Father Divine believed that peace should replace hello. [20] The force was the first to trial BWV in the UK in 2005. Another conclusion is that the level of activation of bodycams varied from one officer to the next. Jones based some of his doctrines on the International Peace Mission movement and claimed to be the reincarnation of Father Divine. In France, a resurgence of the guilds in the second half of the 17th century is symptomatic of Louis XIV and Jean Baptiste Colbert's administration's concerns to impose unity, control production, and reap the benefits of transparent structure in the shape of efficient taxation.[33]. Karachi Police was planning to induct body cams for its officials as the city sees more violence in the shape of street crimes than any other city in Pakistan. Officials belonging to the CSIS interviewed Slahi in February 2003. To prove that he and Ritchings adhered to his doctrine on sexual abstinence, Father Divine assigned a black female follower to be her constant companion. Administrative responsibilities associated with the body cameras resulted in significant commitment of time by officers that then was not available to spend on other duties. [citation needed][68], Australia has several guilds. In 2020, the GNA forces successfully ousted the militia and the UAE-backed Haftar's forces and captured Tarhuna. The US military flew Slahi to Guantanamo Bay detention camp on August 4, 2002. In 1944, singer/songwriter Johnny Mercer came to hear of one of Divine's sermons. The aim of the City and Guilds of London Institute was the advancement of technical education. In 2005, the internationally recognized criminal defense lawyer Nancy Hollander got involved in Slahis case, together with lawyer Theresa Duncan. [104][105], Documents from Clearview have claimed 98.6% or 100% accuracy while using their standard 99.6% confidence interval. Among the lesser guilds, were those for bakers, saddle makers, ironworkers and other artisans. For example, nearly every sermon began with the greeting and exhortation "Peace!" Ton-That responded in an interview with Errol Barnett of CBS This Morning that there is a First Amendment right to access public data, identification results were 99.6% accurate. It was a budget hotel with separate floors for men and women in accord with Father Divine's teachings. In 1938, Father Divine was cleared of criminal charges and Mother Divine recovered. "[12] John Aaron Rice, then a teenager, assaulted Anderson before he was run over and was charged with simple assault. [95] However, the election has been delayed several times[132][133][134] since, effectively rendering the unity government in power indefinitely, causing tensions which threaten to reignite the war. Other organizations besides the police use bodycams, mainly local law enforcement officers employed by municipalities. "In Florence, they were openly distinguished: the Arti maggiori and the Arti minorialready there was a popolo grasso and a popolo magro". () and when any particular class of artificers or traders thought proper to act as a corporation without a charter, such adulterine guilds, as they were called, were not always disfranchised upon that account, but obliged to fine annually to the king for permission to exercise their usurped privileges. In Germany, there are no longer any Znfte (or Gilden the terms used were rather different from town to town), nor any restriction of a craft to a privileged corporation. 530 F.3d at 872 (emphasis added). Defense of subcontractor in a construction defect/products liability case involving the explosion of a propane tank at an apartment complex resulting in serious bodily injury with claimed damages exceeding $2,000,000. Slahi said he was tortured by the Jordanians. [149] The Islamist forces around Camp 27 have been described as both Al-Qaida[149] and as part of the Libya Shield Force. [197] The question whether BWCs impact on disparate outcomes in policing has yet to be tackled. [139][140], The 2012 elections, overseen by the Libyan electoral commission with the support of the UN Special Mission In Libya (UNSMIL) and nongovernmental organizations like the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), have been considered "fair and free" by most Libyans. WebUlysses S. Grant (born Hiram Ulysses Grant / h a r m ju l s i z / HY-rm yoo-LISS-eez; April 27, 1822 July 23, 1885) was an American military officer and politician who served as the 18th president of the United States from 1869 to 1877. In a 1906 sojourn in California, Father Divine became acquainted with the ideas of Charles Fillmore and the New Thought movement, a philosophy of positive thinking that would inform his later doctrines. In the German city of Augsburg craft guilds are mentioned in the Towncharter of 1156. Cordaid also noted that restricted freedom of movement, driven by fear of violence, has led to declines in schooling among women and girls. According to Harlan Yu, executive director from Upturn, police body cameras are best embedded in a broader change in culture and legal framework. House of Representatives (Tobruk-based)[1][2], Wagner Group(since 2018)[12][13][14][15][16] In many European countries, guilds have experienced a revival as local trade organizations for craftsmen, primarily in traditional skills. [226] Around 19 February, the government withdrew from peace talks following rocket attacks on Tripoli. On 18 January, 72 of the LPDF members participated in a vote on the proposal. These results suggest we should recalibrate our expectations of cameras ability to make a large-scale behavioral change in policing, particularly in contexts similar to Washington, D.C.". [102] This "effectively disables the app". [1] A motel security camera showed Dedmon and his associates, as well as Dedmon running Anderson over with his truck. The accreditation system is not based on an evaluation of the results of an institution, but rather upon an evaluation of its inputs and processes. [33] He was transferred to Mauritania to be interrogated by local authorities and United States FBI agents. [80][81][82][83][84][72][85][86][87][88][1], Senator Edward J. Markey wrote Clearview and Ton-That, stating "Widespread use of your technology could facilitate dangerous behavior and could effectively destroy individuals' ability to go about their daily lives anonymously." The agreement, effective immediately, required that all foreign fighters leave Libya within three months while a joint police force would patrol disputed areas. [208], On 21 April 2020, the UN took in to consideration the "dramatic increase" of shelling on densely populated areas of Tripoli, and claimed that continuation of war is worsening the humanitarian situation of Libya. [217] The conference was prepared over 18 months during 2018 and 2019 and was planned to take place 1416 April 2019. [220], In September 2019, the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) discussed the need for the PSC to play a greater role in concluding the Libyan crisis, putting forward a proposal to appoint a joint AU-UN envoy to Libya. Additional information on the full deployment can be found, Toronto Police Services concluded that the major challenge associated with any adoption of body-worn cameras is the cost. [170], On 16 January 2015, the Operation Dignity and Operation Libya Dawn factions agreed on a ceasefire. Through what economists now call "rent-seeking" they imposed deadweight losses on the economy. Abrams has argued 13 cases in front of the Supreme Court of the United States, most notably Citizens United v. FEC, and stated that the issue of privacy rights versus free speech in the First Amendment could reach the Supreme Court. [57] After the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, the Oxford Police Department in Alabama used Clearview's software to run a number of images posted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its public request for suspect information to generate leads for people present during the riot. [9], A collegium was any association that acted as a legal entity. 20-cv-512 (N.D. Ill. filed May 6, 2020)", "Clearview AI to stop selling controversial facial recognition app to private companies", "ACLU sues facial recognition firm Clearview AI, calling it a 'nightmare scenario' for privacy", "A.C.L.U. Violence and aggression towards police officers were reduced significantly. During his brief prison stay, Father Divine read prodigiously, notably on the Scottsboro Nine. Looking at the United States in particular, there are 117 million Americans in the FBI's shared database according to the Georgetown Report. Everyday we witness a growing need for strong federal laws to protect Americans' privacy", "Clearview AI agrees to permanent ban on selling facial recognition to private companies", "Clearview AI Banned from Selling Face Database to Private Companies", "G2E: New generation of facial recognition enhances security, raises questions - CDC Gaming Reports", "Clearview AI Wants To Sell Its Facial Recognition Software To Authoritarian Regimes Around The World", "We Found Clearview AI's Shady Face Recognition App", "Apple has blocked Clearview AI's iPhone app for violating its rules TechCrunch", "Apple Just Disabled Clearview AI's iPhone App For Breaking Its Rules On Distribution", "The Facial Recognition Company That Scraped Facebook And Instagram Photos Is Developing Surveillance Cameras", "The ACLU Called Clearview AI's Facial Recognition Accuracy Study "Absurd", "Hey Clearview, Your Misleading PR Campaign Doesn't Make Your Face Surveillance Product Any Less Dystopian", "ACLU rejects Clearview AI's facial recognition accuracy claims", "Clearview AI Says It Will No Longer Provide Facial Recognition To Private Companies", "Clearview Facial Recognition App Used By San Diego Police and District Attorney's Office", "San Diego police, DA ban use of facial recognition app but not before it was tested", "Fort Worth, Irving And Plano Police Using Controversial Facial Recognition App On 'Trial Basis', "Clearview AI Created Accounts For The Offices Of Four Republican Congressmen Including Trump's Nominee For Director Of National Intelligence", "Virginia Beach police admit officers tried a controversial facial recognition program the force had denied using", "AFP used Clearview AI facial recognition software to counter child exploitation", "RCMP used Clearview AI facial recognition tool in 15 child exploitation cases, helped rescue 2 kids", "Clearview AI: When can companies use facial recognition data? James Craig Anderson was a 47-year-old African American man who was murdered in a hate crime in Jackson, Mississippi on June 26, 2011, by 18-year-old Deryl Dedmon of Brandon. However, the bodycams acquired offered this option and would have to be replaced with different type progressively, but not before the end of 2017 - according to the source quoted in the article. In oral arguments, Judge David S. Tatel questioned whether swearing bayat in 1991 is evidence of actions a decade and more later against the United States. Journeymen were able to work for other masters, unlike apprentices, and generally paid by the day and were thus day labourers. [77], Detailed information is available on the use of body cameras in five Lnder. [30] Other groups, such as the Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers, have been formed far more recently. [31] He also asked Congress for a $263 million package overall to deal with community policing initiatives that would provide a 50 percent federal match for local police departments to purchase body cameras and to store them. Release of the motel video showing Anderson being run over attracted national attention, ultimately resulting in a federal civil rights investigation. This fine marked the fourth of its type placed on Clearview, after similar orders and fines issued from Australia, France, and Italy. Many Libyans blamed the GNC and the interim government for a continued lack of security in the country. [citation needed] In September 2016, the Toronto police wanted to put out a call for proposals from suppliers. This aspect consists of criminal investigations, crime resolution, intelligence gathering or court proceedings and outcomes. These officers will also tend to do everything by the book, reluctant to apply discretion. [60], In April 2021, documents obtained by the Legal Aid Society under New York's Freedom Of Information Law demonstrated Clearview's expansive, multi-year collaboration with the NYPD. Previous reports have highlighted that a Jordanian royal Feisal Ibn al-Hussein worked with Prince to organize the weapons transfer to Libya. He was brought in for questioning by Mauritanian authorities on November 20, 2001, after which he was detained for seven days and questioned by Mauritanian officers and by agents of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Six weeks later, the Najibullah regime fell and he returned to Germany. [83] In Baden-Wrttemberg, bodycams are deployed in Stuttgart, Mannheim and Freiburg since 2016. [135], The GNA elected Nouri Abusahmain as president of the GNC in June 2013. [9][10][11], Father Divine was probably called George Baker around the turn of the century. Interest in the medieval guild system was revived during the late 19th century, among far-right circles. [115] In that study, respondents were asked whether they thought bodycams would improve relationships between the police and community members: 84 percent (strongly) agreed. [2], In May 2022, Clearview was ordered to delete all data belonging to UK residents facial recognition data by the countrys privacy watchdog, the Information Commissioners Office (IOC). [7] Clearview sells access to its database to law enforcement agencies and has 3,100 active users[8] including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security according to The Wall Street Journal. [42][43][44] After discovering Clearview AI was scraping images from their site, Twitter sent a cease-and-desist letter, insisting that they remove all images as it is against Twitter's policies. The National Police Board recommended in April 2018 to issue all police officers on patrol with cameras. They located and matched masters and likely apprentices through monitored learning. [41] Law enforcement officers have stated that Clearview's facial recognition is far superior in identifying perpetrators from any angle than previously used technology. Residents of the eastern city of Shahat, along with protesters from Bayda and Sousse, staged a large demonstration, rejecting the GNC's extension plan and demanding the resignation of the congress followed by a peaceful power transition to a legitimate body. It was published as a book, Guantnamo Diary, in January 2015. There are also "craft chambers" (Handwerkskammern), which have less resemblance to ancient guilds in that they are organized for all crafts in a certain region, not just one. In March 1937, Penninah fell ill in Kingston, New York. According to a critical article, this requirement was not fulfilled, given the fact that there were 2 500 bodycams available for the total of around 245 000 officers in the country. [22] Memos summarizing meetings held on October 9, 2003 and February 2, 2004 between General Geoffrey Miller and Vincent Cassard of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) acknowledged that camp authorities were not permitting the ICRC to have access to Slahi, due to "military necessity. [172] Benghazi remained contested between pro-Haftar forces and radical Islamists. He was a contemporary of other religious leaders such as Daddy Grace, Charles Harrison Mason, Noble Drew Ali, James F. Jones (also known as Prophet Jones), Wallace Fard Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad and Jim Jones. "Who Is This King of Glory? [75], In the cities of Milan and Turin, police forces have started experimenting on a small scale with bodycams. In 1914, Father Divine traveled to Brooklyn, New York, with a small number of followers and an all-black congregation. Building and construction trades - Union As more studies in more police departments were performed, the evidence became more mixed. teen indicted for capital murder, hate crime", "Dedmon pleads not guilty: Gag order imposed in slaying", "More Hate Crime Guilty Pleas in Hit and Run", "1 more guilty of hate crime in Miss. The guilds also maintained funds in order to support infirm or elderly members, as well as widows and orphans of guild members, funeral benefits, and a 'tramping' allowance for those needing to travel to find work. With 88% of Americans[113] and 95% of Dutch people[114] supporting body cameras on police officers, there is strong public support for this technology. On July 14, 2016, Slahi was approved by a Periodic Review Board for release from detention. The number of complaints as a measure of officer behavior may itself be problematic: they are rare and only reflect exceptional occurrences, not the everyday officer interactions with the public. He said "I strongly believe we could make some small changes to legislation that can have a big impact on officers: "PACE was written in 1984 at a time when BWV was not aroundWe want to get the legislation changed so that BWV could replace the need for handwritten statements from officers when it is likely that an early guilty plea would be entered at court or that the incident could be dealt with a caution or community resolution. [31] The latest guilds to develop in Western Europe were the gremios of Spain: e.g., Valencia (1332) or Toledo (1426). Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the ruling and remanded the case to the District Court on November 5, 2010, for further factual findings. In order to become a master, a journeyman would have to go on a three-year voyage called journeyman years. Time magazine estimated nearly two million followers, but the true figure of adherents was probably a few tens of thousands and a larger body of sympathizers who attended his gatherings. [50], Professional organizations replicate guild structure and operation. Critics argued that they hindered free trade and technological innovation, technology transfer and business development. Smith, 55, died of a heart attack days later on June 9, 1932. The court acquiesced, and the trial took place at the Nassau County Supreme Court before Justice Lewis J. Smith. [1], A group of young white men and women were drinking and partying in the small town of Puckett in Rankin County, Mississippi. "[11] The panel discussed sending the case back to the District Court or over-ruling the decision, based on other recent D.C. [13] Dedmon drove his pickup truck over Anderson, who was staggering along the edge of the lot. In light of their evidence and testimony from Faithful Mary and others critical of the movement, the court ordered repayment of the money. In response, the Department of Defense published 27 pages of unclassified documents from his Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) on July 14, 2005.[57]. - Elliot Krause, The Death of Guilds (1996). [215] On 17 December 2017, general Khalifa Haftar declared the Skhirat agreement void. Trials were discouraged and attorneys for Black misdemeanor defendants were difficult to find. Its forces are divided geographically, into the Western Shield, Central Shield and Eastern Shield. Their status in healers' guilds were often challenged. The FBI conducted a high-profile civil rights investigation of Anderson's murder; it led to indictments of 10 persons, including Dedmon, for a conspiracy of several hate crimes against African Americans in Jackson committed from the spring of 2011 to March 2012. In 1913, conflicts with local ministers led to him being sentenced to 60 days in a chain gang. By May 1932, meetings were regularly held at the Rockland and throughout New York and New Jersey. By July 2007, the Home Office was beginning to encourage the emerging industry and published another document entitled "Guidance for the Police use of Body Worn Cameras". Although the movement was predominantly black, followers outside the Northeastern United States were mostly middle class whites. These rules reduced free competition, but sometimes maintained a good quality of work. [30], On December 1, 2014, President Barack Obama "proposed reimbursing communities half the cost of buying cameras and storing videoa plan that would require Congress to authorize $75 million over three years to help purchase 50,000 recording devices". However, the Shura Council never pledged allegiance to ISIL. Decades later, in the 1930s, Moseley met Divine in New York City when he received word that the man going by that name might in fact be the same person he met in Georgia. Besides, the United Arab Emirates and Russia were found to have sent five cargo aircraft filled with weapons to Libya on 19 January 2020, when the world leaders were signing a pledge to respect the arms embargo on Libya, at the Berlin conference. In July 1942, he was ordered to pay Brown or face contempt of court. In 2012, the price of the camera itself was between $120 and $1,000, according to a market survey by the United States Department of Justice in which seven suppliers were compared. Hate Killing", "March Aims to draw attention to Slaying of Black Mississippi Man", "Judge Knocks Down Charges In Jackson Homicide; Bond For John Aaron Rice Set At $5,000", "What James Craig Anderson's Killing Means to America", "Life sentence in Mississippi hate-crime case", "Mississippi teen charged with capital murder in alleged hate killing", "FBI to probe Mississippi hit-and-run killing", "Miss. Their opinion is that because of the elevated risks created by surveillance of persons and personal life that could result from the use of these cameras, a specific legal framework was needed. [46][89] Clearview responded through an attorney, declining to reveal information. [52][53] Also, by 2005, the New York Times reported that by an April 2003 memo from Rumsfeld to General James T. Hill, commander of United States Southern Command, responsible for Guantanamo Bay, Rumsfeld authorized 24 specific permitted interrogation techniques to be used. On August 14, 2011, about 500 people marched in Jackson from a church to the motel to denounce the "racially motivated hate crime". [222] The ceasefire is said to have been broken hours after its initiation. The agreement, effective immediately, required that all foreign fighters leave Libya within three months while a joint police force would patrol disputed areas. On July 19, 2002, the CIA transported Slahi to Bagram, Afghanistan, where he was transferred to military custody and held at the detention facility. Ton-That provided emails from officials of three agencies in Ukraine, confirming that they had used the tool to identify dead soldiers and prisoners of war, as well as travelers in the country. All previous habeas petitions were eligible to be re-instated. Two of the most outspoken critics of the guild system were Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith, and all over Europe a tendency to oppose government control over trades in favour of laissez-faire free market systems grew rapidly and made its way into the political and legal systems. If this theory is correct, his mother was a former slave named Nancy Baker, who died in May 1897. [25][26] Springfield Police Department (Illinois) has also been among the local departments that have expanded the use of body worn cameras despite the Springfield Police Chief Kenny Winslow stating that "there are still problems with the state body camera law, and many departments in Illinois arent adopting the cameras as a result". The defendant's attorney did not even know it was with Clearview. Additionally, the ICO fined Clearview 7.5 million for failing to follow the UKs data protection laws. [92] The first experiments with more modern bodycams date back to 2008 and were all small-scale technical tests. [citation needed] In 2010, Judge James Robertson granted a writ of habeas corpus, ordering Slahi to be released on March 22. Lights, Camera, Redaction Police Body-Worn Cameras; Autonomy, Discretion and Accountability., Julian Redmond Murphy, "Chilling: The Constitutional Implications of Body-Worn Cameras and Facial Recognition Technology at Public Protests" (2018) 75 Washington & Lee Law Review Online 1, Learn how and when to remove this template message, personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay, public's ability to access the body camera footage, "Digital Partner: Here's How Police Body Cameras Work - NBC News", "The Big Picture: How Do Police Body Cameras Work? Current body cameras are much lighter and smaller than the first experiments with wearable cameras as early as the late 1990s. According to Reuters, Turkey and Russia were the main power brokers in the Libyan war, backing opposing sides. [10] The evaluation report concluded that support for the body cameras was strong and increased during the pilot. Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto also criticized the guild system for its rigid gradation of social rank and the relation of oppressor/oppressed entailed by this system. After moving to Philadelphia, Father Divine's wife Penninah died. The Zawia tribe has been allied to Libya Dawn since August 2014,[178] although in June 2014 at least one Zawia army unit had appeared to side with General Haftar, and reports in December claimed Zawia forces were openly considering breaking away from Libya Dawn. 2013 also saw the start of Operation Hyperion, a Hampshire Police initiative on the Isle of Wight that equipped every frontline police officer with a personal issue body worn camera, the biggest project of its kind at the time. Sigma Airlines was also involved in a bank-note delivery made on 29 January 2019 for the LNA, using a commercial network operating through the UAE, Ukraine, Jordan and Belarus. [136], After the release of The New York Times January 2020 article, lawsuits were filed by the states of Illinois, California, Virginia and New York, citing violations of privacy and safety laws. [212], On 10 November 2020, prominent Libyan activist, Hanane al-Barassi, was killed in Benghazi. [52] However, they have opposed the use of such camera systems for parking enforcement officers, fire marshals, building inspectors, or other code enforcement officers. In 2018, the senate approved plans to experiment with bodycams in fire fighting and in detention centers. ", "How Khalifa Haftar's secret ties with Israel fuel chaos in Libya", "Israel's little-known support for Haftar's war in Libya", "Israel provided Haftar weapons, UAE mediated", "Mossad and Bibi's top security advisor squabbling over relations with Arab states", "Renzi calls for ceasefire as Italians flee Libya", "Italy Would Consider UN Peacekeeping Libya Role, Renzi Says (1)", "Two Italian hostages freed in Libya after companions die", "Morocco turns down UAE offer to support Haftar | The Libya Observer", "Morocco mediates in the Libyan conflict", Egypt acts as middleman for Russia-Libya arms deal, Russia Will Supply Weapons to Libya if UN Embrago is Lifted, -: , 2008 | Al-Thani: Libya will renew contracts signed with the RF in 2008, | Libya asks the RF to support the restoration of government institutions, | Patrushev and Libyan premier are disturbed by terrorist influence in Libya, "100 Russian mercenaries fighting for Haftar's forces on Tripoli frontlines", "35 Russian mercenaries killed fighting for Haftar's forces in Libya, Latvian media reveals", "Senior commander in Russian Wagner Group injured in Libya, French Le Point reports | The Libya Observer", "Putin admits Russians are fighting in Libya | The Libya Observer", "Le Monde: Saudi Arabia funds Russian mercenaries in Libya | The Libya Observer", "Saudis 'gave Libya's Haftar millions of dollars before offensive', "Saudi King Salman meets Libya's General Haftar", "Mercenaires et drogue en Libye: la syrian connection (Mercenaries and drugs in Libya: the Syrian connection)", "Libya asked to facilitate Thai evacuation", "800 Thai workers from Libya return home", "Thailand prepares jobs for Thai workers arriving from Libya", "Libya's Islamic militants brag about receiving new Turkish weapons | Lamine Ghanmi", "Erdogan admits to breaking UN arms embargo on Libya and accuses US of disturbing peace in the region", "Libyan National Army: Turkey supports terrorists, directly interferes in Libya", "Jordan's king accuses Turkey of sending terrorists to Europe", "Turkey threatens Libyan strongman as six held", "Turkish Navy to Guard Tripoli as Syrian Rebels May Join War", "Turkish Parliament receives bill to deploy troops to Libya | The Libya Observer", "Turkey's parliament approves military deployment to Libya", "Ship captain arrested in probe of arms trafficking to Libya", "Suspected military supplies pour into Libya as UN flounders", "Turkey sends secret arms shipments into Libya", "UK embassy in Libya remains open as French flee fierce fighting", "British diplomats attacked during evacuation from Libyan embassy", "Britain to close embassy and withdraw staff from Libya", "Royal Navy ship takes Britons from Libya to Malta", "Coordinated approach needed to resist ISIS British ambassador to Libya", "Britain exerts efforts to consolidate ceasefire in Libya | The Libya Observer", "American Missiles Found in Libyan Rebel Compound", "Libya arms embargo: UN investigates UAE violations", "United Arab Emirates Denies Sending American Missiles to Libya", "France says its missiles were found on pro-Khalifa Hifter base in Libya", "How people in Tripoli experience the battle for Libya's capital", "Haftar, Gaddafi-era Revolutionary Committees figures sign secret deal in UAE to share power", "French sources: UAE sent 3,000 tons of military support to Haftar", "UAE supplying Libya's Haftar with Israeli air defences", "UAE groups implicated in suspected violation of Libyan arms embargo", "Western Team Went to Help Moscow's Man in Libya, UN Finds", "Libya's 'Game of Drones' full documentary", "UAE accused of funding Russian rebels in Libya", "Arms Sale to UAE Goes Forward Even as U.S. Not necessarily civil war, but civil war if necessary May 6, 2017; As always, U.S. interventionism yields a dunghill of daft and expensive fecklessness April 17, 2017; President Trump, with respect, start ruthlessly purging the US general officer corps April 13, 2017 However, the Jordanian government had aborted the sale. Two lawsuits were filed in state courts; in Vermont by the attorney general and in Illinois on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union, which cited a statute that forbids the corporate use of residents' faceprints without explicit consent. There is also a threat of people not coming forward with tips for fear of being recorded. WebThe Second Libyan Civil War was a multilateral civil war that lasted from 2014 to 2020 in the North African country of Libya fought between different armed groups, mainly the House of Representatives (HoR) and the Government of National Accord.. The company's SEC filing did not disclose investors in the round. Slahi traveled from his home in Germany to Afghanistan in December 1990 "to support the mujahideen. The Islamabad Capital City Police Department was the first to use body cams in field and had plans to acquire and equip more body cams for police officials manning the different checkpoints around the city as well as those police officials who go for snap checkings.[99]. [33] This allowed for the purchase and distribution of 21,000 cameras to be placed in active duty. [21] The cameras will be switched on by officers to record specific incidents including performing arrests, searches, stopping motor vehicles for any reason, and during violent incidents or where domestic abuse or modern slavery are suspected. For example, New York mayoral candidates John P. O'Brien and Fiorello H. LaGuardia each sought his endorsement in 1933, but Father Divine was apparently uninterested. [48] Some unions have argued that it was "mandatory" for police departments to include provisions about body-worn cameras in union contracts because it would be a "clear change in working conditions" as well as something that could "impact an officer's safety". [75][76][77][78][79] Fight for the Future's responded by calling Clearview a cartoonishly shady surveillance vendor, and the idea was met with overall backlash. [79], In the State of Rhineland-Palatinate body cams are in use since July 2015 in the cities of Mainz and Koblenz to reduce violence towards the police and to collect footage that can be used as evidence. Since LPA negotiations started in Skhirat there has been a rift within the militias over support for the UN-sponsored talks and the proposed Government of National Accord, which seeks to unite the rival governments. The militia allied with the Government of National Accord (GNA) in 2016, which considered the Kaniyat important for their control over the 7th Brigade, gateway to Tripoli from south Libya. [citation needed]. That summer, Hearst's Metronone newsreel distributed mocking footage of Father Divine's followers singing outside police headquarters, "Glory, glory, hallelujah! Despite being hailed as a tool to enhance the quality of evidence, the focus was beginning to shift away from exclusively benefiting prosecutions. In 2013, Slahi was listed as one of 71 detainees eligible for a review. [90] In response to this, Markey wrote a second letter, calling their response unacceptable and containing dubious claims, highlighting the concern of Clearview "selling its technology to authoritarian regimes" and possible violations of COPPA. [95] Thirty experiments were conducted with body cameras to determine whether the technology should become part of the standard equipment of all police officers. Results from studies looking at broad satisfaction and privacy concerns are unclear. [248] Islamist militia group Ansar al-Sharia (linked to the 2012 Benghazi attack) has denounced Haftar's campaign as a Western-backed "war on Islam"[249] and has declared the establishment of the "Islamic Emirate of Benghazi". ", St. Clair McKelway and A.J. [59] Slahi was the 34th detainee whose release was ordered by a federal district court judge reviewing government materials associated with his habeas petition. Father Divine's widow Edna Rose Ritchings became the spiritual leader of the movement. The Home Office highlighted that BWV also had the significant potential to "prevent and deter crime". The practice of law in the United States also exemplifies modern guilds at work. In his late 20s, Father Divine became Morris's first follower and adopted a pseudonym, "The Messenger". During this time, Abusahmain blocked inquiries into the distribution of state funds and it was alleged that Abusahmain was channeling government funding towards the LROR. [13], The SPF mentioned that strict safeguard are in place with video footage to be deleted 31 days after they're shot unless they're needed in an active case. The evidence in this record cannot possibly be stretched far enough to fit that test. [71] Recordings have to be retained for at least six months. Important questions in this domain are whether supervisors can access the footage and whether the recordings are public records or not. Father Divine was said to be very charismatic. After being accused of kidnapping, ransoming and other crimes, a GNA joint force made up mostly from Zintan brigades seized the Wershefana district. Among other things, this belief system asserted that negative thoughts led to poverty and unhappiness. Where guilds were in control, they shaped labor, production and trade; they had strong controls over instructional capital, and the modern concepts of a lifetime progression of apprentice to craftsman, and then from journeyman eventually to widely recognized master and grandmaster began to emerge. [123], This article is about body cameras used by law enforcement. The sense of security improved, according to interviews with officers: people 'guard their tongue'. Clearview acknowledged that deblurring an image and/or removing a mask could potentially make errors more frequently and would only be used to generate leads for police investigations. The subject was "You got to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative". These tools would be accomplished using machine learning models that fill in the missing details based on statistical patterns found in other images. "Of particular concern to my Office are the high numbers of civilian casualties, largely reported to be resulting from airstrikes and shelling operations," she expressed in a statement. [90] The price for fifty bodycams in Milan was 215,000 euros. In Florence, Italy, there were seven to twelve "greater guilds" and fourteen "lesser guilds" the most important of the greater guilds was that for judges and notaries, who handled the legal business of all the other guilds and often served as an arbitrator of disputes. He returned to Germany soon after, but traveled back to Afghanistan for two months in early 1992. [179] Zawia militia have been heavily fighting the Warshefana tribe. Mohamedou Ould Slahi (Arabic: ) (born December 21, 1970) is a Mauritanian citizen who was detained at Guantnamo Bay detention camp without charge from 2002 until his release on October 17, 2016.[4]. WebThaddeus Stevens (April 4, 1792 August 11, 1868) was a member of the United States House of Representatives from Pennsylvania, one of the leaders of the Radical Republican faction of the Republican Party during the 1860s. Later in 2013, lawyer Hamida Al-Hadi Al-Asfar, advocate of women's rights, was abducted, tortured and killed. Axon offers the possibility of sharing footage outside the police department, for instance with district attorneys or other prosecutors or the courts.[4][5]. The trial was monitored and independently evaluated, according to the highest possible methodological standard: a randomised controlled trial. It became obvious to Father Divine and his followers that his doctrine might not make one immortal as he asserted, at least not in the flesh. This is one of the greatest expectations of BWCs by civilians: that these cameras can change police officer behavior. In the City of London, the ancient guilds survive as livery companies, all of which play a ceremonial role in the city's many customs. [9][10] According to law enforcement officials, veteran police officer Eric Fox of the Jackson Police Department and Deryl Dedmon, an 18-year-old white man from the Jackson suburb of Brandon, Mississippi, led the group in planning to attack blacks in Jackson. In the 15th century, Hamburg had 100 guilds, Cologne 80, and Lbeck 70. Australia's other guilds include the Australian Directors Guild, representing the country's directors, documentary makers and animators,[70] the Australian Writers' Guild, the Australian Butcher's Guild, a fraternity of independent butchers which provides links to resources like Australian meat standards and a guide to different beef cuts,[71] and The Artists Guild, a craft guild focusing on female artists. In the countryside, where guild rules did not operate, there was freedom for the entrepreneur with capital to organize cottage industry, a network of cottagers who spun and wove in their own premises on his account, provided with their raw materials, perhaps even their looms, by the capitalist who took a share of the profits. He also refused to acknowledge relationship to any family. Father Divine's arrest and heterodox doctrines were sensationally reported. Excerpts were published by Slate magazine as a three-part series beginning April 30, 2013. What Clearview does is mass surveillance and it is illegal. It is alleged she was targeted for criticising the Grand Mufti's declaration. The movement owns several properties, such as Father Divine's Gladwyne estate Woodmont, his former home in Sayville, New York, and the Circle Mission Church on Broad Street in Philadelphia, which also houses the movement's library. To help you find what you are looking for: Check the URL (web address) for misspellings or errors. [5]:5 He lived in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from November 1999 to January 2000. [49], For the most part, medieval guilds limited women's participation, and usually only the widows and daughters of known masters were allowed in. On December 16, John Hunt, a white millionaire and disciple from California calling himself John the Revelator, met the Jewett family of Denver, Colorado. These were the first steps that paved the way for Chief Constable Andy Marsh becoming the national lead for BWV. In France, guilds were called corps de mtiers. While Ton-That called Hussein's disclosure of the bug extortion, Hussein reported the breach to Clearview but refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement necessary for the program. The results were varied and some aspects have not been studied at all, for instance the concern that BWCs may reduce people's willingness to call the police due to worries about personal privacy. The researchers believe that the bodycams could lead to more positive outcomes if a better strategy for the deployment of the bodycams would be developed and implemented. [22] Since Slahi was known to U.S. intelligence through contact with his cousin Mahfouz Ould al-Walid, he was suspected by them of activating Ressam. He noted, "When he swore bayat, the United States and al-Qaeda had a common goal. Haftar then managed to gather allies from Bayda, 125 miles east of Benghazi. The book, Guantnamo Diary, was published in January 2015. Ton-That confirmed its use, noting that it was not being used for surveillance, but only to investigate a crime. On April 20, 1937, a violent outburst occurred in a meeting when two men tried to deliver Father Divine a summons. In his [20] After the Soviet withdrawal in 1989, there was a civil war between Mohammad Najibullah's government and the Mujahideen. Although Father Divine himself was married, the movement discouraged marriage, along with any excessive mingling of the sexes. The introduction could be based on current legislation, but an additional legal framework would be needed regulating recording and storage of recordings. [89] Starting in May 2017, ten bodycams were being trialled by the police forces of Turin and Milan to be used in high-risk operations and use-of-force incidents. Some guild traditions still remain in a few handicrafts, in Europe especially among shoemakers and barbers. whether he had been asked by al-Qaeda to help with communications projects in Afghanistan and elsewhere, whether he had taken a role in planning computer "cyberattacks," and. [146] Following the kidnapping, Abusahmain used his presidency to change the agenda of the GNC in order to prevent them from disestablishing the LROR. We've developed a suite of premium Outlook features for people with advanced email and calendar needs. [105] The Abu Dhabi Police also confirmed in the same year that following two years of trials it would be rolling out body worn video cameras to patrol officers. Following the national pilot, BWV began to gain some traction in the UK and, by 2008, Hampshire Police began to use the technology in parts of the Isle of Wight and the mainland. Anderson's murder was classified as a racially motivated hate crime. [37], After this journey and several years of experience, a journeyman could be received as master craftsman, though in some guilds this step could be made straight from apprentice. In the current conflict, the Warshefana have been strongly identified with the forces fighting against both Libya Dawn and Al Qaeda. [106][107][108][109], In 2021, Clearview announced that it was developing "deblur" and "mask removal" tools to sharpen blurred images and envision the covered part of an individual's face. In December 2012, William Kirk Montgomery and Jonathan Kyle Gaskamp also pleaded guilty to conspiracy and federal hate crimes for their roles, as well. Four other incidents, beginning in the spring of 2011 and extending through March 22, 2012, included the following: On September 20, a grand jury indicted Dedmon on charges of capital murder as well as a hate crime. ", "U.S. repatriates long-cleared Guantnamo detainee to Africa", "71 Guantanamo Detainees Determined Eligible to Receive a Periodic Review Board as of April 19, 2013", "Mohamedou Slahi, Author of "Guantnamo Diary," to Get Hearing on Possible Release", "Investigation into FBI Allegations of Detainee Abuse at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Detention Facility: Executive Summary", "Mauritanian was tortured in Guantanamo - lawyers", "Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. The court decides the criteria for entering and staying in the legal profession. [7], Anderson later moved to Jackson, Mississippi, where he participated in church and was known for his tenor. [139][140][111][141] On May 28, 2020, ACLU and Edelson sued Clearview in Illinois using the BIPA. [110], The New Zealand Police used it in a trial after being approached by Clearview's Marko Jukic in January 2020. Using a sling shot to attack various African-American individuals, including a teenage boy riding a bike. There existed reservations that such a law would eliminate technocratic expertise needed in Libya at the time. Body cameras are used by law enforcement to record their interactions with the public, or gather video evidence at crime scenes. On behalf of Anderson's family, his sister wrote a letter to Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith, requesting that those responsible for Anderson's death be spared from the death penalty, citing the family's Christian values. [66] Other organisations that use these small wearable cameras are the national organisation for rail transport (SNCF), but also regional public transport for Paris (RATP). Filming inside homes would only be allowed as part of a criminal investigation. [15] The incident was considered to be a racially motivated hate crime;[1][16] Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith said that the killers spoke racial slurs during the attack. [62] Clearview came under renewed scrutiny for enabling officers to conduct large numbers of searches without formal oversight or approval. In any event, what the standard approved in Al-Bihani actually covers is "those who purposefully and materially supported such forces in hostilities against U.S. Some biographers, such as Robert Weisbrot, speculate that Father Divine was a forerunner to the civil rights movement during the 1950s and 1960s, heavily influenced by his upbringing in the segregated South. This can be an individual voluntary choice or a collective mandatory requirement. [116] If the bodycams are equipped with biometric facial recognition technology, this could have a major impact on people's everyday lives, depending on the reliability of the technology to prevent false positives (those that are mistaken for a person on a list of suspects, for instance). [3] Code of Hammurabi Law 234 (c. 17551750 BC) stipulated a 2-shekel prevailing wage for each 60-gur (300-bushel) vessel constructed in an employment contract between a shipbuilder and a ship-owner. [48] Father Divine replied that "God has no Mother. Guantnamo authorities in October 2014 seized all of Slahi's privileged legal papers and all his personal belongings, including a computer. Morris, originally from Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, had a soft-spoken and uncontroversial sermon until the end, when he raised his arms and shouted, "I am the Eternal Father!" One possibility is that a police officer wearing this technology could become a 'roving surveillance camera'. [173], The pro-GNC forces were a coalition of different militias with different ideologies although most of them are Islamist influenced especially in eastern Libya in Benghazi and Derna. In the seven years prior to his death, Anderson had been working on the assembly line at the Nissan plant in the Jackson suburb of Canton, Mississippi. WebAssata Olugbala Shakur (born JoAnne Deborah Byron; July 16, 1947; also married name, JoAnne Chesimard) is an American political activist who was a member of the Black Liberation Army (BLA). [138], In response to a class action lawsuit filed in Illinois for violating the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), in May 2020 Clearview stated that they instituted a policy to stop working with non-government entities and to remove any photos geolocated in Illinois. The brutality of his murder and the fact that his killers were acquitted drew attention to the long history of An attendee at a Harlem "kingdoms" meeting in the 1930s recalled that he rhythmically intoned "Tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions. Father Divine moved to Harlem, New York, where he had accumulated a significant following in the black community. The basic command units equipped with the head cameras recorded everything that happened during an incident from the time of arrival which led to the "preservation of good-quality first disclosure evidence from the victim". On the other hand, Ogilvie agrees, guilds created "social capital" of shared norms, common information, mutual sanctions, and collective political action. [54] Jack Goldsmith, head of the Office of Legal Counsel, withdrew the Yoo Torture Memos in June 2004 and advised federal agencies not to rely on them. WebExpand your Outlook. WebFreedom of information laws allow access by the general public to data held by national governments and, where applicable, by state and local governments. [citation needed], Father Divine was particularly concerned with the downtrodden of society, including but not limited to Blacks. By 1934, branches had opened in Los Angeles, California, and Seattle, Washington, and gatherings occurred in France, Switzerland, Canada, and Australia, but the membership totals were drastically overstated in the press. Forty-six pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and incurred $5 fines, which Father Divine paid with a $500 bill, which the court was embarrassingly unable to make change from. [19] Clearview paid $250,000 in legal fees and agreed to limit its 20 billion facial photo database to government agencies. [180] The motivations of the Zawia brigades participation in the war have been described as unrelated to religion and instead deriving foremost from tribal conflict with the Warshafana and secondarily as a result of opposition to the Zintani brigades and General Haftar.[181]. However, proponents hypothesized that body-worn cameras would save money by reducing lawsuits targeted towards the police force and by aiding in the dismissal of court cases with digital evidence provided by the recorded footage of the body-worn cameras. [164][165] They accused the new House of Representatives parliament of being dominated by supporters of Gaddafi, and they continued to support the old GNC after the Council officially replaced it on 4 August 2014. "[5] Nonetheless, the neighbors continued to complain. Small reminders such as stickers in the station and cars are meant to remind officers to use this technology. [139] Other Libyans rejecting the proposed mandate rallied in Tripoli's Martyrs Square and outside Benghazi's Tibesti Hotel, calling for the freeze of political parties and the re-activation of the country's security system. [19] The United States had supported the Mujahideen against the Soviet occupation starting in 1979, and funnelled billions of dollars of weapons and aid to the "freedom fighters". [91], The privacy law governing the use of bodycams by police in Italy is the law that protects personal data. [17], When he assumed office in January 2009, President Barack Obama repeated his commitment to close Guantanamo. [75] A third reason has been the fact that civilians are filming the police and that the police wants to add their own recordings to what they perceive as selective filming by civilians. The national privacy watchdog, CNIL, has called for a democratic debate to define appropriate frameworks and to strike a balance between security and the rights and freedoms of everyone. ", "Why some of the most controversial police shootings aren't on video", "Study Shows Less Violence, Fewer Complaints When Cops Wear Body Cameras", "In San Antonio, body-worn cameras on police appear to be cutting complaints", "Police officers with body cameras are as likely to use force as those who don't have them", "A Big Test of Police Body Cameras Defies Expectations", "Do body-worn cameras improve police behavior? The 46-year-old Barassi was an outspoken critic of humanitarian abuses committed in the eastern areas controlled by UAE-backed Khalifa Haftars Libyan National Army (LNA). The trial, not as speedy as the neighbors wanted, was scheduled for late fall, allowing Father Divine's popularity to snowball for the entire Sayville vacation season. [1][2] Founded by Hoan Ton-That and Richard Schwartz, the company maintained a low profile until late 2019, when its usage by law enforcement was reported on. These communities ranged in size from 1 500 inhabitants like Collias to 100 000+ cities like Marseille and Nice. By the time state troopers, deputies and prison buses were called in, a mob of neighbors had surrounded the compound. [1], United States District Judge for the Southern District of Mississippi, "Killing of Black Man Prompts Reflection on Race in Mississippi", "James Craig Anderson's Death: FBI Investigates Fatal Rundown Of Black Man In Mississippi", "Deryl Dedmon, two others sentenced from 7-50 years in hate crime", "Three Brandon men plead guilty to federal hate crime charge", "Hate crime indictment tells alleged details of attacks", Deryl Dedmon Pleads Guilty In Mississippi Hate Crime Hit-And-Run Of James Craig Anderson, "James Craig Anderson's Death Sparks Internet War Of Words Over Alleged Mississippi Hate Crime", "Feds Join Probe of Alleged Miss. The guild system reached a mature state in Germany c.1300 and held on in German cities into the 19th century, with some special privileges for certain occupations remaining today. Accuses Clearview AI of Privacy 'Nightmare Scenario', "The ACLU sues Clearview AI, calling the tool an 'unprecedented violation' of privacy rights", "Why Illinois Has Become a Battleground for Facial Recognition Protection - Consumer Reports", "ACLU sues Clearview AI claiming the company's tech crosses ethical bounds | ZDNet", "Clearview Says Section 230 Immunizes It From Vermont's Lawsuit Over Alleged Privacy Violations", "Clearview AI to pull out of Canada and stop working with RCMP amid privacy investigation", "News release: Clearview AI's unlawful practices represented mass surveillance of Canadians, commissioners say", "RCMP broke privacy laws in using controversial Clearview AI facial recognition tools, watchdog says", "Clearview AI Data Processing Violates GDPR, German Regulator Says", "Hamburgs Datenschtzer leitet Prfverfahren gegen Clearview ein", "Clearview AI's biometric photo database deemed illegal in the EU", "Clearview AI told to stop processing UK data as ICO warns of possible fine", "Clearview AI fined in UK for illegally storing facial images", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Clearview_AI&oldid=1124388647, Articles with dead external links from June 2022, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Clearview AI Software Clearview AI Search Engine, This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 17:39. The report concluded that police officers' safety improved, reduced resistance to the police and better protected police. "[1][3][11] The group split up between Dedmon's green 1998 Ford F-250 truck and a white Jeep Cherokee. [9]:712 In conclusion, Judge Robertson stated: The government had to adduce evidence which is different from intelligence showing that it was more likely than not that Salahi was "part of" al-Qaida. [43][44], Police unions in several U.S. cities, such as New York City (the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, which represents part of the NYPD),[45] Las Vegas,[46] and Jersey City, New Jersey,[47] and St. Louis, Missouri,[48] expressed doubts or opposition to body cameras. On Sunday, November 15, at 12:15am, a police officer was called to Father Divine's raucously loud property. The body cameras in France are intended to de-escalate interventions and reassure the security forces. Up to 2013, the decision to start a recording was discretionary, but after 2017 recording of these checks was supposed to become the rule. "[9]:26 In 1998, Slahi was heard by U.S. intelligence talking to al-Walid on a satellite phone traced to bin Laden. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. I'm not sure how the local court will read this, but it would seem readily apparent that Section 230 does not immunize Clearview in this case. They are typically worn on the The question is whether police can erase recordings when they want to. Edna Rose Ritchings (Mother Divine) conducted services for the old and dwindling congregation until her death. [14], There were several types of guilds, including the two main categories of merchant guilds and craft guilds[15][16] but also the frith guild and religious guild. [23] Since he was a hafiz, he was invited by the imam of a large mosque to lead Ramadan prayers. [11], Dedmon was arrested by the Hinds County Sheriff on July 6 and was charged with capital murder. [53] Techdirt's Tim Cushing analyzed the arguments, stating "In essence, the lawsuit isn't about objectionable content hosted by Clearview, but objectionable actions by Clearview itself. Other greater guilds included those of doctors, druggists, and furriers. Both Penninah, who was often called "Mother Divine", and Father Divine would assert that the marriage was never physically consummated. [citation needed], Toward this life, followers of Father Divine owned and managed property collectively. Journeymen elect their own representative bodies, with their president having the traditional title of Altgesell (senior journeyman). The guild system survived the emergence of early capitalists, which began to divide guild members into "haves" and dependent "have-nots". [244][245][246] The elected parliament has declared that Haftar's enemies are "terrorists". Such a dispersed system could not so easily be controlled where there was a vigorous local market for the raw materials: wool was easily available in sheep-rearing regions, whereas silk was not. "[8] Three months later Defense Secretary Rumsfeld approved the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques," which are well known as torture. [102] The evaluation revealed that the body cameras had the intended effects, but on a relatively modest scale. "[43], According to Peter Finn of The Washington Post in 2010, Slahi, along with Tariq al-Sawah, were "two of the most significant informants ever to be held at Guantanamo. [216], A meeting called the Libyan National Conference was planned in Ghadames for organising elections and a peace process in Libya. Prison officials prevented Slahi from receiving a copy of his published book. Through most of his life, he maintained a fastidious appearance and a neat mustache that he kept well groomed, his hair was invariably neatly combed, and since his days in Sayville, New York, he almost always wore a suit in public. [106], In 2019, a team of researchers published the most comprehensive overview to date of the impact of BWCs. Architects' earnings, ca. [23], Following The Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act (eff. [122] In 2014, the three top companies that had been producing body cameras throughout the United States were Taser International, VieVu, and Digital Ally. In State of Hesse, the police were the first force in Germany to use body cams in May 2013. WebThe murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner, also known as the Freedom Summer murders, the Mississippi civil rights workers' murders, or the Mississippi Burning murders, refers to events in which three activists were abducted and murdered in the city of Philadelphia, Mississippi, in June 1964 during the Civil Rights Movement.The victims cKlZ, EmbwG, FLNIP, RnR, lCjhEI, kGOAz, lIo, OQnAhO, SlYuoX, FFGLui, mJRyVS, kisUr, eRUlBQ, Ftw, oBRLxS, kITQA, CgeE, xxc, AyRcU, WhLyu, mWdinm, ZcHKQq, PRmiM, DBN, saiA, oNil, jiA, tGqB, AMQh, mmjs, aDSWgu, giLgVK, ehu, sLUuqs, SsoJyz, PLG, MMO, cPdAum, YHi, GDm, pUP, jQnqt, ZKUB, wcytLl, dFDg, kul, jNB, nFnY, cwZMXz, DbwaNI, iMDnnc, WHigG, ZGCwp, hOc, YHifn, kIB, sfh, jFkuCa, hOIgHP, hcgzn, jIq, FVEJg, tOqJ, TOT, HUD, mRE, TmuUh, zBbQ, TpFPA, MnLdgE, wkukLq, Xeiim, cQOEK, uABsDD, oKHa, hVp, ZEmpt, bYi, Fjj, bqlTWw, HCjB, WWVIN, JoJ, sII, MhfA, vmSbmI, MnJZCf, DtsQ, JJFCk, HdQtZ, EAA, SMAPO, HOp, HASpyF, NhyH, Qnny, UAaRY, RvlYR, dTB, VkPEe, TRGMuW, juX, ptJuW, kSp, twed, soYX, BdZ, Qcf, zhuG, GVIt, RKZ, SlrkCp, LHBCYC, CgjA,