Followed by. Although the face of a female is not Awrah, the Fuqaha (Jurists) have ruled it necessary for a female to conceal her face from a Non-Mahram. Practicality and ease Under the concept of ease, it is very difficult for a woman to cover her feet, and she might even trip over her clothes trying to keep her feet covered. 1. it is not permissible for stranger men to look at or touch her feet. saying of Allah, the Exalted, (translated), "And let them not show their beauty, Umm Salamah asked the Prophet if a woman can pray in a long shirt (like a thick night shirt) and head covering without a loincloth. Exposing them is normally considered sinful.Exposing intimate parts when needed, such as going to . from the apparent [implication] of the narration." [1] Hence, it is not a requirement for the validity of Salah that the feet must be concealed. views in Radd al-Muhtar . Ibn `Abidin reported this as one of the authentic opinion. It is with great sadness that we note confusion in the minds of many students and even some scholars concerning the obligation of theniqab(veil) in the Hanafimadhhab, which expressly classifies covering the face as binding on women and forbids the exposure of the face in the presence ofghayr mahrams(strangers). The jurists have clearly stated that theshahwahin the context of gazing at a member of the opposite sex is an attraction and inclination; this is regardless of whether the gazing is accompanied with the stirring of the male organ or not. II, p.63.] It is permissible for an unmarried girl to apply mehndi or her hands and feet. A person can never be cartain of the duration of his life and can die before he can fulfil his promises. All of the rulings here are according to the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence. non-mahram) men around . It will be wise for us to take a safe side, and cover the feet- this way we get out of the scholarly dispute. Browse by Volume Number > Volume 7 > Book of Salah > The remaining of the chapter on the conditions of Salah > Woman's uncovering of their hands and feet during Salah 25.349808 55.394526 Share this, Baarakallaah Feekum: ["One who guides to something good has a reward similar to that of its doer" - Saheeh Muslim vol.3, no.4665] [This . that normally cover the ankles, but reveal the leg area above this while walking (especially in the wind, etc). Hadhrut Aa-ishah [radhiallaahu anhu] relates that the Nabiy once inquired from her: `Are you aware of the virtue of this night, (meaning the middle night of Sha-baan)? She asked: `What is the significance O Rasool of Allaah? He then said: `It is on this night that each one of the sons of Aadam who shall be born is determined, and each one of the sons of Aadam to die that year is fixed. is sounder from the point of rationale. or outside salah, or both or neither? . The ruling of theimamsof themadhhabis clear in that this gaze would be permissible. "Insha'Allah" should not be added because a person intends to breach the promise. This is because the ringing of anklets, and this conveys that the feet al-Lubab . The male perspective is discussed under the rulings of the gaze, while the female perspective is discussed under the issue of covering the face. will be uncovered. Hanafi Fiqh (Quoted by Al-Shurunbali in Muhammad Abul Quasem p #91): It is mustahab or praiseworthy to pray using "three of one's best clothes, a Thawb, Silwar (Sunnah pants), and turban or kufi" According to the Hanafi school (Al-Jazayri, al-Fiqh `ala al-madhahib al-arba`a, Kitab al- Salat p. 280-28) [among] the disliked acts (al-makruhat) in . So, this is an evidence None. [in salah] according to Abu Hanifah, and [this] is the stronger [position], for 3) That they are nakedness outside salah, but not As such, it is not legally obligatory to cover them in the prayer or outside the prayer. These days many ladies wear burkha with loose sleeves, so that when they raise their hands, the whole arm becomes visible. The Hanafi madhhabhas, in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah, thus obliged a woman to cover her face in front of strangers. [As mentioned in Radd al-Muhtar and elsewhere]. As-salmu 'alaykum wa-rahmatullhi wa-baraktuh. "Perform salat from the declining of the sun to the darkening of the night and the recital of the dawn; surely the recital of the dawn is witnessed."(Qur'an 17:78) The schools concur that salat is not valid if performed before its appointed time and that the time of the zuhr prayer sets in when the sun passes the meridian. Covering The Feet For Women During Prayer. 3.1.2. This answer may not be used as evidence in any Court of Law without prior written consent of Darul Iftaa Texas. Answer: Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, In Sharh al-Muhadhdhab v. 3, p. 431, Imam Nawawi related from Imam Shafi'i that it is recommended for one making sujud to part between the knees and feet; and from Qadi Abu al-Tayyib al-Tabari's Ta'liq that the As-hab al-Wujuh maintained that the feet should be about a hand span apart. Receive updates on our courses, services, and offerings. There are three opinions amongst the Fuqaha (Jurists) with regards to the Juristic position of a woman concealing her feet during Salah. It is not a requirement of prayer that men cover their head with a cap or something similar. " When a girl reaches puberty, it is not appropriate that any of her should be [2] However, if a quarter of a limb within the 'awrah was exposed mistakenly or involuntarily, Salh will only be invalidated if it remained exposed for the duration of reciting Subhna Rab al-'Al three times. Conclusion _____ Introduction A males gaze towards a strange females face or hands would fall under one of the following three categories: 3.1.1. Being the best of creation, Rasulullah was chided by Allah even for omittin a non-obligatory act. We can thus conclude that it is obligatory on a man to lower his gaze from the face of strange women under all circumstances, just as it is binding on a woman to cover her face in the presence of strange men. And it is a month in which an account of the deeds (of human beings) is presented before the Lord of the universe, so, I wish that my deeds be presented at a time when I am in a state of fasting. 17.] . also espoused by al-Jassas in Ahkam al-Qur'an and by Qadi-Khan. . [Narrated by Abu Dawud; With regards to Salaah specifically, then there is no evidence to covering the feet as Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned. In conclusion, it is preferable and more precautionary to cover the feet. . The woman's nakedness -' Awrah - (when she is a free woman) is all of her body besides her face and hands till the wrists. "And similar [is the case with] the foot. There are differences among the Hanafis However, a large amount of scholars have said that it must be covered and failing to do so will invalidate the Salaah. [Narrated by Ibn Abi Hatim, as quoted by Ibn Taymiyyah in Hijab al-Mar'ah , p. this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands. 2. Before commencing the discussion, it would be imperative to understand the definition ofshahwahin the context of looking at a female. There exists consensus of the Muslims on preventing women from emerging with their faces uncovered., (Mughni l-Muhtaj4/203,Tuhfat al-Muhtaj7/193). will be uncovered!' This is especially true for prayer, but it is best even outside the prayer when in the presence of those one must cover in front of. However among some scholars in the Hanafi school women's feet are not part of a woman's awrah (the area that needs to be covered in front of non-mahrams). BEFORE SALAH. exceeding that.' Furthermore, the great Shafi'i scholar Imam Nawawi concludes: 'It is undesirable [makruh] to join the feet together; it is preferable [mustahab] to keep some distance between them.' [Sharh al-Muhadhdhab 3:266] In total, we have three opinions of the Shafi'i school: (1) a gapequivalent to one hand span; (2) a gap of four fingers; and (3 . (Umdat-ul-Islam) (translated), "And let them not show their beauty except that of it which is uncovered in view of the hardship associated with covering it. Find a clean space (like on a prayer mat) and somewhere that won't cause . [PART 2] MOST COMMON MISTAKES OF SALAH - more information on how to perfect your prayer read:- Laws of Salah |. Can you please clarify? Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salam During prayer, according to most scholars of the Hanafi school, the apparent portions of the feet (for women) are not considered from the awrah (nudeness), hence the salah (prayer) performed while having the apparent portions of the feet not covered, would be considered valid. wa`alaykum as-salam wa-rahmatullah that women used to show their feet initially, just as they used to show their II, p. 17.]. menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except Al-Quhustani,[2]Al-Tahtawi,[3]Al-Nablusi,[4]Abid al-Sindhi[5]and Ibn Abidin[6]are among those who have expressly clarified this. Sign up for a new account in our community. Article taken (with Thanks) from, Nasa'i and Abu Dawud, with the words, "then she Please clarify. Similarly, in Exposing the intimate parts of the body is unlawful in Islam as the Quran instructs the covering of male and female genitals, and for adult females the breasts. . 3.1.3 A gaze accompanied with strong possibility or certainty of attraction. to cover them, but they are nakedness for the purposes of looking and touching, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). On Combining Two Salahs. your feet? Assalamualikum, I hope you are well Insha Allah.I wanted to ask you regarding the awrah (portion of the body that is to be covered) of a woman during prayer.Majority of the scholars share the consensus of covering the feet for women, some are okay with not being covered. Al-Thanawi concluded in I`la al-Sunan that it the lower garment, about what women should do with the ends of their garments. Question: When do women have to cover their feet? follows another opinion in good conscience should not be criticized. follows another opinion in good conscience should not be criticized. We ask Allah Most High to grant us thetawfiq(ability) to explain the issue in a manner pleasing to Him.Amin. are hiding," i.e. In conclusion, it is preferable and more precautionary to cover the feet. with shoes, for she may not always find khuffs or socks with which to cover al-Mara'ah wa-Libasuha fi al-Salah , pp. It is a month that prepares man for the remaining eleven months by teaching him discipline and self control. 2. This is from his book ' Al-Fiqh Al- Islami - According to the Hanafi Madhab'. Therefore the followers of this opinion are to ensure feet are covered appropriately during prayer for its validity. . [26]This ruling is not applicable to old women who have passed the age of being desired, as they have been clearly exempted from these rulings.[27]. as a dry list of dos and donts. in salah. [See Fath Pertemuan Jodoh. And the other one is from Abu Dawud, Book 027, Hadith Number 4092. However, if a female chooses to conceal her feet during Salah as a mode of precaution, she may do so. 3- It was based on Mubaalaghah (exaggeration). 1) That the feet are nakedness Everything besides the face, hands and feet must be covered. according to most scholars of the Hanafi school, the apparent portions of the feet (for women) are not considered from the awrah (nudeness), hence the salah (prayer) performed while having the apparent portions of the feet not covered, would be considered valid. i.e. . Fried foods, such as the Tunisian boreek which are spring rolls stuffed with chicken, eggs, cheese, potatoes and spices, are common almost every day for iftar. Please help me with this masala, jazaakumullah, wassalaam, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh. 17-18] However, out of Salah, the feet will not be considered as 'Awrah, And Allah knows best. Durban, South Africa, ( 478 ): , Imam al-Haramayn (d. 478 AH) said: It is on this night that the deeds of every person is presented, and their sustenance apportioned. This opinion has been reported by al-Hasan [ibn Ziyad al-Lu'lu'i] This opinion was presented as the madhhab of Abu Hanifah by al-Quduri, and is I, p.225, and al-Bunayah , Even if he lives, he still cannot be certain whether he will be able to conclude the intended act. Ahmad ibn Hanbal. It is only allowed to uncover the feet up to the ankles. 3.1.1 A gaze accompanied with conviction of no possibility of attraction 3.1.2 A gaze accompanied with doubt of attraction 3.1.3 A gaze accompanied with strong possibility or certainty of attraction. Anything above the ankles is from ones part of the body which must be covered with clothing (`awra). 2- The command of joining the feet was metaphorical. apparent", "the toe-ring, a silver ring which is [placed] on the toes." Nasa'i and Abu Dawud, with the words, "then she If there are non-mahram men around, the face must also be covered. #HUDATVIs it Compulsory for Women to cover their feet while praying #Dr Zakir Naik #HUDATV #islamqa #newHuda TV . faces and hands . his attention from her. To place the right hand over the left, beneath the navel. The Prayers performed by someone without a turban covering his head are valid. location of beauty (it may be for a minority, but regulations are set according Rather, we should have the intention that we are following Allahs commands and the guidance of His Messenger (Allah bless him & give him peace), out of love and thanks. Found two fatwas: one says the feet need not be covered (The questioner has mentioned applying mendhi on the hands and feet)and the other says "Hands and feet will be included in covering if there is a risk of fitna", Assalaamualaikum, mufti saheb, i would like to know whats the hukm of an unmarried girl puttin mehendi in her hands and legs, and if she does putting it, then is it necessary for her to cover her hands and legs if she goes out of her house, where ghair mahram men can see her? This is especially true for prayer, but it is best even outside the prayer when in the presence of those one must cover in front of. ),[38]Mahmud Al-Bukhari author ofal-Muhit(d. 616 AH),[39]Al-Sunnami (d. after 700 AH),[40]Al-Sighnaqi (d. 714 AH),[41]Al-Qurashi (d. 854 AH),[42]Ibn al-Humam (d. 861 AH),[43]Al-Quhustani (d. 950 AH),[44]Ibn Nujaym (d. 970 AH),[45]Sinan al-Khalwati (d. 989 AH),[46]Umar ibn Nujaym (d. 1005 AH),[47]Mulla Ali al-Qari (d. 1014 AH),[48]Al-Shurunbulali (d. 1069 AH),[49]Shaykh Zada (d. 1078 AH),[50]Abd al-Halim (d. 1088 AH),[51]Al-Haskafi (d. 1088 AH),[52]Al-Tahtawi (d. 1231 AH),[53]Ibn Abidin (d. 1252 AH),[54]Abid al-Sindhi (d. 1257 AH),[55]Abd al-Hay al-Laknawi (d. 1304 AH),[56]Al-Sawati (d. 1346 AH),[57]Al-Nahlawi (d. 1350 AH).[58]. . 49. If man can control these desires in this month, which are usually permissible for him, then he can surely control himself from other desires which are not permissible throughout the remaining months. This is contrary/contradictory to the instructions of hijab. This is the authoritative position of the Hanafi School, as adopted by major Hanafi legal masters over the centuries, such as: Abu Mansur al-Maturidi (d. 333 AH),[32]Hakim al-Shahid (d. 334 AH),[33]Jassas al-Razi (d. 370 AH),[34]Al-Natifi (d. 446 AH),[35]Qadi Khan (d. 592 AH),[36]Al-Marghinani author ofAl-Hidayah(d. 593 AH),[37]Al-Kirmani (d. 600 AH approx. 2- As for the covering of the feet in prayer, we outweigh to cover them, but we do not adopt in this matter because it is a worship. Covering of the Head During Salah To Raise the Hands upto the Earlobes To Tie the Hands Beneath the Navel Reciting Bismillah Softly The Muqtadi (follower) Should Listen and Remain Silent The Muqtad i Must Not Recite Surah Fatiha The Qira`at of the Imam suffices for the Muqtad i The person performing salah individually must recite Surah Fatiha 1- Imaam Ibn Hajar was a Shaafi'ee. These differences are mainly due to following reasons: - The methodology of fiqh adopted (Usool al Fiqh, Find books on this subject here) - Interpretation of relevant references from . them. As such, it is not legally obligatory to cover them in the prayer or outside the prayer. The argument for this is based on two points: [As mentioned in, 1. . 6, p. 369). 273 (39th printing) ISBN. Some scholars opined that the feet are not nakedness in that she is not required To recite the thanaa (Subhaanak allaahumma wa bihamdika wa tabaarak asmuka wa ta'aala jadduka walaa . This is what we see in this matter, and Allah knows best. The 'awrah of a female in Salh is her entire body besides her face, hands and feet. Therefore, a woman must cover herself properly when performing Salat. . Hanafi Salah Method - Evidence - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Women should perform salat wearing socks, or a skirt or a dress long enough to cover their feet. We specialise in stocking authentic Islamic literature in the Arabic, English and Urdu language. are hiding," i.e. It may be noted that Hafiz Ibn Taymiyyah, the Hanbali, also favored this [Narrated by Ibn Abi Hatim, as quoted by Ibn Taymiyyah in Hijab al-Mar'ah , p. saying of Allah, the Exalted, (translated), "And let them not show their beauty, (Kitaab Al Fiqh . "], i) If the establishment of the nakedness is by the vol. It is widely considered one of the best examples of early modern Indonesian literature . I think it has been shown through generations (both in the Arab and non-Arab world) that covering the feet was not the norm and i think that that makes this a mutawatar tradition, something gone from generation to generation so that it's correctness can't be doubted. apparent", "the toe-ring, a silver ring which is [placed] on the toes." A Light in Every homeSUBSCRIBE To our ch. Is Awrah of a woman different in Salah than in normal case? It's easy! Many women wear skirts or dresses (such as. ) Log in. 5- Ibn Hajar declared Imaam Bukhaari's chapter as well as this hadeeth to be referring to "Mubaalaghah". Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was inclined towards this view. 50. Masjid Yaseen, Garland TX, Fundraising Policies For External Organizations. This view has been presented as the madhhab position by later texts, such as Nur 1. In the last sitting (i.e. Along with this, desire is not aroused by looking at the foot such as is People of high rank are rebuked even for things that seem minor. from Abu Hanifah. He said, ' Then, they should extend them a cubit, not 979-407-064-5 (39th printing) Preceded by. Ensure that clothes are clean and make Wudhu. My limited understanding is that normal feet of a woman are not Awrah but if she puts Mehndi, ankle bracletes, nail-polish, toe-rings etc then they would be counted as Awrah and need to be covered and it is also better to cover them anyways, is that right? Your brother, Ata Bin Khalil Abu Al-Rashtah He says, ). Thus, Allah has made some acts which are beloved to man, like eating, drinking and fulfilling ones desires, Haraam. Umm Salamah said, 'Then, their feet Covering of the Head During Salah Ibn Umar (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) wore a white hat. themselves are of the beauty which is apparent. since to stand with ones feet spread apart is naturally awkward and hence it presents a certain amount of . Q) If we are directed by the 1- Is it a requirement that woman has to cover her feet in Salah, or is it just preferred? It is a mursal narration at the level of hasan.] Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, The legal ruling (fatwa) in the Hanafi school is that a woman's feet are not parts of the body which must be covered with clothing (`awra). Anything above the ankles is from ones part of the body which must be covered with clothing (, ). it is not permissible for stranger men to look at or touch her feet. . There have always been three views within the Madhab, and thus, if a Mufti chooses any of these views, it will be correct. themselves, and there exist three authentic opinions in the madhhab : It is permissible for her to show it As such, it is not legally obligatory to cover them in the prayer or outside the prayer. If there is no risk, then leaving them open will be allowed (Shaami, vol. A gaze accompanied with strong possibility or certainty of attraction, This gaze is also been forbidden, just as the one before it. Hanafi jurists differ concerning its definition in the context ofhurmat al-musaharah. Ibn `Abidin reported this as one of the authentic Our discussion will entail the following: 3.1 Types of gazes and their respective rulings, 3.1.1 A gaze accompanied with conviction of no possibility of attraction [ Hijab [Moreover], to cover these in [salah] poses a great hardship, and Umm Salamah Prophet Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, replied: "That (Sha'ban) is a month between Rajab and Ramadan which is neglected by many people., You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Al Inaam Bookshop is the official bookshop of Madrasah Inaamiyyah, an Islamic Seminary in South Africa. Rather, we should have the intention that we are following Allahs commands and the guidance of His Messenger (Allah bless him & give him peace), out of love and thanks. And Allah knows best. aroused by looking at the face, and so if the face is not `awrah, in spite of The Imams agree that it is not allowed to combine two salahs without any (genuine) excuse. , and Ibn al-Humam and al-`Ayni acknowledged this in their commentaries thereof. The Prophet said: " If the shirt is long and flowing and covers the top of her feet. 2) That they are not nakedness A gaze accompanied with doubt of attraction, This type of gaze has been classified asharam(forbidden). 63] Of the latter Hanafi scholars, al-Ghunaymi has inclined towards this view in the 1st sitting of a 2 Rakaat Salah or the 2nd sitting of a 4 Rakaat Salah), the Salat Alan-Nabi (Durood Shareef) should be recited, which is as follows. Women who follow the tradition of Abu Hanifa do not have to cover their feet during prayer. let them not strike their feet in order to make known that adornment which they said, 'A woman should pray in an ample garment which covers the tops of her feet,' and so when she makes sajdah, the bottoms of her feet may show." (translated), "And let them not show their beauty except that of it which is Narated By 'Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin : Asma, daughter of Abu Bakr, entered upon the He said: O Asma', when a woman reaches the age of Stand respectfully on a clean place facing the Qibla. The method of Salah according to the Hanafi school of thought is as follows: To raise both hands until the thumbs are parallel to the earlobes whilst saying the takbir (Allahu Akbar). Al-Marghinani graded it as the more authentic opinion in al-Hidayah In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. [Narrated by : Tirmidhi , who graded it as hasan sahih, [29], While themadhhabhas not completely forbidden a males gaze towards a females face when there exists absolutely no fear of attraction, the woman has no way of knowing whether the gazes directed towards her are free of desire or not, especially when out in public. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. . except that of it which is apparent," then the foot is not customarily a [See al-Bunayah , vol. They stated that covering the head with a turban or its like during Prayers is recommended and desirable for . While there have been dozens of works penned on this issue, we wish to focus on the Hanafi stance due to the abuse it is being subjected to. Safwan ibn 'Amr said ' I have seen 'Abdullah ibn Busr (a companion) more than 50 times and never saw on his head any cap or turban, neither in the . It is also strengthened by the narration that the Prophet (may Allah bless him During prayer, according to most scholars of the Hanafi school, the apparent portions of the feet (for women) are not considered from the awrah (nudeness), hence the salah (prayer) performed while having the apparent portions of the feet not covered, would be considered valid. In general, the scholars remind us that one should not apply Islamic religious law (. ) The free woman who has attained the age of majority is obliged to cover her entire body during prayer, apart from her face and hands, because all of her is 'awrah. Zelabaya, much like the Pakistani and Indian jalebi, maqrood, which is made out of semolina and dates, and other donut-like sweets dipped in honey are desserts eaten only in Ramadhaan or other special occasions, such as Eid, Amr said. ummtaalib, Darul Iftaa Texas bears no responsibility to any party who may or may not act on this answer and is being hereby exempted from loss or damage howsoever caused. Many women wear skirts or dresses (such as jilbabs) that normally cover the ankles, but reveal the leg area above this while walking (especially in the wind, etc). The intimate parts (Arabic: 'awrah, Arabic: , satr) of the human body must, according to Islam, be covered by clothing. she would be put to hardship by her foot showing when she walked barefooted or the plentiful arousal of desire, then the foot is more appropriate to remain will be uncovered."] Husain Kadodia the ringing of anklets, and this conveys that the feet The face must be covered properly so that no hair is exposed. Sharh al-Aqta` , it is stated, "The authentic [opinion] is that it is `awrah, 14 Ramadan 1429 / 14 September 2008 The first opinion is the preferred view. [3] Keep feet parallel at least four fingers apart with toes pointing towards the Qibla and submit totally to Allah. HOW TO PERFORM SALAH ACCORDING TO THE HANAFI SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. `A'ishah considered it of the apparent beauty. Hence, it is not necessary to conceal them during Salah. The scholars (may Allah have mercy on them) differed concerning the ruling on whether a woman has to cover her feet whilst praying. However, due to the existence of scholarly disagreement on some details, one who In general, the scholars remind us that one should not apply Islamic religious law (Shariah) as a dry list of dos and donts. She must cover the top of her feet otherwise her prayer will not be accepted. al-Idah and al-Durr al-Mukhtar . that the Mother of the Believers, `A'ishah, said, commenting on the verse, Hands are up to the wrists and feet are up to the ankles. The feet are also considered nakedness by Imams Malik, al-Shafi`i and This is fortified by the fact If this is a 4 Rakaat Salah then the person should stand and complete the 3rd and the 4th Rakaat as described above. ii) If the establishment is by the Prophet's saying, "The woman is to be views in Radd al-Muhtar . that the Mother of the Believers, `A'ishah, said, commenting on the verse, [7], However, this has been clearly conditioned with absolute conviction of no possibility ofshahwahappearing in the heart towards her. The Shara ruling herein given is based specifically on the question posed and should be read in conjunction with the question. seen, excepting her face, and her hands upto the wrists." to cover them, but they are nakedness for the purposes of looking and touching, i.e. And, some of them transmit it as a view . A gaze accompanied with conviction of no possibility of attraction, This is the case mentioned in most texts and which has been misunderstood by many. According to the view of the majority of the Muslim scholars, a woman has to cover her feet while performing the prayer. the feet also be excluded, due to the corroboration of hardship. There are three opinions amongst the Fuqaha (Jurists) with regards to the Juristic position of a woman concealing her feet during Salah. The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) turned Salah Asuhan (Indonesian: Wrong Upbringing) is an Indonesian novel by Abdul Muis originally published in 1928 by Balai Pustaka. (Al Hidayah, I'ilaa Al Sunan) themselves are of the beauty which is apparent. The feet of women are only Awrah outside of Salah and are not Awrah inside of Salah. ( 1 406 ), [2] () ( ) ( ) ( 1 406 ), Download Masjid Yaseen App for all the updates and Salaat timing, Copyright 2022. Thus, the authoritative position of themadhhabis that while looking at the face of a strange female is not completely forbidden when there exists conviction of no desire at all towards her, it would still bemakruh tahrimi. al-Qadir : al-Hidayah with its commentaries, vol. According to the preferred view, the Awrah of a female inside of Salah and outside of Salah is the same. Before discussing the stance of themadhhab, it should be borne in mind that themadhhabhas tackled this issue from both the mans perspective as well as that of the woman. for they used not to walk in khuffs or shoes. Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel Question Quite a few years back, my father was e ) in the Hanafi school is that a womans feet are not parts of the body which must be covered with clothing (, ). Hands and feet will be included in covering if there is a risk of fitna. i) If the establishment of the nakedness is by the By Covering the head for men. Hence, it is necessary to conceal them during Salah. It is only allowed to uncover the feet up to the ankles. Also, care should be taken that no part from above the wrists and ankles is exposed. Although the soup is often a meal onto itself, other dishes are also traditionally present, making the meal a multi-course one. Answer Praise be to Allah. (Al Fiqh 'Ala al-Madhahib al-Arba'ah) A woman's salat which she performed with bare heel bones, ankle, neck, or hair is not valid., . (Sharh al-Muhadhdhab 2/121; Rawdat al-Talibin 1/389) The Shafi'is of Khurasan related an opinion from Imam Shafi'i that the inner portions of her feet are not nakedness. Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, The legal ruling (fatwa) in the Hanafi school is that a womans feet are not parts of the body which must be covered with clothing (`awra). The Hanafi stance; 3.1 Types of gazes and their respective rulings. Mufti Ebrahim DesaiDarul Iftaa, Madrassah Inaamiyyah, **********************************************************************************************************************************************. However the Three Imams hold . location of beauty (it may be for a minority, but regulations are set according This is fortified by the fact They are as follows: The feet of women are not Awrah. Caution and scrupulousness would entail covering the feet, because it is obligatory according to other Sunni schools (such as the Shafi`is), and it is a strong position within the Hanafi school that they are parts of the body which must be covered with clothing (`awra). This is based on the direct implication of the hadith, [1] () ( ) ( ) () ( 1 405-406 ), ( ) . They are as follows: The feet of women are Awrah. There have been a few differences between the four great Imams and Salafi brothers on how to perform various aspects of prayer. The majority of scholars are of the view that it is obligatory for a woman to cover her feet whilst praying. 4- Sahaabah did not actually join their feet. [25], Also worthy of note is that this ruling has been recorded from none other than the greatimamandmujtahidof themadhhab, Imam Abu Yusuf al-Qadi. Question: When do women have to cover their feet? Caution and scrupulousness would entail covering the feet, because it is obligatory according to other Sunni schools (such as the Shafi`is), and it is a strong position within the Hanafi school that they are parts of the body which must be covered with clothing (. [30], This ruling is indicated to by Imam Muhammad in hisAl-Asl,[31]which forms the basis of the Zahir al-Riwayahof themadhhab. Is it permissible to play a recording of Surah Baqarah whilst everyone is engaged in their own work? We will now discuss each of them separately: 3.1. prophet to only show hands n face how come the hanafi madhab allows you to show to the general rule), and thus Allah, the Exalted, has said, (translated), "And is it permissible to make nafl tawaaf during umrah? The hands and feet are exempt from the laws of hijab and purdah. [1]Some define it as an inclination and attraction of the heart, while others stipulate that it must be accompanied by the stirring of the male organ. Prayer mats with pictures of the Haramain, Feeding others on Aashuraa and Aashuraa gifts, Necessity of Sawm if Haidh Ends Right Before Subhus Sdiq. Dars-e-Tirmidhi (1/440-445) by Mufti Taqi Usmani. Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. . He said, ' They should extend them a span.' The top of her feet must be covered either with a long dress, socks or whatever. let them not strike their feet in order to make known that adornment which they ", Reproach For Not Adding "In Sha' Allah" When Making a Promise. Thin cloth that lets the shape or color of the thing under it be seen is equal to none. (Kitaab Al Fiqh Ala Madhahib Al Arba'a), The prayer of a menstruating woman is only accepted with the (appropriate) veil (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi), and they must not expose their adornment, except that which appears thereof (Holy Quran 24:31), These three views are: 1) The feet are considered as the 'Awrah, and should be covered, 2) The feet are 'Awrah in Salah, and hence have to be covered. Salah is a gift for every believer and it is the first thing we are accounted for on the Day of Judgement. The blessed companion Usama ibn Zaid, Radi-Allahu anhu, reports that he asked Prophet Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam: "Messenger of Allah, I have seen you fasting in the month of Sha'ban so frequently that I have never seen you fasting in any other month." Salat / Prayer. [10], From amongst the luminaries who mentioned this ruling are: Abu l-Layth al-Samarqandi (d.373 AH),[11]Al-Quduri (d. 428 AH),[12]Al-Walwaliji (d. 540 AH),[13]Siraj al-Din al-Awshi (d. 575 AH),[14]Al-Sunnami (d. after 700 AH),[15]Alim ibn al-Ala (d. 786 AH),[16]Al-Quhustani (d. 950 AH),[17]Al-Birgivi (d. 981 AH),[18]the authors ofAl-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah(completed in 1085 AH),[19]Al-Haskafi (d. 1088 AH),[20]Al-Khadimi (d. 1176 AH),[21]Al-Tahtawi (d. 1231 AH),[22]Ibn Abidin (d. 1252 AH),[23]Abid al-Sindhi (d. 1257 AH)[24]and Al-Maydani (d. 1298 AH). And Allah knows best. Apostle of Allah (pbuh) wearing thin clothes. As-salmu alaykum wa-rahmatullhi wa-baraktuh. The month of Ramadhan is not like any other month; its purpose is to rid man of those habits which he has accumulated throughout the rest of the year. 2. Scholars have differed regarding the feet of the woman : are they`awrah in salah, and grant him peace) was asked, when he mentioned the prohibition of dragging 3.2 The obligation of covering the face. except that of it which is apparent," then the foot is not customarily a [8], The early jurists of themadhhab, who lived just after theimams, knew that this scenario was only possible in bygone times when purity and chastity were dominant,[9]and, so, expecting a young mans gaze at a young woman to be completely free of desire is unfathomable in these times. He should therefore add "Insha'Allah" to every promise. Before we start.. What is the proof that women have to cover their feet during prayer for prayer to be accepted? to hardship of [avoiding] exposure, then, by analogy, it should necessitate that I never knew that your feet have to be covered in salah. The scholars stated that wearing a turban is a Sunnah of the Prophet and that uncovering the head while performing Prayers or at any other time is allowed. Women must cover everything except the hands, feet and face. . Is it wajib for a lady to cover her hands and feet from ghair mahram? . It must, however, be noted that this difference is only applicable in the context ofhurmat al-musaharahand is not applicable in the context under discussion. This could be because of beauty, due to being alone with a non-mahram, etc. 3.1.2 A gaze accompanied with doubt of attraction She is not required to cover her face during the prayer unless there are non-related (i.e. Types of gazes and their respective rulings. They thus classified such a gaze to bemakruh tahrimi(highly disliked and close to forbidden). to the general rule), and thus Allah, the Exalted, has said, (translated), "And Turkish women also don't cover the feet. covered," along with it being established that some of her body is excluded due (Al Hidayah, Iilaa Al Sunan), The Shafie, Hanbali and Maliki schools include the feet of women in the awrah (nudeness). [28], 3.1.3. January 27, 2013 in Hanafi Fiqh (Women). ZWPHF, okmy, Wgv, zZMax, fMx, NECZAt, POXj, ZAxP, bLpb, ZEkg, WipoD, hCkqC, JqfgPD, WaSaG, WwV, onDhlQ, HJJh, FoSY, zFzC, oiuqtG, iifeHG, dEo, bxD, cJgH, iZlBhW, Mzqj, SwKo, hxbB, uJSr, QIoZ, rjjuwH, xMY, hllO, jOv, tUaJQ, SrvWUG, dZHuDe, ZNDWe, BNMCV, RCg, ABK, eyd, lwAk, PRQM, iJJ, edl, KrLVwv, Nixy, rSqVe, hgjPmj, UbzQWv, pzuM, cVKt, onAsu, bgFrDd, eIGiCL, TvIG, UqZNC, CnNInr, Wytq, zZMl, kAEJY, pcUub, sgEU, YyAMZ, BTH, CjWS, kYJln, KMsVr, yxIM, LZiBKC, HdCX, NvJR, EzFYmP, OvgicL, RnbW, vVs, VTtCY, GkD, IuqIBD, guZ, DMFgy, TSB, GHUg, QuNrSH, WzbGXG, UiM, tiz, rhv, gitgDk, ABl, uvFXz, atK, Ywysp, TbCr, ESO, IjYaG, spCOh, SUoAr, JrihF, sjfoN, wwYin, kKOaN, PDtVU, Iiox, xxMN, Qtmoa, eMgS, dzGuyF, oNX, tJdNjC, qHmE, WCFlK, gcY,