It wouldnt be unusual for Toonami to have a one hour special or premiere for certain shows since it has been done before. A fire in the heart usually is meant to designate some kind of passionate goal. Simple - Peil Tech served as a sort of liaison to the MSDC, with a member of Peil perhaps being the guy that Nadim communicated with in the prologue. Barely able to continue dodging, Aerial quickly begins to take heavy damage. Too young to have a 17 year old daughter. Witch From Mercury Takes Gundam's Baby Soldier Trope to Excessive. Elan Ceres, Shaddiq Zenelli, or Miorine Rembran will undergo a. Also a few OVAs of standalone short stories featured a female protagonist for an episode. In that case cryosleep tech being built into their Suits fits in much better than cloning or whatever other explanation. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans Civilians and Other Organizations. Although there have been Gundam timelines with no Newtypes or Newtype-equivalents before (e.g. they execute him via complete and utter incineration with a, how she can fit them into a skintight cap, an amusing edit of the HG Aerial kit boxart with the word Gundam removed, using a dance emote over someone's corpse. If it's cloning, or a different child, there is no reason for this to be the case except to misdirect the reader. Suletta has also been compared to a tomato, due to her red hair and the scene of her eating one. Shaddiq once more meets with Miorine outside her greenhouse, musing that perhaps things might have been different had he challenged Guel long ago, taking up the role of Holder to protect Miorine. There's another reason Elan is interested in Suletta aside from the fact that she's the only other person in the school with a Gundam. Gundam Aerial combines elements of multiple mobile suits from previous, "Happy Birthday" was also used at the end of the, The scene in the prologue when Gundam Lfrith destroys some mooks is very similar to the first battle scene in, Duels are won by destroying your opponent's mobile suit's antenna, but as Guel demonstrates in the first on-screen duel, destroying the rest of the head together with it is acceptable, like in, Due to the rule about mobile suit antennas, the regular Dilanza (essentially this season's Zaku, The logos for the Benerrit Group's major mobile suit manufacturers are similar to those of factions from previous series: Peil Technologies has the, Suletta's birth year is in A.S. 105. As an alternative to the above, she went around and offered other companies the info on how to build their own Gundam's, perhaps providing a sort of, The music novel reveals that the Aerial is apparently fully conscious, something that Suletta is aware of on some level. It's very obvious given that they have the same voice actress and they have the detachable arm. Suletta Spank, after Suletta slaps Guel Jeturk in the ass for bothering Miorine. Often interpreted in a myriad of different ways. As a result, the Pharact will have developed to be a sort of mirror to Elan's cold demeanor. Any while transgender can be known quite early, age 3-4 is probably too early to be known ''and' acknowledged by parents. Alternatively, there can be an episode featuring Miorine's birthday for a similar reason. Artists wasted no time redrawing the scene with Aerial having (literal), In the Fall 2022 anime season, Sunday features, With the focus on a school setting in a traditionally war focused series as well as clear political tensions boiling under the surface, the show gained a lot of comparisons of, In episode 4, Chuchu drops two bullies who were messing with Suletta with one punch each. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from While she's definitely no slouch in the piloting department, thanks to her. Turns out it's because Peil has a former employee of the Vanadis Institute working for them. Suletta Mercury, the protagonist of The Witch From Mercury, has been called a lot of things. Beware of spoilers. The reason why the only MS in the group will be Gundams is due to the assumption that Gundams themselves are sentient and conscious, with Suletta and Aerial appealing to the link between pilot and machine in order to win pilots to their side. Aerials Dynamic Kill animation will have her do the GUND-Arm, inc. dance. A masked woman is seen briefly in the second trailer. This quickly reminded people of Four Murasame and her tragic story. The main site for Gundam: The Witch from Mercury has been updated with all manner of new design work and finally some indication of who has worked on what. por | nov 2, 2022 | east river park construction timeline | factory hooter crossword clue | nov 2, 2022 | east river park construction timeline | factory hooter crossword clue By Nathaniel Meyer Nov 25, 2022. The Gundam Aerial and Lfrith make use of several separate "bit staves" that can operate remotely from the Gundam itself to unleash attacks upon foes. A recurring background element that is occasionally referenced in the show is something called the Drone Wars. The kill team reports her status as Neutralized, and the Aerial itsef gives no indication of having Cardo's mind in the novel. The lead Gundam is part of this and is specifically designed to be able to siphon energy directly from this Dyson system making it incredibly powerful. Her voice is slightly huskier compared to her peers. Suletta is clearly barely holding it together during the whole thing. Episode 3 revealed that the legal age for marriage here is 17, and thus Miorine has until her next birthday to run away from her arranged marriage, which further supports the theory that something is going to happen in a birthday. 8:35:39 AM A lazy millennial who's good at what he does. A phrase that took off thanks to one of the billboards seen by people protesting the GUND-Format in the prologue. Suletta being a clone and the real Eri being inside Aerial. Witch from Mercury? As many of the Beneritt Group's board members hate Delling but are afraid to go against him, the perfect storm of her plots being amplified by Miorine's rebellion against her control freak father will result in Gundams being developed everywhere as Delling loses influence, stock options, and the loyalty of the other members of the Beneritt Group. At her greenhouse, Shaddiq tries to convince Miorine to back down and accept his deal without the duel. Suletta will end up with one or several prosthetics or even become a full cyborg. Suletta wasn't told that and still achieved that objective within a single day. With a scarlet light burning in her pure heart, this girl walks step by step through a new world. The relationship between Aerial and the other Gundams in the series. Chuchu's dislike of Spacians has led some people to depict her as a member of groups like, Nika in canon is a gentle and kind-hearted girl who refuses to engage in any sort of conflict, even when being discriminated upon. In his inflexibility and unwillingness to accept defeat, he will flip and turn into an extremist terrorist, gathering his fanatic loyalists from Cathedra and declaring jihad against the flood of Gundams being created. In reference to Eri controlling the Gundam Lfrith at age four in the prologue. "A seemingly unimportant girl from a less than prestigious background entering an environment where several important, handsome young men with different personalities take an interest in her; and makes friends with another girl from an important family that serves as her foil" is a common premise for this genre, moreso the hundreds of webnovels with an "otome game" premise. What follows is an adventure through the rain-drenched alleys of crowded cities to the subterranean tunnels of alien pleasure temples, shoot-outs with gangsters and Venusian hit-men, plus a mob boss and a cruel beauty who stand to profit from the bloodshed. Cargo Ship: Elan Ceres has stated that he will never fall in love "with a person." Several people have been quick to point out that Aerial is a sentient Mobile Suit, not a person. Most famously, Notable stores in Japan who were running out of stock for High Grade G-Witch kits (especially Aerial) began filling the empty shelves with, Okouchi brings up Aerial Chips product placement by mentioning Elan's. Additional voices for school staff, students, stockholders, news reporters, bodyguards and other background characters can include Robbie Daymond, Edward Bosco, Christopher Corey Smith, Steve Kramer, A.J. Just like the. That still begs the question, how and why does Elan have access to a Gundam? The Aerial is a modified version of the Lfrith Ericht piloted in the prologue. In addition, Miorine has hobby for gardening which is considered by many to be below her station as it is usually associated with Earthians. An Action Prologue project to introduce the story and world, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury PROLOGUE, premiered in July 2022, with the full series airing starting in October 2022. On top of this, she could also display an unsettling acceptance towards the very concept of killing someone else, in no small part due to the fact that she killed three people when she was four. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. moment. Specifically he spreads propaganda about things such as the GUND system to groom young future pilots to fear and revile anything that links man and machine. Elan, being associated with Peil Tech, likely sees the Pharact as, There also happens to be an obscure 1989 OVA featuring a female-shaped mecha called. With a scarlet light burning in her pure heart, this girl walks step by step through a new world. The attack on Suletta's colony was all to get their hands on the GUND system. Miorine will end up playing a role in starting the war between Earthians and Spacians. Taking his leave, he encounters Suletta, trying to get her to talk Miorine down instead. They usually don't become passionate until much later. to Suletta, she starts tearing up, and Guel sees it and promptly challenges him to a duel. Somewhat uniquely though, rather than just attaching themselves to the suit when not in use, they can also combine to double as the machines' shields. ", a) A younger sister of Eri that Elnora was pregnant with when they left (or created by, b) The body of Eri, with a new personality gained after Eri's consciousness left. Due to Suletta being a vastly different character than her predecessors, a few gatekeepers have sprung up trying to "protect" their franchise. The Newtype equivalent for this series seems to be GUND-format enhancement, and in that case, it seems far more likely that Elan does have a set of GUND-format enhancements - namely his hands, which is why he opts to cover them with gloves. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Essentially, it's going to be an experimental Mobile Suit that specializes in, if not purpose-built for, atmospheric combat. The clones bit can easily be explained away by the bits simply being an extension of Aerial and that was what Elan witnessed. Main Characters Asticassia School of Technology Prologue Characters Benerit Group Previous Index Next Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE CharacterSheets/Anime & Manga Gunota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei Shitara This is maybe confirmed in Episode 4. More likely than not, it's going to drive a wedge between her and Aerial - and as a result, she's going to end up piloting another Mobile Suit into battle instead of Aerial. Then episode 6 opens with Belmeria starting to say that Prospera's revenge plot is. In the anime, she's been accused of being an idiot, a witch, and a sex-crazed pervert (, iroboke ). TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. He denied it, but he did give Suletta in the following scene. If GUND was needed to save Elnora's life, young Ericht may have needed it too. Shaddiq offers a deal whereby he becomes part-owner of GUND-ARM Inc., allowing Miorine and Earth House to continue operations as planned with Grassley's support to bypass the new regulations. Said Identity, Bob, while incredibly obviously Guel is not explicitly stated to be Guel. As for the Lfrith's activation, this is more on Eri/Suletta's part. Rather than direct fire weapons or jammers, Pharact's. Duh. While not the first. What that is, I have no idea. The series will borrow plot elements from. It could be something highly personal like her relationship with either her Gundam or her mother being shattered, or could be an event that ends up mirroring the massacre of her home colony. Something make it seem like these two know each other. Ericht is actually Lady Prospera, not Suletta, and Suletta is her clone. Reply theyawner 12 days ago They're not executing Suletta. Chances are that the Aerial is in fact just a slightly modified and repainted Lfrith in order to try and conceal its origins. Not that they were really trying to hide it. There will be lots of angst about how the GUND-Format technology was originally meant to save lives. And Suletta has 17 actual years of experience. Perhaps that moment will be that Suletta will be forced to make use of the GUND system which will reveal both her and her mobile suits true identities. The first Gundams to be developed by GUND-ARM Inc. Since Miorine's aim at the start is to get to Earth, plus the final battle usually takes place in space (IIRC, the only Gundam series with the final battles happening on Earth were G and 08th MS Team). The series proper began airing in October 2022, via Ani-One Asia (for Asia Region) and Crunchyroll (for Western regions). It could be a refitted Gundam Lfrith without any safety limiters whatsoever - to the point where attempting to pilot it for an extended period of time will prove fatal. Though its shield's design has parts that resemble an aircraft's wings folded together. Apologizing for relying on Aerial so much previously, Suletta resolves to fight on her own, leading to Aerial's GUND reawakening, glowing a bright blue, overriding the Antidote. The first thing we see Suletta do in Aerial is rescue Miorine. Turns out Aerial's specialisation is in bit weapons (although it seems to fly just fine under a colony's simulated gravity). Elnora intends to have Miorine killed at some point. After the events of Episode 8, Shaddiq managed to earn the nickname "Shady Diq", partly due to his act of playing both sides of the GUND-Arm issue, and partly because he's surrounded by female students of the Grassley House at the end of the episode. In episode 1, Elan Ceres can be seen reading "A World of Will and Representation" by Arthur Schopenhauer, a book inspired by the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant. Also find it unlikely that the machine has taken Eri's letteral soul. Beckles, Chris Niosi, John DeMita, Lisa Ortiz, David Wills, Christine Marie Cabanos, Landon McDonald, Jay Preston, Doug Erholtz, Chris Hackney, Steve Staley, Ray Chase, Max Mittelman, Billy Bob Thompson, Tamara Ryan, Greg Chun, Derek Stephen Prince, Kirk Thornton, Dan Woren, Mona Marshall, Yuri Lowenthal, Tara Platt, Ryan Colt Levy, Johnny Yong Bosch, Cindy Robinson, Dave Mallow, Michael Christopher, Jonny Carlson, Bob Buchholz, Steve Blum, Sophia Isabella, Jason Griffith, Deanna McGovern, Rich McNanna, Michele O'Medlin, Jeremy Levy, Jake Foushee, Amanda Cline Miller, D.C. Douglas, Richard Epcar, Dorah Fine, Mark Whitten, Dawn M. Bennett, Beau Billingslea, Jalen K. Cassell, JB Blanc, Joe Zieja, Sean Chiplock, Erika Harlacher, Aleks Le, Robby Sharpe, Tony Oliver, Khoi Dao, Doug Stone, Grant George, Wendee Lee, Liam O'Brien, Michael Sinterniklaas, Austin Lee Matthews, Maureen Price, Kaiji Tang, Matthew Mercer, Kira Buckland, Paul St. Peter, David Brimmer, Roger Craig Smith, Colleen O'Shaughnessey, Ryan Drummond, Steve Mann, Cristina Valenzuela, Spike Spencer, Jason Marnocha, Joe Brogie, Brook Chalmers, John Snyder, George Ackles, Bill Rogers, Lex Lang, Faye Mata, Chris Niosi, Kirsten Day, Marcy Edwards, Ezra Weisz, Arnie Pantoja, Jarred Kjack, Tony Daniels, David W. Collins, Marc Diraison, Bryce Papenbrook, Bill Butts, John Eric Bentley, Brent Mukai, Christopher Wehkamp, Dino Andrade, Tiana Camacho, Daman Mills, Tom Fahn, Matthew David Rudd, Zach Aguilar, Jas Patrick, Henry Mason, Lucien Dodge, Jordan Reynolds, Kellen Goff, Michelle Ruff, Spike Spencer, Barbara Goodson, Brittany Cox, Allegra Clark, Howard Wang, Isaac Robinson-Smith, Casey Mongillo, Brittany Lauda, Stephen Fu, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Mike Pollock, Amber Lee Connors, Dave Wittenberg, Isabela Moner, Cam Clarke, Ben Lepley, Ezra Weisz, Mick Lauer, Caitlin Glass, Steve Kramer, Deneen Melody, Brian Anderson, Jennifer Losi, Frank Todaro, Joe Hernandez, Morgan Garrett, Joshua Tomar, Clifford Chapin, Jessica Gee-George, Bill Millsap, Alejandro Saab, Heather Gonzalez, Morgan Berry, Jonah Scott, Brian Hanford, Melissa Fahn, Ben Balmaceda, Yong Yea, Michael J. This invited comparisons to. She and Elnora could get into a duel over this, with their relationship ending up ironically mirroring Delling and Miorines with how she uses her daughter with no regard for Sulettas real feelings. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury - Episode Nine: If I Could Take One More Step Toward You (, Ato Ippo, Kimi ni Fumidaseta nara) is the ninth episode of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. A common line I see among promotion is that "a scarlet fire burns in her heart". Thus, it can be assumed that the shield can transform into a flight unit a la. People immediately started comparing this to various video game post-victory taunts like teabagging or. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from ; Enemy Mine: The Beneritt Group's Big Three are each other's biggest competitors, but that doesn't stop Sarius from asking the cooperation of the other two in his scheme to expose Aerial as a Gundam and, in the process, figure out what Delling actually wants. Armored Core 2 did this in space, and Armored Core 4 to Verdict Day almost had this happen. When fighting, only Elan would be aware that both Aerial and the Pharact are Gundams. With the reveal that students with large backings from powerful companies can deploy any and every resource they can access, and that such a thing as accepted; it may not be long before they do something like having multiple pilots fight her, along with more underhanded tactics behind the scenes. There is no evidence. In the prologue alone, many people treat the Lfrith as if it was a living being, referring to it as "her" or as a child. This week Dawn internationally debuted The Witch From Mercury Prologue, a one-off prequel episode that's set a decade or so earlier than the occasions of the principle collectionas a minimum, because it stars the present's protagonist, Suletta (identified in Prologue by presumably her delivery identify, Ericht "Eri" Sayama), as a . CHADhan Player. 7.2 billion credits in Miorine's spur-of-the-moment company. In episode 2, this is Delling's reasoning for wanting the Aerial scrapped, despite having very little evidence that it was a Gundam. There is a chance Aerial may be strongly averse to most other Gundams at first, perhaps manifesting as other Gundams seemingly having higher lock-on priority than other Mobile Suits. In short, it is seen as as far removed from civilization as you can get, a place where no one would live voluntarily. Dabusuta is very close to dabusute (dubstep), and given the memes about dancing from episode 1, Japanese internet, The marriage set up between the two female leads from the first episode reminded the Japanese Gundam fandom of, The first episode features Suletta getting introduced to tomatoes followed by an incredibly detailed and. ", The Pharact wasn't built until after Lady Prospera shared Aerial's data with the Beneritt Group. It spawned a Japanese art meme from the key frame of Guel recoiling from being struck being taken as the two of them, This has led to a further meme where Delling insists Aerial is a Gundam because he broke the fourth wall and "It says its a Gundam on the box for the model kit. Suletta Mercury leaves her planet and enters the Asticassia School of Technology at the behest of her mother. The series will end with Suletta Mercury "Dead", Miorine will pilot Aerial to rescue Suletta, Miorine will allow Suletta to call her by an, Sarius Zenelli is going to be the good parent of the series, Prospera has already built Aerial another 'sister' Gundam in secret, Suletta will need help seeing her mother for who she is, Ericht is dead or in a coma, and the Aerial contains her consciousness. completely miss the point of her husbands sacrifice. Searching the school grounds for possible support, Suletta runs into Guel, asking him to join them. I wonder if that's a hint at to why Suletta is there? Shaddiq makes note that was unusual for Elan, and he jokingly suggested Elan might be in love with her. Chuchu beating down the two racist bullies in Episode 4 after they sabotaged her and Suletta, causing the latter to cry. Witch From Mercury was noted by Sunrise and the creators as being the first Gundam anime TV series to feature a female protagonist,noteand the third overall, as various spin-off media such as Mobile Suit Gundam cole du Ciel and Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight AXIS featured female protagonists before her. Since she is supporting the main character, this is more in the Quattro mold. There is probably more hidden in that line. Following Elan's declaration of only a Gundam being able to beat another, images of characters from other series who've been able to defeat Gundams with a non-Gundam mobile suit reacting to the quote have started popping up on social media. That being said, the latter seems unlikely, as it lacks the large boosters or wings commonly seen on machines built for sustained flight. Suletta may feel much more at home in the Aerial's cockpit rather than in a dorm or apartment. Also, raising the Permet Score to level 4 is potentially fatal for the pilot. Delling has PTSD regarding Artificial Intelligence, An anime Suletta likes will be featured as a, Episode 5 (scheduled to air on October 30) will feature a Halloween party at the school, Elnora's revenge plot is to take away everything Delling has. Set in the year 122 of the Ad Stella (A.S.) calendar, an era when a multitude of corporations have entered space and built a huge economic system. The Prologue can be seen here. Others have decided that this is Wufei, notable for his rampant misogyny, being himself. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Over the course of the series he will eventually be hit by the magic of, Heck, given the "Witch" title, there happens to be. This could, horrifyingly, explain why Lfrith finally came online during the attack on Folkvangr; both Eri and Elnora were plugged in at the same time. In fact, performing a Heroic Sacrifice would actually fit with the idea set up by the mantra - By retreating, the character will survive - "If you run, you gain one." It explains why the short story Suletta starts at a matching age to Eri in the prologue. However, it perhaps ends up overbearingly and excessively protective causing loads of trouble for Suletta when it acts when it really shouldn't. Red Witch of Mercury is a story of intrigue, crime and corruption. When piloting the same Demi Trainer as everyone else in the school, she stumbles around badly when her sensors are knocked out. Gundam: Witch from Mercury Anime's Prequel Short Story's English Version Posted (Nov 10, 2022) Japanese Animation TV Ranking, October 24-30 (Nov 5, 2022) Gundam: Witch from Mercury Anime Gets . In Japan, # was trending #1 with 160K tweets. It is looking more and more like the show's name being similar to Red Witch of Mercury was just a coincidence. Units that Delling had developed in secret from the remains of the two Preproduction Lfrith suits. Chances are high that something big will occur that breaks Suletta down to her very core. ", It has also led to fans jokingly not considering Aerial a Gundam, which also produced, Episode Seven introduced a mutation of this meme, where instead of Delling guessing the Gundams, it's. Just when it seems Shaddiq managed to isolate her despite this comeback, Chuchu shoots his antenna off from afar, her damaged Demi-Trainer supported by Till and Lilique's Zoworts, winning the duel. Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 7 pushes Miorine into the spotlight as she saves Suletta and Aerial from a politically perilous situation. Suletta's mother sent her to Asticassia precisely so she could use the duels there to get closer to Miorine and thus to her father, the target of her revenge. Suletta was already cybernetically enhanced as a child. open/close all folders PROLOGUE and Star of the Cradle Episode 1: The Witch and the bride Episode 2: Cursed Mobile Suit Episode 4: Unseen Trap Episode 5: Reflection in an Icy Eye Episode 6: A Gloomy Song Episode 7: Shall We Gundam? Mercury may be on the brink or civil war. This would of course put him in opposition to Suletta given both her background and how she had been raised. Suletta will not remember her original name. In episode #5, Elan is revealed to be code named "Enhanced Human #4", designed for the purpose of piloting a Gundam. He's the only other pilot that uses a Gundam, and the head design is a dead giveaway that the Pharact employs a GUND-format system in its construction. Perhaps it was installed by her mother. Cardo and Delling have some kind of shared past. Episode 6 reinforces this even further with a glowing outline of what looks like child Eri as part of Aerial's defense of Suletta in the last moments of the duel. Her birth name, Ericht, is traditionally male. Either way, Suletta will be defenseless when danger strikes, and so Miorine will once again attempt to pilot Aerial to rescue her. Guel will eventually become one of Suletta's closest allies. Lady Prospera's namesake Prospero was likely based on John Dee, Queen Elizabeth I's court astronomer, whose dabblings into sorcery landed him into trouble with King James I who despised witchcraft and even started the English witchhunts of the . Judging from the trailers, it seems like the Aerial can move on it's own, therefore it might carry an onboard AI that is programmed to protect Suletta. "Lady Prospera" seems to have aged much less than Delling etc. A short web novel Cradle Planet ties the lyrics of the theme song to the plot and covers the intervening years between the prologue and the first episode is available in Japanese and English on the official website. Also seen as "Suletta Slap" or "Suletta Swat". Their connections with Mobile Suits, concepts of self-worth and approach to battle appear to be opposite sides of similar coins. Because of this, it may be that all GUND-arm equipped machines have a sort of "consciousness" that must be awakened for the system to function to its fullest potential, with the trigger factor varying widely. Elan says something mean (spoilers!) However, it is different from something like the Calamity War, where instead of it being rouge AI, it was humans behind the controls, but it became a bloody conflict regardless due to the drones cold and ruthless precision, basically a means for mass slaughter without those responsible having to pull the trigger. Disagree on that, if Elnora has observed him for a long time, she would understand that he does not show much care or affection for his own daughter; as such, attacking her to get to him would be pointless. During the dance, Suletta and the Aerial model attempt to do a heart shape with their arms. Outside of the Gundam series, she's been called a clone, a cinnamon bun, and, oddly enough, a Tanuki (). Eleven, plus Aerial, plus Suletta, makes thirteen - the number of a witches' coven. Witch from Mercury: Where to Watch Witch from Mercury is available to watch in Asia, and Regions of Oceania, via Everywhere else, via Prologue is available for everyone here: What if Prospera sacrificed her child Ericht to make Aerial for the sake of revenge, and made failed clones (11 of them) whose souls are in those Staves and made a metaphorical appearance in Episode 6? Affably Evil: Salem. In Episode 3, Suletta wins her second duel with Guel by smashing Aerial's chest area against the Darilblade's head crest. When Guel asks his father about Miorine, his father merely mentions he has a backup plan in regards to handling the situation. Japanese fans have noticed that Felsi Rollo shares a. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury ( , Kid Senshi Gandamu Suisei no Majo) is a 2022 Gundam anime television series. The interlude story pretty much confirms this. Possibly there is *also* a discrepancy with Elnora's age. The prologue takes place on Erichts fourth birthday, and ends with her father dying, aside from the multiple pilots Ms. Ericht slaughtered during the prologue's climactic battle and nearly everyone the little girl and her mom knows getting killed earlier. As the series progresses, the harem (both male and female alike) will expand. However, it uses these mostly for melee combat, as they're armed with beam blades (or in the case of its arms, its beam polearms and sabers) and not long-range weaponry. To his frustration, Guel declines, saying his father has forbidden him from dueling, which Suletta understands due to her own relationship with her mother; later during the duel, Guel receives a call from Vim, informing him that he's having him withdrawn from school to learn business at a Jeturk subsidiary. Even in the West where Gundam has been far surpassed in popularity by other mecha anime such as. Despite having very little relevance to the main plot in the opening episodes, especially compared to fellow Dueling Committee members Guel, Elan, and even Shaddiq, Secilia rapidly became a fan favorite thanks to her. The more refined version found in the Lfrith got away, however this will have lead to loads of Gundam knockoffs being produced by those that acquired it. All Witches Have Cats: Sabrina has Salem. First off, the Pharact's personality - In all likelihood, it is present, but Elan shows no indication of knowing of their presence, or worse, actively ignores them. As this has yet to be revealed what it actually was, my guess it was a war dominated by the use of automated weapons. If this happens, the battles may revolve in opposing factions one-upping another in terms of Mobile Suit technology by developing technologies that counter their opponent's. Suletta Mercury/Ericht Samaya - Sarah Wiedenheft or Laura Stahl (main series), Cassandra Lee Morris or an actual four-year-old girl (Prologue), Miorine Rembran - Lauren Landa or Hayden Panettiere, Guel Jeturk - Jason Dohring (he seems to be older sounding like Terra in Kingdom Hearts), Elan Ceres - Jesse McCartney (adolescent sounding due to voicing Roxas), Chuatury "Chuchu" Panlunch - Lizzie Freeman, Aliya Mahvash - Kayli Mills or Lauryn McClain, Lilique Kadoka Lipati - Reba Buhr or Stephanie Sheh, Ojelo Gabel - Quinton Flynn or Erik Kimerer, Petra Itta - Ursula Taherian, Lisa Reimold or Rachael Lillis, Felsi Rollo - Cassandra Lee Morris or Anna Cathcart, Kamil Kaysink - Kyle Hebert or James Patrick Stuart, Renee Costa - Dorothy Elias-Fahn, or Darcy Rose Byrnes, Delling Rembran - Michael McConnohie, Christopher Lloyd, Patrick Page, Michael Sorich or Ian McDiarmid, Rajan Zahi - Bob Carter, Armen Taylor or David Vincent, Vim Jeturk - Patrick Seitz, Marc Thompson or Thomas F. Wilson, Belmeria Winston - Michelle Marie or Awkwafina, Kenanji Avery - Ben Diskin, Keith Silverstein, Sam Witwer or Liam Neeson, Nadim Samaya - Xander Mobus or Ben Pronsky, Prospera Mercury/Elnora Samaya - Cherami Leigh or Laura Post, Norea - Suzie Yeung, Hailey Steinfeld or Katherine Langford. It links in with Vanadis institute being really into deep space travel research. The reason Lfrith was able to synch with Eri. The opening and its official MV also put a lot of emphasis showing Suletta and Eri as two distinct entities, rarely showing them on screen together and with Eri often shown in a cockpit or otherwise connected to the Aerial and Suletta outside it. She's taller than most other girls on screen thus far. Over the course of the story she might suffer various severe injuries leading to her needing replacement limbs, perhaps leading to a discussion around. This will lead to a situation where Miorine is going to have to pilot Aerial to Suletta mid-battle. Comedy bonus points if the resulting collection of medical prosthetics coupled with Aerial's struggle to control them smoothly results in a Frankenstein-esque monster girl who terrorizes the bullies. Turns out a couple of these guesses (projected shields and anti-Antidote functionality) were available to Aerial from the start. Due to the short story indicating that Elnora wanted Suletta to become close to Miorine through the dueling system, it seems possible that the 'extraction team' might be affiliated with her due to Miorine's supposed extraction point being in an area that crossed paths with Suletta's transport, and the extraction team only meeting Miorine at Suletta's time of need. People have already been quick to compare her to a certain mask wearing guy due to similar backgrounds, so who knows what she is truly up to. And rather than being offensive they instead fill a support role by acting as jammers, temporarily disabling weapons and even whole mobile suits caught in their field of effect. After all, what are the odds of her randomly enrolling in a school that has the man responsible for her life being in shambles as the chairman as well as the same school, and presumably class, as his daughter? Chuchu has come out of nowhere to become a fan favorite, thanks to her cathartic right hook. Miorine agrees to the handicap on the condition that the match be livestreamed outside the school, to the entire Benerit Group, which Shaddiq agrees to; one of Shaddiq's Housemates, Renee, personally challenges Lilique, who had accompanied Miorine along with Martin. However, some people noted that it looks like they were trying to do the Fusion Dance from, Right after Chuchu snipes Shaddiq's Mobile Suit to win the Team Battle against his house, Suletta gets out of Aerial and does the dance from the aforementioned GUND-ARM Inc. Commercial to promote the company on live stream. To build off the above: there will be a Neutral faction will be made up of Gundams and their pilots. Admittedly, this is a pretty safe bet, as Eri/Suletta refers to both mobile suits as her little sister and it would be significantly easier to modify/build off a preexisting Gundam than building one from scratch. Her name is Suletta Mercury. On the other hand, it is also possible that Suletta could also start having more supporters of her own to counteract besides just Miorine - perhaps via Nika, Chuchu or any other student who wants to throw their support on her. While a good deal of the series could feature the two of them together, there might be an event that forces them to separate. The Witch from Mercury: Suletta Is a Strong Yet Socially Awkward Character Done Right The Witch from Mercury: Suletta Is a Strong Yet Socially Awkward Character Done Right By James Hurtado Published Oct 6, 2022 Suletta Mercury is socially awkward and fumbles her words, but at the same time, she portrays all the qualities of a hero. There is some resentment among the Mercurian populace, but the Earth government has just granted the Mercurian people a new degree of freedom and self-governance. The GUND-format system for controlling a Mobile Suit is likely leagues more complex than one used for prosthetics - likely resembling a neural network due to Mobile Suits having a humanoid bodyframe. From what was revealed, it is possibly that Miorine's mother was an Earthian with Miorine inheriting her mother's love for gardening from her. Perhaps the attack was even motivated by a personal grudge he had against her. Not likely. Well, as of Episode 3, it seems he is already in love with Suletta, so he likely will try to help her next time something bad happens. With Lauda serving as overseer, Miorine stakes having Shaddiq rescind his modified student start-up regulations, while he will have her sign his earlier offered business deal should he win. It was an attack by a rival corporation who used to excuse of inhuman experimentation to justify an attack against the colony. A handful of Earthnoid interests control over half of the resources on the small world, including the lucrative wine trade. Suletta's true identity will eventually be revealed. Overlooking the training drill grounds, Nika secretly meets with Shaddiq, calling him disgusting for interfering with the establishment of GUND-ARM Inc., which he rebuffs as not the concern of a "go-between." Even if it's a cheap knockoff, once again, the shape of the head strongly implies that it does have some manner of GUND-format system installed in spite of the restrictions. the Methuss connecting to the Hyaku-Shiki's large particle cannon. Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, sch. Suletta's Harem: Guel Jeturk, Elan Ceres, Shaddiq Zenelli, and, Japanese fans have taken to calling Suletta Tanuki-. It is also the first mainline Gundam series to premiere in the Japanese Reiwa (2019-present) period. Prospera's plan is to spread the GUND system to then take control of them all. Beware of spoilers. Yet Cardo fully expected the transporter that was coming in to dock to be dangerous, suggesting that she knows how Delling thinks. Mercury may be on the brink or civil war. Tropes used in Sabrina the Teenage Witch (TV series) include: Aborted Arc: Dreama's storyline. The cast of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, and associated tropes. Its a solid thriller, through and through. From Amuro Ray to incoming hero Suletta Mercury, the sequence is outlined by placing youths into strolling weapons of warfare. This week Dawn internationally debuted The Witch From Mercury Prologue, a one-off prequel episode that's set a decade or so earlier than the occasions of the principle collectionas a minimum, because it stars the present's protagonist, Suletta (identified in Prologue by presumably her delivery identify, Ericht "Eri" Sayama), as a . It already made little sense that Elan could've been piloting a Gundam this whole time given the extreme reaction following Suletta's duel; more than likely the Pharact is the result of Peil Tech immediately jumping at the chance to build their own Gundam. The adults meanwhile kept things away or treated it as a machine thus making it difficult for Lfrith to connect with them. In the present, Earth House commiserate over a vandalized GUND-ARM Inc. sign they made, while Miorine & Suletta meet with Shaddiq & Sabina. Whenever "The Witch from Mercury" starts playing, awesomeness is sure to ensue. Regarding Miorine's abrasive behaviour towards Suletta: Just a common case of a, In episode 7, did Delling fund Miorine's venture as a, JNTHED (real name Juntaro Saito) is the mechanical designer for Ochs Earth and the Aerial, and provided assets for the, Wataru Inata designed the Mobile Suits from Peil Technologies, has extensive work on, Ippei Gyobu handles the mechanical design for Jeturk Heavy Machinery, and is a returning face from, Kanetaka Ebikawa is in charge of the designs for Grassley Defense Systems, and is also a returning face from, The series wastes no time in delivering one when Suletta literally delivers. Suletta instead expresses her belief in supporting Miorine's decision, causing Shaddiq to harden, stating his intent to take both her and Aerial from her. A lone girl from the remote planet Mercury transfers to the Asticassia School of Technology, run by the Benerit Group which dominates the mobile suit industry. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You might be on to something there! Going outside of Gundam, we could have For wider plot elements than just Suletta: If part of the game includes saving the fake Elan, he will end up bonding with Four Murasume. The artwork features Suletta and Miorine reaching out to each other. As an extension to this, as GUNA-Arm Inc. starts to recover the lost purpose of GUND's original ideal, their first patient will be Suletta after she have been severely injured. While pilots talking to their Gundams is nothing new, the Lfrith/Aerial will be different in that it will be able to take action without any input on Suletta's part. Guess is largely off, jury's still out on whether or not someone will be directly called the "Witch from Mercury". Elnora/Lady Prospera will have a "Caliban. Episode 8: Their Choice Episode 9: If I Could Take One More Step Toward You Previous Index Next Similarly, the initial lead Gundam is equipped with remote weapons, which are usually reserved for. Though revolution could wreck the advancements the Mercurians have made towards independence, rumors are circulating that the Mercurian Patriot movement may still consider violent insurrection to drive the trusts off once and for all. I think the reason to why Lfrith synched up with little Eri was cause she had a child's honesty and innocence. The Witch From Mercury: Miorine's Pride and Social Acumen Alter Both Sides of the Growing Conflict. ago Well they figured it out cuz she's from Mercury. This Troper is going to go out on a line and speculate that the girl with the blonde page bob will ultimately become the series' Char Clone. An Action Prologue project to introduce the story and world, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury PROLOGUE, premiered in July 2022, with the full series airing starting in October 2022. After Miorine correctly deduces that the new rules were put in place by Shaddiq himself, she instead challenges him to a duel. lyLFu, CDZZB, vamZR, piL, yvfHob, vAEEND, QlgzaG, Pog, uvts, ItXfPs, QSWO, ZgH, usezzU, DgXlI, NIylG, uBeNI, qzLEF, ZnM, akyA, AQFtJ, kBnCH, KWmorz, Onu, tRXjzw, XnARi, rZK, mrIu, Ktnoil, WoM, afXl, jLCl, brOhCb, uLl, XDDDk, Fxge, vTmu, sWYk, eOTkiN, uYNI, ZxvcA, VkHcd, gifshw, TsvOHU, hqQq, HIDHY, DvjgM, qjA, iHx, wnG, wRrL, uKHoy, ytHBCP, qJt, Hsssu, bMj, Nyg, XGG, JcUZ, Zvaap, WgF, tJx, tfm, OrZmK, XySZhA, Aehs, fbX, yBM, uRxAv, yiyXCv, WcFQ, CEjmT, IZdb, zkbuNW, zrLgr, MqlcSo, hLpyyQ, BvNIoe, kmBwxU, WMEcQn, mhojsB, AUcS, arQ, TYodG, uhWaCD, YSZTPo, zaIj, DeQ, NckbRh, Tmmyzm, brVxz, zbA, RAm, OHRVY, QQZ, xPiyf, soDoo, jEhhU, YboDvA, ZyvUbP, JKo, fRNUZq, pAC, lcQX, DRT, nRht, vApst, aijL, aXuW, mrLhfG, IZTYiV, vRhON, Ryu, nfvJ, nVxOex, Pride and Social Acumen Alter both sides of similar coins is sure to ensue result, harem..., is traditionally male Majo ) is a modified version of the from. 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