Who is up for founding The UK-Wide Scottish Independence Party? In Australia, there are federal and state laws against treason, specifically in the states of New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria. Your post is logically all over the place. Why not pass the time by legally flashing your penis in the female only toilets. Its the job of the independence movement to make Westminster care about the results of a plebiscitary election by being crystal clear that it wont take no for an answer, and that 50% + 1 votes is de facto independence. Its not just the last eight years shes wasted, but the eight decades before them.. But I doubt if any Scot would fail to pick out NS. It doesnt play favourites, nor does it seek to erect a camp of the saints containing only virtuous nations that abide by all the supposedly generally accepted principles of international law, which is itself an imperfect and far from generally accepted corpus of laws. Seal of approval: indication that something is accepted or regarded favourably.. A Country in its own right? In Spanish cuisine, parsley is an herb widely used to make all different kinds of salsas. It is not about asking anyone elses permission: it is about gaining the recognition we will desperately need to borrow on the international market, etc. Entertainment and celebrity news, interviews, photos and videos from TODAY. All else is self preening fluff. If anyone does find good DATA on the ethnic vote split then that would certainly spread some light. (In 2013 I traveledacross the Atlantic to live in Spain and I havent returned since.). On the contrary, the legislation establishes and promotes a system of devolution founded on principles of subsidiarity.. (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada. I favour a half way house on the EU, single market access or a derivative thereof but not full membership. Theres Salvos route has your friend signed up to the Edinburgh Proclamation [on salvo.scot and also on liberation.scot]? Many of them would now just be considered dissidents. Hoy me he encontrado con una antigua compaera de la universidad en el supermercado. If it aint a Yes/No Referendum vote, I cant see how it logically survives. If, however, you feel that to do so would be unrealistic given her Stasi-like control of the party, then you should seriously consider voting for a party that actually does believe in independence and has credible notions of how to deliver it, The Supreme Court has just ruled Scotland cannot hold a referendum without Westminster agreement. I wont be voting for the SNP again simply because you are not voting for them for independence but for their policies and those like the HCB and GRA stinks. Think it is time to out the conspirators and show the country what wee shits they all are, Nothing like finding a piece of the jigsaw. As it stands the MAJORITY in Scotland currently do NOT support Independence. Ah the 60% figure rears its ugly head again. The only military person in the history of Brazil to be convicted of treason was Carlos Lamarca, an army captain who deserted to become the leader of a communist-terrorist guerrilla against the military government. (Dont drive so fast. was an error in his/her/its punctuation. We proceed from there and bypass devolution. She is a serial failure when it comes to the Claim of Right, and an absolute liability when it comes to resurrecting Scotlands red sovereignty. The Sri Lankans stormed their parliament recently and ousted their useless corrupt government, it may come to that in Scotland, I cant think of any country thats broken its bonds from Westminster without some sort of struggle, it will be no different for Scotland. Its time for the SNP to be held to account for their failures. Download: What a constitutional calamity that would bring about. Never heard her use the I word once. The way things are shaping up, many of us will be lying beneath the green green grass long before Indy finally arrives. This woman is poison and very probably a 5th columnist. But I also want them all jailed. Independence was in the palm of our hand, (caused by England if there was reparations to be pursued while carving up UK debt), but not just a Constitutional Independence, but Scottish Independence which both Europe and England would draw massive material benefit from and had reason to actively endorse. If that were true, then during her speech, she would have announced that she was resigning as FM, ultimately to force a Holyrood election with a far more favourable pro-indy electorate, as others have pointed out. Big problem for Lesley Riddoch & the independence movement is that a lot of people hate Sturgeon & the SNP so will not be turning up to any protest/meeting involving Sturgeon & the SNP. We are not surprised. The discussion of the Clarity Act in Canada and Quebecs right of secession from the Canadian Federation is intimately linked with our current impasse. . SNP MSPs must defect to Alba, as must SNP members. The international community would not recognise that result as a basis for independence in a plebiscitary election because ITS NOT A MAJORITY! Whats the starting baseline on just what powers a place should hold to be classed as not being a colony. Entertainment News - Find latest Entertainment News and Celebrity Gossips today from the most popular industry Bollywood and Hollywood. Section 2 of the Crime Ordinance provides that levying war against the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, conspiring to do so, instigating a foreigner to invade Hong Kong, or assisting any public enemy at war with the HKSAR Government, is treason, punishable with life imprisonment.[22][23]. and ends with the two irrelevant conclusions I copied above. Hitting > pauses the slideshow and goes forward. Anyone seen Michael Govehe must be ready to launch his all out assault on Holyrood powers soonthe games a-bogey, thanks for playing is what Westminster will say as they strip Holyrood down to a shell. Gonna go through the fuses again, but checked both lots. I would prefer a dragon or St Georges cross or leprechaun to that flag. No-one said it was going to be easy. We are fuc*ed for more than a generation. Far from it. [54] All Confederate officials received a blanket amnesty issued by President Andrew Johnson on Christmas Day, 1868. A famous cat burglar who has retired to the Riviera catches a thief imitating his old style. Neither do I. Sturgeon is already fucking up the Plebiscite option because shes criminally inept and hasnt a clue what shes doing. Ive just about given up hoping that the feckless SNP membership will bestir themselves to do anything. Our esteemed First Minister, as leader of the Scottish Government, may feel obliged to respect the judgement of the Supreme Court; we, as citizens, are not. 23 November, 2022 at 10:40 am ", harvnb error: no target: CITEREFBellemareNahmias2009 (, As was widely pointed out in the press at the time, if the allegations that, Lewis J. Wertheim, "The Indianapolis Treason Trials, the Elections of 1864, and the Power of the Partisan Press. Because the law defining treason in the constitution was so strict, new legislation was necessary to prosecute defiance of the government. Now We wait for the penny to drop, that Scotlands parliament never continued its journey into the British parliament. Sturgeon has to go, and the sooner she does, the better for Scotland. And i couldnt help but think events dear boy events. Can you explain how that would be inaccurate? al hermano de Miguel el ao pasado y este ao se casan.. The treaty of union was not completed by Scotlands parliament due to the English parliament stating the 1707 Scottish parliament was extinguished. [10] As a result, Congress passed the Expatriation Act of 1868, which granted Americans the right to freely renounce their U.S. citizenship. And believe me when I say that cute was the last thing I felt when I first began to find my footing with Spanish conversation. Find all the latest news and updates about your favourite games and upcoming releases. The requirement of testimony of two witnesses was inherited from the British Treason Act 1695. And whos surprised at the judgement today? How can it be that even with all the supposed technological advances in terms of efficiency and machine capability we appear to be going backwards. journey by foot to arrive at a church and kiss the saint they are devoted to. Interestingly the Canadian Supreme Court did infer an obligation on both sides to negotiate in good faith, and that absent such good faith the case for Quebec declaring UDI would be strengthened internationally. I dont know what happened to me.). I grew up in an SNP/ Scottish nationalist family and I remember as a child watching the SNP lose election after election. Hoorah for oor Nicola! He befriends wealthy widow Jessie Stevens (Jessie Royce Landis) and her attractive daughter Frances (Grace Kelly). 4) Yes Scotland should change its name to liberation Scotland. Although Sweden had outlawed capital punishment in peace time in 1922, this type of treason carried the death penalty until 1973. 2) the ruling means the end of the illusion that Scotland would get its independence without fighting for it, and, yes, being prepared to make sacrifices in that fight. Yes. Come on everyone swamp their email inbox with the cry RESIGN!!! I was only dreamin. If you want to live in the North West European equivalent of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, or Transnistria or Somaliland or South Ossetia, by all means carry on. The Scottish Government now has the responsibility to find a way forward. (They arent private) https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1595372414397038594?s=20&t=Y4FOw0ADeQphn5FQFoInkA. What about her GRRB? If you want it, you must take it. Ruby says: Jamie. Imagine we refused to accept Charles and demanded that choice. This meant that devolution in Scotland was rejected although a majority of those voting voted yes in the referendum in 1979. A copy of my letter to the FM can be found on Twitter, here: https://twitter.com/MartinJKeatings/status/1595457141300727808 Dont you realise that this does nothing to further the cause of independence? Maybe we have put too much credence in her actual abilities and thinking she can achieve more than she is actually capable of. It has deliberately destroyed the reputation of Scotlands greatest and most effective politician with false smears, and sidelined or driven out all of its most able and experienced campaigners, replacing them with rafts of catastrophically inept gender ideologues or snivelling cowards terrified to express their own thoughts lest they share the fate of people like Alex Salmond and Joanna Cherry and Kenny MacAskill. The only over simplification is England losing Scotlands resources. Following the enactment of the 1937 constitution, the Treason Act 1939 provided for imposition of the death penalty for treason. You are so right about this. Urbana, University of Illinois Press. 23 November, 2022 at 12:33 pm. That is acquiescence. I have no interest in Sturgeons 11.30am second capitulation speech. Sturgeon has already tried to screw it up by declaring a 50% share of the vote is required as opposed to a minimum 30 seats. I think we all need to take a step back, and pray for leadership and unity to emerge. There are signs of other pressures beginning to build that could portend trouble for the independence movement. Founded in 1881, the Sunday People is one of Britain's oldest Sunday newspapers. as always, making a welcome break from her, Niclas a bonny fichter/both votes SNP schtick. How dare they. It is a powerful argument that doesnt seem to be given more coverage in the independence debate but if the NSR did become a shopping lane in the near future,it puts Scotland in an unique position in international affairs. I ask because the judge added we have no right to appeal to the UN as we are not a colony and we are not oppressed. This is because Ceca was a place where the Romans made coins while Mecawas a sacred place of pilgrimage for Muslims. In the eyes of these detested bastards, Scotland is nothing more than a jumped up parish council, who would never survive a day without their funding. And for heavens sake, why did she not just cote the claim of right and the Scottish consitutional settlement? To avoid the abuses of the English law, the scope of treason was specifically restricted in the United States Constitution. When a series of high profile jewel robberies bearing all his hallmarks shakes the Riviera's wealthy ladies Robie is naturally suspected, but when the police call on his elegant villa to question him he makes good his escape to investigate the source of the burglaries himself. As the state capital, we are much more comfortable holding meetings and looking down on the rural communities than actually getting out and doing stuff for the benefit of all. So, there we have it. HeinOnline. Its quite cute and silly to think of the Atlantic as an obstacle as small as a puddle, but in our modern, globalized world, its not too far from the truth! The British law of treason is entirely statutory and has been so since the Treason Act 1351 (25 Edw. Its silly to think of humans as clothes hangers, but thats exactly what this phrase likens us to! In the 1790s, opposition political parties were new and not fully accepted. The other type of treason, Landesverrat is defined in Section 94. What the SNP and Greens do is a worry. 11:30 Please, please, please, be a resignation speech. Youre right; councils could refuse to run a referendum if council resources must be used to run it. The Tartan Tory SNP. I know its futile but Im going to the rally in Inverurie that Alex is speaking at today. The National Heres another Spanish phrase that also has to do with sauce, Translation: To be the parsley of all the sauces, Meaning:An unwelcome, nosy person who gets into everyones business. In the words of John Lydon Jail time. We are all going to have to hold our noses and vote SNP when that comes. The SNP ignored the email enquiry, and the Conservative somehow tried to float the notion that the tarred and kerbed pavements along the roadside may have been private and not the Councils responsibility. For a union to be equal, both parties must have the right to freely enter into it, and the right to freely end it if they so choose (Like the UK with the EU). I dont say it lightly that Sturgeon should have been impeached in 2016. I am surprised that I was able to predict the SC decision when less than one third of those who bothered to vote got it right. To Catch A Thief sees a series of jewellery robberies takes place on the French Riviera. Besides treason and espionage, there are many other crimes dealing with national security, insurrection, terrorism and so on. If Sturgeon wasnt such a treacherous b*stard shed be on a plane to Brussels right now laying out our position and proposing a route out of it. robertkknight say Dont worry! This is all due to totally choked drains and gullies because there is clearly no maintenance getting done. No argument was made. Disgusted and raging!!! One thing Keatings didnt mention in his letter, which he could have, was the way that the Supreme Court judges used the arguments ScotGov deployed against him to undermine the Lord Advocate at the Supreme Court. A copy of my letter to the FM can be found on Twitter, here: https://twitter.com/MartinJKeatings/status/1595457141300727808 If they keep this nonsense up then Westminster is controlling the SNP policy. Put a solitary YES candidate in every constituency with no manifest other than the binary A vote for me is a vote for Scottish Independence. The Treaty is international law. Call me a Spanish language nerd, but theres something so exhilarating about finally making Spanishyour own. The penalty for treason was changed from death to a maximum of imprisonment for life under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. Then its settled for a political generation (20 years). So its official Scotland is not a partner in the UK, but a prisoner. Nicola is leading us to the promised land. The green tail wagging the SNP dog not anymore. . Ive heard all this before from Sturgeon. And quite frankly, my dear, she doesnt give a damn. I too will not be voting SNP again. We knew this decision was coming but its confirmation doesnt make it any easier. The offense of treason exists at both federal and state levels. In other news, Kenny MacAskill would make a good figurehead for the Yes movement. 2:25pm You dont need a crystal ball to know what will happen. The result is Westminster still ignores her and her position is safe for a number of years. Main beam is ok if I hold it. It is the Courts role to interpret the law and develop it where necessary, rather than formulate public policy. This arranging woman (NS) is already saying shell stay on a FM, she sold us down the river for 8yrs for her own gain. [40] Before 1998, the death penalty was mandatory, subject to the royal prerogative of mercy. Perfidious to the last. Historically, in common law countries, treason also covered the murder of specific social superiors, such as the murder of a husband by his wife or that of a master by his servant. Alba encourages debate on all issues and does not shut down debate on any topic. If theres a third, I dont see it. Perseverance and patience. I hope Alba will go for a one-line manifesto. It just needs the explicit binary mandate that a vote for x is a vote for Independence. If Scotland cant/wont leave the UK, then Ill just do so on my tod. Any negatives about todays developments Rev? what happened with the treaty of the union left the result vague, the contradiction was never clarified. Its a pity that in this 32nd anniversary of Thatchers fall, the SNP are too gutless to do the same to Sturgeon as the Tories did to the Leaderene. Scotland will have its say, but we have work to do between now and then to build that secure Yes majority and to hold the democracy deniers of Anglo-British nationalism to account. Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance. Nor is there ever any mention of the cold-calling groups set up south of the border to phone Scotlands pensioners and put the fear of God into them by telling them they will not receive their UKGov pensions if Scotland votes Yes. Independence will never happen so long as the majority of the movement keep their faith in Nicola Sturgeon which remains the case. If they had I dont think we would still be talking independence in 2022. https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1595372414397038594. If the official Scottish parliament closed its doors in 1707, The cliff is only a Westminster one if Sturgeon is in cahoots with them, which is certainly possible. The Cold War period saw no prosecutions for explicit treason, but there were convictions and even executions for conspiracy to commit espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union, such as in the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case. You are right to say that the path ahead is not easy. There is no prospect of independence under her or her cabal. One positive , there will now not be a Referendum next year SHOCKER !! 87); acting as a franc-tireur (art. After three hundred years of no Scottish parliamentary union with the Westminster parliament. Which is fitter the fresh spirit of rebirth of a nation or the huffing and puffing of a superannuated system? The fault didnt move. It is further regulated in the country's 2015 Criminal Code with the 78th article:[60], Also, according to the Law on Amnesty amended in November 2018, it is impossible for those convicted for treason to be granted amnesty. In 1952 Tomoya Kawakita, a Japanese-American dual citizen was convicted of treason and sentenced to death for having worked as an interpreter at a Japanese POW camp and having mistreated American prisoners. After Napoleon was defeated, dethroned, and exiled for the second time in the summer of 1815, Ney was arrested and tried for treason by the Chamber of Peers. How dare England presume to treat us as their little colony. And even if this does happen, it will cause further division, but its looking increasingly likely that all the bricks will have to be knocked to the ground before we can start to regroup and rebuild. Now i can see if i can get my hands on his 2014IndyRef findings. Furthermore, the Jeffersonian opposition party behaved the same way. It can definitely help to see them in use, so try spotting these phrases (and others like them) in the content you read and watch. Mis amigos ya no me visitan ahora que me he comprado una casa en las afueras de la ciudad. The Cold War saw frequent talk linking treason with support for Communist-led causes. Material for plenty of posts from Rev Stu going forwards. Now you know. Translation:To arrive and kiss the saint, Mefaning:To achieve something really easily, have beginners luck, do on the first try. Meaning:To be a little crazy/deranged, to have a screw loose, to be one fry short of a happy meal, afew strings short of a racket, off your rocker, etc. Holyrood would certainly be better in terms of the electorate and by dint of the fact its our parliament, but theres no reason a majority at Westminster wouldnt deliver the same result. El arte me apasiona mucho y ahora me pagan para pasar todo el da dibujando. Special majority requirements are no exception: a special majority quorum is often a mechanism of obstructionism. Things that the Scots have learned from todays judgment. 30+ seats on that Independence ticket and Scotland walks. @Tom 7.07: yes, I saw OBriens response to the SC judgment. These can be other cute Spanish Nicknames for boyfriends: Prncipe (Prince). Diddly-squat. During her speech, the FM said (and I possibly paraphrase) that she has always had a desire for independence and, after todays court decision, that desire is even stronger. Japan does not technically have a law of treason. removing the constitutional authorities of the state from office or making them unable to exercise their authority, Trackback: trackback from your own site. For a start. The question all SNP loyalists must now ask themselves is this. Sturgeon is directly responsible for Scotlands capitulation to the unconstitutional subjugation of Brexit, and her disgusting abdication of the Claim of Right. For a start. Continuing my way through Hitchcocks filmography. >it looks like well all be sitting on the edge of our seats until WGD has explained the plan behind the pure genius of Saint Nicola. I guess he gets extra points for managing to stay on message. [25] The Criminal Justice Act 1990 abolished the death penalty, setting the punishment for treason at life imprisonment, with parole in not less than forty years. Also in this damp climate it is not unusual for earth leads to corrode and degrade leading to high resistances. Well, I was wrong. I wont go into personal attacks here, and would ask others to consider not doing so either, its what we do now that counts, but ANYONE who has know Nicola Sturgeon well knows equally well she is not a political strategist. The tin pot Iron lady Nicola Thatcher, the Indy snatcher. Can the UKSC overrule Devolved Parliaments and Assemblies in other parts of the UK? They didnt achieve 60% in 2014 after all. Of course the genderwoowoo being so avidly pushed by the Scottish National Party which disproportionally negatively impacts women and girls is not a policy you would expect to be such a focus from an organisation which wanted to garner more support from the women demographic. Article III, section 3 reads as follows: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. His grandmother's residence contained as many as 19 children on some occasions. The final outcome in my humble opinion is that the UK will break up and England will inherit the security Council seat and be the big man on the world stage thats their aspiration. Incompetent or ("Tractor" - Ed), imo shes both. Big Jock @ 12:40pm Estn entre Pinto y Valdemoro y no saben si darme luz verde o no. Yup. If you support Scottish democracy and freddom from English colonial rule, then move heaven and earth to get to one of the demos tonight. We also now know as the Rev stated, that Sturgeon has betrayed us and failed the indy cause abysmally. Either dissolve the Scottish government (which Sturgeon can do) for a plebiscite election early next year, or convene a convention of the estates of Scotland as per the Scottish claim of right and constitution, and end the union. Any way you cut it, there will be no improvement in our fortunes until she is gone. We certainly recognise a jack flying on a Westminster devolved from england to Scotland Sculdugdary Scottish pretend branch office. She cant deliver referendums. If there is to be a plebiscitary election its up to the movement to dictate terms. She has failed us all. Treason is punishable by imprisonment up to life. I could not believe that Scotland voted No. A nation of people in their own right? The act essentially lessened the punishment for treason. Sturgeon is a narcissist who listens to nobody, and any initiative which requires her to act rationally constructively is both doomed from the outset, but has a tainted objective. Maanpetos proper can only be committed under conditions of war or the threat of war. The best and most progressive Council Ive ever seen was witnessed when I visited an Architect pal in Weston-Super-Mare. The SNP ignored the email enquiry, and the Conservative somehow tried to float the notion that the tarred and kerbed pavements along the roadside may have been private and not the Councils responsibility. The one time the electorate are at least semi interested in politics is election time and if they try to nudge out the Greens they wont be happy and if they continue their excessive hostilities against Alba they will reinforce the message that I think is slowly getting through that the SNP are more interested in tribal politics than independence. If UK democracy is broken and dysfunctional, then let that be the demise of the broken and dysfunctional UK. . Scotland NEEDS Independence like a drowning man needs a lungful of air, and thats just to exist. Oxford English Dictionary, online as of April 2, 2019; entries "treason" and "traitor". Brian Doonthetoon says: The First Minister also announced a special conference of the SNP and discussions with the Greens in order to determine the question to be put to the voters of Scotland at that de facto referendum and a plan of action once a Yes majority is secured. Article 411-2 prohibits "handing over troops belonging to the French armed forces, or all or part of the national territory, to a foreign power, to a foreign organisation or to an organisation under foreign control, or to their agents". The international community wont give a flying fuck at a rolling donut, and you wont have a lot of luck travelling on your new Scottish passport, or trying to exchange yer baw bees for Euros next time you fancy a couple of weeks in Ibiza. changing the constitution of the Confederation or of a canton, They respect their own culture and language, in a way far too many Scots do not. Those penalties were abolished in 1814, 1790 and 1973 respectively. Personally for me it would be a majority of seats, But Sturgeon wants to go down the 50% threshold. Of course, another explanation is that she has been nobbled in some way. With regards her formulating plans for a Plebiscite GE sometime next year, most of them will be happy with that. Simple solution just change general election to referendum and hey presto Sturgeon has delivered. attempts to change the regime or actions aimed at incitement, destruction of territory, sabotage to public and economic utilities. Yours for Scotland Think youve made a wee error there. analysis, comment, scottish politics, uk politics They want to demolish the city centre shopping complexes. The response on the door step is positive and eventually it will translate into votes. Aye, the smug, arrogant bastards of England think yesterday was just another day at the office,,,and that we should all just carry on as if nothing much happened. As for many crimes with substantial threats of punishment active repentance is to be considered in mitigation under 83a StGB (Section 83a, Criminal Code). Ironically one chase scene with Grace Kelly driving at speed along a winding corniche seemed to foretell her tragic accident in the 1980's. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/demographic-differences-and-voting-patterns-in-scotlands-independence-referendum/, https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/RP14-50/RP14-50.pdf, I ask because the judge added we have no right to appeal to the UN as we are not a colony and we are not oppressed.. ), This is perhaps my favorite of all these cute phrases because it evokes some pretty hilarious images. Injustice,lack of democracy , SNP branches holding meetings about it etc etc etc. (Since I dont know where things are in the new supermarket, I have to run around for everything.). We are held prisoner by England and our FM and her MPs and MSPs dont care, maybe some do, but they are too gutless and spineless to open their mouths and say something, in case they lose their place at the Scottish taxpayers gravy train. How come she is only starting to defend Scottish democracy today? A real Independence leader would have collapsed Holyrood NOW and maximised the chances of a successful vote Its almost as if she wants to be defeated and remain the regional ruler. So much to do in such limited daylight already. At least weve got Wings back, it might persuade a few more people to realise that Sturgeon is an inept fool with no interest in independence. WM/MI5, 6 and 7 would do anything legal or illegal to make sure we would never ever win. Nada. Me parece que. No debate. So we are now hearing from Sturgeon and she has nothing to give after the SC ruling. We need to push back against this, no succumb to it. There are cracks in the ranks at Westminster. (He always goes off topic/makes bunny trails in class talking about things that have nothing to do with the discussion.). Rev Stu is right. Competency would be a big change. What we are right now is up for debate, Blind, ignorant, easily fooled, This phrase may find its origin in the satisfaction of a pilgrim who makes a long and tiringjourney by foot to arrive at a church and kiss the saint they are devoted to. But, just like a new pair of shoes, you have to really break a phrase in before you start feeling that its yours. We can unite for our country. On one had we are being asked to meet a higher standard, on the other we are denied a referendum which would allow us to do that. I just saw a tweet from Chris McEleney about the incident but dont know the outcome. Demand they act. If they thought the UK might break up, their views would be very different. At least it will be a change to hear some positivity. There is no apparent method for removing her other than by bitter in-fighting and rebellion within NSNP, and a catalyst for this may be next months GRR vote. Its not just the last eight years shes wasted, but the eight decades before them. We are all angry. It was a complete mish mash. Article 275 of the Criminal Code of Russia[32] defines treason as "espionage, disclosure of state secrets, or any other assistance rendered to a foreign State, a foreign organization, or their representatives in hostile activities to the detriment of the external security of the Russian Federation, committed by a citizen of the Russian Federation." Everyone feels like an impostor while trying to become fluent in a new language, and even more so at the beginning. I will never see independence in my lifetime. Just look at who gets seats on a discussion panels when they have tenuous legitimacy or presence in Scotland. Personally, I feel a weight has been lifted after today. Mi amiga tiene las manos largas. Sandifer was physically abused from the time he was an infant. Find the best kids books, learning resources, and educational solutions at Scholastic, promoting literacy development for over 100 years. Watched a livestream by Independence Live from Holyrood tonight. And that is where we are at with the NSNP. It is vital that before any such election, the whole movement unites around one thing, even if it cant unite around anything else: the votes for every pro-independence party standing on a plebiscitary platform count towards the 50% + 1 hurdle. Coverage of Sandifer's death and retrospectives on his short, violent life were widely published in the American media. (More), Stats: It is very satisfying! The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. Unfortunately, there are too many thick voters who will stay with SNP, just as there was with Labour, and it will take ALBA a few elections to make headway. John main Its passed, it gone, it was never ours. This phrase originates from the 17th century when the lottery was established by Carlos III. From ALBA/Alex Salmond: Rather more so after yesterdays Supreme Court ruling, what?! There isnt a snowballs chance in hell of me ever voting for the SNP, and I suspect that goes for a lot of other pro-independence folk these days. The main task now surely is to ramp up the pressure on SNP members to push for early Holyrood elections NOT to rely on the 2024 Westminster GE. The defacto referendum is now only 2 years away. This must also be matched by a civic campaign of protest and action across Scotland and an Independence Convention to steer the campaign. March all you want. Why on earth wait until 2024? No me busques las cosquillas! In South Australia, treason is defined under Section 7 of the South Australia Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 and punished under Section 10A. The Irish were forced to take their independence as they were never going to be free otherwise. The is zero chance that Sturgeon will dissolve The Scottish Parliament until her Gender Bender Act has been enacted. I wouldnt trust the SNP and Greens to run a raffle, nevermind a plebiscite General Election. Nobody to blame but ourselves if we dont. ANY supposedly pro independence politicians who do not turn up tonight, will be seen for the charlatans and careerist frauds they are. Message received and understood. Well, if it is, we need to show that the contract has been breached. Yet another phrase connected to a location, this one comes from the days of the Reconquista. Unlike Sturgeon, I dont have time on my side. 90%+ is probably what you need. These politicians who get elected during the magic referendum do they immediately stop going to Westminster? Get set for some more mouldy carrots from The Great Helmswoman. to Vote SNP 1 and ScotGreens 2 because the SNP and Scotgreens There should be a mass walk out at Westminster by all SNP and ALBA MPs. (With apologies to Sir Humphrey Appleby.). Same applies to all the political parties calling themselves Scottish & that includes the SNP. And all will be hearded towards carrot dangling must vote SNP at the next election, for yet another Mandate, policy. The SNP has consciously and purposely broken the spirit of the grassroots Yes movement (for proofsee the turnout at todays rallies) and failed to make a single step of headway in the polls despite every conceivable advantage of circumstances. Ive no headlights indicators or wipers. A bit like all those great stalwarts of the Scottish media such as BBC Scotland, STV News, The Scottish Daily Express and The Scottish Daily Mail etc. Wed be very grateful for the increase in membership. Thomas Jefferson in 1791 said that any Virginia official who cooperated with the federal Bank of the United States proposed by Alexander Hamilton was guilty of "treason" against the state of Virginia and should be executed. The narrow focus on a hatred of WM (as justifiable as that may be) has not worked and unless there is a change in tactics, we are doomed to eternal inertia. Vive en Georgia pero est de vacaciones en Madrid. I heard Hosie on Radio Scotland more or less spelling it out, although careful to avoid using the M word. The sentence is imprisonment for 12 to 20 years. We cant vote for them. Treason laws were used against Irish insurgents before Irish independence. Es que llegu a casa a las cinco de la maana y se me han pegado las sabanas. 23 November, 2022 at 7:57 pm. Another argument against the de facto route is that voters would effectively be advised not to vote tactically but only on the basis of a Y/N to independence. The SC backed up and verified what we have been saying. Unionists should beware in their glee as the lesson of history is that you can postpone democracy but you cannot deny it. Anyway solidarity and best wishes from London (we didnt vote for Brexit or the Tories either!). The State Security Law of 1974 was used to crush dissent that could be seen as treasonous, which was criticised for permitting severe human rights violations in accordance with Article One: If there is serious evidence that a person has perpetrated acts, delivered statements, exercised activities, or has been involved in contacts inside or outside the country, which are of a nature considered to be in violation of the internal or external security of the country, the religious and national interests of the State, its social or economic system; or considered to be an act of sedition that affects or can possibly affect the existing relations between the people and Government, between the various institutions of the State, between the classes of the people, or between those who work in corporations propagating subversive propaganda or disseminating atheistic principles; the Minister of Interior may order the arrest of that person, committing him to one of Bahrain's prisons, searching him, his residence and the place of his work, and may take any measure which he deems necessary for gathering evidence and completing investigations. Valtiopetos (translates literally to betrayal of state) consists in using violence or the threat of violence, or unconstitutional means, to bring about the overthrow of the Finnish constitution or to overthrow the president, cabinet or parliament or to prevent them from performing their functions. In certain cases, as with the Dolchstolegende (Stab-in-the-back myth), the accusation of treason towards a large group of people can be a unifying political message. After Napoleon fell from power for the first time, Marshal Michel Ney swore allegiance to the restored King Louis XVIII, but when the Emperor escaped from Elba, Ney resumed his Napoleonic allegiance, and commanded the French troops at the Battle of Waterloo. If youre going to tell a story, at least be honest enough to tell the full story and not just the part that suits your agenda. July 2015, Germany's Public Prosecutor General Harald Range initiated criminal investigation proceedings against the German blog netzpolitik.org. Thats what happens when you go to the wrong court with the wrong question., Todays decision must now be the spark that ignites a new popular movement like that of the Yes campaign of 2014. William Joyce ("Lord Haw-Haw") was the last person to be put to death for treason, in 1946. More chance of Vlad the Invader being awarded a Nobel Prize for peace. His nickname originates from his love for cookies. She then says she will use the next UK election as a defacto vote on independence. Jamie says on 23 November 2022 at 11:08 pm @ George Ferguson: I think you will be very much welcomed in Alba, and you should definitely share your views in the local meeting. It doesnt matter whether its a Westminster GE or a Holyrood GE. Robert Louis, I asked an honest question and got a dishonest answer. So all those mandates Sturgeon ask for at every election werent worth the paper they were written on. Mair lovely, crunchy carrots. Studies show 53% of men voted YES, whilst 57% of women voted No in 2014. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-34283948. Breaking news from the premier Jamaican newspaper, the Jamaica Observer. "if any person or persons shall endeavour to deprive or hinder any person who shall be the next in succession to the crown from succeeding after the decease of her Majesty (whom God long preserve) to the imperial crown of this realm and the dominions and territories thereunto belonging". More particularly, she could have done so in July 2016, after the UK voted to leave the EU, thereby triggering a clear and explicit condition of the manifesto on which the SNP were re-elected as the Scottish Government just weeks earlier. Do you support imperialism or not? Meanwhile the Snp are under English law in a English legislated devolved Colonial government placed in Scotland without a completed Treaty. (Since Ive lost my job, from now on Ill have to be frugalto survive until I find another.). A plebiscite vote in 2024 and we have next to no faith that the SNP will actually go through with that will likely be conducted in the midst of a chaotic and severe recession, the worst possible time to be advocating major national upheaval. My goodness, this has backfired on the English courts and government. It seems like Im completely irrelevant to you guys.). He was recognized by a former prisoner at a department store in 1946 after having returned to the United States. Too many wines consumed to describe myself properly!! And our dear leader has fucked up big time. . But it would mean the total ruin of the political class, which is why you wont get it this way. All hypothesis on my part but it will be fun seeing her squirming when people start to realise how much of a loser she is. This is the day. This might just be the turning point, big issue we need to kick Alba on, it will take something like this. The next Holyrood election isnt due until May 2026 at the latest. Learning Spanish becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Thus the only way gaining a plebiscitary election majority works is adding together ALL of the votes for the parties signed up to the concept of plebiscitary elections. 23 November, 2022 at 12:14 pm Hes a meddling nuisance.). @Elmac 9:09pm If De Klerk can work with Mandela, if Churchill can work with Stalin. A complete re-brand, change in leadership, and the development of a credible strategy. as que decidimos ir al mismo sitio que siempre. She is a confidence trickster of the highest order. In the 19th and early 20th century, the Iranian Cleric Sheikh Fazlollah Noori opposed the Iranian Constitutional Revolution by inciting insurrection against them through issuing fatwas and publishing pamphlets arguing that democracy would bring vice to the country. Jefferson accepted the argument, put forward by Billy's well-wishers, that - not being a citizen and not enjoying any of the benefits of being one - Billy owed no loyalty to Virginia and therefore had committed no treason. He has a really good opinion of me. Scottish democracy will not be denied. In my opinion, aside from Sturgeons utter failure, England no longer has ANY say in what Scotland does. To be candid I have always believed that everything is for the best in this best of possible worlds and now the Supreme Court has told me this is true. I then continued to support SNP 100%, working as both Branch and Constituency organiser at significant expense to myself, both in time and . (Ive got theteacher in the palm of my hand. It doesnt matter whether the question is in a binary referendum or a plebiscitary election. There is not one thing the sovereign plebs of Scotland can do, except vote in an election or referendum if and when their masters offer one. Theres no reason it should be any different. this is probably right. We have had plenty of SNP majorities before, that never meant owt did it? If you really want Independence you will have to fight for it. No, its not crazy, because the threshold for victory is winning 30 Westminster Seats on a purely Independence ticket. The undecided are beginning to understand what she has done to the country she inherited from AS and thus the indy vote appears to have plateaued. Scotland is not a partner in the UK, but a prisoner. Emotive claptrap. 4. commits another similar treacherous act, is, if the act is liable to result in considerable detriment to the total defence, or includes considerable assistance to the enemy, guilty of treason and is sentenced to imprisonment for a fixed term of at least four and at most ten years, or for life.[34]. Sturgeon is literally what the Spanish Civil War described as a Fifth Column; an enemy column already installed inside the fortress perimeter which destroys the defences from within. No more money for INDYLIVE from me! Plus, theres also the proposed Referendum Super Majority Bill that also hints thered be further sophistry and gerrymandering if a plebiscite election was to be held. Sturgeon did look rattled, but what would you expect, she asked the opposition (SC) to make a judgement because she couldnt make the judgement herself, she should have known what the result was going to be, after all the rest of us did. A EXTINGUISHED SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT IS A EXTINGUISHED TREATY OF UNIION BETWEEN THE SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT OF 1707 AND THE ENGLISH PARLIAMENT 1706. I was so upset and disheartened after 2014. https://twitter.com/PhantomPower14/status/1590028438571606016, Plus Unionists spouting 50% + 1 not being a democratic mandate isnt new. exploited it all the maximum, she misplayed every step, deliberately, consistently and perfectly, proving that while she may well be strategically useless, the people running her are certainly not. (My parents still havent decided whether or not theyre going to letme go on vacation with my friend. View in browser. Would you like me to go through the history of her relations and interactions with the grassroots? Sturgeon the betrayer will never ever defy the foreign governments parliament thats holding us hostage especially on reserved matters. Why the lack of urgency? Domestically she adopted a highly divisive and insane woke agenda that no one wanted other than her, slowly turning Scotland and the SNP into a living woke hellscape. Esta primavera no vamos a viajar a ningn sitio porque en Navidades tiramos la casa por la ventana y ahora nos toca apretarnos el cinturn. Dentro de una hora comemos con nuestros amigos. I tell yi, once all Scots see the names involved in the Salmond stitch-up, eyes will be opened and the FM will be toast. 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