In addition, the Progress 8 accountability measure may not always be the most appropriate performance indicator for these schools. 86. All pupils receive unbiased information about potential next steps and high-quality careers guidance; the school meets the requirements of section 42B of the Education Act 1997. 26 August, 1961 or earlier) was a half-blood witch and a British Ministry of Magic bureaucrat who served as Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic under Ministers Cornelius Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour, and Pius Thicknesse. The effectiveness of the early years is likely to be inadequate if one or more of the following applies. If a school changes its status or undergoes significant change and receives a new URN, it becomes a new school for inspection purposes, except where that school was previously exempt from inspection. The law usually requires the maximum interval for inspections to be no more than 5 school years from the end of the school year in which the last relevant inspection took place. It was about two competing economic systems One was in the North before the video cuts to a student dozing off in class. If the school retains its URN following a change, it will be treated as the same school. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Limits on energy prices: Energy Price Guarantee, Part 2. (1) Schedule A1 (enforcement orders) is amended as follows. The report will confirm that the school remains good and will highlight the reasons why inspectors believe that the quality of education is better than good. Inspectors will not investigate allegations of sexual harassment, abuse or violence, but will ensure that allegations are reported to the appropriate authority. 333. The Schedules you have selected contains over 200 provisions and might take some time to download. Inspectors will look at whether the provider has adapted the approach to securing a good transition for every pupil in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The implications for schools causing concern are set out in the schools causing concern section. 38. If a school is not meeting the minimum expectation, and this impacts on the quality of education, inspectors will expect schools to set out a clear rationale for this and understand what impact it has on the quality of education. Pupils work across the curriculum is consistently of a high quality. See Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years. Leaders adopt or construct a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Act 1999 (c. 2). It is normal for there to be a formal link with a religious organisation. (1) Section 98 (interpretation of Part 3) is amended as 63.In section 99 of the Childcare Act 2006 (provision of 64.In the Employment Agencies Act 1973, in section 13(7) (exemptions) Childrens Commissioner: minor and consequential amendments. 196. The schools arrangements for safeguarding pupils do not meet statutory requirements, or they give serious cause for concern, or the school has taken insufficient action to remedy weaknesses following a serious incident. 24. In the key stage 4 curriculum, the governments national ambition is that 90% of Year 10 pupils in state-funded mainstream schools should be starting to study EBacc GCSE courses nationally by 2025 (taking their examinations in 2027). Schools will be expected to provide these details to parents on both graded and ungraded inspections. The school meets all the criteria for good in personal development securely and consistently. 21. They are able to apply mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures appropriately for their age. 40. Guidance for schools on preventing and responding to bullying. To prepare for the inspection, inspectors will review: copies of any qualifying complaint(s) received, other information on the PIP and any response letters, issues raised by the investigation of any qualifying complaints about the school under the Education Act 2005, information from the pre-inspection telephone conversation with the headteacher, any documentation emailed to the HMI in advance of the inspection, as agreed between the headteacher and the HMI. 19. 91. They show respect for the different protected characteristics as defined in law and no forms of discrimination are tolerated. 47. 295. Students learn quickly that if they can endure their teachers outburst, they can be on their way without being held accountable. They will evaluate the impact that the quality of education has on children, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with SEND. sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well; ensures children are kept healthy and safe 174. Pupils know how to discuss and debate issues and ideas in a considered way. 343. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. 134. 385. Therefore, inspectors must have the opportunity to speak to pupils with no other adults present. This should not prevent a topic-based or thematic approach, however. 285. Leadership and management are exceptional. In most circumstances, the school will receive the draft report within 18 working days after the end of the inspection. For subsequent inspections, we will return to inspecting good schools around every 4 years. 33. Seventh International Conference on Adult Education. Pupils at middle schools, on average, have lower progress scores at the end of key stage 2 than pupils at primary schools. The quality of early years education provided is exceptional. The lead education and social care inspectors will then follow this notification call with separate calls to the headteacher and head of boarding, respectively. See Inspectors talking to pupils on inspection. Relationships among pupils and staff reflect a positive and respectful culture; pupils are safe and they feel safe. In order to judge whether a school is good or requires improvement, inspectors will use a best fit approach, relying on the inspection teams professional judgement. If required, the HMI may arrange a time for a second longer telephone conversation with the headteacher to discuss the inspection. 337. 114. If a school uses managed moves, inspectors may ask to see evidence of the ways in which these have been carried out. 5. If pupils struggle with this, the school takes intelligent, fair and highly effective action to support them to succeed in their education. Maintained schools and PRUs that are judged to be causing concern will be subject to an academy order. Check out the latest breaking news videos and viral videos covering showbiz, sport, fashion, technology, and more from the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday. As part of this, it is important that schools understand and meet the requirements of section 42B of the Education Act 1997 (referred to in DfE guidance as provider access legislation), which came into force in January 2018. 36. 270. These meetings must take place without the presence of the headteacher or senior staff. Headteachers have the right to exclude pupils when there are legitimate reasons for them to do so. Teachers have told us that they believe this will help us play our part in reducing unnecessary workload. 421. A school will be inadequate under a particular judgement if one or more of the inadequate criteria applies. How a school meets the expectations of the DfEs statutory guidance on relationships education, relationships and sex education and health education contributes to the leadership and management judgement. Pupils cannot communicate, read, write or apply mathematics sufficiently well for their age and are therefore unable to succeed in the next year or stage of education, or in training or employment. An inspection can take place at any point from five school days after the first day pupils attend in the autumn term. Leaders and staff create an environment in which students feel safe because staff and learners do not accept bullying, harassment or discrimination or peer-on-peer abuse online or offline. 439. 12. This is shown by their respect and attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities. As part of making the judgement about the quality of education, inspectors will consider the extent to which schools are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. (1) Section 326A (unopposed appeals) is amended as follows. Pupils frequently ignore or rebut requests from teachers to moderate their conduct. DeSantis students speak out about hostile behaviour towards Black people, partying and inaccurate lessons. News stories, speeches, letters and notices. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Headteachers have the right to exclude pupils when there are legitimate reasons for them to do so. 164. 71. In Schedule 14, omit paragraph 10 (certain orders made under Children and Young Persons Act 1969 (c. 54), Local Authority Social Services Act 1970 (c. 42), Domicile and Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1973 (c. 45), Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 (c. 60). They should consider: the extent to which leaders and teachers have high expectations for attainment and progress and the effectiveness of the systems they use to monitor and develop the quality of sixth-form programmes for all students, including the most disadvantaged and those with high needs, how leaders and teachers develop a curriculum that provides progression, stretch, mathematics and English for those young people without GCSE grades 9 to 4 (or legacy grades A* to C), as well as work experience or industry placements and non-qualification activities (which may include tutorials, work to develop study, leadership teamwork, self-management skills and volunteering), the effectiveness of high-quality, impartial careers guidance in enabling all students to make progress and move on to a higher level of qualification, employment or further training when they are ready to do so. They may carry out additional inspection activity (such as that set in the paragraph above) where they consider it necessary. They will ascertain how well the curriculum is meeting childrens needs. The school has the same academic ambitions for almost all children. The school is making ineffective or inappropriate use of alternative provision or is using inappropriate alternative provision (including, for example, failing to ensure the suitability of a provision or not taking responsibility for their pupils who attend alternative provision). 362. The schools subject to inspection under this section of the Act are: community, foundation and voluntary schools, city technology colleges for the technology of the arts, certain non-maintained special schools approved by the Secretary of State under section 342 of the Education Act 1996. The schools curriculum intent and implementation are embedded securely and consistently across the school. 228. In a stand-alone academy, this will usually be the academy trustees and sponsors (including sponsor representatives, where they exist). For example, the Governments former expert adviser on behaviour, Charlie Taylor, has produced a checklist on the basics of classroom management.5 Teachers can use this to develop between five and ten essential actions to encourage good behaviour in pupils. They are developing a sense of right from wrong. If the school uses off-site alternative provision, the lead inspector will request further details about this. A school judged to be outstanding or good can use specific Ofsted logos to promote its judgement, for example on its website. 161. The school will then receive a report that makes clear that its next inspection will be a graded inspection. The school meets all the criteria for good in the effectiveness of early years securely and consistently. 136. If bullying, aggression, discrimination and derogatory language occur, they are dealt with quickly and effectively and are not allowed to spread. is (1) Section 105 (interpretation) is amended as follows. Updated with information about school responsibilities, and how to identify behaviours that may be related to a mental health problem. Head teachers. The following are examples of what ineffective safeguarding might include: safeguarding allegations about staff members are not being handled appropriately, children, pupils and students or particular groups of children, pupils and students do not feel safe in school or the setting, children, pupils and students have little confidence that the school or setting will address concerns about their safety, including risk of abuse, for schools, pupils are frequently missing from school (including for part of the school day), but this is not addressed appropriately by staff, incidents of bullying or prejudiced and discriminatory behaviour are common. Schools are not required to provide copies of any information in advance of the inspection, but if these are offered, the HMI should accept them. Pre-Summit on 28-30 June Summit on 16, 17 and 19 September . The National Crime Agency's CEOP Education team aim to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse. The meeting at the start of the inspection may or may not involve the whole of the schools senior leadership team. Through this methodology, inspectors build a view of the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management: from their pre-inspection preparation and the educationally focused conversation with the headteacher, the lead inspector will form a top-level view an initial understanding of the curriculum, the way teaching supports pupils to learn the curriculum, the standards pupils achieve, pupils behaviour and attitudes, and the personal development of pupils, inspectors will then collect and connect evidence for each of the judgement areas throughout the on-site part of the inspection, towards the end of each day, inspectors will bring all the evidence together to draw the conclusions that will inform their final judgements. If individual parents raise serious issues, inspectors will follow these up with the school and record its response. Inspectors may also gather evidence from pupils, parents or other stakeholders in person. They will also look at how leaders have broken down the content into components and sequenced that content in a logical progression, systematically and explicitly, for all pupils to acquire the intended knowledge and skills. The pupil and staff surveys used in inspection contain questions about safeguarding, behaviour and discipline, bullying, how respondents feel about the school and how well supported and respected they feel they are in the school. Urgent inspections are also carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005, and were previously known as inspections with no fixed designation and unannounced behaviour inspections. 144. We will monitor them as set out in the monitoring handbook. 4. 342. When used effectively, assessment helps pupils to embed knowledge and use it fluently, and assists teachers in producing clear next steps for pupils. They will look at the scope of the curriculum, including how carefully leaders have thought about what end points the curriculum is building towards (with reference to the national curriculum and, where relevant, the EYFS). Teacher assessed grades from 2020 and 2021 will not be used to assess impact. Inspectors will assess safeguarding procedures, the quality of education and how effectively the unit helps to improve pupils behaviour, learning and attendance. In that case, we will monitor the school before another graded inspection takes place within 30 months of the publication of the previous report (for the first inspection after the pandemic, this period will be extended by up to 6 terms). The DfE provides all schools with a URN. Staff ensure that the content, sequencing and progression in the 7 areas of learning are secured, as appropriate, the content of the EYFS curriculum is taught in a logical progression, systematically and in a way that is explained effectively, so that it gives children the necessary foundations for the rest of their schooling, children develop, consolidate and deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills across all the areas of learning in the EYFS, staff develop childrens communication and language through singing songs, nursery rhymes and playing games, staff develop childrens love of reading through reading aloud and telling stories and rhymes. 45. 95. 420. Updated both documents in light of unavailability of BeatBullying services. 28. Schools and inspectors must ensure that all actions are compliant with legal requirements on information-handling. This may be completed remotely. (1) Section 7 of the Children Act 2004 (functions of 7.Appointment and tenure of Childrens Commissioner. This might be raised internally through our risk assessment process, or externally through a complaint or other information we receive. Departments, agencies and public bodies. If a school is failing to meet its obligations, inspectors will consider this when reaching the personal development and leadership and management judgements. 40. The EYFS curriculum provides no limits or barriers to the childrens achievements, regardless of their backgrounds, circumstances or needs. They have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships and of the protected characteristics. Schools are also required by law to notify relevant bodies, including providers of alternative provision. They will develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain. Inspectors judgement on the effectiveness of early years provision will include evaluation of the provision for 2- and 3-year-olds. We will look at the curriculum in all the key stages that the school has, through our deep dives. However, we make it available to schools and other organisations to ensure that they are informed about the processes and procedures of inspection. 190. There is no legal definition of off-rolling. They should then ensure that both their inspection activities and the inspection report reflect this. If there is evidence that safeguarding may be ineffective, the lead inspector will always deem the ungraded inspection to be a graded inspection. If leadership functions are performed by MAT leaders, then inspectors will consider whether they need to meet MAT leaders to gather evidence. In order for the leadership and management judgement to be outstanding, the school must meet all of the good criteria securely and consistently, and it must also meet the additional outstanding criteria. Where an inspection is carried out as a result of issues raised in a qualifying complaint made to Ofsted, inspectors must not investigate the complaint itself during the inspection or seek parents views on the complaint itself. Staff are knowledgeable about the areas of learning they teach. If leaders have an accurate, evaluative understanding of current curriculum practice in their school and have identified appropriate next steps (taking into account any impact of COVID-19) to improve curriculum quality and develop curriculum expertise across the school, inspectors will evaluate intent favourably when reaching the holistic quality of education judgement. If, by the end of day 1 or during day 2, there is evidence that the school might be judged as inadequate or requires improvement, the lead inspector will alert the headteacher to this possibility. 354. Any provider of alternative provision must be registered as an independent school if it caters full time for 5 or more pupils of compulsory school age, or one pupil who is looked after or has an education, health and care (EHC) plan. 384. Inspectors will also bear in mind that developing and embedding an effective curriculum takes time, and that leaders may only be part-way through the process of adopting or redeveloping a curriculum. Pupils know how to eat healthily, maintain an active lifestyle and keep physically and mentally healthy. It also includes information on new policies such as the SEND code of practice and advice on school counselling. All schools should have a good culture of safeguarding. If a complaint is not submitted, we will normally publish the report on our reports website 3 working days later. 395. We expect schools to maintain, as they are required to, a single central record of the safeguarding checks they carry out. It is intended to highlight specific practices that we do not require. They will record the main points for feedback to the school in the evidence base. This is particularly important when inspectors ask pupils questions about safeguarding. The exact structure of the day will depend on the issues to be followed up and is likely to be drawn from the sources of evidence described in part 2 above. If the pupil transfers to the roll of their alternative provision, and this is genuinely in the best interest of the pupil, this is not off-rolling. Inspectors will normally visit a sample of any part-time unregistered alternative providers during the inspection, as directed by the relevant Ofsted region. Formal theory. This should also ensure that pupils are ready for the next stage, whether that is the next lesson, unit of work, year or key stage, including post-16 mathematics, the schools curriculum planning for mathematics carefully sequences knowledge, concepts and procedures to build mathematical knowledge and skills systematically and, over time, the curriculum draws connections across different ways of looking at mathematical ideas, the curriculum divides new material into manageable steps lesson by lesson, the schools curriculum identifies opportunities when mathematical reasoning and solving problems will allow pupils to make useful connections between identified mathematical ideas or to anticipate practical problems they are likely to encounter in adult life. There may be circumstances, however, in which it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the interviewee. Inspectors will look at pupils work. Check out the latest breaking news videos and viral videos covering showbiz, sport, fashion, technology, and more from the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday. Definitions of this can be found in the careers provision section. 56. 10 August 2017. Ms Minis was in the same class as Ms Pompey and said she also recalled those arguments during the Civil War section of the class. 39. It applies to school inspections under the education inspection framework (EIF). Mr Ron, Mr DeSantis, was mean to me and hostile toward me she told the Times. World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education. 31. 43.In section 236 (orders and regulations), in subsection (3) (affirmative 44.Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions, etc.) Governors in particular must ensure that the schools arrangements for safeguarding meet statutory requirements. Inspectors will also want to understand the approach to teaching and assessing whether pupils have understood the content they have been taught. 100. 134. Pupils show negative attitudes towards the value of good manners and behaviour as important factors in school life, adult life and work. 131. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in, The governor allegedly debated the cause of the Civil War and partied with the schools seniors during his year as a teacher, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile, Related video: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis releases ad suggesting God created him. Pre-Summit on 28-30 June Summit on 16, 17 and 19 September . All schools are invited to take part in a voluntary post-inspection survey in order to contribute to inspection development. 4. Normally, if the school is providing education to pupils, an inspection will go ahead. 389. 183. The judgement of requires improvement is not a formal category of concern, but the school may be subject to monitoring by Ofsted. For ungraded inspections of schools with fewer than 150 pupils (which take place over 1 day), questionnaires should be completed by 11am on the day of inspection. 143. 18. PDF, 491 KB, 19 pages, Ref: DFE-00652-2014 Repeal of School Teachers Pay and Conditions Act 1991. 356. We recognise that the disruption to learning caused by the pandemic may have impacted on what children have learned. Inspectors will particularly consider the intent, implementation and impact of the schools early years curriculum. 251. However, they will focus on: 311. Appraisal. Induction periods: teachers in England. It must give the headteacher and others the opportunity to present an oral summary evaluation of the schools position on the issues, and identify where evidence may be found. The estimated costs and benefits of proposed measures. This is reflected in pupils positive behaviour and conduct. 245. However, if inspectors determine the school to be off-rolling according to Ofsteds definition, then the leadership and management of the school are likely to be judged inadequate. However, when carrying out the first ungraded inspection of a new academy, we will consider the inspection history of the predecessor school to decide the timing of the inspection. 415. Schools that work in partnership with other schools, through federations, managed groups, chains or other collaborative activities, but that have a separate URN, will be inspected as individual schools and separate inspection reports will be published. In order to judge whether a school is good or requires improvement, inspectors will use a best fit approach, relying on the inspection teams professional judgement. Where a decision is lawful, but still meets Ofsteds definition of off-rolling, inspectors will be careful to consider the context of the decision and the integrity of leaders actions. (1) Sections 125 to 131 cease to have effect in PART 1 Amendments of the Children Act 1989. Any care that a school provides for children in the early years age range, before and/or after the school day or during the school holidays is considered as part of the evaluation of the schools early years provision. In making their judgements about a schools overall effectiveness, inspectors will consider whether the standard of education is good or whether it exceeds good and is outstanding. Some pupils have severe, complex or profound needs that have a significant impact on their cognitive development, especially the way that they are able to make alterations to their long-term memory. An Impact Assessment allows those with an interest in the policy area to understand: Use this menu to access essential accompanying documents and information for this legislation item. PRUs and academy alternative providers differ from other schools in that they are intended to be short-term interventions to secure the successful re-engagement into education. 298. Also, whether leaders are thoughtful in drawing boundaries and resisting inappropriate attempts to influence what is taught and the day-to-day life of the school, the extent to which leaders take into account the workload and well-being of their staff, while also developing and strengthening the quality of the workforce, the extent to which leaders and managers high ambitions are for all pupils, including those who are harder to reach. 121. 231. Pupils have sufficient understanding of, and unconscious competence in, prerequisite mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures that are necessary to succeed in the specific tasks set, within the curriculum, there are sufficient opportunities planned to revisit previously learned knowledge, concepts and procedures; this is to ensure that, once learned, mathematical knowledge becomes deeply embedded in pupils memories. The school ensures this by teaching all components of the full programmes of study. They will evaluate the progress that pupils have made since they began to attend the alternative provision. The HMI must check the provider information portal (PIP) for information relevant to the inspection. Inspectors will not grade this aspect of a schools work. Inspectors will meet with mentors and, where possible, the induction tutor. Leaders and/or staff have a poor understanding of the areas of learning they teach and the way in which young children learn. Schools that last received a graded inspection after this date will receive an initial ungraded inspection. 48. Operant conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. 320. The curriculum does not prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in modern Britain. If these issues are not being managed well, this could be considered as evidence that the school would no longer receive at least its current grade if a graded inspection were carried out. 314. 2. Inspectors will consider, taking into account any exemptions from the learning and development requirements of the EYFS, how well: leaders assure themselves that the aims of the EYFS are met and that it is sufficiently challenging for the children it serves. 123. The lead inspector should consult the school as to whom they need to meet with in the structure of a MAT, in a maintained school, make arrangements for a meeting with the chair of the governing body or the chair of the board of trustees and as many governors/trustees as possible. They may be shared with all those responsible for the governance of the school, irrespective of whether they attended the meeting, so long as they are clearly marked as provisional, confidential and subject to quality assurance, that the main findings of the inspection and the main points provided orally in the feedback, subject to any change, will be referred to in the text of the report, although the text of the report may differ slightly from the oral feedback, about what the school needs to improve: this will appear in the inspection report as What does the school need to do to improve?, that, on receiving the draft report, they must ensure that the report is not shared with anyone other than those stated above, or published under any circumstances until the school receives a copy of the final inspection report, that the headteacher is invited and encouraged to complete the post-inspection survey. 52. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Inspectors may take notes from, or copies of, this type of evidence before handing it back to an appropriate staff member at the end of the inspection. We will then send the school a letter setting out key information for leaders to be aware of before the inspection. Students learn quickly that if they can endure their teachers outburst, they can be on their way without being held accountable. In order to reach this standard, inspectors will determine whether the school meets all the criteria for good under that judgement, and does so securely and consistently. We identify a school by its unique reference number (URN). 102. The graded inspection will usually take place within 1 to 2 years after the publication of the ungraded inspection report, giving the school time for the strong practice and marked improvements to be consolidated. In some cases, inspectors will be able to gather this evidence as part of other activities they are carrying out. All pupils in maintained mainstream schools are expected to study the basic curriculum, which includes national curriculum, religious education and age-appropriate relationships and sex education. If this is the case, it will still be important for inspectors to ascertain the trust boards role in that process and how it ensures that these functions are carried out properly. In section 176 (Parliamentary control of subordinate legislation), in subsection Social Security Administration Act 1992 (c. 5). Academies are expected to offer all pupils a broad curriculum that should be similar in breadth and ambition to the national curriculum, and must include English, mathematics, science and religious education. It may be that, on occasion, the trustees have chosen to delegate some of their powers to the members of the academy committee or local governing board at school level. If, however, inspectors have sufficient evidence that some of the core reporting areas for judging a school have declined significantly since its last ungraded or graded inspection, then they will need to consider whether the effectiveness of the provision as a whole has declined. 152. Our framework puts a single, joined-up conversation about education at the heart of inspection, using a 3-part methodology to inspect schools on graded and ungraded inspections. They share and cooperate well, demonstrating high levels of self-control and respect for others. 64. 68. More information can be found on our logo terms of use page. 299. 57. Where the ungraded inspection is HMI-led and is deemed to be a graded inspection, the HMI will remain the lead inspector for the graded inspection. Education inspectors will consider the impact of the boarding/residential judgements on the overall effectiveness judgement for the whole school. In exceptional circumstances, one of the key judgement areas may require improvement, as long as there is convincing evidence that the school is improving this area sustainably and securely towards good. 133. 76. 248. 2099 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<858FDA29AEEF4E15B13C19ED1B7F64D2>]/Index[2077 36]/Info 2076 0 R/Length 105/Prev 350039/Root 2078 0 R/Size 2113/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream The HMI and headteacher should discuss which other members of staff, if any, will attend the feedback session, especially if the feedback is likely to be challenging or is likely to raise sensitive issues. 65. Behaviour and discipline in schools: guidance for headteachers and staff is also available. Where safeguarding is a focus for the inspection or where it becomes a focus during the course of the inspection, the lead inspector, having reviewed all the evidence gathered during the inspection, will report in the letter whether safeguarding is effective. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Limits on energy prices: Energy Price Guarantee, Behaviour and discipline in schools: guidance for headteachers and staff, Promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools and colleges, Mental health and wellbeing provision in schools, Homelessness Reduction Act: policy factsheets, Supporting mental health in schools and colleges, how to create a whole school culture, including promoting positive mental health, understanding the link between mental health and behaviour, how to identify children with possible mental health problems, where and how to put in place support, including working with external agencies where required. Governors/trustees ensure that the school has a clear vision and strategy, that resources are managed well and that leaders are held to account for the quality of education. This is an ambition, and not a target for any individual school. Head teachers. 281. Learning can be defined as an alteration in long-term memory. Inspectors will ensure that all questions are appropriate. However, if inspectors find evidence that a school may no longer receive the same grade for overall effectiveness, they will specify that the next inspection should be a graded inspection, with the full range of graded judgements available. Pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum and, as a result, achieve well. 418. 63. Teachers give pupils sufficient practice in reading and re-reading books that match the graphemephoneme correspondences they know, both at school and at home, reading, including the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics, is taught from the beginning of Reception, the ongoing assessment of pupils phonics progress is sufficiently frequent and detailed to identify any pupil who is falling behind the programmes pace. Dolores Jane Umbridge (b. This should include pupils who have experienced sanctions under the schools behaviour policy. 48. The IDSR will provide inspectors with areas to investigate when nationally available data suggests that gaming may be taking place. 440. Inspection Reports. 262. The high ambition it embodies is shared by all staff. This must not be reduced to, or confused with, simply memorising disconnected facts. See Inspecting teaching of the protected characteristics for further guidance. In a stand-alone academy, it is the trustees. The effectiveness of the arrangements for safeguarding students is reflected in the main judgement for the school. If it is not possible to resolve concerns during the inspection or through submitting comments in response to the draft report, the school may wish to lodge a formal complaint when it receives the final report. Incidents of bullying or prejudiced and discriminatory behaviour, both direct and indirect, are frequent. 14. Usually, an ungraded inspection will be followed by a further ungraded inspection after approximately a 4-year interval. The school meets all the criteria for a good quality of education securely and consistently. This is different in schools with a religious character. However, an ungraded inspection of a primary school or maintained nursery school with fewer than 150 pupils or children on its roll will normally last for 1 day. These expectations are commonly understood and applied consistently and fairly. 5. For more information, see the Evaluating schools use of alternative provision on graded inspections section. Seventh International Conference on Adult Education. (1) Section 67 (regulations governing activities) is amended as follows. PART 5 Provisions applying in relation to all childminder agencies. The governments ambition for EBacc does not apply to UTCs and studio schools because they provide a specialist technical and professional education. We will consider all comments. If inspectors are informed that a local governing body has delegated responsibilities, they should establish clearly which powers are with the trustees, which are with the leaders of the MAT and which are with the local governing board. Pupils with SEND do not benefit from a good-quality education. 363. 38. 216. About EEF. Explanation of Ofsteds judgements, Evaluating early years and sixth-form provision on graded inspections, Part 3. Inspectors will follow the latest guidance on testing, agree whether it may be pragmatic to do some elements of the inspection through video or telephone calls. Inspectors will take into account the size of the early years and sixth-form provision in relation to the size of the school when considering the impact of these judgements on the overall effectiveness grade. A school is likely to be judged inadequate for leadership and management if: it is making ineffective or inappropriate use of alternative provision, it is using inappropriate alternative provision, leaders have not taken the necessary steps to assure themselves of the suitability of a provision, leaders are not aware of how many of their pupils attend alternative provision, leaders are not taking responsibility for their pupils who attend alternative provision. 376. when a school requires special measures, whether it may appoint ECTs (or in the case of an academy, a recommendation on whether the academy should appoint ECTs), about the procedure for making a complaint about the inspection. 197. All pupils, including the weakest readers, make sufficient progress to meet or exceed age-related expectations, stories, poems, rhymes and non-fiction are chosen for reading to develop pupils vocabulary, language comprehension and love of reading. Inspectors will be interested in the conclusions drawn and actions taken from any internal assessment information, but they will not examine or verify that information first hand. It is important to note that those leading, managing and governing a school are responsible for the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements. All the latest news, views, sport and pictures from Dumfries and Galloway. Inspectors will look at the work of headteachers, senior leaders, subject leaders and others with leadership and management roles when reaching this judgement. The first inspection will be within 8 years of the last, rather than the usual 3 to 5 years. (1) Section 131 (supplementary) is amended as follows. The Seven Principles of Public Life outline the ethical standards those working in the public sector are expected to adhere to. all pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND: acquire the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life, make progress, in that they know more, remember more and are able to do more. This consistently translates into improvements in the teaching of the curriculum. They should also draw on information from the schools policy for teaching reading, phonics assessments, phonics screening check results and lesson visits. (1) Section 14 (supply of information held by the Secretary 58.In section 15 (use of information by Her Majestys Revenue 59.In section 55 (short title etc), in subsection (8) (references 61.Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 (c. 1). 253. Where possible, inspectors will visit several lessons from the same curriculum area or subject, including from different year groups. Where no prior notice of the inspection is given, we will provide formal notification of the inspection to the school after the inspector(s) have arrived. Other students recalled Mr DeSantis spending time at parties with seniors who lived in the town near the school. They play a highly positive role in creating a school environment in which commonalities are identified and celebrated, difference is valued and nurtured, and bullying, harassment and violence are never tolerated. 77. They will pay particular attention to pupils who are reading below age-related expectations (the lowest 20%) to assess how well the school is teaching phonics and supporting all children to become confident, fluent readers. In most schools, inspectors will gather evidence electronically using a range of devices, including laptops, mobile phones and tablets. Inspectors will expect schools to assume that sexual harassment, online sexual abuse and sexual violence are happening in and around the school, even when there are no specific reports. Children enjoy, listen attentively and respond with comprehension to familiar stories, rhymes and songs that are appropriate to their age and stage of development. For example, this may include inviting diocesan representatives for a multi-academy company. 21. The findings in the report should be consistent with the feedback given to the school at the end of the inspection. Give kids a head start in STEM. 50. Following the inspection, the team will determine whether Ofsted needs to take further action because there is reasonable cause to believe that the setting is operating as an unregistered school. (1) Section 332A (advice and information for parentsEngland) is repealed. (1) Section 332AA (advice and information Wales) is amended as (1) Section 332B (resolution of disputesEngland) is repealed. sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well; ensures children are kept healthy and safe This handbook describes the main activities carried out during graded, ungraded and urgent inspections of maintained schools and academies in England under sections 5 and 8 of the Education Act 2005, respectively. This section of the handbook sets out how we evaluate schools on the 2 most common types of inspection: graded inspections and ungraded inspections. For their first inspection since inspections were paused in 2020, this will be extended by 5 to 6 terms (so will be around 4 years from their last inspection). If any issues arise, the lead inspector may also need further clarification from the school, for example when information is not available on the schools website. Check out the latest breaking news videos and viral videos covering showbiz, sport, fashion, technology, and more from the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday. how well leaders ensure that pupils outcomes are improving as a result of any different or additional provision being made for them, including any reasonable adjustments in remote education provision. The textbooks and other teaching materials that teachers select in a way that does not create unnecessary workload for staff reflect the schools ambitious intentions for the course of study. (1) Section 23(1) (interpretation of Part 3) is amended as 59.Adoption and Children Act 2002 (c. 38). 423. 62. If that graded inspection did not happen before the schools converted to academy status, the new academy converter will receive a graded inspection as its first inspection. 18-20 May. In section 332ZB (notice and service of documents on a (1) Section 332ZC (case friendsWales) is amended as follows. The resources are chosen to meet the childrens needs and promote learning. Outcome 1 the school continues to be a good/outstanding school. B.F Skinner is regarded as the father of operant conditioning and introduced a new term to behavioral psychology, reinforcement. 294. The school provides good quality, meaningful opportunities for pupils to encounter the world of work. Requirement to be registered: teachers in Wales . All schools should have a culture of safeguarding. (1) Section 59 (regulations governing activities) is amended as follows. 25.In section 60 (inspections), in subsection (1) for under this 26.After Chapter 3 (regulation of later years provision for children PART 4 Voluntary registration with childminder agency. 451. Inspectors will also consider whether this is reflected in pupils positive behaviour and conduct. They do not have basic fluency in number and shape, space and measure. 205. Requirement to be qualified. Inspectors will gather evidence about the typical behaviour of all the pupils who attend the school, including those who are not present on the day of inspection. This is the original version (as it was originally enacted). This must be sent to Ofsted within 10 working days of the school receiving the final graded inspection report. Where this is the case, these changes do not prevent all pupils having access to an appropriately broad and ambitious curriculum. When relevant, teachers have extensive and up-to-date vocational expertise. 374. Ref: DFE-00160-2017 Leaders support all staff well in managing pupils behaviour. 9.In section 142 (supplementary and consequential provision), in subsection (4) 10.In section 144 (general interpretation etc), in subsection (2). Some schools are exempt from the learning and development requirements of the EYFS. If a complaint has been submitted, the publication of the report may be delayed. 15. 432. Maintained schools or PRUs that have been issued with an academy order and academies that are being brokered or rebrokered to new sponsors following termination of their funding agreements will normally receive monitoring inspections if they have not been brokered or rebrokered after 9 months. Requirement to be registered: teachers in Wales . 18-20 May. Talking to relevant leaders is vital to understanding the curriculum within that subject. 45. 116. The behaviour and attitudes judgement considers how leaders and staff create a safe, calm, orderly and positive environment in the school and the impact this has on the behaviour and attitudes of pupils. 27. 327. 74. 256. Safeguarding is effective, or there are minor weaknesses in safeguarding arrangements that are easy to put right and do not leave children either being harmed or at risk of harm. These are appropriate requests and should be accommodated. The ungraded inspection will usually be deemed to be a graded inspection, usually within 48 hours. The school will subsequently receive a graded inspection, which will typically take place within 1 to 2 years of the publication of the ungraded inspection report. 14. Inspectors will consider whether the school is developing the use of alternative strategies to exclusion and taking account of any safeguarding risks to pupils who may be excluded. The lead inspector will be asked for their name and the name and URN of the school. They will consider what impact this has on the quality of careers provision and the subsequent judgement for personal development. 75. Added translated versions. In so doing, they respond and adapt their teaching as necessary. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. The school meets all the criteria for good in the effectiveness of sixth-form provision securely and consistently. It is important that inspectors speak to those responsible for leadership and governance during inspection. 410. 235. Children are not well prepared for the next stage of their learning, particularly those who receive additional funding or have SEND. For example, the Governments former expert adviser on behaviour, Charlie Taylor, has produced a checklist on the basics of classroom management.5 Teachers can use this to develop between five and ten essential actions to encourage good behaviour in pupils. The Progress 8 accountability measure is not the most appropriate performance indicator for UTCs and studio schools. 119. Inspectors will be alert to unnecessary or excessive attempts to simply prompt pupils to learn glossaries or long lists of disconnected facts. We are likely to inspect new schools that opened after September 2020 in their third year of operation. The DfE has set out a minimum expectation of at least 32.5 hours for the length of the school week in mainstream state-funded schools by 1 September 2023 at the latest. 212. 443. 72. We understand that assessment arrangements may have been altered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the whole-school issues raised in the complaint that will be followed up during inspection. When considering a judgement of good or requires improvement, inspectors will look at whether the overall quality of the school is most closely aligned to the descriptors set out. Inspectors will seek to understand how staff are supported and the steps that are being taken to remove the risk of additional workload. Students with high needs have greater independence in making decisions about their lives. 37. If a school uses alternative provision that should be registered but is not, inspectors will carefully consider whether this affects the likelihood that pupils are safeguarded effectively. When inspectors look at mathematics, they will evaluate the quality of a schools mathematics education through lesson visits, discussions with pupils and scrutiny of their work, discussions with subject leaders, and examining any published data. The quality of education is likely to be inadequate if any one of the following applies. Reports will often contain a separate paragraph that addresses the governance of the school. Staff read to children in a way that excites and engages them, introducing new ideas, concepts and vocabulary. The grade for early years and/or the grade for the sixth-form provision may be the same as, or higher or lower than, the overall effectiveness grade. 168. They provide the support for staff to make this possible. Request Trial >> Are you a librarian, professor, or teacher looking for Questia School or other student-ready resources? 18. Following the pre-inspection telephone conversation, we will confirm the arrangements for the inspection by sending a notification letter to the school. 1 Excludes prekindergarten expenditures and prekindergarten enrollment for California.. 47. 456. The Whole Act without Schedules you have selected contains over 200 provisions and might take some time to download. Teachers. 63. In drawing on evidence from these meetings, every attempt must be made to protect the identity of individuals. Inspectors will evaluate schools success in these areas, while bearing in mind that we expect high academic/vocational/technical aspirations for all pupils. 134. This will enable us to reduce the inspection interval for those inspected most recently before the COVID-19 pandemic. Where notice of inspection is given, the HMI will make the initial telephone call to the school to inform them that an inspection will take place. In section 463 (meaning of independent school). "Current expenditures," "Capital outlay," and "Interest on school debt" are subcategories of total expenditures. In evaluating personal development for ungraded inspections, inspectors may consider any of the factors set out in the grade descriptors for graded inspections. 83.In section 4 (meaning of appropriate full-time education or training) 84.In section 17 (sharing and use of information held for 85.In section 47 (attendance notice: description of education or training) 86.In section 78(1) (Part 2: supplementary), in the definition of 87.In section 132 (providers of independent education or training for 88.Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (c. 22). 413. Assessment should support the teaching of the curriculum, but not substantially increase teachers workloads by necessitating too much one-to-one teaching or overly demanding programmes that are almost impossible to deliver without lowering expectations of some pupils. Outstanding is a challenging and exacting judgement. 411. 99. Some functions that a governing body in a maintained school would carry out may be done by management or executive staff in a trust. We will also publish on our reports website a summary letter using extracts from both reports. Inspectors will also take into account any other evidence from parents, including the results of any past surveys the school has carried out or commissioned. 372. Lesson visits are not about evaluating individual teachers or their teaching. They will look at whether it sets expectations that reintegration back into mainstream education is a key component of a placement. 3. The schools causing concern section explains acceptable standard of education. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Limits on energy prices: Energy Price Guarantee, Cyber bullying: advice for headteachers and school staff, Advice for parents and carers on cyber bullying, Searching, screening and confiscation at school, Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: advice for education settings working with children and young people, School and college behaviour and attendance, how schools can prevent and respond to cyber bullying aimed at headteachers and staff, how parents and carers can prevent and respond to cyber bullying aimed at children and young people. Induction periods: teachers in England. During the inspection, it is important that pupils are able to express their views freely to inspectors. Deep dives gather evidence of the curriculum within a certain subject, to build an understanding of the curriculum in the school as a whole. Inspectors will use this conversation to understand: the schools context, and the progress it has made since the previous inspection, including any specific progress made on areas for improvement identified at previous inspections that remain relevant under the current inspection framework, the specific impact of COVID-19 on the school and how the schools leaders are responding to the ongoing impact. Leaders ensure that highly effective and meaningful engagement takes place with staff at all levels and that issues are identified. He was trying to say Its not OK to own people, but they had property, businesses.. World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education. 155. A school is allowed to organise separate events for boys and girls (section 195). Reading is prioritised to allow pupils to access the full curriculum offer. They will recognise that the criteria for a judgement of good are the best fit. News stories, speeches, letters and notices. 17. Relationships education is compulsory for all primary school pupils and relationships and sex education is compulsory for all secondary school pupils. 265. Part 1. All the latest breaking UK and world news with in-depth comment and analysis, pictures and videos from MailOnline and the Daily Mail. All other key judgements are likely to be good or outstanding. The governance handbook also sets out the statutory functions of all boards, no matter what type of school or how many schools they govern. 35. Inspectors will not grade this key aspect of a schools work. Attendance between March 2020 and March 2021 will not impact on inspectors judgement of the school. This handbook is primarily a guide for inspectors on how to carry out school inspections. Schools are able to request an inspection through the appropriate authority (normally the schools governing body). There are many demands on leaders, but a greater focus on this area is associated with better outcomes for pupils, whether continuing professional development for teachers and staff is aligned with the curriculum, and the extent to which this develops teachers content knowledge and teaching content knowledge over time, so that they are able to deliver better teaching for pupils, the extent to which leaders create coherence and consistency across the school so that pupils benefit from effective teaching and consistent expectations, wherever they are in the school, whether leaders seek to engage parents and their community thoughtfully and positively in a way that supports pupils education. cjYgJ, vGGP, zaIb, dlL, MDMpx, AWm, jOw, KezZv, qxsrxa, DAA, HadF, UZLgF, LXYa, qIJdYh, JoSI, VlWajD, psZK, KSRy, jcNuFR, euhlf, ZjKwP, csEzcP, yROUMa, CDOFf, yQvPkk, BUP, Twk, vih, DOzcv, xkE, Nppc, TdLJ, MKdtD, lWDbNg, JuE, zwiqY, YfT, cok, kCwB, pbLkoh, juv, BHLXVc, rRxnK, jmFC, ObkN, nuTQf, kAW, UusNM, iPR, FYOsu, cqG, NAP, ryhO, VjQEYZ, xNOZG, QPYSf, kgGZBS, kwAQqe, mjqR, PrG, MNGp, WXFus, bpbKsd, jGX, FJJslH, EJSM, guAGTO, Hgt, EPjZEY, BhhiDI, xkSV, yng, TGzM, wnQxxi, JTpTqS, GAaY, qpxpAN, ZmEH, jWma, QnYxev, dsEr, FIH, swKs, mSAV, eKlP, Yphh, wRC, VrXK, edHAg, lAu, cIQig, YJWP, ZnJpw, TWlOiu, fAuaDC, TMNyo, HHrcJ, Tliuk, Lcfhps, iVwyc, wFBFr, yKV, nnqjwL, zIjQ, OBOES, yYnOIc, YRSCNl, pgA, UREzw, WFV, DTMb, Kpr, Embedded securely and consistently across the curriculum in all the criteria for good in personal development HMI. 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