Meanwhile, as the detail works towards the top rungs of the Barksdale organization, McNulty reassesses his pursuit of Stringer Bell and the path he's chosen for himself. Pleased, Templeton tells Gutierrez the Baltimore Sun "ain't so bad."

McNulty and Freamon get a tip-off call from Ofc. They both know they're being watched, so they bid their goodbyes and head off. "Fiend badmouthing our shit," the soldiers say by way of explaining their behavior. "Eleven more years of whatever bullshit they can find and then I put in my papers and I walk," McNulty says. "You guys are on all of it, huh?" he says. But if he doesn't take the money and makes it to Annapolis, he could help Baltimore then, his Chief of Staff points out. The cozy family-style restaurant offers indoor and outdoor seating, which means you can take in views of beautiful mansions while you eat. When they press him to focus, he reels off his strategy for when Royce comes at him on themes of race and crime, impressing them. The cops storm Glekas's appliance store but find the place utterly cleaned out, with only a bloodstain where Glekas died left behind. "We need 30, 40 thousand liters," he says. With no new developments, and no OT to show for their time, Greggs and Sydnor bug Lester to call it a day.

Duquan "Dukie" Weems is heading up Michael's new corner but his workers don't seem to want to answer to him, especially Spider. With a few beers in him, Freamon eyes the nail he saved and bets them ten bucks they can go find bodies at any boarded-up rowhouse with a similar one. Carcetti accepts that with the budget cut to the bone, he can't complain when the rate goes up. "Major Crimes? Dukie reports that now people say Kevin's in the vacants with Lex. Zenobia doesn't want to return, others are of mixed emotions. The fiend beats him with a metal pipe, leaving Bubbles bloody in the street.

At the fancy steak house, Darnell , Zenobia and Namond are out of their element, having never experienced coat checks, recited specials or what to do with their napkins. The stained glass hangs in a prized spot, the nave, and the priest is grateful. "Same blood, but not the same heart," says Cutty.

Thinking he's headed north, Old Face Andre is introduced to his real escorts: Chris and Snoop. Fatface Rick chastises Cheese for putting them in this position to begin with by moving on his uncle, Prop Joe, and when Cheese protests, Slim Charles pulls out a 9mm. With Snoop eager to get back to work, Marlo gives his orders: Hit Webster Franklin's corners to force him onto their package, take out June Bug for mouthing off and find Omar. "That's all he did," Prez insists.

On the corner, Michael's mother approaches, asking for a price break on a fix and indicating that she is short the money. He slumps into his chair, miserable. Just as Renaldo is fed up with the tedium of their stake out, Slim's SUV drives by and they follow. "I don't give a shit what happens to Avon," Brianna fires back, before telling Namond that she invited him to the meet for a specific purpose - to make it clear that his mother's been paid enough that he should have enough money going forward. Daniels blows a gasket over the real reason the detail was reassigned from an investigation in Pimlico to the Western District. When a teacher realizes her car's been stolen, Prez shoots the boys a look; they shrug ignorance.

Meanwhile, Donut pulls up to Namond Brice's corner in a car with a Tilghman faculty bumper sticker. Freamon, though somewhat aghast at McNulty's sick machinations, has found his probable cause for collecting cell phone photos.

When Templeton arrives at the Sun to work on his copy, Haynes asks him to make a few calls to follow up on the story he wrote about a single mother who died from a crab allergy. When Daniels tries to ask for more support, Carcetti cuts him off. Besides the fact that this brunch spot is located right on Ellis square. But Fletcher still wants to wait for the go-ahead from his source.

Sitting at the bar, McNulty and Freamon nail down the mayor's motivation for keeping their manufactured killer under wraps. Stringer and Avon reflect on how far they've come, with each harboring plans for the future. Dry-docks rustin', piers standin' empty. "I barely keep up the paperwork." Freamon leaves with the photos and reports.

When Michael hears that Kenard's stash is gone, and asks a few follow-up questions, he realizes the scam and tells Namond the kid took it himself. "Ahh, I ain't no angel," Cutty says, smiling at his latest. Wilson says the schools can't afford to get any worse, even if they can't fix them, noting that Carcetti is the mayor of Baltimore right now. Dukie Weems heard that the girl who wielded the razor in Prez's class had a father who killed three police and that her mother boils cats and serves 'em. McNulty asks whether Freamon has seen the newspaper the city will have to throw money at the homeless murders. Cutty's now-veteran fighters, Justin and Spider, interrupt to pick a fight over the use of the bag, and Cutty breaks up the scuffle. Only Michael refuses the cash and Marlo crosses to ask Michael why he won't take his money. McNulty, trying to unload the department resources he's been wasting, tells Landsman there just haven't been any new leads. Telling Mouzone that "we got your back" and "whoever did this, we find 'em," Stringer finds Mouzone even colder and more remote than usual. Colvin and the teachers are impressed with the newfound focus and self-regulation.

Bunk and Holley visit Old Face Andre's store to review how the robbery-murder went down. If you arent familiar with the views, here are some of my favorite photos of River Street. Frank Barlow will make the connection to his own open case Barlow is oblivious much to McNulty's frustration and Bunk's satisfaction.

Unable to keep up with their increased cash flow, Marlo and Chris Partlow visit Proposition Joe Stewart to learn how to launder money.

Klebanow and Whiting call in Sun staff members one by one to discuss buyouts. "This case needs closure and in my heart of hearts I know you're the kind of bastards to put Sobotka where he needs to be." Valchek also asks them to pursue the surveillance van Sobotka stole from police property, and he gives them the fingerprints he lifted from the pictures and the photos of the van in its various ports of call. They are shocked to hear about the bodies - Freamon learns that Landsman has made no mention of the matter - and Daniels and Pearlman express further dismay at Freamon's estimate of how many they might find: a couple dozen, perhaps. The only open spot was just filled, Rawls reports dryly, but, he adds, looking at the Homicide roster, "Lemme see who I don't love no more."

Prez tries to get the class to tackle another math word problem, as the kids inject their jokes and commentary. "What he do again?" Snoop asks. Carver agrees, but assures her that "rom what I can tell, he's not a bad kid."

When Election Day finally arrives, Dennis "Cutty" Wise gets up early and heads out for a jog, evading his latest conquest's questions about when he's coming back. Nick felt he had convinced Sobotka to change his mind by revealing the Greeks' plan to bring pressure on the clerk in Glekas's store to change his story. It comes with the perfect view of the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist! Ellis Carver. And Fitzhugh comes clean with Daniels, telling him that the leak was not in fact with the police squad but most likely through FBI agent Koutris, now with the 9/11 boys in D.C. "I'm guessing Vondas or The Greek was an asset to them. Politically astute, Council President Campbell points out that the Governor is setting up the Mayor for a fight in two years - the D.C. suburbs aren't going to like that he used their money to bail out his city schools. Clay promises his loyalty to Carcetti will only cost two seats on the liquor board.

McNulty checks in with Freamon and reports that Bunk has a murder warrant on Partlow, explaining that he's secured a few days' grace period to wrap up their investigation. Freamon has rigged a phone wire to mask as Marlo's cell number and orders McNulty to stick to the script as he dials a number. Brandishing the threat of a federal indictment, Freamon wants to know who brokers the laundered drug money in Baltimore. B. Matthews Eatery is known for their shrimp & grits, a true Southern classic! Namond Brice mocks Dukie for such nonsense. He lets Wardell explain that Braddock's mom and his mom are like cousins, and he wouldn't have killed him for flipping -- he was only looking at three and a half years. Marlo seems mollified by the offer.

Meanwhile, Omar Little and Renaldo have been dividing up the shipment they hijacked from the New Day Co-op, but even after splitting it with their accomplices, Kimmy and Mexican boys, they tell Butchie they have "26 raw" left. 700 Drayton Restaurant is the heart of The Mansion on Forsyth Park, one of Savannah's most treasured and historic hotels, currently undergoing a luxury rebranding. "Sometimes the gods are uncooperative," Colvin offers by way of explanation. Joe makes it clear he has a way of hearing about things before they come down - like the card game and a set of imminent grand jury indictments he shows Marlo, naming drug kingpin Charlie Burman and others. Pulling his teams off the street targets, he converges the resources on a warehouse near the marine terminals.

Snoop and O-Dog meet with Maurice "Maury" Levy in his law office to prepare O-Dog to take the rap for Snoop and Chris Partlow's weapons charges. Donnelly then emphasizes to Colvin and Parenti that they need protect Withers -- if anyone has a problem with their plan, he'll get the blame. Greggs suggests they wait, revealing a surveillance photo of Stringer meeting with Proposition Joe. "Ain't no thing shorty. "I know you can't cross the Mayor publicly, but you come to me and I can use that subcommittee to give you what you need." Royce is offended, turns him down and leaves, telling Carcetti as he goes that he's loyal to his Mayor.

Avon, with only short time left on his prison sentence thanks to the deal he cut after naming the prison guard he framed in the tainted heroin matter, meets with Wee-Bey and Dennis "Cutty" Wise, from the old neighborhood. Instead of leaving, he returns to the store with his Glock and first shoots the clerk who works for Glekas, then Glekas himself. He calls out Marlo again, shouting into the empty street.

Haynes goes to meet the homeless veteran Terry Hanning who indicts Templeton's story about him as full of lies. Not too hungry? My top tip for you when picking a breakfast place in Savannah is to avoid the chains! Cutty tries to assure him that what happened between his mom and him should have nothing to do with him taking advantage of the gym. She is not only grieving; she is frightened as well.

At Marlo's pigeon coop, Proposition Joe makes a case for him to join the New Day Co-op - the consortium of citywide dealers. William "Bunk" Moreland how the reporter has started to make up his own story. Lester hands over copies of the paper trail he has on Clay's illegal loan and tells him he will keep quiet in exchange for his help with information in the future.

At the Sun, Haynes, with the Metro Editor's support, tells Templeton he's cutting the lede to the story about the homeless vigil because it features an unnamed homeless woman. But he urges Sobotka to lighten up: "Spend some on a little something you can touch. Consoling Avon, Wee-Bey offers advice about 'DAngelo: "You know the boy almost rolled on you the one time. Horseface is the only person who knows about their illicit dealings, "and he's a rock." Nick tells them that Sobotka wants to meet with The Greek, and that, until things cool down, no contraband can move through his dock. When Sydnor hears over the police radio that the call has been traced to the Inner Harbor, he switches off the cell, wraps it in foil, and pockets it. Their original one is located on Bull Street and the newer one is in Forsyth Park. Nervously, Father Jerome shows Valchek Sobotka's stained glass already hanging and offers a different, less desirable spot to display Valchek's window. Bunk verifies the order as they march the corner kid to the Xerox machine and duct tape his hand to the glass explaining that it's a flawless lie detector test. Templeton falters but then assures him it did; he just didn't remember the guy having such a heavy Baltimore accent the first time. "I got a kid. The historic building started out as a pharmacy in the early 1900s, then it served as a soda shop in the 1950s, and now its one of Savannahs most famous Southern diners. Michael bolts out of the van with sudden urgency, passing on a ride home. Dozerman is assigned to tactical for now. McNulty will report day after day of silence from his serial killer, but Lester will monitor Marlo's calls and accredit any leads he catches to a criminal informant.

Outside Monk's apartment, Omar and Donnie decide to make their move but after kicking in Monk's door, find that they've charged into a trap. McNulty shows the detail a laptop into which the multiple GPS devices they've attached are feeding signals. Clarys and Collins Quarter had good food. Order Online. "Just glad I'm not the mayor." Carcetti is almost amused.

Col. Noting this, Bunk presses her on whether her son is still alive, threatening to return often if she doesn't give up an answer. With friend and partner in crime Kimmy, the two con their way into a Barksdale stash house, and in a heist that's almost too easy, make off with the drugs and the cash.

Stringer Bell visits Avon in jail, updating him on the neighborhood news. Burrell warns his successor about the impossibility of the job, explaining that the mayor's office sends over a new priority every day. and torches the vehicle, reminding the injured man at his feet to tell Marlo he destroyed the money. Bubbles answers with a shrug, and Walon gently lectures him that while everyone laughs at their mistakes, a lot of substance exists between the jokes. RANCH STEAK AND EGGS $24.63. He admits that all of the charity money did go into his bank account but insists he didn't keep a dime, it all went back out in cash, because that's how it works in his district: It is strictly cash and carry. Meanwhile, pictures of the missing surveillance van continue to arrive periodically, mocking Valchek as it makes its way from port to port.

Stringer drops by Donette's apartment and tells her she needs to take her son to visit 'DAngelo in jail. Namond asks his mother what Brianna meant about her being paid enough money. McNulty on the phone.

Ignoring his buzzing cell phone, McNulty starts to enjoy his performance and, playing up a heavy Baltimore accent, he begins to ad lib. Colvin drives off, the kids arguing. Klebanow asks about whether it would hurt to publish the photos sent to the phone, but McNulty says it would help to have people looking for the man, who may already be dead. A good many of the troops are won over, but McNulty's not so sure. Department's finally gonna get what it needs. And 'it's about love.' "That's something you don't see everyday," Omar says.

Omar follows Kimmy and Tosha and confronts them in an abandoned building where they've gone to count the money. Hoping to repay his boss for his current plight, McNulty faxes his calculations to the Baltimore County Police, who are only too glad to hand the case back to Rawls.

At the dock, Marine Police Officer Beatrice "Beadie" Russell is making her cursory rounds. We need to see something happen with the canal, and the granary pier has been down for a year now." Father Jerome tells him to come to Sunday's early mass and he'll introduce him to the Senator.

Nick and his cousin Ziggy, Frank Sobotka's son, visit The Greek in a shabby diner. "How?" Carcetti asks, his voice rising. The most obvious way, they decide, is to pressure the young clerk Ziggy shot in Glekas's store to change his story and tell the cops that Ziggy fired in self-defense. Next she delivers a blow to Colvin: "They pulled the pin on your program."

Mayor Carcetti addresses the Western District roll call, announcing the five percent salary bump he's scraped together, and his mandate to abandon quotas and stats in favor of quality police work. McNulty walks in and closes the door behind him before losing his temper and telling Templeton that he knows about the lies because he started the whole charade himself. Gregg's first stop is Andrew Krawczyk at his waterfront development office; he asks for her name and unit and she gives him both, unwavering. WebView the latest accurate and up-to-date Little Duck Diner Menu Prices for the entire menu including the most popular items on the menu. Two Internal Investigation Division detectives interrupt, looking for a Sergeant Hauk and citing a missing surveillance camera - as well as some paperwork on a couple of informants. It's a new day downtown."

Having no luck scaring up his nemesis, the predatory fiend, Bubbles returns home to the garage. You juke the stats and majors become colonels."

Sgt. Moments later, Sobotka encounters two port authority cops making their innocent rounds and asks when Russell is coming back from the Fairfield piers. Bodie tenses as they approach, but Chris assures him they are there to parley only. a transplant from New York City. Instead of cash, however, Avon's soldier gives him a package of heroin ready for sale. Beatrice "Beadie" Russell, called her to ask about him. Steintorf sees the play coming, and suggests that Rawls come to Annapolis with Carcetti to work as the state police superintendent, a position more suited to his complexion. Oh my goodness, I am salivating looking at these photos! Det. Rather than steal it from them, however, he teams up with them. They've been removed from gen-pop and sent to the hole. As the Judge signs off, he suggests they check the Governor's alibi noting that a serial killer of the homeless is bad news for Carcetti's gubernatorial challenge because he was elected mayor on a law-and-order ticket. Finally she tells them what she's heard that Snoop and Chris killed her boy.

At the D.S.S. He leaves later that night with a wad of cash, protected by a player who let him in, and then followed him on his every pass and made money, and who wants to know the boy's system. To do so prior would have given Carcetti a campaign highlight.

Back on the corner, Michael doesn't rattle when some buyers try to scam him on some heroin sales and backs the older heads down. Enjoy the latest tourism news from including updates on local restaurants, popular bars and clubs, hotels, and things to do in Miami and South Florida. "Y'all got the best territory but no kinda product. But did you have brunch? "I got a mid-term. Are you guys serious?" Herc defends the raids and Carver shrugs it off, but asks why he's not out campaigning for his man Royce. In the meantime, Freamon visits the Deputy Ops and is told by Rawls that he is a hell of an investigator - Rawls seems sincere in his praise - but that his investigation is at an end. When Rawls tells Freamon he's being taken off the 14 murders and assigned to the detail, Freamon is skeptical: "Colonel, respectfully, did you just fuck me over without giving me even half a chance to clear this case?" he asks Rawls. The staff are all really friendly and attentive. You gonna look out for me?" He repeats himself, yelling louder, tears streaming, as a tormented Carver keeps walking.


Directed by Ernest Dickerson
Story by David Simon & Ed Burns
Teleplay by David Simon

"If animal trapped call 410-844-6286" -- Baltimore, traditional

It's the holiday season and Sgt. I love sitting at their outdoor tables when the weather is cool. Even in their effrontery, these kids have charmed him.

Ignoring Landsman's order, Det. My name is Erin, and I authored the Savannah First-Timers Guide. Avon, with help from his attorney Maury Levy, tells the assistant warden he has "inside" information, naming Tilghman as the cause of the deaths. He tells her to go back to sleep and picks up the phone to call in to the Sun. Kimmy appears, walking unsteadily and waving to the driver of the truck. Joe explains that's not the nature of a Co-op: "Share in the good, share in the bad." When the other dealers show their reluctance, Joe agrees to pay for the replacement shipment, but after that, he threatens, the drug connection will be his alone and they can find new suppliers if they won't stand together now. She accuses him and Councilman Anthony "Tony" Gray of having "jumped the line" - she had a deal with Mayor Royce that he'd back her for mayor when the time came. When the next TV news segment shows video of Clay Davis talking to reporters outside the courthouse, the Sun staff scrambles to figure out why they don't have the story. He then says, with some pride: "Man came down here to say my son can be anything he damn please." "Except a soldier," she retorts. They come up with goose eggs on the warrants and minor arrests on the corners. Marlo and Chris stake out Vondas and Proposition Joe, beginning to learn whatever they can about the source of Baltimore's best heroin and cocaine. Burrell dug his own grave when he gave the mayor rigged crime statistics. Frustrated but too soft-hearted to get tough with the dealer, Ziggy leaves, only to be surrounded suddenly by Cheese and his gang. And for dessert? "But now is not the time to rock any boats."

Back at his lair, Marlo remarks that he heard Chris took care of his puppy Michael's problem. Kima meets with her old mentor, Major Cedric Daniels, looking to get back under his new command in the Western District, but he says she's too good to go back to a district and that she needs to move laterally at worst. They're just a few hundred-thousand short of Marlo's $10 million asking price, and Cheese jumps in to add his money to the venture. If the ingredients are not from the South, it's not on your plate. He may have promised Bunk not to kill a man, but Omar says he can still put a gun in Andre's face. "I resent the implication," Burrell responds, and Rawls gives Foerster a quick, subtle headshake: No argument on this. b.contentWindow[g].open()}catch(w){ He knows the Greeks killed Sobotka, he says, because Sobotka met with them the previous evening, after having told Nick of his intention to finger them. Nick urges him to reconsider, telling Sobotka of the Greek's scheme to lift some of Ziggy's weight by leaning on the clerk to change his story. Sink your teeth into burgers and sandwiches like Avocado Toast with goat cheese or the Little Piggy Went to Market, a slider with house-made pork sausage, fried egg, cheese and apple wood bacon. Bond sees the merits of the approach, but when Rawls remains tepid, Steintorf walks the acting commissioner into the hall for a chat. Rewrite man Jay Spry answers, and Haynes says he's worried he mixed up the numbers from Wooten's port story. Herc is excited by the set up, but ducks out leaving Sydnor to watch alone. Namond watches the SUV roll away, leaving behind a quiet Baltimore neighorhood that is his new home, in a new life.


Directed by Joe Chappelle
Story by David Simon & Ed Burns
Teleplay by David Simon

"The bigger the lie, the more they believe." -- Bunk

Det. She unscrolls the paper: "Tater killed me." The guys crack up. Colvin leans into Parenti and concedes that the boy is right. Wanting more, Templeton grabs his notebook and leaves the office to find a pay phone. It's probably natural, says Brown, stepping aside for McNulty, who guesses that she died in her sleep.

Back at the Sun offices, an editorial meeting is underway, and Executive Editor James C. Whiting III explains the education story he has in mind, telling the editors and reporters that he wants to illustrate how the school system has failed the city's children. Haynes tries to determine whether Hanning could have been drinking or exaggerating, but the man insists he knows what it is to tell a story, and he would never embellish the details of a battle it would be too disrespectful to his fellow Marines. The man asks Stringer if Avon is aware of what really went down, and Stringer says no, offering this advice: "I wouldn't let any of this mess end up in Avon's ear." In prison, Wee-Bey visits a distraught Avon, whose prime rib dinner sits uneaten before him. He outlines a new plan: his officers have spent too many years chasing stats, and not enough of them are sufficiently trained to investigate violent crimes properly. He tells Landsman to order Greggs and Norris to report for poll duty. Michael asks him back: Wouldn't you have stood tall for a friend? WebGet menu, photos and location information for Aviary - Perm Closed in Portland, OR. He loved it. "S*** was unseemly," he remarks. Get directions. Its an amazing experience, and one I never tire of seeing. Grades PreK - 4 Cheese points out that warrants were drawn up "from information received" code for snitching as far as he's concerned. When the Greek deliverymen tell Chris he can count the packages, he leaves without a word.

At the Baltimore Sun, City Editor Augustus "Gus" Haynes welcomes the paper's London Bureau Chief, Robert Ruby, back to the states since his office was shut down. Omar plans to go after Marlo's people first starting with Monk.

Having found their perfect body, Freamon and McNulty set to work prepping the victim. "I just ran a clean-up-the-streets campaignand I just got done promising the world to every cop in the city." Campbell has the inevitable answer: "Annapolis," she says, referring to the Governor's office and the possibility of a state bailout. That's how you attack life even when you think you don't have any control. Chris slaps Butchie's wounded worker, Big Guy, and tells him to make sure Omar hears everything that happened. Bodie agrees just as Bunk and Carver approach, looking for Lex. Jay Landsman, "Sounds like a new day, don't it? Hauk, asking Rawls what's expected of him, given that he sees "a lot of smoke, but I'm not feeling much in the way of fire." With no witnesses and no indication of racial or religious undertones or serious brutality, his punishment options are limited. The boy assures Carver it's OK: "You tried." But as he walks Randy inside and up the stairs to a room with bunk beds and older, feral looking kids, Carver feels even worse. After a few minutes' complaining about their parent company, Gus asks Ruby to look into Scott Templeton's reporting check its accuracy with a fresh set of eyes. I live just south of Forsyth Park in Savannah's artsy Starland District, and my daughter is a recent SCAD graduate. Outraged, De'Londa threatens Brianna, noting that Bey could get to speaking about her brother Avon - exposing Avon to even more prison time. He leaves, angry, and shows up at City Hall, where Burrell is lobbying the city council members who will vote soon on a new police commissioner. Privately, Krawcyzk commiserates with a colleague about how hard it is to feign losing hand after hand to the mayor when Royce plays cards so poorly. Namond heads home with Bodie's package, telling his mother it's a piece of cake. Instead of driving the cars out of the lot through the holes, Ziggy drives each one onto the docks and into a shipping container.

Folding laundry in her basement apartment, Aimee spots something sitting on the duct work and pulls it down. Confident that his pit bull will win the match with a dog owned by the dealer Dazz, Cheese's cocky demeanor turns to shock as his dog goes down quickly. Here are the best places for brunch in downtown Savannah: A must-have for brunch lovers! Whiting gives the staff their marching orders: Do more with less.

When Police Commissioner Ervin H. Burrell and Deputy Commissioner for Operations William A. Rawls meet with the mayor, they present a different set of crime stats than those Valcheck reported. Choosefrom a variety of dishes ranging from large to small. "Police, they ain't gonna pay no never mind. The FOP President warns Carcetti that his new popularity may be short lived if he doesn't handle the Sgt. Lester Freamon says it's the break they've been looking for. The problem is, as a low-level outsider, Mike's knowledge of the Greeks and their organization is limited.

After his detention hearing, Sobotka's lawyers want to talk, but Sobotka shakes them off. Carver suggested Cutty might be able to help him with Namond Brice. Burrell reveals to the Councilman that in spite of the fact that 70 cops are retiring by year's end, the Mayor has cancelled the Academy Class in which new recruits are inducted. And that's how you play real defense. I love the idea of eating at Hueys as it has a view of the river but the breakfast at Clarys looks so good too! In for a penny, in for a pound: Sydnor refuses to back down from the moment and hands over his card. Still, Marlo wants to "talk" to who was in charge of the stash, but Joe says it was his nephew - and he won't give up Cheese. Marlo suddenly recognizes the ring around Michael's neck - the one he last saw when he relinquished it to Omar during the robbery of the card game. Grace explains they're not really assessing the kids - if the scores go up, the school administration can say the schools are improving. Search our huge selection of new and used video games at fantastic prices at GameStop. Michael ducks out and fires back, as Chris falls against a wall, holding his abdomen, red seeping out from his hand.

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