Chapter 2 Effective in balancing conflicting values within the organization to create an efficient operating environment An effective strategist to provide the framework and direction for overall company operations Must change his management style and strike different balances among his personal skills as conditions change or as his organization grows in size and complexity, Chapter 2 A Career-Long Action-Based Reflective Activity, Conducted within an Integrating Framework Does not simply occur, competencies are gained through a life-long process of experience-based reflection and growth, Chapter 2 Reflective about self Worldly about context Analytical about organization Collaborative about relationships Action about change. Questions are focused on the various control styles they applied in handling their subordinates and the processes in the work environment, the observations from each control style, the impact on the organisation, as well as how it affects the workplace environment. Through this study, I will broaden my understanding regarding the independent roles of control in the workplace as well as the effects produced when they combined and integrated by managers. The management approach expresses the position, the point of view of the subject of management and gives the direction in the development of the management process. o Emphasizes the importance of responding immediately to group student. Slides: 35 . Study for free with our range of university lectures! In literature there are some studies defining the curriculum implementation approaches of teachers. managerial and administrative staff. In these organisations, different conflicts arise due to different control styles. A4: HPP (Hierarchical Planning Process) is a planning approach that defines which activities need to be done by which managerial level, the first level is a General list of activities in order, of the whole project process. What are the modern management approaches? Before we move on to the management approaches in the organizations for managers, lets pay special attention to the following great certification program: Go and get a PROMO code for the BVOP Certified Project Manager, The BVOP project management certification is entirely online. Additionally, I did not manage to confirm that the groups of measures that used coalesce as factors that represent composite dimensions of the four forms of control. Click Add to search for the group in which you wish to plant this group. Are knowledgeable and experienced enough to deal with the problem efficiently. It sets in place a culture of renewal based on honesty and brings the team closer together. It only indicates the positions of the rulers. There are several approaches to understand what management is. In the situational approach, the importance of the subjective factor is decisive, as there are no recipes for effective management in different situations. Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. The techno-managerial approach is illustrated with a research example. Project Management in the modern real world, History and today, Business value for managers - How to increase it, Project Planning approaches in project management, The certified project manager speaks to the team, Training of HR managers in the field of human resources, When and why to use Scrum for your projects, Moral Aspects of Human Resource Management (HRM), Project Manager Interview Questions and How to Answer, Preparation for Scrum Master certification exam on Sprint event, Management approaches in the organizations for managers, Project Management Roles Project sponsor, project director, program manager and more. Group managerial approach 5. Copyright 2003 - 2022 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. That is: the practical realization of the approach is carried out through the economic mechanism, and on the other hand the mechanism cannot exist without the starting position of those in power. 4 What is humanistic approach in curriculum? It is a framework that translates an organisations strategy into a coherent set of initiatives and performance measures. There are reasons why one particular approach is better than another depending on the strategic goal or need. In connection with the simplification of the structure of the system, the hierarchical levels, the connections between the elements of the system, etc. First a warning before the threat. If the performance is poor, the aim is to find and overcome the shortcomings, like checking expenses and enhancing profit margins. Observing a problem and defining its scope, To the humanists, the goals of education are related to the ideals of personal growth, integrity, and autonomy. The term also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It applies the methodological provisions of business management, which aim at optimal use of material incentives. As the company grows, it needs a more repeatable, controlled structure, so it adds a hierarchy. The management approach allows the formulation of the goals and the restrictive conditions to indicate the management mechanism. The first defines the basic principles and methods to which the formation of the relevant farm management mechanism should be subject. terms and at the lowest cost. First, researchers should examine the composition of various combinations of trust-building and task control activities. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. According to Ornstein and Hunkins (2009) six curriculum approaches are Behavioral Approach, Managerial Approach, Systems Approach, Academic Approach, Reconceptualist Approach, and Humanistic Approach. Spectre Group. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? Managerial styles and skills are critically important to enhance relations with the subordinates and thereby achieve the goals of increased effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in the workplace. This is often associated with geographical mobility, urbanization, growth, turnover, or specialization that undermines goal compatibility on which communal trust is founded. The number of elements of the system must be minimal, but sufficient to achieve the set goals. An economic management approach is built on the use of objective economic laws and categories. It involves a sequential process of: i. To control crime, a new form of police institution is needed that is purpose-oriented, outgoing to the environment, and creative; the new managerial approach is to seek this new form. managerial aspirant. A manager can be much more effective if he or she is able to select a management approach that is most appropriate to the desired need or goal. Looking for a flexible role? This example deals with a meat company, covering the whole production chain. Click here to review the details. A manager, who only has experience in one approach, will definitely encounter difficulties as there are too many deviations within organizations. goal tree. Regulation of inputs to ensure they meet standards, ex: McDonald in Russia: help farmers to grow high-quality potatoes and bakers to bake high quality bread. which the intervention of USA through its Education Advisory Group impacted hugely the Ministry of Education to pursue a policy of rapid expansion in primary schooling. In this view, consumer behavior is a legitimate focus of inquiry in and of itself without . It is also concerned with the adjudicatory role of public organizations. The scarcity of resources, the dynamic changes in the organization, the relations between organizations, the state, etc., the way of distribution of goods, commodity-money relations, etc. Purposefulness each system is built in connection with pre-set goals. Answer: I will have to define some terms in order to answer your question. Interconnection of the system with the external environment the system functions and manifests its properties only in the process of interaction with the external environment; Relative independence despite the influence of environmental factors, the system exists independently, without changing the basic parameters of its appearance; Openness there is an exchange between the system and the external environment; Compatibility the system is compatible with other environmental systems. What is contingency cost in construction? informational resources, in order to satisfy human needs materialized through demand, by offering for sale. C. Behavioral modification approach. The management approach is a set of theoretical and methodological positions that serve as a basis for managers. We've encountered a problem, please try again. Based on them, the corporate and functional strategy and the means for their achievement are determined. Concretizing the possibilities for the impact of the environment on the system. 5. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Management Process or Administrative Management Approach 7. Autocratic management styles This type of management follows a top-down approach, with one-way communication from bosses to employees. Structure of the system it reflects the individual parts of the elements of the system, which are in a certain dependence and combine local goals in connection with the achievement of the main goal. With the general theory of systems, these problems are overcome, because the system is considered as a set of elements. Group guidance approach 6. There is no good reason why managers must follow the latest school of management thought. What do you mean by approach to curriculum? Existing control systems and new control systems should be assessed to ensure that they have the right qualities. It is a managerial approach relying on regulation through rules, policies, supervision, budgets, schedules, reward systems and other administrative mechanisms aimed at ensuring employees exhibit appropriate behaviours and meet performance standards. The ethnographic approach enables informants to share how their situations are structured and the motivations and interests through which the informants interpret their situations (Burns, 1997). adapting to changing circumstances. D. Business-academic approach . management has therefore to proceed on a broad front. Often, the hierarchy takes over. A holistic approach views consumer behavior as a pure rather than applied social science. *You can also browse our support articles here >. According to Snyder, Bolin and Zumwalt (1992), teachers have three different approaches: fidelity, mutual adaptation and enactment. Ex. In what year did Woodrow Wilson initiate a call for the study of public administration? The situational approach determines the internal and external variables that affect the organization. 44. The system approach means a group of small inter-related units. This figure is derived from the calculation as below (Saunders et al, 2009, p.221). You can read the details below. students, teachers, curriculum specialists, and administrators) interact in harmony with certain norms and behaviours. The study of organisations, their structure and management is important for the manager. Qualitative data analysis aids to develop theory from the data collected. The Management Control function will be important in maintaining the business continuity, increase productivity in the production to achieve targeted profit set by organization, improve vision of the whole company to focus on coping with production innovation in inventory control to compete in the business world; to lead a productive team and improve effectiveness and efficiency; to drive the performance level to fulfill objectives of the organization. Future investigations are needed on how managers use combinations of these activities to accomplish various types of goals and respond to a range of contextual factors. Using its advantages is crucial for the implementation of the approach. Concern For Production What is the legal definition of public administration? When considering a systems approach, space should be given to the properties of systems, as they affect the quality of management decisions. Relationships a form of manifestation of the relationship, ie. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! As a result of the program, the individual sub-goals are implemented. managerial approval. The Most Effectiveness Management Approach. And in order to put it into action, concretization is needed. This will impact either positively or negatively to the standards of professional service rendered to customers. By analyzing objects as systems of a special type, establishing strict and precise laws. They are empirical or case approach, operational theory approach, interpersonal behaviour approach, managerial role approach, group behaviour approach, contingency or situational approach, co-operative social systems approach, mathematical or management science approach, socio-technical systems approach, systems. This is all about the product and price of FaDream. What is humanistic approach in curriculum? In this paper, we seek to investigate the correlates and consequences of each style of control approach and to find out which of this/these plays the most positive effect. It should also contribute to the building of economic thinking and behavior. #4. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Make the threat with immediate punishment. Some of the approaches to management are:- 1.Quantitative Approach 2. Given minimal direction and standards, employees are assumed to perform well indeed, they participate in setting standards and designing the control systems (Barnat, 2005). Ripple Effect The quantitative approach applies statistics, optimization models, information models, computer simulations, and other quantitative techniques to the management process. Ouchi (1979) recognizes that pure forms of controls through markets, bureaucracies, or clans do not really exist. An interview questionnaire was developed to find out on the types of controls the management of the company administered during different scenarios and the results obtained. It also determines how the systems are managed. Answering this question requires further research on the combinations of management controls that other businesses or industries adopt to achieve successful transitions. The main mistake that was made was that the system was studied as a simple, mechanical sum of individual elements. Managerial: It is a functional approach to management and is concerned with planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. Pros: The nature of this control cause an organizations personnel to focus on those behaviors that management requires or desires. Managers should take care that they're achieving good, and not bad, levels of stress when working with employees to set goals. The situational approach is a concept of management in which the management process is determined depending on the specific situation (specific external and internal factors that characterize and influence the system) in order to achieve the set goals with the least undesirable deviations, in the shortest possible time. Is a home equity line of credit secured or unsecured? The behavior-based approach to management focused on the individual worker, such as motivations, behaviors, social systems, etc. The employees are selected based on: Middle management (Examples: Operational Managers, Human Resource Managers etc. IT Approach to Management 3. (Barnat, 2005). All certification programs around the world are about management approaches. Main Menu; by School; by Literature Title; by Subject; by Study Guides; Textbook Solutions Expert Tutors Earn. The application of a systematic approach contributes to the correct definition of the tasks and to the derivation of the essential dependencies. The economic approach is too abstract to address practical issues. International Islamic University Chittagong, SHANTO-MARIAM UNIVERSITY OF CREATIVE AND TECHNOLOGY, Chapter 2 the evolution of management thinking, corporate governance and role in strategic management, Creating a Learning Organization and an Ethical Organization, Chapter 1 Introduction To Management And Organizations, Corporate Governance, Stakeholder value approach and relevant theories, Organizational Theories & Management Styles, 21st century managerial and leadership skills, Concepts and principles of organization, administration, and supervision, The nature, scope and function of school administration 2, Administration and Supervision in Education, Change Management - Principles of Management, Chapter 01 managing in turbulent Times, V091013 db1 oh&s issues for the board-09-10-13, Strategy development patterns and process, gocareerguide-Careerdevelopment by, Presentation 2. The managerial Grid Model is based on two behavioral dimensions; concern for people and concern for production. Heredity the patterns in the development of the individual elements and the system as a whole from the past and present have an impact on their future functioning; Important for the development of a system are the qualities of the elements that make it up; Reliability this property is associated with the security of the system and depending on its type manifests itself in various aspects; Optimality characterizes the realization of the set goals, as well as the creation of optimal conditions for the use of the potential of the system; Multiplicity under certain conditions some properties of the system can be enhanced; Emergence the system may exhibit properties that are different from those of the elements that make it up. Companies work differently than they once did, and that means things like managerial accounting have had to adapt to stay alive. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Group Guidance Approach. Agile methodology is a project management approach that focuses on delivering value to the customer through collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement. Control is being exercised in workplace environment because supervisors, managers etc, will frequently expect their subordinates to exhibit some hostile or aggressive behavior when participating discussions or involved in work issues. Identification of major trends in management and organisational behaviour, and A well-managed classroom that is free from disruptions, where students behave in an orderly manner and are involved enthusiastically in learning, exist where teachers have a clear idea of the type of classroom conditions, students' behavior and instructional activities they wish to produce. Approaches To Classroom Management approaches to classroom management assertive approach teachers expect them to behave in certain way in class. It helps in Achieving Group Goals It arranges the factors of production, assembles and organizes the resources, integrates the resources in effective manner to achieve goals. Professional Scrum training and certificate from or Administrative Management - an approach that focuses on principles that can be used by managers to coordinate the internal activities of organizations. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on The second level is breaking down the general list of activities into detailed subtasks. It is studied as an adjunct to and a basis for developing marketing strategies. The setting of goals is carried out under the influence of different interests, which can be classified on the basis of different criteria. One-to-one interviews are carried out on the middle and senior management. 6 What do you mean by approach to curriculum? The systems management theory proposes that businesses, like the human body, consists of multiple components that work harmoniously so that the larger system can function optimally. The main tasks of the theory are: Ultimately, a systematic management approach helps to make informed management decisions. It directs group efforts towards achievement of pre-determined goals. We've updated our privacy policy. He contends that market relations are efficient when there is little ambiguity over performance, so the parties can tolerate relatively high levels of goal incongruence (Ouchi, 1980). Some of the major early contributors to Behavioral Theory were: Mary Parker Follet - Her work focused on Individual and Group Behavior. It is a managerial approach relying on regulation through rules, policies, supervision, budgets, schedules, reward systems and other administrative mechanisms aimed at ensuring employees exhibit appropriate behaviours and meet performance standards. Ie the approach determines the way of managing the economy, and the mechanism the means by which this process is carried out. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? There is also some evidence to suggest that the relative importance of market, bureaucratic, and clan controls are ranked in accordance with propositions made. For the formation of the properties of the system the internal structure of the whole is important, ie. managerial approach to public administration, starting from the distinction identi ed by some authors between management and administration. The main goal of the economic mechanism is the practical implementation of the economic approach in connection with the effective development of individual organizations. Some make these changes rapidly in revolutionary modes whereas others bring about change through evolutionary modes (Miller, 1992). Unfortunate Circumstances. Which is the oldest approach to study of public administration? At the entrance are the production costs, and the exit is associated with the goal. Chapter 2. Why is sole proprietorship the easiest business to establish? Moreover, the Conference of African States on the Development of . Assessing the need, market and potential competition are just a few of the obstacles that must be addressed to successfully launch a new product and have success with that launch. There is little incentive to integrate this one approach with others (Arveson, 1998). Conduct primary research in 4 education service-oriented organisations in order to gain understanding of the employees viewpoint from the middle management to the senior management staffs, on how their workplace environment and policies. Goals that tie into company objectives work to clarify role responsibilities, and managers who review their employees' progress can protect them from demotivation and stress. the project manager - functional managers are usually specialists, analytically oriented and they know the details of each operation for which they are responsible - project managers must be generalists that can oversee many functional areas and have the ability to put the pieces of a task together to form a coherent whole 2006 john wiley and The Behavioral Theory of Management, often referred to as Neo-Classical Management Theory, focuses upon individual behavior, motivations, and social interactions. Regulation of activities to ensure they conform to standards, ex: budgetary control, quality control, Feedback control (Ex: financial reports financial control), Regulation of completed product to ensure standards are met, Figure 2: Control types of timing: (J Meredith, 2008). Determining is the preservation of the main, strategic goal; Most managers always encounter difficulties while applying management methods to control operations and govern their subordinates within their department. What kind of help can I get to buy a house? What are some waste products in the blood? Managerial approach The managerial approach became a dominant curriculum approach in the 1950s and 1960s. The group guidance approach to classroom management helps teachers understand group defiance by looking at root causes to guide students to a better way forward. Program is a set of activities that are related to specific contractors and are distributed over time in connection with the achievement of the set goal. Submit order and get a quick answer at the best price Why is an insurance company considered a financial intermediary? 1. Managers within market control systems rely less on formal and informal organizational controls and more on performance-based contracts to ensure that the work of employees aligns with organizational goals. students, teachers, curriculum specialists, and administrators) interact in harmony with certain norms and behaviours. A group managerial approach refers to the classroom management approach where good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is punished in order to modify learners' behavior according to acceptable standards. The program covers a long period of time and helps to link objectives to resources. All the sub-systems influence one another. Generally, an original proponent makes his or her name in that particular concept, and becomes an expert of it. They provide employees with a set of day-to-day guidelines with which they can function. Expert's answer False Need a fast expert's response? Management approaches are of the following types: This management approach is widely used not only in management science but also in technology, public life, and others. Employees may eventually lose their work commitments for the organisation when they lose confidence in their managements styles and decisions in handling workplace processes. Reference: Manager or Leader: What are the differences and similarities By Louise Dupont (The Business Value-Oriented Principles Journal, VOL 2, 2021). When solving each problem inside and outside the organization, the specific situation must be taken into account. Chapter 2 A reflective mindset in managing self An analytic mindset in managing organizations or organizational units A worldly mindset to aid in managing organizational context A collaborative mindset to aid in managing relationships An action mindset to assist in managing organizational change and transformation. The focus of this paper is to determine which managerial approaches best implement controls within education service organisations. the specific variables that affect the organization at a specific time and place. Taylor is one of the significant approaches to the study of Public Administration of early years. If you mean something specific, just name it. Does an S Corp have to distribute earnings? Clan control represents cultural values almost the opposite of bureaucratic control. Who proposed the management approach in public administration? However, this strategy is not viable for many companies. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. expects. Objectives can be classified on the basis of various criteria, eg: strategic, tactical, operational, long-term, short-term, significant, insignificant, functional, objectives related to financial resources, etc. the past and the present have a stronger influence on the near future and a weaker influence on the more distant one; Adaptability and mobility the system must adapt and adapt to dynamic changes in the environment; Organization is associated with the dynamics of the behavior of the system and the elements that make it up and leads to sustainability; Striving for innovation the system should strive to create and implement innovations that ultimately have a positive impact on its effectiveness. ), which regulate the relationship between organizations in order to function effectively. What is the managerial approach to curriculum management? In order to design and operate an effective structure of the system, it is necessary to build the so-called. managerial and confidential exclusions. students, teachers, curriculum specialists, and administrators) interact in harmony with certain norms and behaviours. Long, (2003) suggests that the three controls are better than one. How many questions are on the Series 7 top off? The organization as a system has an input and an output. Curriculum Approaches An approach to curriculum reflects the per- sons view of the world, including what the person perceives as reality, the values deemed important, and the amount of knowl- edge he or she possesses. Properties characterizing the targeting methodology of the system: Management concepts have strengths and weaknesses, Dependence between the economic management approach and the economic mechanism,,,,,,,,,,, Challenges of the project manager profession, Best Practices for Staffing the Outsourcing Organizations Project Management Office (PMO), Project Management Roles - Project sponsor, project director, program manager and more, Quality management plan example template for a technology project, Best Product Management Training, Certification & Courses in 2022, Project Management in a World of Overload. 4. Control is the task of ensuring that activities are providing the desired results. Go to the Member Of tab in group properties. Jacob Kounin identified a cluster of proactive teacher behaviors that distinguished effective classroom managers from ineffective ones. He emphasized the importance of responding immediately to group student behavior that might be undesirable in order to prevent problems rather than having to deal with them after they come up. And even more important for every, There are many project planning approaches in project management practices. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. What are the approaches of curriculum implementation? A. If threat or punishment is necessary on erring students, how should this be done? Should you plan it traditionally, meaning as completely as possible before you execute, or should you plan and execute the project incrementally? Some of these responsibilities are communication, time management, conflict resolution, and decision-making. Curriculum Approaches There are four curriculum approaches: BEHAVIORAL APPROACH MANAGERIAL APPROACH SYSTEMS APPROACH HUMANISTIC APPROACH 5. The analysis will be done in an inductive approach (Saunders et al, 2009, p480-p482). This is a very useful management model if you want to improve your productivity or anything you do in your career. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. This project will be joint venture with XYZ Company which already has a name in the market in order to gain confidence of its audience. The managerial view excludes Public Administration from non-managerial activities such as manual, clerical and technical activities. There are two main approaches to developing a curriculum: the product approach proposed by Ralph Tyler (1949) and the process approach usu- ally associated with Lawrence Stenhouse (1975). Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. In order to use market control, there must be a reasonable level of competition in the goods or service area and it must be possible to specify requirements clearly. Management Education and Business Certification. Contingency refers to the immediate contingent circumstances. For instance, unless the HRD function communicates the policies clearly and cogently, the employees would . How to become an entrepreneur.pptx, #authentic amil baba asli, kala jadu amil baba #amilbaba In Uk, Amil baba in Pakistan,Amil baba Karachi,Amil baba Multan, Amil Baba In Multan Islamabad | Offical amil baba contact number. re = the estimated response rate expressed as a percentage. Different criteria can be used to classify systems: simple systems they do not stand out complex connections between the individual elements; In managerial approach the financial manager compares the returns of their clients to returns of others businesses in their industry. We argue that the hypothesis of a positive impact of power on pay is not falsifiable empirically. The instability of employment, which upsets the long socialization period, is a major enemy of clan control. Therefore, the data are needed to be summarized, categorized and restructured as a narrative for a reliable interpretation. Right-click the group and go to Properties. Team management (9,9) often is considered the most effective style and is recommended because organization members puts committed efforts to accomplish tasks; group members are interdependent, and everyone holds a "common stake." The work climate in this style of leadership is characterized by relationships of trust, respect, and equality. Systems Management Theory Systems management offers an alternative approach to the planning and management of organizations. Contingency approach. They exist independently but within the totality. A manager can allow greater participation and freedom when subordinates: 1. What are the 4 types of public administration? I don`t understand what you mean. The goals are the starting points of planning, are the basis for building organizational relationships and structures, they are based on the system of stimulation, control, and evaluation of work results. However, this need should not blind managers to other, perhaps even more pressing goals of their organization that may require a different approach. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Approaches to Management Top 9 Approaches. It emphasis direct supervision and personal leadership founded upon ownership, charisma, or technical expertise. Properties characterizing the systems connections with the external environment. Scientific management as developed by F.W. What are the three approaches of public administration? The operation of each element must be subordinated to the general functioning of the system. informational resources, in order to satisfy human needs materialized through demand, by offering for sale. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. All work is written to order. It appears to be a very appropriate technique for meeting the urgent management needs of many Government agencies, such as their need to comply with the requirements. 3. Which is the best approach to study public administration? The following are common examples of management approaches. What are the different approaches to the study of public administration? Qualitative data provide rich descriptions and explanations (Miles & Huberman, 1994) to uncover and describe the reality of the individual operators. In other words, managers should identify the conditions of a task, the . 2. B. The Communication Management Approach is one of the four approach (guideline) documents created at the start of the project by the project manager and is then used by the project manager as a guideline on how to communicate with stakeholders (both internal and external to the project) during the project. Required fields are marked *. (OKeefe & Homer, 1987). The managerial approach to public administration is related to executive functions in the government which emphasizes the management and organization of public organizations. We often think of managers primarily focusing on managing . Therefore, the manager must be able to anticipate the likely consequences positive or negative. Classical approach. This adaptability may prove very useful in the changing government management environment. Table 1 outlines the informational requirements and social underpinnings necessary to operate each control type. Each of them contributes to building the overall characteristics of the system. ( a) A system is defined as a group of interdependent variables (hopefully) with some common purpose and wit. Want to have decision-making responsibility. organization whose economic goal is to use efficiently and effectively the human, material, financial and. The positive impact of power on compensation is allegedly demonstrated by a large number of empirical studies. Elements of the system the smallest, indivisible parts of the whole. Therefore, managers will usually tend to use their most familiar approach and a companys management culture tends to be dominated by one school of thought. 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