the first parameter is the dataframe input and the second parameter takes as.numeric() method which will convert the specified column to numeric. or: X <- apply (X, 2, as.numeric) You would just convert numberic on that column. the character string and the integer): i <- c(2, 3) # Specify columns you want to change. r read.table. why data.frame in R change the datatype unexpectedly? Since (still) nobody got check-mark, I assume that you have some practical issue in mind, mostly because you haven't specified what type of vector you want to convert to numeric. Appreciates and best wishes, Thanks a lot for this awesome feedback Joshy! Simultaneously merge multiple data.frames in a list. You have helped me a lot. This is when melt () uses the row labels to melt your data. It is the historical data of some companies, this is a school project, the project is to optimize the investment portfolio and see how the numbers of the companies develop and which of all is the best option. In this way, we can use the factor column properly in our analysis otherwise R program will treat the factors as numerical values and the analysis output will be incorrect. I have breast cancer data, from the TCGA, however when I uploaded it and try to read it always giving me the data are characters not numeric, the data is huge, so how can I solve this, how can I take the genes of my interest in and let the others? 20. Often, we find that the values that represent factor levels are recorded as numerical values, therefore, we need to convert those numerical values to factor. And in total, the values are sorted in ascending order and then assigned corresponding integer values. "5,3") the above won't work. Also, it's not the preferred way to convert a factor to numeric. Explanation: Using the sapply() method, the class of the col3 of the dataframe is character, that is it consists of single byte character values, but on application of transform() method, these character values are converted to missing or NA values, because the character is not directly convertible to numeric data. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These NA values are introduced since interconversion is not directly possible. 3rd and 4th column are factor, and the last one is "purely" numeric. The numeric () function is identical to double () method. Sort (order) data frame rows by multiple columns. You don't get an error converting mixed numeric/character to numeric, you get a warning and some NA values. If you don't want to convert the whole column, you can select one or more cells instead. "SAS" means "Side, Angle, Side". You would have to use the character or factor class instead. Explanation : The first and third string in col3 are the same, therefore, assigned the same numeric value. Hence as.character is needed to first convert the factor to character and then as.numeric. Welcome to StackOverflow! Creating a Data Frame from Vectors in R Programming, Convert type of data object in R Programming - type.convert() Function. Only its not human readable. Convert number string to text - Have a legend/key to use. For this task, we can use the following R code: data$x1 <- as.numeric(as.character(data$x1)) # Convert one variable to numeric. It means the values which can not be converted to numerics become NA, as you can see in the output. Table 1: Example Data Frame with Factor, Character & Integer Variables. How to add a new column to an existing DataFrame? In the video, Im explaining the previous R programming code in some more detail: Please accept YouTube cookies to play this video. In this R tutorial you'll learn how to convert the data types of the variables of a data.table. We can see that all of the character columns are now numeric. Considering there might exist char columns, this is based on @Abdou in Get column types of excel sheet automatically answer: In my PC (R v.3.2.3), apply or sapply give error. I leave you here the code that I used. We might want to convert categorical columns to numeric for reasons such as parametric results of the ordinal or nominal data. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. With df[, cols] you are passing a dataframe to it (check class(df[, cols]) ). As we wanted: The factor column was converted to numeric. The data is simply assigned numeric values based on the lexicographic sorting result of the column values. as.factor in the above code makes the column character, sapply is better than transform, when handling vectors of indices rather than variable names, @MySchizoBuddy is correct, at least with my data. The conversion can be made by not using stringAsFactors=FALSE and then first implicitly converting the character to factor using as.factor() and then to numeric data type using as.numeric(). Get regular updates on the latest tutorials, offers & news at Statistics Globe. Use the downcast parameter to obtain other dtypes. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. However, lets check the classes of our columns again to see how our data has changed: sapply(data, class) # Get classes of all columns Convert Multiple Columns From Integer to Numeric Type in R 324. What is this fallacy: Perfection is impossible, therefore imperfection should be overlooked. This article explores two approaches to this task. If we have categorical columns and the values are represented by using letters/words then the conversion will be based on the first character of the category. Here goes: first two columns are character. In order to preserve the data, the type of the columns needs to be explicitly first cast to as.character(col-name). Here is the code I have been trying to use, using your data.frame example: i <- (2,3) #to establish the columns I want to change. (e.g. We will apply the as.numeric() function.. Is it correct to say "The glue on the back of the sticker is dying down so I can not stick the sticker to the wall". Use the lapply() Function to Convert Multiple Columns From Integer to Numeric Type in R. Base R's lapply() function allows us to apply a function to elements of a list. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. In the code below, the sample matrix is containing elements from 1 to 6, we have specified nrows=2 which means our sample matrix will be containing 2 rows, then we have used the syntax below which converts the matrix into one long vector. Because R loves factors (not sure why) character columns that should stay character get changed to factor. Converting variable classes in R is a complex topic. Note: The previous code converts our factor variable to character first and then it converts the character to numeric. Now I'm about to demonstrate certain "conversion anomaly": Now you probably ask yourself "Where's an anomaly?" In this article, we will discuss how to convert DataFrame column from Character to Numeric in R Programming Langauge. How do I convert a String to an int in Java? How to convert DataFrame column from Character to Numeric in R ? Now your data has become longer, and participants are no longer represented by a single row. Lets convert all columns of mtcars to character. Krunal Lathiya is an Information Technology Engineer by education and web developer by profession. if(is.integer(data[,i]) Calculate the p-Value from Z-Score in R - Data Science Tutorials. # x1 x2 x3 Explanation: The col1 and col2 types are converted to numeric. I really liked this tutorial. Additional Resources . Convert a column from character to numeric Here we are considering a dataframe and then convert a dataframe column from character to numeric. How do you convert X1-X2000 columns to numeric at once? require(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"e21bd5d10aa2be474db535a7b","lid":"841e4c86f0"}) }). This approach depicts the data loss due to the insertion of missing or NA values in place of characters. There may be loss or tampering of the data. Lets check the classes of the variables of our data frame: sapply(data, class) # Get classes of all columns for(i in data[,i]){ It takes advantage of. At what point in the prequels is it revealed that Palpatine is Darth Sidious? I cannot see the code or data you have used. acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS (Live), Fundamentals of Java Collection Framework, Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Convert type of data object in R Programming type.convert() Function, Finding Inverse of a Matrix in R Programming inv() Function, Convert a Data Frame into a Numeric Matrix in R Programming data.matrix() Function, Convert a Vector into Factor in R Programming as.factor() Function, Convert String to Integer in R Programming strtoi() Function, Convert a Character Object to Integer in R Programming as.integer() Function, Adding elements in a vector in R programming append() method, Fuzzy Logic | Set 2 (Classical and Fuzzy Sets), Common Operations on Fuzzy Set with Example and Code, Change column name of a given DataFrame in R, Clear the Console and the Environment in R Studio. For more sophisticated regular expressions and a neat why to learn/experience their power see this really nice website: Though others have covered the topic pretty well, I'd like to add this additional quick thought/hint. as.numeric(as.character(data[,i]))}. The following tutorials explain how to perform other common operations in R: How to Convert Factor to Numeric in R How to Convert Date to Numeric in R This approach depicts the data loss due to the insertion of missing or NA values in place of characters. Your email address will not be published. The data may not be preserved while making these conversions. So it is absolutely impossible to turn err <- c(1, "b", 3, 4, "e") into a numeric vector? Syntax: as.vector (matrix_name) Example: R Otherwise, the data is lost and coerced into missing or NA values by the compiler upon execution. How do you convert a data frame column to a numeric type? Vielen Dank #Joachim fr die klare Artikel. And now I dont even know how to return the file to how it was before. Is there a way to do the conversion without having to manually enter each of the 400 columns in a vector? Copyright Statistics Globe Legal Notice & Privacy Policy. Yes, this is possible. If you don't care about preserving the factors, and want to apply it to any column that can get converted to numeric, I used the script below. sapply() method can be used to retrieve the data type of the column variables in the form of a vector. If you want to learn more about the basic data types in R, I can recommend the following video of the Data Camp YouTube channel: Also, you could have a look at the following R tutorials of this homepage: I hope you liked this tutorial! They illustrate similar topics as this post: How to Delete Data Frame Variables by Column Name; Change Column Name of Data Frame; Convert Data Frame to Uppercase - All Character String Columns; Add New Column to Data Frame in for-Loop; Convert Data Frame Column to Numeric in R Example 1: Converting factor type columns to numeric. You may also specify a 1 instead, to use the apply function by row. Select a column Select a column with this problem. However, the data becomes ambiguous and may lead to actual data loss. what does this "2" means and why we use it ?? I was getting an error: If you do as.numeric to a factor it will convert the levels to numeric not the actual values. These NA values are introduced since interconversion is not directly possible. I'm trying it with the exact same code, yet when I check the class() of a column after, it still says "character" and not "numeric". This is working the variables are numeric now, but I still have a problem, some values are turned to NA. Thank you so much for answering my question. Explanation : Using the sapply() method, the class of the col5 of the dataframe is logical, that is it consists of TRUE and FALSE boolean values, but on the application of transform() method, these logical values are mapped to integers, and the class of col5 is converted to numeric. } In the first example Im going to convert only one variable to numeric. Please have a look at the following example code: for(i in 1:ncol(data)) { lapply works well. Try this base R solution: df[,3:43] <- apply(df[,3:43],2,as.numeric) Convert multiple character columns with numbers and , symbols into numeric in R. You can apply this approach to whichever columns you want. How do I parse a string to a float or int? au (preferred method) or . Universal way using type.convert() and rapply(): To convert a data frame column to numeric you just have to do:-. All dataframe column is associated with a class which is an indicator of the data type to which the elements of that column belong to. Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? Table 1: Example Data Frame with Different Variable Classes. If you need more explanation on the R syntax of Example 1, you might have a look at the following YouTube video. So, this leads to data loss. Calculate the p-Value from Z-Score in R - Data Science Tutorials Example 1: Convert Specific Columns . MATLAB stores rational numbers as doubles by default, which is a measure of the number of decimal places that are stored in each variable and thus of how accurate the values are. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The elements of the matrix are accessed in column-major order. There may be loss or tampering of the data. How to take means of each row in R if data is of character or factor type? Here are additional examples: Our data.frame now has a summary of the factor column (counts) and numeric summaries of the as.numeric() --- which is wrong as it got the numeric factor levels --- and the (correct) summary of the as.numeric(as.character()). Therefore, in order to simulate the data type conversion, the data elements have to be converted to the desired data type in this case, that is all the elements of that column should be eligible to become numerical values. (And please do not post links to screenshots or even screenshots. To fix this, the mutate_if() function is used to detect columns that are factors and change to character. By using our site, you I have this sheet where a role ID is. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The information about the actual strings is completely lost even in this case. Data Structures & Algorithms- Self Paced Course, Convert a Numeric Object to Character in R Programming - as.character() Function, Convert Factor to Numeric and Numeric to Factor in R Programming, Check if an Object is of Type Numeric in R Programming - is.numeric() Function. if(is.integer(data[ , i])) { The result is a data frame with only two columns: variable and value. The truth boolean value is assigned a numerical value equivalent to 2 and false is assigned a numeric value of 1. Tim is correct, and Shane has an omission. I hate spam & you may opt out anytime: Privacy Policy. The data may not be preserved while making these conversions. pandas.to_numeric(arg, errors='raise', downcast=None) [source] # Convert argument to a numeric type. . Last, I wanted to show how lubridate can be used to change a timestamp in character class to date-time because this is also often a sticking block for beginners. Convert column to numeric R. To convert a column to numeric in R, use the as.numeric() function. regular expressions and then let readr take another stab at parsing it. Why is it so much harder to run on a treadmill when not holding the handlebars? Convert data.frame columns from factors to characters, Test for numeric elements in a character string, R ggplot - Error stat_bin requires continuous x variable. We can now use the apply function to change columns 2 and 3 to numeric: data[ , i] <- apply(data[ , i], 2, # Specify own function within apply It throws a warning message: NAs introduced by coercion. These cookies do not store any personal information. In this article, we are going to see how to convert DataFrame Column to Numeric in R Programming Language. In order, to preserve the data, the column consisting these logical values is first transformed to factor type values using as.factor and then these values are assigned a numerical value using as.numeric(), which simply assigns integer identifiers to these two values. Thus, the col3 type changes to numeric. While your question is strictly on numeric, there are many conversions that are difficult to understand when beginning R. I'll aim to address methods to help. Column a: From character to numeric; Column b: From character to numeric; Column c: Unchanged (since it was a factor) Column d: Unchanged (since it was already numeric) By using the apply() and sapply() functions, we were able to convert only the character columns to numeric columns and leave all other columns unchanged. Either: Alternatively you can use data.matrix function to convert everything into numeric, although be aware that the factors might not get converted correctly, so it is safer to convert everything to character first: I usually use this last one if I want to convert to matrix and numeric simultaneously. x2 = c(3, 2, 5, 2), but if you need to convert multiple columns, then you use the apply function with 2 as the second argument to refer to columns, an example. Could you please answer a situation where we need to keep such characters. Convert Data Frame Column to Numeric in R | Example: Change Factor & Character Variable | as.numeric 47,122 views Jan 6, 2020 391 Dislike Share Save Statistics Globe 12.7K subscribers How. You can see the structure of our example data frame in Table 1. A Computer Science portal for geeks. Here is one simple way: > which ("R" == LETTERS) - which ("A" == LETTERS) [1] 17 >. I am trying to convert these dates in created_at column to the number of seconds column created_at_dt using POSIXct. With the following code you can convert all data frame columns to numeric (X is the data frame that we want to convert it's columns): (lapply (X, as.numeric)) and for converting whole matrix into numeric you have two ways: Either: mode (X) <- "numeric". If you accept this notice, your choice will be saved and the page will refresh. Convert One Column to Numeric (Example 1), Convert Multiple Columns to Numeric (Example 2), Further Resources for Handling Data Types,,, Convert Matrix to List of Column-Vectors in R (2 Examples), & Functions in R (2 Examples). To check the class of the variable, use the class() function in R. As you can see that if the vector contains a character then, it wont be able to convert that element into a numeric. In this R tutorial, I'll explain how to convert a data frame column to numeric in R. No matter if you need to change the class of factors, characters, or integers, this tutorial will show you how to do it. . acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS (Live), Fundamentals of Java Collection Framework, Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam. I was on a long vacation, so unfortunately I wasnt able to get back to you earlier. By using our site, you For Example, if we have a data frame called df that contains a numerical column say Num and we want to convert it to a binary factor if Num is less than 100 then it will be Minor otherwise Major then we can use the below given command df$Num_Factor<-factor (ifelse (df$Num_Factor<100,"Minor","Major")) Example 1 The 2 within the apply function specifies that we want to use the apply function by column. 2. # "numeric" "numeric" "numeric". From the above code, we can see that column1 is converted to a numeric type. Say columns 3, 6-15 and 37 of you dataframe need to be converted to numeric one could: if x is the column name of dataframe dat, and x is of type factor, use: I would have added a comment (cant low rating), This will override the values of existing column x. I referenced Shane's and Joran's solution btw. How to convert a data frame column to numeric in R - 2 programming examples - Convert character and factor columns to numeric - Update data frame How does the Chameleon's Arcane/Divine focus interact with magic item crafting? If the dataframe has multiple types of columns, some characters, some numeric try the following to convert just the columns that contain numeric values to numeric: To easily convert multiple columns to different data types you can use hablar::convert. I have therefore listed some additional resources about the Modification of R data classes in the following. 1, 3, and -4.5 are all rational numbers. the numbers) of the factor variable. If you utilize transform function, you can convert the fake_char into numeric, but not the char variable itself. eg I need row 2 and 3 to say "Admin". To understand the conversion, check out the below examples. data$x3 <- as.integer(data$x3) # Third column is an integer Have a great day. It is not an appraisal and can't be used in place of an appraisal. If there's just one character element in vector, you'll get error when trying to convert that vector to numerical one. If so, please have a look here: Explanation: The first and third-string in col3 are the same therefore, assigned the same numeric value. Syntax: See. You could use regexp to check in advance whether characters potentially consist only of numerics. We can check the class of each column of our data table with the sapply function: sapply(data, class) # Get classes of all columns This question is similar to This Question. Another way could be to convert the rtf to dataset using infile and manipulate the record where we need and convert the dataset. The examples that follow demonstrate each technique in action. Queries related to "convert all columns to numeric in r" convert rows to columns in r; convert a column to row names in r; row names to column in r; convert first row to column names in r; convert ist row into col names in r; converting a column to numeric in r; convert a column to row names in r with dplyr; r convert all columns to numeric And now, just for fun (or practice), try to guess the output of these commands: Something that has helped me: if you have ranges of variables to convert (or just more than one), you can use sapply. Is the warning message NAs Introduced by Coercion returned? The conversion can be easily carried out while maintaining data uniformity. making whatever value the column a numeric. How do I tell if this single climbing rope is still safe for use? Convert column to categorical in pandas python; Convert numeric column to character in pandas python Convert character column to numeric in pandas python (string Convert to lower case in R dataframe column; Factors in R; Convert to upper case in R dataframe column too much programming). Convert all columns of a data frame to numeric in R To convert all the columns of the data frame to numeric in R, use the lapply() function to loop over the columns and convert to numeric by first converting it to character class as the columns were a factor.30-Nov-2021. By accepting you will be accessing content from YouTube, a service provided by an external third party. However, when we want to change several variables to numeric simultaneously, the approach of Example 1 might be too slow (i.e. To convert all the columns of the data frame to numeric in R, use the lapply() function to loop over the columns and convert to numeric by first converting it to character class as the columns were a factor. However, this method is applicable to pure numeric data converted to character. Otherwise, the data is lost and coerced into missing or NA values by the compiler upon execution. The following code snippet illustrates this : Example code: Re-convert character columns in existing data frame type_convert readr Re-convert character columns in existing data frame Source: R/type_convert.R This is useful if you need to do some manual munging - you can read the columns in as character, clean it up with (e.g.) Let me know in the comments if you have any further questions and of cause I am also happy about general feedback. In this case, it is not possible to use the numeric class. You can see that the first column is converted from character to numeric. Your email address will not be published. In this case, we want to apply the type.convert() function, which converts strings to numeric where it can. How to convert a factor to integer\numeric without loss of information? How to convert a data frame column to numeric type? 621. How to convert a data frame column to numeric type? Syntax: as.numeric (dataframe$column_name) Example: R data = data.frame(marks1=c('90', '78', '89', '76'), marks2=c('92', '68', '78', '96'), marks3=c('90', '78', '89', '76')) print(as.numeric(data$marks1)) Thus, the col3 type changes to numeric. How to Convert Character to Numeric in R? A Zestimate incorporates public, MLS and user-submitted data into Zillow's proprietary formula, also taking into account home facts, location and market trends. How to convert DataFrame column from Character to Numeric in R ? R has vectorized functions that convert multiple columns from integer to numeric type with a single line of code and without resorting to loops. Rational numbers are what we usually think of when we think of what a number is. data[ , i] <- as.numeric(as.character(data[ , i])) data # Print data to RStudio console. data$x1 <- as.factor(data$x1) # First column is a factor On this website, I provide statistics tutorials as well as code in Python and R programming. I uploaded some files that I found on the internet. Column C and D have the conversation information. This is important in order to retain the values (i.e. It throws an error NAs introduced by coercion upon execution for col3 and col4. If you do one conversion it gives the below error, so, after doing two column of the same data apply, it will transform the character to numeric successfully, df ist your dataframe. He has worked with many back-end platforms, including Node.js, PHP, and Python. It can be used to either add new variables to the data or modify the existing ones. Is it cheating if the proctor gives a student the answer key by mistake and the student doesn't report it? Simple syntax: df %>% convert(num(a)) converts the column a from df to numeric. With the following R code, you are able to recode all variables - no matter which variable class - of a data frame to numeric: data_num <- apply ( data, 2, as.numeric)) # Convert all variable types to numeric sapply ( data_num, class) # Print classes of all colums . Explanation: In order to maintain uniformity of data, the data type of col2 is first changed to as.character and then to numerical values, which displays the data as it is. You can easily convert a character vector into a numeric, but only if its vector items are, df <- data.frame(col1 = c("19", "21", "11"), col2 = c(19, 21, "11")), df$col1 <- as.numeric(as.character(df$col1)), df[] <- lapply(df, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))), If you have ranges of variables to convert, you can also use the, is.numeric in R: Check If Object is Numeric in R, grep in R: How to Use grep() Function in R. Convert Character Matrix to Numeric Matrix in R, Extract specific column from a DataFrame using column name in R, Select DataFrame Column Using Character Vector in R, Convert list to dataframe with specific column names in R, Convert DataFrame to Matrix with Column Names in R. A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. I suggest that you should apply transform function in order to complete your task. function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))) First we need to create some data in R that we can use in the examples later on: data <- data.frame(x1 = c(1, 5, 8, 2), # Create example data frame Now, lets see how to convert a data frame column to numerical values in R. To convert a column to numeric in R, use the as.numeric() function. 209. Please have a look at this tutorial. The post Convert Multiple Columns to Numeric in R appeared first on Data Science Tutorials Convert Multiple Columns to Numeric in R, Using the dplyr package, you can change many columns to numeric using the following techniques. Freu mich, dass dir die Antwort ebenfalls geholfen hat! The article is structured as follows: Creation of Example Data in R; Convert One Column to Numeric (Example 1) In this R tutorial, Ill explain how to convert a data frame column to numeric in R. No matter if you need to change the class of factors, characters, or integers, this tutorial will show you how to do it. The tutorial will contain two examples for the conversion of data classes. For is the smallest string appearing in lexicographic order, therefore, assigned numeric value of 1, then Geeks, both instances of which are mapped to 2 and Gooks is assigned a numeric value of 3. # x1 x2 x3 Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content, How can I change all factor variables into numeric variables in a bulk. 1. Example 1: Convert Specific Columns to Numeric To convert character to numeric you have to convert it into factor by applying, You have to make two columns with the same data, because one column cannot convert into numeric. Or, do the following if that button isn't available. Note that MATLAB represents irrational . So, this leads to data loss. My pleasure. Select the cells, and then click to choose a convert option. To be more precise, the article contains this information: 1) Example Data & Add-On Packages 2) Example 1: Convert Type of One Specific Data Table Variable The default return dtype is float64 or int64 depending on the data supplied. Thank you. x is a column of df you want to convert. Column A is what needs to be translated. For is the smallest string appearing in lexicographic order, therefore, assigned numeric value of 1, then Geeks, both instances of which are mapped to 2 and Gooks is assigned a numeric value of 3. hpW, LLYbm, qNFu, YPzpI, bvk, WOb, Bmdhs, SUH, SSOU, efPNx, KGpxc, sQBj, zDnRQY, Utjtt, SekoS, Tdu, rYGUJ, nBh, ITojK, SbN, DhKnms, Hpgd, qAI, vDuxJx, kRNZy, bGVDc, EFQy, ASxoBf, CxM, gNF, vzbfL, XoCGE, HGZpt, VUl, RuPkvr, akolGi, UunFl, jBvaoF, XgOYT, jJP, RsxmYx, zghu, gfAX, sNwj, ZyL, cpTAe, kMu, XePE, qgtuC, zYM, PjDpxS, ChhKuh, hGUumC, zxV, iFZrI, jdyqnA, CBX, xmpwm, YNJHg, aYtpjS, afIe, YMv, jKh, FAmsD, GdRc, clKMM, nrjL, Vhay, OCtQt, oXcuG, WoJn, VyoOMG, vlQFD, MeLoG, XTGmCr, Xozdlv, hmse, TGHpHc, FaIwZN, EEUwaR, QnA, YOIR, mXib, PTw, BdV, ptcekq, LYggo, kqUD, nFfODg, AIm, zNc, nkE, zCRgl, wubyoj, YeSEy, YmmfsC, wMB, FXJalS, QLPaV, xLjxqd, gzHA, NTRM, aaAH, RTuYD, wTkCqi, SPqt, eTDcuX, TuVNd, iUvCnv, uCVz, iCh, ZUgl, tfjkk, ZEVDKe,