January 1916, the Allies had withdrawn. London, England: Imperial War Graves Commission, 1957. However, quiet sectors still amassed daily casualties through snipers, artillery fire and disease. The spirit of our service is to declutter in bulk, clearing out a range of items that you no longer want. [1], Thayetmyo was the British post on the river nearest to the frontier, and here, by 14 November, five days after Thibaw's answer had been received, practically the whole expedition was assembled. [110], The primary types of visual signalling were Semaphore flags, lamps and flags, lamps and lights, and the heliograph. If an officer was living during 1828 or 1829, you can use the indexed returns of service. The application forms and guidlines can be found here: UK Veteran's Agency. In total, the campaign lasted 21 days. [54], In August 1914, there were 28,060 officers in the British Army, of which 12,738 were regular officers, the rest were in the reserves. [219] A week after the capture of Baghdad, General Maude issued the Proclamation of Baghdad, which contained the famous line, "our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators". It is a shining example of the value of music education in our schools. [78], The lighter Lewis gun was adopted for land and aircraft use in October 1915. Two companies of infantry were allocated as ammunition, rations and water carriers for the gunners. Archives, Open Government Licence For more general information about the war, including online documentaries, see the War of 1812 article. 5, 1702-1707 at, English Army Lists and Commission Registers, Vol. By Joyce L. Alig, President, Mercer County Historical Society, Inc. and just plain fun. Setting a price upfront comes with the risk that youll get a different sale price when the buyer actually sees the item. Military service (other than the militia) was usually a lifetime career. Is there a book guide I can order for my husband? Following the strategy previously applied at Porto Bello, the British destroyed the fort and seized the guns along with two Spanish patrol boats. The Protestant powers had failed to seize hegemony in the Caribbean from the Catholic powers by the end of the first half of the eighteenth century". The infantry would decrease from 64.64% in 1914 to 51.25% of the army in 1918, while the Royal Engineers would increase from 5.91% to 11.24% in 1918. [191], Under the command of Field Marshal Sir John French,[29] the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) began to deploy to France within days of the declaration of war. If your ancestor does not appear in the Army List for the right time period, consult the card index to officers, available only at the Public Record Office. the relevant records. The total effective force available was 3,029 British troops, 6,005 Indian sepoys and 67 guns, and for river service, 24 machine guns. There are 13, 307 volumes of these records located at the National Archives. Officers came from the upper classes; soldiers usually came from the poor. Training began with individual training in winter, followed by squadron, company or battery training in spring; regimental, battalion and brigade training in summer; and division or inter-divisional exercises and army manoeuvres in late summer and autumn. Its name, coined by British historian Thomas Carlyle in 1858,[5] refers to Robert Jenkins, a captain of a British merchant ship, whose ear was cut off by sailors of the Spanish coast guard when they boarded his smuggling brig, Rebecca, in April 1731. [219] The main British attacks were the first, second and third battles of Krithia. [208], The final year of the war1918started with disaster and ended in triumph. The infantry phalanx was a Sumerian tactical formation as far back as the third millennium BC. The naval returns are indexed at The National Archives (ADM 10). Some medals have a horizontal metal bar worn on the ribbon and inscribed '5th Aug.-22nd Nov. 1914', this distinguished those who had served under enemy fire. The RAF was under the control of the equally new Air Ministry. However, it later joined the French and lost both Havana and Manila to the British in 1762, although both were returned as part of the peace settlement. He was given command of the 2nd Cavalry Division in September 1914, the 7th Division in April 1915, and the British I Corps in July 1915. See world news photos and videos at He was named Albert after his father and Edward after his maternal grandfather, He was sent to the Dardanelles in August 1915, to command the British IX Corps. [153], Of the 252 officers tried, 76 per cent were found guilty, the most common offence (52 per cent of cases) being drunkenness. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 94, pp. Individuals who saw service in the First World War were entitled to claim medals for their service. Ships of the Royal Navy. [110] Over 20,000 pigeons and 370 handlers were used during the war, and at times, they were the sole means of communication. He commanded I Corps during the battle of Loos. [46] When he joined the BEF, he was in command of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade, and was promoted from a brigade to a corps command in less than a year. [143] FP No.1 could be very unpleasant depending on the weather, was abhorred by some as barbaric, and in some units was ritualised (e.g. Dallington, East Sussex, England: Naval and Military Press Ltd., 1992. ), Records of Officers and Soldiers Who Have Served in the British Army. (2016). "The War of Jenkins' Ear". [110] At the start of the war, the Army had a small number of wireless sets, which in addition to being heavy and unreliable, operated on longwave. A variant was the box barrage, in which three or four barrages formed a boxor more often three sides of a boxaround a position to isolate and prevent reinforcements being brought up into the front line. As with medals from WW1, there are two main types of WWII medal: campaign medals and gallantry medals. This led to the capture of Jerusalem in December 1917. There were a total of six service medals available for men and women who saw military service in the First World War. See the sub-heading of "Lists of Officers" in this section for details. Almost half of the regular army (74 of the 157 infantry battalions and 12 of the 31 cavalry regiments), was stationed overseas in garrisons throughout the British Empire. After three hours of heavy shelling, Waterhouse ordered a withdrawal. 18541856: Crimean War. [135] Trench raiding was also carried out and construction parties formed to repair trenches and fortifications, while wiring parties were sent out to repair or renew the barbed wire in no man's land. They had not even been able to block the river by sinking steamers, etc., across it, for, on the very day of the receipt of orders to advance, the armed steamers, the Irrawaddy and the Kathleen, engaged the nearest Burmese batteries, and brought out from under their guns the Burmese King's steamer and some barges which were lying in readiness for this very purpose. ), Swinson, Arthur S., Editor. If you cannot locate the service papers of the soldier you are searching for, it is also worthwhile looking within the pension papers index as many men were entitled to pensions for prior service or due to injuries sustained during WW1. In October 1739, Vernon sent First Lieutenant Percival to deliver a letter to Blas de Lezo and Don Pedro Hidalgo, governor of Cartagena. Four-month-long staff courses were introduced, and filled with regimental officers who, upon completing their training, were posted to various headquarters. Soon the three main campaign medals (the 1914 or 1914-15 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal) were nicknamed 'Pip, Squeak and Wilfred'. If you feel you have a range of items to sell, please sign up using this link to receive your free selling pack: A Re-assessment of the Third Burmese War, 18851896', Bulletin of the Military Historical Society, xxxx (no.157), August 1989, pp. [33] He had built a formidable reputation as an infantry commander during the Sudan Campaign and the Second Boer War. This force became known as Dunsterforce after its commander, Major General Lionel Charles Dunsterville, the inspiration for the titular character of Rudyard Kipling's novel Stalky & Co. (See England Archives and Libraries for details. In 1886, a military expedition was launched to "open up" the lucrative ruby mines at Mogok and make them available to British merchants. For further information on military records for branches of the service other than navy or regular army, see the military record handbooks at the end of this section. If your ancestor was in the navy after 1852, search the index to Continuous Service Engagement Books, or the Surname Index to the 1861 Census Returns of Ships. The medal index cards have all been digitised and are available online. Anson's achievements helped establish his name and wealth in Britain, leading to his appointment as First Lord of the Admiralty. The first troops of the British Salonika Army, arrived in Salonika in October 1916, too late to prevent the Serbian Army from retreating into Albania and Greece. 17561763: Seven Years War. (FS Library book 942 M23s; compact disc number 128.) In May 1883, a high-level Burmese delegation left for Europe. The index shows the name, age, birthplace, year of enlistment and discharge, the regiment, and the reference to the original document. 1707: British Military history begins when the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland united forming the Kingdom of Great Britain. Knowing how to value war medals is a real skill as there is a lot that can affect the price. Widely available, also covers some badges and other material often found with medals, and gives guidance on researching in medal records. With the move from manoeuvre to trench warfare, both the infantry and the artillery had to learn how to work together. [219] The British eventually regained momentum upon General Frederick Stanley Maude becoming commander, and a new offensive began in December 1916. Copies of all these books can be freely consulted from open shelves at the Explore History Centre at IWM London. [128], The Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) supplied the doctors, casualty evacuation, field ambulances and hospitals for the army. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. The oldest regiment is the Honourable Artillery Company, formed in 1537. Ferry eventually admitted to the British ambassador that the Burmese were attempting to negotiate a political alliance along with a purchase of military equipment. Assisting in that effort were Melchor de Navarrete and Carlos Desnaux, with a squadron of six ships of the line (the flagship vessel Galicia together with the San Felipe, San Carlos, frica, Dragn, and Conquistador) and a force of 3,000 soldiers, 600 militia and a group of native Indian archers. [219] The British reorganised and raised the number of available troops to 250,000. WebThe War of Jenkins' Ear (known as Guerra del Asiento in Spain) was a conflict between Britain and Spain lasting from 1739 to 1748, mainly in New Granada and among the West Indies of the Caribbean Sea, with major operations largely ended by 1742.Its name, coined by British historian Thomas Carlyle in 1858, refers to Robert Jenkins, a captain of a British merchant Medals can be very useful if you are trying to find out more about the person who received them. The War Office ordered over 1,000 Holts caterpillar tractors, which transformed the mobility of the siege artillery. WebThe siege of Kimberley took place during the Second Boer War at Kimberley, Cape Colony (present-day South Africa), when Boer forces from the Orange Free State and the Transvaal besieged the diamond mining town. Ray Westlake. However, we are a bulk decluttering service and could only accept the items as part of a larger parcel of items. [174] The books "For the Sake of Example" (1983) by Babington and "Shot at Dawn" (1989) by Sykes & Putkowski were openly intended to start a campaign for pardons. [140], Lesser offences were dealt with by commanding officers. One team is reported to have fired 120,000. The Allies each issued their own bronze victory medal but with a similar design, equivalent wording and identical ribbon. While it ultimately failed, the threat persuaded British policymakers of the dangers of sending significant forces to the Americas which might be needed at home. Sometimes the story behind a medal will also influence its value. The website has lots of great information including anintroductory guide to campaign service medals,an explanation ofFirst World War Medal Index cardsand general information and tips abouthow to use archives. However, I would recommend a browse on eBay or Amazon as I am sure there are some guides published. Control of these hills would have united the Anzac and Suvla fronts, but neither battle achieved success. [160] Front line soldiers also sometimes felt that those who left their mates "in the lurch" by deserting "deserved to be shot". The first six waves were the fighting elements from three of the battalions' companies, the seventh contained the battalion headquarters; the remaining company formed the eighth and ninth waves, which were expected to carry equipment forward, the tenth wave contained the stretcher bearers and medics. The Third Anglo-Burmese War (Burmese: , romanized:Tatiya AnggalipMran cac), also known as the Third Burma War, took place during 729 November 1885, with sporadic resistance continuing into 1887. [34] After the Second Boer War, he was responsible for a number of reforms, notably forcing an increase in dismounted training for the cavalry. A decade later, during the Seven Years' War (known as the French and Indian War in the North American theatre), British forces under Lord Jeffrey Amherst and General Wolfe recaptured it. There were three strong forts here, full at that moment with thousands of armed Burmese, and though a large number of these filed past and laid down their arms by the king's command, still many more were allowed to disperse with their weapons; and these, in the time that followed, broke up into guerrilla bands and prolonged the war for years. I have 3 medals from world war 2, but they dont have certificates/boxes or history. [188], Martin Middlebrook wrote that whereas officers who cracked up under the strain were often quietly reposted to duties away from the front line, this outlet was seldom available to "other ranks". This was a very important move, as it forestalled the Chinese, who had their own claims and border disputes with Burma. The colours represent starboard and port lights with the masthead light in the centre. [18] The cavalry were also issued with entrenching tools prior to the outbreak of war, as a result of experience gained during the Second Boer War. He reached Acapulco too late to intercept the yearly Manila galleon, which had been one of the principal objectives of the expedition. 19391945: World War II. ), Higham, Robin. U Kaung's role in the initial collapse of Burmese resistance later gave rise to the popular mnemonic U Kaung lein htouk, minzet pyouk ("U Kaung's treachery, end of dynasty": U () =1, Ka () =2, La () =4, Hta () =7 in Burmese numerology i.e. Brief career details were later added. [97] One innovation brought about by the adoption of trench warfare was the barragea term first used in the battle of Neuve Chapelle in 1915. The medal with precedence is on the left of the group when seen by someone meeting the wearer (or looking at a display). To view them, you have to be there and view them in a special document room. [8], The extreme ease with which the British destroyed Porto Bello led to a change in British plans. However, the British concealed this fact, and according to some sources[citation needed] the British even brought a man impersonating Prince Nyaungyan along with them on their way to Mandalay so that the Burmese would believe their story of installing a new king. [1], Major-General, afterwards Sir, Harry Prendergast was placed in command of the invasion. The Great War 19141918 Im afraid that we would be unable to help you, as we currently only operate within the UK at the moment. 18571860: Indian Mutiny. [107] British Army researchers under Lieutenant William Lawrence Bragg developed sound ranging, a method of determining the location of hostile artillery from the sound of its guns firing. As inland operations developed, the lack of mounted troops was badly felt, and several regiments of cavalry were brought over from India, while mounted infantry was raised locally. They were issued between 1899 and 1902. Be sure to use the correct one. [108] A Counter Battery Staff Officer (CBSO) was appointed at each corps to co-ordinate the counter battery effort, collating reports from sound ranging and Royal Flying Corps observers. His leadership was noted during the retreat from Mons and the first battle of Ypres. The main types of regiments which should be searched are: Prior to 1847, English army service was usually for life. Returns of officers service tend to be more complete, including the names of the officer and his wife and children; birth and marriage dates and places; and a complete summary of stations, regiments, and promotions. [165][166], In the latter part of the war, executed men's families were usually told white lies by the authorities; their families received pensions, and the men were buried in the same graves as other dead soldiers. [158] Convictions for mutiny were rare only one man was shot for the Etaples disturbances in 1917. Youve decided to sell your medals and you want to know how much youll make. Thus, the Burmese who welcomed this purported new king made no attempt to resist the British forces. The names of some 1640 officers and men who served in the various ships of the Fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar are listed in a series of files through London, England: Phillimore & Company, Limited, 1977. [53] A strong supporter of Haig, Robertson was replaced in 1918, by General Henry Hughes Wilson. Spanish policy, dictated by the queen Elisabeth Farnese of Parma, also shifted to a European focus, to recover lost Spanish possessions in Italy from the Austrians. Their service number, rank, name and unit were impressed on the rim. [144], Field punishment (FP) had replaced flogging (abolished at home in 1868 and on active service in 1881, although still used in military prisons until 1907). He planned the highly successful evacuation of 105,000 Allied troops and the majority of the equipment of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (MEF). The most common medals were affectionately known as Pip, Squeak and Wilfred (1914 and 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal). Altogether, over 25,000 medals were issued. In 1885, the French consul M. Hass moved to Mandalay. [55] The number of officers in the army had increased to 164,255 by November 1918. [9], The 18th century economic theory of mercantilism viewed trade as a finite resource; if one country increased its share, it was at the expense of others. This page was last edited on 8 December 2022, at 17:42. [48], On the Macedonian front, General George Milne commanded the British Salonika Army,[49] and General Ian Hamilton commanded the ill-fated MEF during the Gallipoli Campaign. By 1649, the East India Company (EIC) ordered all homeward-bound vessels to wait for one another at St Helena and in 1656 onward the Company petitioned the government to send a man-of-war to convoy the fleet home from there. In 1914, they were aged over 50, while the average age for a battalion commanding officer in the BEF between 1917 and 1918 was 28. Thank you for your message. [13], The regulars and reservesat least on papertotalled a mobilised force of almost 700,000 men, although only 150,000 men were immediately available to be formed into the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) that was sent to the continent. The National Archives (TNA), located at Kew, West London, houses a wealth of information on military personnel, much of it now available to download. He was the eldest son and second child of Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.He was christened Albert Edward at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, on 25 January 1842. He learned that he had been elected MP for Ipswich. These pension papers provide a good insight into a soldiers career although they focus more on his medical history rather than his service career. They often contain the reason for discharge and details on age, birthplace, and trade or occupation on enlistment. The battle of Amiens in 1918 saw the value of the tank being appreciated; 10 heavy and two light battalions of 414 (of which the MBE is one grade) was instituted in 1917. [20] At the outset of the conflict, the British Indian Army was called upon for assistance; in August 1914, 20 percent of the 9,610 British officers initially sent to France were from the Indian army, while 16 percent of the 76,450 other ranks came from the British Indian Army. The Army created an index of over 5 million cards - it is the best single source for most people starting First World War family history research, since if a soldier served overseas, they would have been eligible for at least one medal, and so would have an index card. The ostensible casus belli began with the maiming of Jenkins following the boarding of his vessel by Spanish coast guards in 1731, eight years before the war began. Other ranks service records are not online but if service ended prior to 1920, can be accessed at TNA. IWM collections. Vernon withdrew, asserting that the attack was merely a manoeuver. Soldiers were in the front or reserve line trenches for about eight days at a time, before being relieved. [17] In this way, the army would change drastically over the course of the war, reacting to the various developments, from the mobile war fought in the opening weeks to the static trench warfare of 1916 and 1917. Each brigade in the division also had a mortar battery with eight Stokes Mortars. All the best, [12], However, trade between Britain and mainland Spain was far more significant. Despite his orders to rendezvous at Borburata Keys4 miles (6.4km) east of Puerto Cabellocaptains of the detached Burford, Norwich, Assistance, and Otter proceeded to Curaao. Similar returns of naval officers begin in 1817. WebThe idea for the English to make claim to the island was first made in a 1644 pamphlet by Richard Boothby. Women's Royal Air Force Service Records, 1918-1920, Commonwealth War Graves, 1914-1921, 1939-1947, Casualty lists of the Royal and Dominion Navies 1889-2009, British Army medal index cards, 1914-1920, Recommendations for military honours and awards, 1935-1990, Merchant seamen's campaign medal records, 1914-1918, Merchant seamen's medal records, 1939-1945, WO12 Series General Muster Books and Pay Lists, incomplete list of all known POWs and internees, The National Archives of the United Kingdom, [75] The infantry also practised squad and section attacks and fire from cover, often without orders from officers or NCOs, so that soldiers would be able to act on their own initiative. The main cause of the war has traditionally been seen as a dispute between Britain and Spain over access to markets in Spanish America. [14] Previous holders made money by carrying smuggled goods that evaded customs duties, demand from Spanish colonists creating a large and profitable black market. [120] Tanks were used for the first time in action in the battle of the Somme on 15 September 1916. British Regiments at Gallipoli. He had previously served in the Zulu War, the Sudan campaign, and the Second Boer war. He recommended a new air service be formed that would be on a level with the Army and Royal Navy. 17391748 conflict between Britain and Spain, First attack on La Guaira (22 October 1739), Capture of Portobelo (2022 November 1739), First attack on Cartagena de Indias (1320 March 1740), Destruction of the fortress of San Lorenzo el Real Chagres (2224 March 1740), Second attack on Cartagena de Indias (3 May 1740), Third attack on Cartagena de Indias (13 March 20 May 1741), Second attack on La Guaira (2 March 1743), Carlyle discusses Jenkins' Ear in several passages of his. WW1 Army medal index cards are available through $ - if you have a subscription they are free. The telephones were connected by lines that sustained continual damage as a result of shell fire and the movement of troops. The Third Army commanderGeneral Julian Byngplanned an ambitious breakthrough and achieved an unprecedented advanced of 5 miles (8.0km) on the first day but lacked the reserves to either continue or consolidate. The company was fined by a Burmese court, and some of its timber was seized by the Burmese officials. [52] He was replaced as CIGS for a brief period in late 1915 by Archibald Murray then, at the end of 1915 by General William Robertson. Vernon's expedition was hampered by inefficient organisation, his rivalry with the commander of his land forces, and the logistical problems of mounting and maintaining a major trans-Atlantic expedition. This means they are not incredibly rare but do still carry value. Earlier armies were raised as needed, usually as county militia units. [28] The first Commander in Chief of the BEF appointed in August 1914 was Field Marshal John French. Hearing the news, Vernon immediately sent four ships to intercept the Spanish. After performing well during the First Battle of Ypres, he succeeded Allenby in command of the Cavalry Corps. For this battle, the Prime MinisterDavid Lloyd Georgehad placed Haig and the BEF under the orders of new French C-in-C (Robert Nivelle), who planned a major offensive in Champagne. Fewer than half the sailors were fit for duty. Yeomanry were volunteer regiments, records of which often do not survive or are less complete than other military records. These battles include the Peninsular Wars in Portugal and Spain and the famous Battle of Trafalgar. Pre-1872 army records are organized by regiment. British Library, Royal Naval Rating's Service Records, 1853-1928, French Muster Rolls from the Battle of Trafalgar, 1805, Women's Royal Naval Service Records, 1917-1919, Royal Naval Division Service Records, 1914-1919, Royal Naval Officers' Service Records, 1756-1931, Royal Naval Reserve Service Records, 1860-1955, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Service Records, 1903-1922, Logs and Journals of Ships of Exploration, 1757-1904, United Kingdom, World War I Women's Army Auxiliary Corps Records, 1917-1920, Ruhleben Civilian Internment Camp Ancestors. The front depicts George V and the back shows a merchant ship in stormy seas, an enemy submarine sinking and a sailing vessel with the words 'For War Service - Mercantile Marine - 1914-1918'. [29] His last active command had been the cavalry division in the Second Boer War. [219], The casualty rate amongst British and Empire troops, excluding the Africans, was 6,000 dead and 3,000 wounded. The name of an officer serving with your ancestor, search the Navy List for that officers ship. Of these, 53,000 died, with 13,000 of the dead succumbing to disease. It will tell you exactly how much you can make selling your medals. Vernon intended to provoke a response that might give him a better idea of the defensive capabilities of the Spanish. [20], In October 1914, the 7th Division arrived in France, forming the basis of the British III Corps; the cavalry had grown into its own corps of three divisions. [196], Trench warfare prevailed in 1915, and the BEFas the junior partner on the Western Frontfought a series of small battles, at times coordinated with the larger French offensives, like the Battle of Neuve Chapelle which is always associated with the shell crisis, the Battle of Aubers Ridge, the Battle of Festubert in May and the Battle of Givenchy in June. He held command of the Ypres salient for three years and gained an overwhelming victory over the German Army at the battle of Messines in 1917. London: Leo Cooper, 1997. Widows or childrens pension records often include marriage or baptismal certificates in support of the claim for assistance. Post-1920 records are dealt with in the same way as army & Navy records under FOI requests(see above). [118], The Tank Corps was formed as the Heavy Section Machine Gun Corps in 1916. The Burmese objected continuously, but eventually backed down. The online search archive can require a certain amount of skill to find what or rather who you are searching for but it can yield fantastic results: London Gazette Archive. Reprint. By 1914, French's dislike for Smith-Dorrien was well known within the army. The Western Desert Force, now under Major General William Peyton, re-occupied Sidi Barrani and Sallum in February and March 1916. In 1806 the War Office compiled the first return of service, listing all men in the army. Many military medals have survived from the Boer War. All medals that were issued during World War One were recorded on a medal roll. However, these were not awarded in the First World War and are more relevant to medals from other wars such as the Boer or Second World War. [47] The collapse of the Fifth Army was widely viewed as the reason for the German breakthrough in the Spring Offensive, and Gough was dismissed as its commander in March 1918,[47] being succeeded by General William Birdwood for the last months of the war. Individual guns were aimed so that their fall of shot was coordinated with others to form a pattern; in the case of a barrage, the pattern was a line. See National Archives for further information. Are you located in England? There is a Department code (ADM for admiralty, WO for War Office, etc) and a series number. [170], At the time Posttraumatic stress disorder (known as "shell shock" because it was initially wrongly thought to be caused by concussion damage to the membranes of the brain) was beginning to be recognised and was - in principle - admissible in defence; it was classified as a war injury, although there were concerns that soldiers accused of offences tried falsely to claim shell shock as a defence. [77] The heavy Vickers machine gun proved itself to be the most reliable weapon on the battlefield, with some of its feats of endurance entering military mythology. Alternatively, search more than 1 million objects from Heres a link to the full range of items we accept: If you still cannot find a record, use the search strategies for soldiers. [219], In 1914, the British Army was involved in what became known as the Siege of Tsingtao when the 2nd Battalion South Wales Borderers landed in China in support of Japanese forces in the capture of the German port of Tsingtao. Most books start about 1805 and continue to 1850. The British army had 135,000 men in North America when fighting broke out. They were also assigned small groups of troops, who served as an escort while providing close defence against enemy attacks. If you do not know this, you may find it in other types of records. [22] A prominent feature of the early months of volunteering was the formation of Pals battalions. Sale valuations are usually free. The National Archives [TNA] The British Medals Forum is probably about as definitive a website as one can find when it comes to the subject of British medals of any type. The second or main wave followed in platoons or sections in single file. [234], The British Army during the First World War was the largest military force that Britain had put into the field up to that point. The person died more than 25 years ago. Medals have been awarded to commemorate wars and battles throughout history dating back to the Roman Empire. In open warfare, visual signalling (employing signal flags and the heliograph) was the norm. They were unpopular, at a time when the police were often unpopular with young men from big cities. [43] Byng had already returned to the western front, where he was given command of the Canadian Corps. Library records are listed in the Place Search of the FamilySearch Catalog under either ENGLAND or GREAT BRITAIN and the following subject headings: It is difficult to locate an individuals record without knowing his ship or regiment. [233], In late November 1915, in response to the growing threat from a pro-Turkish Islamic Arab sect known as the Senussi, a composite British body known as the 'Western Frontier Force' was sent into the Libyan Desert to Mersa Matruh, under the command of British Indian Army officer Major General Alexander Wallace. I just wanna find out what they are worth please. for wear;some foreign awards; as might be seen in groups awarded to British First World War service personnel;adverts for the main medal dealers and medal mounting providers; valuations. [12] The National Reserve had some 215,000 men, who were on a register that was maintained by Territorial Force County Associations; these men had military experience, but no other reserve obligation,[8][12] and only some 60,000 were classified as willing or able to serve an active role at home or abroad. After 1853 seamen often made the navy their career. Nonetheless, when war broke out in August 1914, there were barely enough graduates to staff the BEF. The only medal that could be awarded on its own was the British War Medal. [196] British casualties in the fighting between 14 October and 30 November were 58,155 (7,960 dead, 29,562 wounded and 17,873 missing). A few contain details about awards of the Military Medal and the Meritorious Service Medal. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has a searchable internet website: Lists of British army personnel who died during World War I have been compiled from official casualty lists and published in: Soldiers Died in the Great War, 19141919. [8] Most of the line infantry regiments had two regular battalions, one of which served at home and provided drafts and replacements to the other which was stationed overseas, while also being prepared to be part of the Expeditionary Force the Royal Fusiliers, Worcestershire Regiment, Middlesex Regiment, King's Royal Rifle Corps and the Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) had four regular battalions, two of which served overseas. Naval pension records begin as early as 1617 and give the name of pensioner, reason for discharge, and sometimes next of kin, birthplace, age, and physical description. From August 1746, negotiations began in the city of Lisbon, in neutral Portugal, to try to arrange a peace settlement. Vernon ordered his forces to clear the port of all scuttled ships. He became most famous for his role as its commander during the battle of the Somme, the battle of Passchendaele, and the Hundred Days Offensive, the series of victories leading to the German surrender in 1918. [84][85], After the "race to the sea", manoeuvre warfare gave way to trench warfare, a development for which the British Army had not prepared. Having been About 20,000 Welsh servicemen died. Vintage Cash Cow is a trading name of Vintage Trading Solutions Ltd. Company reg: 03862799. The French admitted to only 133 executions and the Germans 48, but these figures may not be reliable as both armies had problems with discipline. In the longer term, the Spanish replaced the twice yearly Flota with a larger number of smaller convoys, calling at more ports and Portobelo's economy did not recover until the building of the Panama Canal nearly two centuries later. [117], Twenty-one companies were eventually formed and were employed digging subways, cable trenches, Sapping, dugouts as well as offensive or defensive mining. Other sectors were in a perpetual state of violent activity. His order was obeyed by some, but not all Burmese brigades. Given its potential for the 'devastation of enemy lands and the destruction of industrial targets and centres of population on a vast scale'. The lines were generally buried, with redundant lines set in place to compensate for breakages. However, they are incomplete before 1828. Several sources list navy ships with descriptions and the dates on which they were placed in service. Lawrence Washington survived the yellow fever outbreak, and eventually retired to Virginia. [1] The proceeds were sold off at a profit of 9 lakhs of rupees (roughly 60,000 pound sterling). During the discussions between the French and Burmese in Paris, a boundary dispute on the frontier of India and Burma broke out. Please review our guide through this link to view the full range of items we accept: In 1915, trench wireless sets were introduced, but the transmissions were easily intercepted by the listening Germans. To issue and name the medals correctly, extensive records (medal rolls) were compiled. [182], There were occasional examples of men making unwanted homosexual advances, homosexuality being then criminal under both military and civil law, to escape the front lines, but prosecutions for this crime were rare, and there is also evidence of men turning a blind eye to homosexual relationships. It was a tightly knit group of hoplites, generally upper and middle class men, typically eight to twelve ranks deep, armored in helmet, breastplate, and greaves, armed with two-to-three metre (6~9 foot) pikes and overlapping round shields. [36], For the British Army, the year of 1916 was dominated by the Battle of the Somme which started disastrously on 1 July. Many no longer exist. This work gives the name, rank, regiment, and grave location of casualites buried in France during World War II. This information will help us make improvements to the website. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. Popular response to the incident was tepid until several years later, when opposition politicians and the British South Sea Company played it up, hoping to spur outrage against Spain, believing that a victorious war would improve Britain's trading opportunities in the Caribbean. The surviving British forces retreated to the safety of their ships. It was possible to have a qualified pension commuted to allow a soldier to immigrate to British colonies. There are many other pension-related records among those of the Paymaster General (Class PMG) at the Public Record Office. At 3 pm on 22 March 1740, the British squadron, composed of the ships Stafford, Norwich, Falmouth and Princess Louisa, the frigate Diamond, the bomb vessels Alderney, Terrible, and Cumberland, the fireships Success and Eleanor, and transports Goodly and Pompey, under command of Vernon, began to bombard the Spanish fortress. I cant find an option here to post a pic of them. [141] For petty offences, a company commander could have men fined or confined to barracks for fatigue duty[142] A battalion Commanding Officer could give detention, order up to 28 days Field Punishment, or demote corporals to the ranks (officers and senior NCOs were dealt with by court martial other than for very trivial offences). Getting your medal professionally valued is the only surefire way to know how much you can make from it but wed love to share some advice to help you make the best decision. The first Anglo-Boer War (18801881) led to South African independence in 1881. Each medal is different and two medals that look the same may well sell for different prices. [149] Some pleaded guilty or chose not to present a defence or call witnesses, and in most cases the offence was "so blatant that little defence could be put forward". WebSir Ernest Henry Shackleton CVO OBE FRGS FRSGS (15 February 1874 5 January 1922) was an Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic.He was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.. Born in Kilkea, County Kildare, Ireland, Shackleton and his Anglo-Irish family moved to Sydenham in Pay ledgers contain the assignments of pay, addresses to which pay was sent (from 1837), and sometimes birth dates. His last active command had been during the Second Boer War, first as a senior staff officer in the cavalry division, then commanding a brigade-sized group of columns. [175][176] The case was rejected again in 1998 after a detailed two-year review, which found "no white cases, very many black cases and a handful of grey cases" in which medical evidence was ignored or not called. [161] One historian writes that there is "virtually no evidence" that soldiers thought the death penalty unjust,[162] although another writes that some soldiers deplored the death penalty, while most thought it justified. [88] All waves were expected to take advantage of the ground during the advance. All the best, These were issued to every member of military personnel involved including the British Army, Royal Navy and even colonial forces. The Guards depot (Grenadier, Coldstream, Irish, Welsh & Scots) also keep separate archives and can, on request supply information. By 1918, medals for bravery were often awarded within a week to ensure that the man lived long enough to receive it. Navy pay lists were kept by ship and are not indexed. Board of Ordnance officers (artillery, engineers, sappers, miners, artificers, and others) are not always included in the Army List and have their own records until 1855. As a result, staff work was again poor, until training and experience slowly remedied the situation. The British were troubled by the Burmese action and relations worsened between the two countries. This website requires a paid subscription for full access. [200] By September 1915, the BEF had grown in size with the first of the Kitchener's New Army divisions entering the line, and as part of the Third Battle of Artois,[201] the BEF launched a major attack, the Battle of Loos, utilising its own newly developed chemical weapons for the first time. London, England: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972. The first day on the Somme remains the bloodiest day in the history of the British Army, with 19,240 British soldiers killed and 38,470 wounded or missing, all for little or no gain. Post-WW2 casualties can be found listed at the Armed Forces Memorial website. [15] Accepting it was too lucrative and widespread to be halted, the Spanish authorities instead sought to manage the trade and on occasion apply it as an instrument of policy. According to the National Archives these records also include special groups, such as colonial troops, various foreign legions, special regiments, and other depots. The War of 1812 between Great Britain and the United States confirmed the separate existence of the United States and the future Canada. [24] On 10 July 1739, the Admiralty was authorised to begin naval operations against Spain and on 20th, a force under Admiral Vernon sailed for the West Indies. WWI Canadian Leather Snake Belt 1914 Dated. [212] Fighting continued right up until the Armistice with Germany came into effect at 11:00 am on 11 November 1918. In return, the South Sea Company would pay 68,000 to Philip V as his share of profits on the asiento. A brief history of the British Fencible Cavalry with a list of Officers who served with the Regiment, covering years 1794-1800. Unfortunately no presentation papers and Im not 100% sure who the WWI medals belonged to. One way to impact Spanish trade was by attacking or blockading these ports but as many ships carried cargoes financed by foreign merchants, the strategy also risked damaging British and neutral interests. Hope this helps! A clasp (sometimes incorrectly referred to as a bar) bearing the name of the relevant campaign or battle was attached to the ribbon suspension, with subsequent clasps being added in the sequence in which they were earned. He continued to hold an interest in naval affairs until his death in 1757. The returns of officers services for 1828 and 1829 have been transcribed and are found at the FamilySearch Library. [128] In addition they had under command Indian, Egyptian, Chinese (Chinese Labour Corps) and other native labourers, carriers and stores men. These records (17901924) are available by correspondence from the Office of National Statistics (formerly Registrar General). The 1939-45 star is also a common campaign medal. The main weight of the first blowOperation Michaelfell on General Gough' s Fifth Army which was forced to retreat. This is certainly something that we would accept, but Im afraid were unable to provide a price without taking a physical look at the item in question. [24] By January 1916, when conscription was introduced, 2.6 million men had volunteered for service, a further 2.3 million were conscripted before the end of the war; by the end of 1918, the army had reached its peak strength of four million men. This effectively rendered the British scaling equipment too short for the task. The third army was Kitchener's Army, comprising men who answered Lord Kitchener's call for volunteers in 19141915 and which went into action at the Battle of the Somme in 1916. After this he tried again the following year to intercept the Manila galleon. [64], Along with rapid promotion, the war also noticeably lowered the age of battalion commanding officers. A Bibliography of Regimental Histories of the British Army. Easy! The rush to demobilise at the end of the conflict substantially decreased the strength of the British Army, from its peak strength of 3,820,000 men in 1918 to 370,000 men by 1920. The Royal Horse Artillery employed the 13-pounder, while the Royal Field Artillery used the 18-pounder gun. [81], The Stokes Mortar was rapidly developed when it became clear that some type of weapon was needed to provide artillery-like fire support to the infantry. [104], Once the infantry had reached the German trenches, the artillery shifted from the creeping barrage to the standing barrage, a static barrage ahead of the infantry that would protect them from counter-attack while they consolidated the position. [109] By the end of the war, it was realised that the important effect of the barrage was to demoralise and suppress the enemy, rather than physical destruction; a short, intense bombardment immediately followed by an infantry assault was more effective than the weeks of grinding bombardment used in 1916. The second Anglo-Boer War (18981902) led to the unification of South Africa in 1910. Indexes to the Regimental Registers and the Chaplains Returns. WebQuestia. Information on how to decipher the Medal Index Cards available at Ancestry and TNA There is not an equivalent system for detailing medals awarded to members of the Royal Navy and RAF - medal details were recorded on the service papers and likewise, non-WW1 medals are only annotated on service records for all services. 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