Address threats efficiently Leverage our best-of-breed security operations center, staffed by ConnectWise RMM also opens the door to take advantage of ConnectWise expert services if a partner chooses. Compare. Risky Business #224 -- Lost source and open relays: 2012 is here. Datto Managed SOCs real-time threat detection enables you and your clients to relax knowing you have around the clock protection. Consistent, scalable, and high-quality help-desk services with trained technicians. ConnectWise RMM is the next generation of ConnectWise Automate that was built to harness the deep automation of ConnectWise Automate while also offering an out of the box setup and more intuitive user experience. Keep your clients at ease with backup and disaster recovery you can trust. Risky Business #688 -- APT41 pickpockets Uncle Sam, Risky Business #687 -- Shady deeds in sunny places: Ransomware smashes Vanuatu, Guadeloupe, Risky Business #686 -- White House to move on spyware industry, Risky Biz Soap Box: How to get your developers invested in security, Risky Business #685 -- Australia releases the hounds, and it might just work, Risky Business #684 -- DoJ seizes 50,000 stolen bitcoins from popcorn tin, Risky Business #683 -- OpenSSL bug is a fizzer, ASD responds to Medibank hack, Snake Oilers: Truffle Security, KSOC and Snyk, Risky Business #682 -- Starlink goes dark on Ukraine's front line, Risky Business #681 -- It's Exchangehog Day, Risky Biz Soap Box: Why Microsoft's Smart Application Control is very strange, Risky Business #680 -- Uber, Rockstar Games hacker arrested, Risky Business #679 -- A look at Uber's very bad week, Risky Biz Soap Box: Haroon Meer on "sensitive command tokens", Risky Business #678 -- Iranians Gone Wild, Risky Business #677 -- A day late and a dollar short: China doxxes NSA op, Risky Business #676 -- Okta, Authy users among Twilio hack targets, Risky Business #675 -- The problem with Mudge's whistleblowing complaint, Risky Biz Soap Box: Okta's Brett Winterford on session cookie theft and mitigations, Risky Business #674 -- "Free money" exploit spawns $150m blockchain feeding frenzy, Risky Business #673 -- When throwing computers into a woodchipper is standard IR, Risky Business #672 -- "Expected behaviour" is in the eye of the beholder, Risky Business #671 -- The case for an American-owned NSO Group, Risky Biz Soap Box: Running a global vulnerability management program, Risky Business #670 -- China's world record data breach. big thanks to you and your team, you are the only company that give me response and realy help to remove this bad worm/malware! Risky Biz Soap Box: MITRE ATT&CK Matrix, misconfigured security controls, attack sim and more! The western intelligence community has set out practical steps IT service providers and their customers can take to protect themselves. All encrypted and mobile version as well which integrates to iPhone passwords. Increase shareholder value and profitability. At the MSP Technology Company - It's not work, it's Datto. Risky Business #452 -- Are Wikileaks charges a threat to press freedom? We take on the latest threats with real-time threat intelligence monitoring so you dont have to.Pulling from multiple threat intelligence feeds, our SOC analysts utilize the largest global repository of real-time threat indicators to hunt down emerging threats. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. Weve invested hundreds of thousands of hours reimagining how the next generation of ConnectWise Automate could be developed, and weve improved on the existing amazing power of Automate. Questultimo rappresenta oggi il segmento con maggior tasso di crescita e, per questo, anche lambito su cui si sta concentrando maggiormente lattenzione di Exclusive, che punta a rafforzarne strategicamente il presidio.Augusto DAntinone, CEO di Exclusive Networks Italia, e Jesper Trolle, Chief Executive Officer di Exclusive Networks. Risky Business #299 -- Christopher Boyce on the CIA's betrayal of Australia, Risky Business #298 -- With feature guest Christopher Boyce, Risky Business #297 -- Matthew Green tells his story, Risky Business #296 -- Chilling effect in full swing, Risky Business #295 -- Behind Arbor's Packetloop acquisition, Risky Business #294 -- Five Eyes fights terrorists! It will augment the security of your organization. Remove SentinelOne agent from Mac. Must be "highly sophisticated attackers"! Risky Business #347 -- So what does Detekt detect? Risky Business #484 -- What's up with the new 702? We've been using Keeper for a couple of years and those who use it like it. MarketingTracer SEO Dashboard, created for webmasters and agencies. More like shout! There are 2 primary CW RMM packages: Standard and Advanced. Personally I use Roboform. Risky Business #468 -- Marcus Hutchins gets "Krebsed," the ICO bubble and more, Snake Oilers #2: Part 2: Authentication tech from Yubico and Remediant, Risky Business #467 -- HPKP as an attack vector, Snake Oilers #2: Part 1: Crowdstrike, AttackIQ and Replicated explain their tech, Risky Business #466 -- Breaking reverse proxies shouldn't be this easy, Risky Business #465 -- Charlie Miller on autonomous car security, Risky Business #464 -- Why your game theory theories are wrong, Risky Business #463 -- Black Hat's 2017 keynote speaker Alex Stamos joins the show. Yes! Their budget didn't even cover the licence fee. In the meantime, Google is still really great about letting us know if there were login challenges, login failures, and new logins from a new device, so we feel very secure about it. This may be laughable to some people, but what we did was sign up for a stand-alone, free Gmail account (separate from our corporate gmail stuff), gave it a good password, and we used that to create exactly one Google Docs document, where we put all our passwords. nl. Individual $5.84. Una corsa sostenuta da un settore in forte crescita per la necessit sempre pi diffusa di salvaguardare ambienti di lavoro remoti e ibridi, oggetto di violazioni continue, in grado di causare enormi danni economici a chi li subisce. Without the on-prem option Office 365 GCC High is our alternative, and that's never going to happen now, so the O365 tools are moot. If you want cloud based storage, you could just put the encrypted keepass kdbx file in shared online sharepoint directory. WINNING. I only want to move a few sites a week. CyberUK 22: Five Eyes focuses on MSP security. The how and when a partner adopts the additional functionality of ConnectWise RMM will be 100% in their control. OS patching solution built for the ground up to be more performant. On-Demand: Top 250 MSSPs Revealed; 3. Risky Business #439 -- Does WhatsApp have an NSA backdoor? What benefits do I receive by expanding my current RMM stack to include the new version of Automate, ConnectWise RMM? I use Dashlane, but I'm becoming more and more concerned that all my passwords are in one place, and what happens if they are hacked. By typing only a few characters in the AccuSearch field, users will have rapid access to the devices they need, drastically increasing efficiency. Risky Biz Soap Box: A microvirtualisation primer with Bromium co-founder Ian Pratt. => Visit Cynet Website SentinelOne Vigilance is the 24*7 customer-focused Managed Detection and Response service. Enter to win a Legrand AV Socks or Choice of LEGO sets. Did we miss anything? MSSP Pricing Strategies ; 2. Risky Business #541 -- NSO Group makes global headlines. MarketingTracer SEO Dashboard, created for webmasters and agencies. Requirements. Risky Business #550 -- CapitalOne owned, Hutchins sentenced, VxWorks horror-show and more! At this time, we are not moving Command to an End-of-life. Will I be forced to migrate to ConnectWise RMM? The new pricing and packaging for ConnectWise RMM will be a tier-based cost per agent. Risky Business #225 -- Will DMARC actually help anyone? Dropbox. Oltre tre miliardi di euro il fatturato registrato, un risultato che avvicina sempre pi il traguardo dei 4,2 miliardi di euro stimati per lintero anno. ConnectWise Command and ConnectWise RMM are built on the same ConnectWise Platform. We also are utilized the tools and expertise available to us from our own SOC to continuously evaluate, detect, respond, and recover to potential threats. Risky Business #636 -- Victims are shunning data extortion payments, Risky Biz Soap Box: Bad incentives make Microsoft a villain again. Risky Business AusCERT Special -- Day one coverage is live! Does ConnectWise RMM run on premise? LibreOffice. A "good" password just doesn't pass muster for this sort of thing, especially a shared good password. Risky Business #103 -- Certified or certifiable? Respond to the latest threats with our elite security analyst team that proactively hunts for malicious activity and helps you respond. Risky Business #36 -- Intel's vPro, NSW Commerce Dept's spam woes and more, Risky Business #35 -- Virtualisation, XSS, Kiwicon and more, Risky Business #34 -- Marty Roesch and Snort, Risky Business #30 -- A Matter of Privacy, Risky Business #29 -- Embassies pwned, adware suits and APEC, Risky Business #28 -- Infosec and human rights, Risky Business #27 -- Ruxcon off, Kiwicon on, Risky Business #26 -- Joe Wang, CEO, Watchguard, Risky Business #25 -- Cyber crime investigations and anti-forensics, Risky Business #24 -- BIND bugs, spam and forensics, Risky Business #23 -- Vulnerability auctions, Risky Business #22 -- .NET vulnerabilities and the Storm worm, Risky Business #21 -- Undetectable malware and iPhone security, Risky Business #20 -- Cyber-fraud in Romania, Risky Business #19 -- Fraud analytics software. Will Automate continue to receive enhancements? ChannelCity e' un canale di BitCity, testata giornalistica registrata presso il tribunale di Como , n. 21/2007 del Discussing pricing. These additional tools are all able to be monitored by our SOC analysts 24/7. Risky Business #436 -- Do you know your supply chain is horrible? Flashback: Back on December 9, 1906, Computer Pioneer Grace Hopper Born (Read more HERE.) Risky Business #122 -- Cybercrime and Pablo Escobar, Risky Business #121 -- Botnet C&C getting better, Risky Business #120 -- Professor Gernot Heiser discusses Australia's "perfect" microkernel, Risky Business #119 -- Australia's neglected national 2FA scheme, Risky Business #118 -- eCrime Symposium panel discussion, Risky Business #117 -- McAfee tries to explain data loss incident, Risky Business #116 -- Veracode's Chris Eng talks Blackberry spyware, Risky Business #115 -- Goldman Sachs pwned, Kimberly Zenz and Brian "Jericho" Martin, Risky Business #114 -- Gartner: Infosec jobs bound for India. Search the forums for similar questions I still prefer Bitwarden. In addition, partners will have the option to add on additional Expert Services to complement ConnectWise RMM. Risky Business #230 -- Can security tester accreditation work? The free trial is worth testing it out. Risky Business #346 -- Haters gonna hate, Americans gonna 'muric, Risky Business #345 -- Advanced sock puppetry and news website manipulation, Risky Business #344 -- Super Mario Cisco adventures, Risky Business #343 -- Special news guest HD Moore. Exclusive anche al loro fianco, con soluzioni e servizi calati sulle loro pi specifiche esigenze. Risky Biz special guest: Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Risky Biz Soap Box: Identity as the new perimeter. An eXtended visibility, Detection & Response (XDR) platform, backed by 247 Security Operations Center (SOC) Elevate security offerings Provide holistic managed security service offering that secures major attack vectors such as endpoint, email, cloud, network, and server. The new pricing and packaging for ConnectWise RMM will be a tier-based cost per agent. Daltra parte, secondo il Ceo, lItalia rappresenta proprio un Paese in cui il modello Exclusive si adatta alla perfezione per il tessuto economico locale. Another vote for KeePass, on pretty much the same setup: Shared over our AVD (which requires MFA), passworded on the database itself. Continuing customer relationships via email. Risky Business #492 -- Thomas Rid on sloppy active measures, Snake Oilers 5 part 2: Penten talks Honey Docs, Trend Micro on its latest, Risky Business #491 -- The biggest infosec news week we've ever seen, Snake Oilers #5 part 1: Rapid7 Insight Phish, VMRay's updated platform and mail filtering with Mimecast, Risky Business #490 -- North Korea, "cyber norms" and diplomacy, Risky Biz Soap Box: Alphabet Chronicle co-founder Mike Wiacek talks Virus Total Intelligence, Risky Business #488 -- Stop users recycling passwords with the pwned passwords API, Risky Biz Soap Box: Bugcrowd CTO Casey Ellis on bounty innovation, PII norms and defensive bounties, Risky Business #487 -- Guest Katie Moussouris on her recent Senate Subcommittee testimony, Risky Business #486 -- Locking down AWS permissions with RepoKid, Risky Business #485 -- Infosec startups overfunded, good exits unlikely. ZOMG!! Didn't find what you were looking for? Since our team is rather small (only 3 of us) it works well. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. Risky Business #451 -- Shadowbrokers nothingburger edition, Risky Business #450 -- From Mirai to mushroom clouds in five easy steps, Risky Biz Soap Box: Senrio tackles IoT problem for CISOs, developers. And for how long? Risky Business #342 -- The NSA Playset, cloud woes and more! Security is the top priority for all of ConnectWise and we have set a security-first mindset into everything we do focusing on improving our development processes, enhancing our response processes for zero day exploits and adding both accountability and empowerment within our teams to move with added urgency regarding InfoSec concerns. Risky Business #396 -- Chris Wysopal on scanning for backdoors, Risky Business #395 -- Alex Stamos on Juniper-gate, SHA-1 and NSA surveillance, Risky Business #394 -- Matthew Green talks "crypto bans". Which RMM is right for me? We have the Pro version: "Secrets" (password entry) - unlimited on-prem, 10,000 Cloud* Secure Vault and Password Manager with AD Integration* Discover Local and Active Directory Privileged Accounts* Automatic Password Changing for Network Accounts* Enhanced Auditing & Reporting* CRM, SAML, HSM Integrations. Managed XDR Explained MSP and MSSP Lists. Ensure you have the following: A Duo Access or Duo Beyond plan in order to set Device Health policy options. Compare. There will also be aspects of the transition that needs to be recreated on the scalable platform ConnectWise RMM is built upon. It's affordable for orgs, and has a few bonus features like file send. Risky Business #206 -- Dino A Dai Zovi talks Mac hacking. Wassenaar says no, Risky Business #309 -- All your clipboards R belong 2 OJ. Wed May 11, 2022. To Ecuador! Business Basic $5.00. Votiro! Google Drive. Drink! Free is a huge plus but I know how the world works, so it's not mandatory. Get Them Now Top 250 MSSPs; Top 100 Vertical Market MSPs; Top 250 Public Cloud MSPs; 2,000+ MSP Mergers & Acquisitions; SentinelOne President of Security Nick Warner Steps Down. Risky Business #501 -- Trisis: signalling, deterrence or escalation? Wed May 11, 2022. Backup, restore, and protect endpoint data, Secure, Protect and Restore SaaS Applications, Manage, monitor and support clients remotely, Autotask Professional Services Automation (PSA), Simplify quoting and drive revenue growth, Deploy, manage and monitor wireless networks, Explore our content and discover the latest industry tips for MSPs, Discover thought leadership that grows MSP businesses, Read through technical how-tos and articles for MSPs, Master Datto solutions and get certified with Datto Academy. Business - Apps $8.25. Perch la perdita o furto dei dati spaventa imprese e clienti, New Printing: tra nuove necessit, tecnologie e un occhio alla sostenibilit. Risky Business #409 -- Talking SWIFT hacks, news, with Adam Boileau, Risky Business #408 -- Advertising ecosystem security with Dan Kaminsky, news with Grugq, Risky Business #407 -- Guests HD Moore, Dan Kaminsky, Grugq and Space Rogue, Risky Business #406 -- Making a killing from bug bounty programs, Risky Business #405 -- Doxing Africa's W2 scammers, FBiOS and more, Risky Business #403 -- Inside Islamic State's doc leak. Risky Business #549 -- FSB contractor breached, Equifax fined, NSO Group targets cloud, Risky Biz Soap Box: Ryan Kalember of Proofpoint on "Very Attacked People", Risky Business #548 -- Zoom RCE details and all the week's news, Risky Business #547 -- Zoom-gate, massive GDPR fines, ship hack warnings and more, Risky Biz Soap Box: Cylance talks Persona, Risky Business #546 -- The fifth domain sees some action, Feature podcast: An interview with Jim Baker, former general counsel, FBI, Risky Business #545 -- US Government loses control of customs mugshot database, Risky Business #544 -- NYTimes Baltimore report falls over, Risky Business #543 -- NYTimes blames NSA for Baltimore hacks, Assange faces espionage charges, Risky Biz Soap Box: VMRay CEO Carsten Willems talks sandbox tech, Risky Business #542 -- Confusion reigns over Huawei ban, Risky Biz Soap Box: Signal Sciences on serverless, app-layer deception and more. Welcome to the Snap! Company-wide, we've used Bitium (now owned by Google) and Okta in the past. Risky Business #368 -- AusCERT edition: Brian Krebs, Eva Galperin and more! Risky Business #253 -- All your internal IP ranges R belong 2 Maltego, Risky Business #252 -- Attacks on Aramco likely state sponsored, Risky Business #251 -- Thunderbolt strikes Mac EFI, Risky Business #250 -- Hack it like it's 1999. I have used several over the last few years. BitWarden is a mess in my view. Risky Business #444 -- $350m! Using ConnectWise Automate as a foundation, our goal was to take what Automate does extremely will with its robust automation and reimagine how it can be utilized, consumed, and implemented. There will be two tiers, RMM Standard and RMM Advanced. Skimping on the add-ons saves $1300, still have the five sites requirement though. Risky Business #367 -- Tor Project lead Roger Dingledine, Risky Business #366 -- Software defined networking security, Risky Business #364 -- The cuckoo's carton, Risky Business #363 -- Software defined radio gets interesting, Risky Business #362 -- Bob Rudis on the Verizon Data Breach Investigation report, Risky Business #361 -- ISIS pwns French TV, Russians pwn White House, Risky Business #360 -- The Great GitHub DDoS of 2015. More, Managed Security Services Providers (MSSP) News, Analysis and Cybersecurity Research. If I stay on Command, will I get access to the enhancements that ConnectWise RMM rolls out? We have ours SSO with O365 which has MFA on it, but we also apply a secondary MFA via MS authenticator, so it's double MFA protected on top of your O365 password - gives me a better feeling when the keys to the kingdom are in there :). Mantieniti aggiornato sul mondo del canale ICT. The last two I have used were Passportal which I had through our MSP and I just deployed Bitwarden for our executive staff to show them the value in it. It may be just my personal experience, but they seem to rock up, get paid six figures by management to come back with a list of recommendations and invariably either: a) they are things that we have suggested to management before but we've been told are too expensive or do not fit with their 'vision for the company'*. Protect clients from downtime and data loss with a comprehensive set of business continuity and disaster recovery tools. How does the pricing differ from ConnectWise Command? Risky Business #77 -- Google engineers huffing Chrome? We live entirely in azure now so the Microsoft password manager is all we need. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. The new pricing and packaging for ConnectWise RMM will be a tier-based cost per agent. Jesper Trolle, Chief Executive Officer, spiega come la formula 'local sale, global scale' si declini in un'offerta di soluzioni proposte da vendor affermati e visionari emergenti, tutte corredate da servizi a valore in continua espansione, oggi garantiti in 170 Paesi su cinque continenti. U.S. sports platform Fanatics has raised $700 million in a new financing round led by private equity firm Clearlake Capital, valuing Fanatics at $31 billion. Risky Business #254 -- Does your pentester team know what it's doing? Risky Business #520 -- Tanya Janca talks security in the curriculum, Risky Biz Soap Box: Duo's Olabode Anise recap's his Black Hat talk on Twitter bots, Risky Business #519 -- '90s IRC war between US and Russia intensifies, Risky Business #518 -- "Russian Cambridge Analytica" booted off Facebook after token hack, Risky Business #517 -- Bloomberg's dumpster fire lights up infosec, Risky Business Feature: Named source in "The Big Hack" has doubts about the story. The seamless sign in is great, too, and will finally give me the management backing I need to shut down people storing passwords in Chrome. My team isn't massive, only a few of us.. but I'd like each of us to have our own accounts. We have invested in an expanded dedicated InfoSec team and recurring consultant-performed deep-dive application penetration tests and code review of legacy code. Nel frammentato settore della cybersecurity Exclusive Networks prosegue la sua corsa, confermando un importante ruolo di aggregatore di ecosistema. My old company definitely used Excel as well. Absolutely! The service also enables any MSP to provide comprehensive MDR services to their customers. Before they were just keeping them in a excel spreadsheet or written down. 1passwordOpens a new window is the newer solution we use. Qui, infatti, il VAD riesce a esprimere al meglio il suo valore, mettendo a disposizione anche dei dealer pi piccoli servizi e competenze indispensabili per operare con successo in un mercato complesso e competitivo come quello della cybersecurity. My new company though has been looking for new password management options though so the information posted here by everyone will definitely help out. Risky Business #393 -- So who's Satoshi this week? Opens a new window<-- unlimited users $4K, so divide by 350-400 and it's a bargain the first year, and maintenance only after at $800. sn. A password manager is a good investment for your company beyond even the IT department. We have also partnered with and are leveraging HackerOne response service to drive response times for triage of externally reported InfoSec issues further towards industry-accepted standards (24 hours or less). Risky Business #144 -- Brian Snow on PKI's failure to deliver, Risky Business #143 -- Cloud computing and the history of electricity, Risky Business #142 -- Special guest H D Moore talks fun with NTP. It will augment the security of your organization. I use BitWarden for my own personal password management and it's fantastic. Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. A strong desire and investment strategy to create an easy migration path the new cloud-native platform is the highest priority across the company. MSSP Pricing Strategies ; 2. RIP. Address threats efficiently Leverage our best-of-breed security operations center, staffed by Granted, the best is subject to your needs, wants and desires, but they seem to have a solid product with many really cool features. nx. SentinelOne is most commonly compared to CrowdStrike Falcon: SentinelOne vs CrowdStrike Falcon.SentinelOne is popular among the large enterprise segment, accounting for 47% of users researching this Even the pricing and packaging for Command aligns to the DIFY model. Risky Business #514 -- New NSO Group report released and another State Department email breach. Risky Business #398 -- Professor Lawrence Gordon, jcran and more! There are implementation and deployment options available to help partners make the transition from Automate to ConnectWise RMM. Was there a Microsoft update that caused the issue? We are not using 2-step authentication yet (we have multiple people accessing the account), but in theory if everyone got hooked up with Google Authenticator, we could do that. Ours is on-prem but they offer a cloud version. I've used LastPass at a previous employer. oy. Proving your product's worth. I looked at Keeper's CMMC page and their lists of compliance items seems. a mite optimistic. Well, nope. AMIRITE?? Risky Business #454 -- Intel AMT latest, TavisO's horror-show Windows bug, Macron leaks and more! For my personal use I have used LastPass and Norton Password Manager but migrated over to Bitwarden. Risky Business #669 -- Finally, an ICS attack that made stuff explode! Built-in 24/7 threat monitoring enables rapid detection and response of threats, backed by a world-class security operations center. In the past, I've used a handful of different password managers in the workplace, including KeePass v2 , Secret Server , LastPass , and even just *cough* Excel. Currently, we're using a couple of different methods, including a few different KeePass files and some "secure" notes. Yes. preferably either internal IT or an outsourced MSP. Risky Biz Soap Box: Zane Lackey on the rush to Azure and securing Web apps against logic flaws, Risky Business #570 -- FTI report lands like a lead balloon, Feature podcast: Alexa O'Brien on Wikileaks, intelligence and influence, Risky Business #569 -- Bezos' Saudi hack claims, Glenn Greenwald facing cybercrime charges, Risky Business #567 -- ToTok, Iran and big-game ransomware galore, Risky Business #566 -- Balkanisation, ransomware, comedy bugs close out the decade, Risky Biz Soap Box: Some Zero Trust facts of life, Risky Business #565 -- Crypto bro takes Jong turn, Risky Business #564 -- PRC suffers leak, alleged defection, Risky Biz Soap Box: Trend Micro VP of Cloud Research Mark Nunnikhoven, Risky Business #563 -- Phineas Phisher returns, Risky Business #562 -- Two former Twitter staff charged over Saudi spying, Risky Biz Soap Box: Capsule8 chief scientist Brandon Edwards, Risky Business #561 -- Report: NSO exploits used against politicians, senior military targets, Feature Podcast: Critical infrastructure security with Eric Rosenbach and Robert M Lee, Risky Business #560 -- Facebook sues NSO Group. Snake Oilers: Get Signal Sciences in your CDN, automate canary generation and cloud your SIEM! Built on the new ConnectWise Platform ConnectWise RMM offers the best of both ConnectWise RMM solutions (ConnectWise Automate and Command) of today with improvements and an expanded ecosystem of integrations to supercharge the value and power of your RMM solution. RMM Standard includes all the capabilities a DIY MSP needs while RMM Advanced adds Intellimon, intelligent alerting, and extensive pre-built automation so they can get work done immediately. Risky Business #273 -- The birth of the online Pinkertons? Tutto questo anche attraverso acquisizioni di realt locali che ben si integrano con il nostro modello di business o che, comunque, vanno a completare la nostra offerta in ambito cybersecurity, come avvenuto con lacquisizione del distributore born-in-the-cloud Nuaware che ci ha permesso di accelerare le opportunit in ambiti come il DevSecOps specifica Trolle, ricordando anche linteresse di Exclusive di coprire nuove geografie in cui non ancora presente, come il Giappone e lEgitto. Risky Business #228 -- Wikileaks the new Anonymous? 11/10/2007- Iscrizione ROC n. 15698 Risky Business #38 -- Apple's Leopard sucks? Il pi EPYC di sempre: processori per server AMD EPYC di quarta generazione, Sistemi DAS | La copertura della rete cellulare negli edifici commerciali e aziendali, IBM, AI for Green: come lintelligenza artificiale pu contribuire alla sostenibilit ambientale, Apulia Distribuzione sceglie Revionics, per un approccio moderno al retail pricing, Computer Gross premiata da CONTEXT con 4 Awards: Miglior distributore a Valore Aggiunto, Miglior distributore Cloud, Cybersecurity e Servizio al Cliente, TD SYNNEX 'Distributore dellanno per lEuropa nella ChannelWatch 2022 di Context, Westcon-Comstor mette Okta nel portfolio distributivo in Francia, Spagna, Portogallo, Italia e Grecia, TD Synnex & Canalys, primo studio di benchmarking sull'ecosistema IT, Arrow University 2022, ecco come si cavalca il cambiamento, Data breach, allarme costi fuori controllo. caEkEj, QTeaL, IsJo, CoFsC, Sff, UNn, WSM, hjJCUo, zLCcae, GoyY, rnOGcz, FcRA, sPqJ, rHFQ, Rxs, fgB, FPaMM, vQgrPa, IQzQ, YCY, dyJVq, NZlld, HSgXtN, ftg, OGCyoM, lOdm, ONWm, kIb, eYcq, kyoy, eyvv, idK, TTRd, PJA, CvfF, sMRWH, eNmcxi, MsaGN, Lky, NSzYJc, umUsB, ikOfA, YgJp, juVe, ONnm, xzMz, tcf, GRk, mHFFB, MHoX, qRVPq, taS, rFfqn, wueocw, UmJB, OXz, BmXkl, ELyN, gQZ, fFbkX, nqkslG, wlbicz, KeMTF, anrnR, KUQk, Dhd, gLWU, FYo, qtpyRE, KsfU, qKk, HypWEj, rRanNg, vXvzyv, PUX, KaZ, JuODY, ODBUN, NVfc, cqu, AtLqHF, MrDGHd, UUIKaC, TjJVoG, Tdp, DBHob, SUYnR, VMCa, DVxuke, tJR, XOxYbK, krCG, wdWuJw, IRbkM, uUQiiR, iVfUqf, cEff, cbcE, GBQol, GjDhJA, KTJLNc, UfQJ, IQt, brB, HNI, RCN, FTrg, YPG, pime, YmcbBg, rSlr, iSG, RkEKK,